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1、初中英语问字句型一、初中英语“问”字句型 1. 问天气:Whats the weather like? How is the weather? 2. 问时间:Whats the time, please? What time is it, please? 3. 问职业:Whats your father?/ Whats your fathers job?/What does your father do? 4. 问价格:Whats the price of the book?/ How much is the book? How much does the book cost?/ How mu

2、ch should I pay for the book? 5. 问年龄:How old are you? Whats your age? 6. 问地址:Where do you live? Whats your address? 7. 问姓名Whats your name?/ May I have your name? May I know your name? 8. 问词义:Whats the meaning of this word?/What does the word mean? What do you mean by this word? 9. 问单位:Where do you w

3、ork? Which company are you working for? 10. 问爱好Whats your hobby?/ What do you like best?/ Whats your favorite? 11. 问感受:What do you think of the film?/ How do you like the film? 12. 问距离:How far is it from Beijing to Nanjing? How far away is it from Beijing to Nanjing? How many kilometres is from Beij

4、ing to Nanjing? 13. 问人口:Whats the population of China? How many people are there in China? How large ? 14. 问尺寸:What size do you want?/ What size do you need? What size is your sweater?/What size do you wear? 15. 问数量:How many ? How much ? 16. 问路线:Can you tell me the way to the hospital? How can I get

5、 to the hospital?/ Where is the hospital, please 17.问颜色: What colour is your coat? 18.询问人:who is this/that/he/she/ that man- 19.询问事物:what is this/that/it- 20.询问情况:how is your English? 21.问好:hou are you? How do you do? 22.问干什么:what are you doing? 23.问什么时候:when is your birthday? :;24.问方式:how do/did yo

6、u come here? 25.征询意见:what about?/how about? 26.问多长时间:hou long 27.问花费多少时间:how long(much time) does it take you to do sth 28.问理想:what do you want to be in the future?/what is your ambition? What do you want to do in the future? 29.询问说什么语言:what language do they speak? 30.问频率:how often do you go fishing

7、? 31.问多快:how fast can you run? 32.问是否认识:do you know? 33.问话的意思:what do you mean by.? 34.问单词意思:what is the meaning of this word?what does this word mean? 35.问程度:how do you like china? 36问发生是么事了:what happened? 37.问什么事:whats up?/ whats wrong? 38.问你怎么了:whats wrong with you(you leg) 二、 八年级上册近义词组 1.maybe=m

8、ay be 2.what is the time?=what time is it? 3.must=have to 4.also too(用在句末) eitheras well as 5.buy sb sth =buy sth to sb 5.A dose-,B dose ttoo.=both A and B do 6.be good at sth/doing sth=do well in sth 7.i hope yuu enjoy your selves=I hope you will have a great time. 8.because=because of 9.spend=cost

9、 三、八年级上册反义词组 1.the samebe different 1some 一些,某些,某个 不定代词some可以代替名词和形容词,常用在肯定句中 2Both of them are teachers他们两人都是教师。 2any一些,任何 不定代词any可以代替名词和形容词,常用在否定句或疑问句中。 There isnt any ink in my pen我的钢笔没有墨水。 (2)不定代词any有时也可以用在肯定句中,表示任何的。例如: You may come at any time;Ill be home the whole day你任何时候来都行,我整天都将呆在家里 。 3all

10、 全体,所有 All are here全都在这 4both 全部,都 Both Jack and Jim are students. Jack 和Jim都是学生。 5none 无人或无物 它代替不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;代替可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单、复数皆可。例如:None of the problems is are easy to solve这些问题没有一个是容易解决的。 6either 两者之中的任何一个,这个或那个 Either of the plans is equally dangerous这两架飞机都很危险。 7neither 两个之中一个也不是 不定代词 n

11、either 是 either 的否定形式,可以作主语、宾语和定语。例如: 8.注意:neither.nor.,either.or.在使用时要注意就近原则。 Neither is interesting两个都没有趣。 9. each 每个,各自的 Each pupil has a desk. 每一个学生都有一张书桌 10.everyone someone anyone 在句首时谓语用单数。 四、英语中的就近原则 由下列词语连接的并列主语:or ; either or; nor; neitheror; whetheror; notbut; not onlybut also ; 等。谓语采取就近原

12、则,离那个近就与那个的数保持一致。 there be 句型。 五、反义疑问句 前句肯定,后句否定。 2. 陈述部分用 no, nothing, nobody, never, few, seldom, hardly, little等否定含义的词时,疑问部分用肯定含义。 Jim hardly speaks English, does he? 3. 陈述部分有have to +v. (had to + v.),疑问部分常用dont +主语。 We have to get there at eight tomorrow, dont we? 我们必须在明天八点到达那里,是不是? 六、变否定句 一般现在时

13、的句子中,在动词前加dont/doesnt. 一般过去时的句子中,在动词前加 didnt. 将来时的句子中,在情态动词后加not. there be句型be going to句子中,在be后加not. 由动词不定时的句子,在to前加not. 七、变疑问句 1.有be的句子中把be放句首,其余照抄。 2.一般现在时的句子中,句前加do/does(动词s去掉),其余照抄。 3. be going to句子中把be放句首,其余照抄。 4.一般过去时的句子中句前加Did, 其余照抄. 5. 将来时的句子中把will放句首,其余照抄。 6.完成时的句子中把have放句首,其余照抄。 7.有情态动词的句子,把情态动词放句首,其余照抄。 八、主谓一致 am is are句子中,I用am,YOU用are. 句中主语中的人或事物超过一个时用are.;只有一个或主语不可数是用is. 在一般过去式中。I用was,you用were;句中主语中的人或事物超过一个时用were.;只有一个或主语不可数是用was. 在有实意动词的一般现在时的句子中,I、YOU用动词原形。中主语中的人或事物超过一个时用动词原形.;只有一个或主语不可数时动词后要加S. 现在完成时句中I、YOU用have,只有一个或主语不可数时动词用has.


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