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1、初中英语单词分类记忆大全 初中英语单词分类记忆 一、分类记忆法 名词 星期(week) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 月份(month) January February March April May June July August September October November December 季节(season) spring summer autumn winter 时间(time) second minute hour day night week month year century 国家

2、(country) China(中国) Japan England(英国) India Canada America / the United States(美国) Australia Germany Russia France 大洲 Asia Africa America Europe 方位(direction) east south west north left right 交通工具(transport) bike / bicycle bus car jeep train ship plane 饮食(meal) breakfast lunch supper dinner snack pi

3、cnic 米面及肉类食品 rice porridge dumpling noodle meat beef mutton chicken egg 水果(fruit) Apple banana pear orange strawberry 蔬菜(vegetable) tomato potato carrot cabbage onion 零食(snack) chocolate hamburger cake bread mooncake ice cream cheese salad dessert candy biscuit pie cheese 饮料(drink) juice milk tea gr

4、een tea coffee 调料 butter sauce sugar salt 学习用品 pen pencil eraser ruler knife 颜色(color) red 红色 yellow黄色 blue蓝色 green绿色 black黑色 white白色 orange橙黄色 brown棕色 褐色 pink粉红色 purple紫色 gray灰色 衣着 clothes hat shirt T-shirt coat raincoat uniform skirt dress trousers pants jeans shorts sock shoe 科目(subject) Chinese

5、math English history geography biology physics chemistry P.E. 身体部位(body) head hair neck eye nose mouth tooth ear face arm hand finger heart back knee leg foot 亲属 father mother parents grandfather / grandpa grandmother / grandma grandparents brother sister cousin堂兄弟、堂姐妹 husband 妻子 son daughter uncle

6、aunt 动物(animal) lion tiger elephant camel cow pig fox snake duck chicken hen bird rabbit panda deer giraffe sheep fish ant mouse (mice) / rat dog cat monkey pig 职业 teacher doctor nurse policeman policewoman reporter shop assistant bank clerk waiter scientist student farmer fisherman cook barber 公共场所

7、 shop / store bank hospital police station TV station stop cinema theater hotel restaurant factory company market supermarket museum post office school airport church 学校 primary school middle school junior high school senior high school university 房间(room) Living-room bedroom bathroom kitchen 宇宙 sun

8、 moon star earth sky air rain cloud wind snow 天气 sunny rainy cloudy windy snowy 运动 basketball football volleyball baseball tennis table tennis / ping-pong 乐器 drum trumpet piano violin guitar 二、构词记忆法 1、合成法 由两个或者两个以上的词合成新词,这种构词法叫做合成法。 classroom=class + room, worldwide=world+ wide, downstairs=down+ sta

9、irs, friendship= friend+ ship, everywhere= every + where. homework=home + work, housework=house + work, southeast=south + east, underground=under+ ground, schoolbagschool + bag, homelandhome+ land, hometownhome+ town, basketballbasket+ ball, specialspecial, stopstop, countrysidecountry+ side, playgr

10、oundplay+ ground, toothbrushtooth + brush, toothpastetooth + paste, oversleepover + sleep, earthquakeearth+ quake 2、词缀记忆法 前缀 1)un-: ableunable、 comfortableuncomfortable、 crowdeduncrowded、 pleasantunpleasant、 usualunusual、 healthyunhealthy、 happyunhappy、 friendlyunfriendly、 2)dis-: advantagedisadvant

11、age、 coverdiscover、 agreedisagree、 likedislike、 honestdishonest、 playdisplay 3)im-: politeimpolite、 possibleimpossible 4)re-: review、return、rewrite、recycle 5)inter-: interview、international、internet 6)en- encourage、endanger 后缀 1)-or / -er: actor visitor collector translator director singer teacher r

12、eader writer foreigner learner villager winner foreigner owner lawlawyer 特例: postposter、 drawdrawer、 elevateelevator、 equalequator、 cookcookcooker、 flower finger slipper helicopter refrigerator calculator 2)-ist: sciencescientist、 artartist、 tourtourist、 terrorist 3)-tion: predictprediction、 compete

13、competition、 inviteinvitation、 inventinvention instructinstruction attendattention、 describedescription、 attractattraction、 pollutepollution、 donatedonation、 organizeorganization、 pronounce pronunciation 4)-ment: develop(v.发展)development、 advertiseadvertisement、 entertainentertainment、 improveimprov

14、ement、 argueargument、 statestatement、 requirerequirement、 government 5)-ture / -ure picture temperature future structure creature pressure pleasure 6)-th truetruth breath birth 7)-ful: successsuccessful、 wonderwonderful、 colorcolorful、 beautybeautiful、 carecareful、 peacepeaceful、 playplayful 8)-less

15、: carecareless、 helphelpless、 homehomeless 9)-y: funfunny、 healthhealthy、 sleepsleepy、 tastetasty、 lucklucky、 shiny sleepy guilty salty 特例: photography energy 10)-al: naturenaturalnationnational、 personpersonal、 medicinemedical、 normal、final 11)-able: comfortable knowledgeable adjustable suitable 12

16、)-ous delicious nervous enormous 13)-ern: eastern western southern northern 14)-ly: 作形容词后缀时:lovely friendly lively daily 作副词后缀时:usually simply probably really quickly 、 slowly certainly clearly extremely gradually strongly exactly normally 15)-ed: surprised interested excited relaxed worryworried an

17、noyed、 embarrassed organized injured tired spotted endangered polluted 16)-ing: 形容词后缀: interesting exciting outstanding amazing disappointing following、 willing fascinating frustrating embarrassing tiring confusing convincing thrilling misleading 名词后缀: building training meaning ending 附:国家、地区加后缀后表示“

18、民族、语言或所属国家、地区的” ChinaChinese中国人、汉语、中国的 JapanJapanese日本人、日语、日本的 EnglandEnglishman英国人、英国男人 Englishwoman英国女人 English英语,英国的 the English总称英国人 AmericaAmerican美国/洲人、美国语、美国的 AustraliaAustralian澳大利亚人、澳大利亚的 IndiaIndian印第安人、印第安语、印度的、印第安人的 RussiaRussian俄国人、俄国的 CanadaCanadian加拿大人、加拿大的 FranceFrench法语、法国的 the Fren

19、ch总称法国人 Frenchman法国男人 Frenchwoman法国女人 GermanyGerman德语、德国的 AsiaAsian亚洲人、亚洲的 AfricaAfrican非洲人、非洲的 EuropeEuropean欧洲人、欧洲的 3、转化法 一个单词由一种词类转化为另一种词类,这种构词法教转化法。单词转化后的意义往往与之前的意义密切联系。 showshow, waterwater, slowslow, walktake a walk, resttake a rest, lookhave a look, storestore, graduategraduate, tastetaste, s

20、oundsound, lightlight, studystudy, smellsmell, emptyempty, foolfool, kidkid, landland, displaydisplay, smilesmile, wastewaste, locklock, bookbook, 4、缩写和简写 telephonephone,airplaneplane,laboratorylab,advertisementad,examinationexam,mathematicsmath,photograghphoto,veterinarianvet、refrigeratorrefrige,te

21、levisionTV 三、同义近义词记忆法 answerreply reachget toarrive at/in beginstart fastquick questionproblem healthyfit voicesound tourtrip bicyclebike oftenusually illsick ratmouse trashlitterrubbishgarbage possibleprobable veryquite shopstore cleversmart holidayvacation cutelovely areadistrict filmmovie look af

22、tertake care ofcare for photophotogragh rightcorrect impoliterude termsemester pursewallet disappointingfrustrating fixrepairmend fleeescaperun away smokesnake themetopic perhapsprobably chanceopportunity companyfirm shakequake 四、反义词记忆法 manwoman boygirl mistermadam waiterwaitress policethief beforea

23、fter bigsmall easydifficult askanswer borrowreturn drywet earlylate birthdeath coldhot coolwarm carefulcareless safedangerous buysell cheapexpensive youngold newold hungryfull strongweak busyfree laughcry possibleimpossible losefind longshort tallshort highlow rightwrong fatthin updown likedislike l

24、ovehate savewaste acceptrefuse lightheavy firstlast takebring interestingboring awakeasleep richpoor healthyill ancientmodern quickslow positivenegative pushpull beautifulugly quietnoisy succeedfail cleandirty samedifferent fullhungry fullempty adultchild hugetiny nativeforeign wait in linecut in li

25、ne out of stylein style softhard hard-workinglazy acceptrefuse 五、形近词记忆法 aloudcloud, bandbank betterletter bedred boxfox carrymarry talkwalk fromform meatmeet sheshy planplay kindking handhang willwish wastetaste hearheart causecourse treetrue soonmoon listlisten numberNovember futurefurniture invite

26、invent,boytoy birdbridge imaginemagazine ringking, sweepsweet ruleruler readyalready quitequiet moneymonkey bankblank taketape movemovie speedspeech shirtshort thirdtired salesafe doorfloor kitchenchicken tomatopotato eightheight placepalace throughthough washwish dreamdrum restrestaurant cupcut wat

27、chmatch sandstand programprogress milemilk failmail beltleft readbread excuseexercise starstay teateam strictdistrict againagainst barkdarkpark rocksock partypartner cameracomedy shoeshow towertowel deardeal dresspress roofroot specialspecific flyfry dreamcream rushbrush chessless bowbowl bridgeporr

28、idge stationsituation killskill memberremember fleefree campcalm bigpig petvet popularpopulation squarequarter complainexplain lazycrazy shallshell garagegarbage skinsink scoopspoon middleriddle staffstuff cheercheese glueblue catchfetch planeplanet purposepurse smilesimilar pietie leftlift tennet h

29、atchat 附录:一、不规则形容词副词比较级与最高级 原级 good/well better best bad/badly worse worst ill worse worst many/much more most little less least far farther farthest furthest furthest 二、不规则名词复数形式 单复数同形的名词 ChineseChinese,JapaneseJapanese,deerdeer,sheepsheep, fishfish 单复数不同形的名词 childchildren,footfeet,toothteeth,manme

30、n,womanwomen,GermanGermans,mousemice 附:以f(e)结尾的单词,一般变f为v,再加es或s 。如: wifewives, knifeknives, wolfwolves, thiefthieves, shelfshelves, oneselfoneselves, lifelives, halfhalves, leafleaves等,我们不妨用一首诗把这几个词记下来 : 妻子持刀去宰狼,小偷吓得发了慌; 躲在架后保己命,半片树叶遮目光。 特例:roof其复数形式为roofs;等等。 三、不规则动词表 1、过去式与过去分词与动词原形相同的动词 beat beat

31、 beat/beaten cost cost cost cut cut cut hit hit hit hurt hurt hurt let let let put put put read read read 2、原单词中字母i改为a即可变为其过去式和过去分词的动词 babysit babysat babysat sit sat sat 3、原单词中字母i改为a即可变为其过去式,字母i改为u即可变为其过去分词的动词 begin began begun drink drank drunk ring rang rung sing sang sung swim swam swum 4、原单词aw/

32、ow改为ew即可变为其过去式,单词后面加上字母n即可变为其过去分词的动词 draw drew drawn grow grew grown know knew known 5、原单词eep改为ept即可变为其过去式和其过去分词的动词 keep kept kept sleep slept slept sweep swept swept 6、原单词end改为ent即可变为其过去式和其过去分词的动词 lend lent lent spend spent spent send sent sent 7、过去式和过去分词以aught/ought结尾的动词 bring brought brought buy

33、bought bought catch caught caught fight fought fought think thought thought teach taught taught 8、过去式与过去分词同样的动词 build built built feed fed fed feel felt felt find found found hang hung hung hanged hanged have/has hear hold lay learn leave lose make mean meet pay say show spell stand tell win 9、其它特殊记

34、 am/is are bear break do/does drive eat fall fly forget freeze get give go lie had heard held laid learned/learnt left lost made meant met paid said showed spelled/spelt stood told won was were bore broke did drove ate fell flew forgot froze got gave went lay lied had heard held laid learned/learnt left lost made meat met paid said showed/shown spelled/spelt stood told won been been born broken done driven eaten fallen flown forgotten/forgot frozen gotten/got given gone lain lied may might / ride rode ridden run ran run see saw seen shall should


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