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1、初中英语总复习之词汇篇初中英语总复习之词汇篇 易混词大盘点 从近年来的中考题可以看出命题者的目的都是要考查学生对一些较易混淆、形式上非常相近的词(词组)是否能掌握扎实,是否熟悉每个词组的中文意思并能在句子中熟练运用。要想做对以上出现的类似的中考考题,考生必须能总结清各种初中阶段所学过的较易混淆、形式上非常相近的词(词组),熟记所有词组的中文意思,熟悉它们的用法和区别。为了方便同学们复习,特将常考易混词(词组)整理如下: 一、容易混淆的动词: 考试说明 了解及物动词和不及物动词用法;掌握动词不定式作宾语、宾语补足语、状语以及疑问词连用构成不定式短语的基本用法;理解动词不定式作主语和定语的用法;初

2、步掌握延续性动词和瞬间动词在用法上的区别等。 1. come & be here 误 He has come here for three hours. 正 He came here three hours ago. 正 He has been here for three hours. come是瞬间动词,不是延续性动词,在肯定句中不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。而要与表示一段时间的状语连用,就要用延续动词。 与此同类的还有borrow/lend-keep; join-be in/at; die-be dead; buy-have; leave-be away,etc. 2. cost & t

3、ake & spend & pay 误 I cost a lot of time to read stories. 正 It cost me a lot of time to read stories. 正 I spent a lot of time reading stories. cost除了钱的花费以外,还能表示时间上的花费,但常用物做主语。spend句子主语是人,可指花费时间和金钱,但后面的动词要用-ing形式,后面也可跟名词短语,介词用on。pay句子主语是人,常与for连用,buy也常与for连用,但花费“钱”要放在介词for后面,而pay则放在介词for前面。 3. join &

4、 take part in 误 He joined the League for two years. 正 He joined the League two years ago. 正 He has been in the League for two years. 正 He has been a League member for two years. join指“参加”组织,成为一个成员,join sb.意思是“加入某人”,take part in指参加活动特别是大的运动;如指“参加多长时间”就要用延续动词be in或be a member,而不能用join。 4. borrow & len

5、d & keep 误 She has lent me the book for a week. 正 She lent me the book a week ago. 正 Its a week since she lent me the book. borrow和lend是短暂性动词,在肯定句里不和表示一段时间的状语连用,keep延续动词,可与表示一段时间的状语连用。 borrow意思是“借(进)”,后面跟介词from,lend意思是“借(出)”,后面跟介词to,lend也可用于某些成语中,如lend sb. a hand。 5. lie & lay & lain 误 She laid down

6、 the book and laid in bed. 正 She laid down the book and lay in bed. lie有两个意思,一个是“说谎”,过去式和过去分词是在词尾加-d;另一个是“躺,卧;位于”,是不规则动词,其过去式和过去分词是lay、lain,现在分词是lying。 lay意思是“放;孵(蛋)”,其过去式和过去分词是laid、laid。 6. be made in & be made of & be made from & be made up of 误 The table is made from wood. 正 The table is made of

7、wood. be made in意思是“由生产”,强调产地;be made of意思是“用制成”,强调从成品上能看出原料,制成物没改变原料的本质;be made from意思也是“用制成”,强调从制成物上看不出原料,制成物已改变原料的本质;be made up of意思是“由构成或组成”,指人或物都可,指结构成分。 7. stop to do & stop doing 误 He was too tired, so he stopped having a rest. 正 He was too tired, so he stopped to have a rest. 误 Look! The tea

8、cher is coming. We must stop to talk. 正 Look! The teacher is coming. We must stop talking. stop to do意思是“停下(正做的事)(开始)去做(别的某事)”,带to的不定式在句子中作目的状语;stop doing意思“停止做某事(不做了)”,带-ing形式的动名词在句子中作宾语。 二、容易混淆的名词: 考试说明 了解名词在句中所充当的成分,理解并能区别所学的可数名词和不可数名词;熟练掌握所学可数名词复数形式的构成,在口语和书面语的表达中正确运用;掌握物质名词及其数量的表达方法;了解专有名词的概念及一

9、般用法;熟练掌握所学名词所有格的用法;了解集合名词和抽象名词的概念及一般用法。 1. job & work 误 Im busy today, for I have a lot of jobs to do. 正 Im busy today, for I have a lot of work to do. job意思是a piece of work,指已做或要做、应做的具体的某种工作,实际含义是“职业”,而work通常指抽象意义上的工作,是不可数名词,也可指“工作场所”。 2. by train & change trains 误 We came here by the train. 正 We c

10、ame here by train. 正 We came here on/in the train. 误 We have to change the train at the next station. 正 We have to change trains at the next station. train意思是“火车”,表示“乘火车”,用by train或on/ the train,表示“换火车”,train必须用复数形式,且前面不加限定词。 三、容易混淆的形容词: 考试说明 熟练掌握形容词作定语、表语及宾语补足语的用法;熟练掌握表示时间、地点、方式、程度、原因等疑问副词的用法;熟练掌握形

11、容词、副词比较等级的构成和good、well、many、much等不规则变化;掌握little、far、ill、bad、badly等不规则变化;能熟练运用下列句型表示两者(人或事物)和三者或三者以上(人或事物)的比较;初步掌握用much、little等副词在用法上的区别。 1. any & some 误 Have you got some money with you? 正 Have you got any money with you? 误 Would you like any milk? 正 Would you like some milk? any和some意思是“一些”,用作定语,可修

12、饰可数名词和不可数名词。any多用于否定句和疑问句,some多用于肯定句。 但如果说话人表示“请求,提议”或“希望得到肯定回答”的意义时,some也可用在疑问句中;some还可用于单数名词前,表示未知或说话人不想特别说明的人、地、物等,意思是“某一,某个”。 如果表示“任何,无论哪个”时,any可用在肯定句中。 2. either & each & both & neither & every 误 There are many flowers on either side of the street. 误 There are many flowers on neither side of th

13、e street. 误 There are many flowers on each sides of the street. 正 There are many flowers on both sides of the street. 正 There are many flowers on each side of the street. 误 Every student has not finished their homework. 正 No student has finished their homework. either意思是“两者之一的”,each意思是“任意一个的”,neithe

14、r意思是“两者都不的”,every强调整体,意思是“个个”。 3. few/little & a few /a little 误 Sorry, I have few money on me. 正 Sorry, I have little money on me. 误 Her books are few. 正 She has few books. 误 The work needs a few number of workers. 正 The work needs a small number of workers. 正 The work needs a few workers. few后跟可数名

15、词复数,little后跟不可数名词,都表示“几乎没有”的否定性意思;a few和a little区别也在于前者跟可数名词,后者跟不可数名词,都表示“有几个”的肯定性意思。 4. no & not no意思是“没有”,可以否定一切名词,修饰不可数名词和可数名词的复数时等于not any,修饰可数名词单数时等于not a/an;如果被修饰的名词通常情况下只有一个,则用它的单数形式;不能用a、the、all、every等限制词之前,而not可以。 not意思是“不,不是”,可以否定一切动词,修饰动词。 no more than意思是“不过,仅仅”,相当于only,修饰“数量”词,强调“少”的含义;n

16、ot more than意思是“至多,不多于,不超过”,用于陈述事实;no morethan和not morethan多用于多音节形容词的比较级。 5. already & yet & still 误 When we arrived at the airport, the plane had taken off yet. 正 When we arrived at the airport, the plane had taken off already. 正 When we arrived at the airport, the plane had already taken off. alre

17、ady意思是“已经”,一般用于肯定句,常与完成时连用,常用于句中;yet意思是“已经,还”,一般用于否定句和疑问句,常用于句末;still意思是“仍然,还是”,强调动作在进行,主要用于肯定句,常用于句中。 6. also & too & either & so & neither & nor 误 My parents didnt like swimming, nor did his. 正 My parents didnt like swimming, neither did his. also用于肯定句,一般放在行为动词之前、助动词、情态动词、系动词之后,too一般用于肯定句末,前面常用逗号;

18、either一般用于否定句末,前面也用逗号;so置于句首,引起句子倒装,表示前面所讲的情况也适用于另一个人或物,具有否定的意思;so后的主语与前一句主语是同一个人或物时,后面的主谓不倒装,表示“确实如此”;neither置于句首,引起句子倒装,表示前面所讲的情况不适用于另一个人或物,具有否定的意思;nor常与not连用,表示“也不”,neither和nor都可用来对前面的否定陈述加以补充,如果补充的成分否定的不是同一事物,同一内容,就只能用nor,不可用neither;当否定的并列分句有两个以上时,只能用nor,因为neither只能指两者中的一个,nor指三个以上的另一个。 7. somet

19、imes & sometime & some time & some times 误 You can only keep the book for sometime. 正 You can only keep the book for some time. sometimes是频度副词,意思是“有时,不时”,常与一般现在时或一般过去时连用;sometime是副词,意思是“在某个不确定的时间,在某个时候,某时”,可与将来时或过去时连用;some time是名词词组,意思是“一段时间”,做时间状语,也可用作副词词组,用来指一个未肯定的时刻,常指将来,此时可与sometime通用;some times

20、是名词词组,意思是“几次,几倍”。 四、容易混淆的介词: 考试说明 熟练掌握介词in、on、at、to、from、by、with、for、about、before的常见用法;理解这11个介词的其他用法及所学其他介词的一般用法。 1. above & over; below & under 误 Our classroom is over theirs. 正 Our classroom is above theirs. 误 The plane flew above the bridge. 正 The plane flew over the bridge. 误 The lights hung abo

21、ve the desk. 正 The lights hung over the desk. above、over都表示“在上面”,且都表示表面不接触的上方,但over指垂直在上,而above则表示位置较高,不一定是正上方。 below、under都表示“在下面”,below指位置低于某物或在某物的下方,但不一定在某物的正下方,其反义词是above,而under指在某物的正下方,有垂直在下的意思,其反义词是over。 2. by & on & over & through 误 Theyre talking on the radio. 正 Theyre talking by radio. “通过无

22、线电交谈”习惯上说talk by radio,名词前不加冠词。 “通过收音机听到”习惯上说hear sth. on/over/through the radio,名词前加冠词。 “通过电视看到”习惯上说watch sth. on TV。 “通过电话交谈”习惯上说talk with sb. on/over the telephone。 “通过人造卫星收发电视节目”习惯上说through man-made satellites。 3. in & on & to 误 Tian wan is to the east of China. 误 Tian wan is on the east of Chin

23、a. 正 Tian wan is in the east of China. 表示方位“在(东西南北)边)时,介词in、on、to有不同的用法。以“在东部”为例,表示在该地范围之内,用in the east of,表示在该地与某地“相邻”,有接壤之意,用on the east of,表示不在该地范围,且有中间物,用to the east of。 4. in the end & at the end of & by the end of & at last 都有“最后”的意思,但in the end表示“结果,末了”,与at last是同义词组,at the end of表示“在末端,尽头”,后

24、面要接名词短语,by the end of表示“在结束时,末了为止”,后面接时间短语。 5. to & for & toward(s) 误 He is leaving to HongKong next month. 正 He is leaving for HongKong next month. to,toward(s)作静态介词,表示静态位置时,均表示“朝”或“向”,一般两者可通用,towards指时间“将近”,意思是nearly;to则表示一段时间的终点,“差到”的意思;for常用在leave、start等后面,表示要去的目的地,不可用to。 五、容易混淆的连词: 考试说明 掌握并列连词(

25、如:and、but、or)和从属连词(如:when、if、that等)的基本用法。 1. because & since & as & for 误 Because he was ill, so he didnt go to school today. 正 Because he was ill, he didnt go to school today. 正 He didnt go to school today because he was ill. because通常表示说话人认为这种理由或原因是正式的理由。在含because的句子中,全句强调的重点在原因上,不在主句的结果上。因此,回答why

26、提出的问题时,只能用because,不能用since、as或for。because of后面只能跟短语,不能跟从句。 since表示的原因,指人们已知的事实,常译为“既然”,引导的从句只是一种附带的说明原因,不是对原因的强调。because与since不能与so连用。 as表示原因与since差别不大,只是语气更弱,是显而易见的理由。 for表示因果关系时,可与because替换使用,所不同的只是它只能放在主句之后,不能放在句首。在含for的句子里,for从句有时只是对主句补充说明理由或推断原因,与前一分句不存在因果关系。 2.eitheror & neithernor & not onlyb

27、ut also & bothand 误 Either he or I are right. 正 Either he or I am right. 前三个连词连接名词、代词等作主语时,谓语动词要与离其最近的主语的单复数一致,bothand的谓语动词则要用复数。 六、容易混淆的代词: 考试说明 熟练掌握人称代词主格、宾格形式及基本用法,在口语和书面语的表达中正确运用;掌握形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的基本用法;掌握反身代词作为宾语和同位语的基本用法;熟练掌握指示代词和疑问代词的基本用法。 1. either & each & none & neither & both & all & some

28、 误 Either of the books are good. 正 Either of the books is good. either/ each / none / neither of+复数名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数, 其中neither的也可用复数;both/ all /some of+复数名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词用复数。 模拟练习 1. Mum, Im very thirsty. Is there _ in the fridge? A. some milk B. any juice C. any bread D. some cakes 2. What time is i

29、t? -Sorry. I dont have a _. A. book B. watch C. pen D. picture 3. _ is _. A. Orange, orange B. Orange, an orange C. An orange, orange D. An ranges, an orange 4. Oh. Its time _. A. for break B. to break C. for a break D. to a break 5. The novel is very _. Im _ in it. A. interest, interest B. interest

30、ing, interesting C. interested, interested D. interesting, interested 6. Although the man lived _, he didnt feel _ because he had quite _ old friends. A. lonely, lonely, few B. alone, alone, few C. alone, lonely, a few D. lonely, alone, a few 7. Everyday Mr. Green got _ the lift and then got _ his c

31、ar to go to work. A. on, off B. into, out, of C. off, on D. out of, into 8. The jacket is so expensive. It _ me a lot of money. A. takes B. spends C. pays D. costs 9. Dont throw about the paper. Please _. A. pick up it B. pick it up C. picks up it D. picks it up 10. Please hurry up! The plane _ in a

32、 few minutes. A. takes down B. will take away C. takes place D. will take off 11. His brother enjoys _ football matches. A. seeing B. looking C. watching D. finding 12. You may _ we go to visit our uncle. A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk 13. When we ran to the railway station, the plane just _. A. re

33、ached B. got C. arrived D. went 14. China has _ several manmade satellites into space. A. sent up B. sent for C. sent away D. sent back 15. You can _ the book until you finish _ it. A. borrow, looking B. lend, watching C. keep, reading D. return, seeing 16. The box is _. You cant put _ in it. A. emp

34、ty, something B. empty, anything C. full, something D. full, anything 17. China is a _ country in the world. A. big B. huge C. tall D. great 18. There is _ time for me to think. I must leave at once. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 19. Girls always try to keep their rooms _. A. clean . cleaning C. to clean D. cleans 20. You look pretty today. -_. A. Youre right. B. All right. C. No. Youre not right. D. Thank you. 答案: 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. D 8. D 9. B 10. D 11. C 12. A 13. C 14. A 15. C 16. D 17. D 18. C 19. A 20. D


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