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1、初二英语下学期期末试初二英语期中试卷 听力部分 I. 听对话,选出与对话内容相符的图片。读两遍。 A B C D E 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ II. 听对话,根据所听内容选择正确答案回答问题。读两遍。 6. What did Scott tell Laura? A. Mary was going to go on a picnic with her. B. Mary was going to have a party for her. C. Mary was going to go shopping with her. 7. What did the teacher mean?

2、 A. Her Spanish was very good. B. She was hard-working. C. Her Spanish was not good. 8. Why dont they talk here? A. Because it is hot here. B. Because it is crowded here. C. Because it is cold here. 9. When will Bob see the doctor? A. Next week. B. The day after tomorrow. C. Tomorrow. 10. What happe

3、ned to the man? A. He swam in a river happily. B. He fell into a river and his sister saved him. C. He saved his sister who fell into a river. III. 听短文,根据短文内容判断正误。读三遍。 11. All the students take jobs during their summer holidays in England. 12. The students usually work in business centers or public

4、places. 13. The students usually work more than eight hours every day. 14. The workers of the public places want to stay at home in summer. 15. The students who take jobs during their summer holidays can make some money for their own daily life. IV.听对话,根据所听内容完成表格。读三遍。 Subjects Science teacher 17._ M

5、ath teacher Comments 16. _ You can do better. 18. _ 19. _ 20. _ 基础知识 I. 选择填空。 1. Dont wear these old clothes. They are _ style. A. in B. out C. of D. out of 2. Mark is very _. He got a good grade in the English exam this time. A. famous B. well-known C. hard-working D. hard 3. We looked _ the statio

6、n to look _ the thief. A. around; at B. for; around C. after; for D. around; for 4. Lets hurry. The plane will _ at 10 oclock. We have only 5 minutes left. A. take off B. take part in C. take away D. turn off 5. I think we should spend _ time playing computer because we will have a test next week. A

7、. many B. much C. more D. less 6. - You went to the town last month. What do you think of it? - Terrible. I _ go there _. A. will; anymore B. wouldnt; anymore C. dont; anymore D. wont; anymore 7. Jenny told me she _ Central Park tomorrow. A. will visit B. visits C. is going to visit D. would visit 8

8、. Tom is better in _ Spanish. A. speak B. speaking C. speaks D. speaker 9. Where was Davy _ Linda was looking for him? A. while B. that C. at D. where 10. Jim asked me _ him with his Chinese. A. helped B. helping C. to help D. help 11. I dont know if she _ tomorrow, if she _, Ill call you. A. comes;

9、 comes; B. will come; will come C. will come; comes D. will come; came 12. -When will your cousin come back? - She will come back _ two days. A. at B. in C. on D to 13. -What _ you _ at 9:00 yesterday? - I _ some food. A. did; do; make B. are; doing; made C. were; doing ; was making D. were; doing;

10、make 14. - Shall we leave at six? - _. A. No, lets go to the zoo B. No, lets leave at half past six C. Sorry, Im busy D. Lets go to the shop 15. - Im sorry. I _ your notebook at home. - Thats all right, but remember to _ it here tomorrow. A. forgot; bring B. left; bring C. kept; take D. lost; take I

11、I. 完型填空。 Dear grandma, Hows it going? I hope that grandpa is 1 now. I was sorry to hear that he had a cold last week. I hope you are in good health. Things are fine here. I finished my end-of-year exams last week, and got my report card today. I always get nervous when I see the envelope from school

12、 in the mail, but luckily I did OK this time. I had a really hard time 2 science this semester, and I wasnt surprised to find that my worst report was from my science teacher. She 3 I was lazy, which isnt true. Its just that I find science really difficult. Another 4 result was in history. My histor

13、y teacher said I could do better. The good news 5 that my math teacher said I was hard-working. And my Spanish teacher said my listening was good. Well, thats about all the news I have for now. Mom and Dad send their love. Love, Ala 1. A. good B. well C. ill 2. A. with B. in C. on 3. A. says B. say

14、C. said 4. A. disappointed B. disappointing C. disappoint 5. A. is B. are C./ My friend Alice decided to be a nurse 1 she was four years old. She always wanted to play “doctors and nurses” with other children. When she left school last year, she still wanted to be a 2 . One day she saw an advertisem

15、ent in the newspaper: DO YOU WANT TO HELP PEOPLE? STUDY NURSING. Send this form to us for more information . Alice 3 the table with her name and address. She cut it out and 4 it that day. Later September she started her studies in a big 5 in Richmond. She had to study very hard. She went to classes

16、every day and studied late at night. She 6 went to bed until twelve o clock. Then a really important day came: her first day in a ward. At last she was really helping 7 instead of just sitting in classes or learning from books. At first, student nurses have to do all kinds of work in the ward. They

17、help to servemeals or wash the patients. They also keep the ward tidy and make the 8 . They cant give injectionsor help the doctors. One of Alices jobs was in the ward of old people. She was told to clean all patients falseteeth. She asked each patient if he had any false 9 . She brought all the tee

18、th together and took them to the washing room. Instead of cleaning each of teeth one by one, she put them all into one big plate. “Itll be quicker this way,” She said to herself. “Then I can give back everyones teeth!” Alice stood in the middle of the ward with her big plate of teeth. She had no ide

19、a 10 teeth these are. The problem is how the old men could find their own teeth. 1. A. until B. when C. and D. since 2. A. worker B. teacher C. driver D. nurse 3. A. wrote down B. found out C. filled in D. thought about 4. A. posted B. called C. took D. wrote 5. A. factory B. hospital C. school D. f

20、arm 6. A. always B. else C. ever D. never 7. A. patients B. students C. farmers D. singers 8. A. desks B. chair C. rooms D. beds 9. A. legs B. hair C. teeth D. hands 10. A. who B. whose C. which D. where III. 阅读理解。 It was quite late at night. I was reading a newspaper in my room when I heard someone

21、 knocking at the door. I opened it and saw a young man with glasses standing there. Of course, I didnt know him. He said that he was a friend of my sisters and wanted to have a talk with her. I wanted to know if my sister had such a friend,but I had to let him in. As he talked, I found that he knew

22、nothing about my sister. Then I came to know that his words were not true. Suddenly my sister came back and the young man was so surprised that he didnt know what to do for a moment. I caught the man by the arm at once while my sister was calling the police. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 1. This happened _. A. on

23、one morning B. on one afternoon C. on one evening D. on one night 2. There _ in the room when someone was knocking at the door. A. was one person B. were two persons C. were three persons D. were four persons 3. The writer saw the young man for the _ time. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth 4. Th

24、e young man _. A. was a friend of the writers B. was a friend of his sisters C. was a stranger to them D. both A and B 5. The young man was _ when he saw the writers sister. A. sad B. surprised C. happy D. sorry Mr. Brown was on his way home from the railway station. It was very late, and he was alo

25、ne on the dark road. Suddenly he heard someone behind him. He began to walk faster. The man behind him walked faster, too. He walked more slowly, and the man moved more slowly, too. He began to run, and the man was following him and he was really scared. There was a wall on one side of the road, and

26、 he quickly climbed up on it and jumped down on the other side. “If he passes and doesnt stop,” Mr. Brown thought, “everything will be all right.” But the man didnt pass. He climbed up on the wall and jumped down, too. Mr. Browns only thought was, “Im in great danger!” He stood up and shouted, “What

27、 do you want? Why are you following me?” The man was so tired that at first it was difficult for him to speak. “I didnt know that you were a very good runner,” he said at last, “I have to go to Mr. Whites house, but I dont know the way. A man at the station told me that you lived next to Mr. Whites

28、and he told me to follow you. Im too tired to go any farther .” 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 1. Mr. Brown came home from _. A. the police station B. the railway station C. the hospital D. Mr. Whites house 2. Mr. Brown was really _. A. in great danger B. a policeman C. afraid of the man D. too tired to move 3. The

29、 man followed Mr. Brown because _. A. he wanted to scare Mr. Brown B. he wanted to get some money from Mr. Brown C. Mr. Brown lived next to Mr. White D. Mr. Brown was one of his good friends 4. The man was _. A. a thief B. a good runner C. too tired to speak D. very angry with Mr. Brown 5. Which is

30、wrong? A. There were few people on the road. B. The man didnt know where Mr. White lived. C. Mr. Brown thought he was in great danger. D. Mr. Brown didnt know where Mr. White lived. Scientists wanted to know more about the moon. They thought the best way was to send men to the moon. The moon is abou

31、t 384,000 kilometres away from the earth. A plane can not fly to the moon because the air reaches only 240 kilometres away from the earth. But something can fly even when there is no air. That is a rocket. How does a rocket fly? There is gas in the rocket. When the gas is made very hot inside the ro

32、cket, it will rush out of the end of the rocket, so it can make the rocket fly up into the sky. Rockets can fly far out into space. Rockets with space-ships with men in them have been to the moon. Several rockets with spaceships with men have flown to another planet much farther away than the moon.

33、One day rockets may be able to go to any place in space. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。 1. Scientists didnt find a best way to send men to the moon. 2. A plane cant fly to places where there is no air. 3. Nothing can fly when there is no air. 4. The hot gas inside the rocket can make the rocket fly up into the sk

34、y. 5. Rockets with space-ships with men only went to the moon. 综合语言运用 IV. 方框选词:根据句意,选用所给词的正确形式填空。 if talk clean fly take away 1. One day we _to the moon for vacation. 2. You should_ about your problems with your parents or your teachers. 3. The teacher _ my mobile phone because I used it in class. 4

35、. I_ the house when you called me yesterday. 5. My mother will be angry with me_ I dont finish my homework on time. V. 请在B栏中找出与A栏各句恰当的接应语。 A B 1.What will happen if you go to see the movie? A. She said I was clever but careless. 2. What does Mary think of you? B. If we do, there will be less polluti

36、on. 3.Who is the boy standing in front of the library? C. Maybe I will get home late. 4.I think you should get a part-time job. D. Thats a good idea. 5.We should plant more trees. E. Oh, hes a college student from B.U. VI. 连词成句。 1. should, him, we, a letter, write. _. 2. use, in, money, 100, will, p

37、eople, years? _? 3. said, he, he, a party, Lana, having, for, was. _. 4. not, right, for, its, copy, to, others homework, you. _. 5. you, be, at, home, sorry, if, stay, will, you. _. VII. 书面表达。 请认真阅读Mike写给Ellie的信,找出Mike目前遇到的问题: Dear Ellie, I really need some advice. I will finish college soon and I

38、must decide about my future. I really want to work with computers. I have my own computer now and I can use many different programs. I like to design web sites. The problem is my family. Everyone has different ideas about my future job. My father says I should go to university and study computer eng

39、ineering. My mother thinks I should get a job as a computer salesperson. My elder brother wants to start a web site design company with me. What do you think? Yours, Mike 1. He must decide _. 2. He wants to _ 3. His father said he should _. 4. His mother thought _. 针对Mike信中提到的问题,请你以Ellie的身份给他写一封回信,提

40、出一些适当的建议。 可供参考的句型: 1. You should 2. You could 3. You have to 4. Youd better 5. Why dont you 6. If 7. You told me 8. You said Dear Mike, _ Yours, Ellie 附加题 I. 完型填空。 Laura lived in a small village near the sea. One day she decided to go for a swim in the sea. She knew that the sea near the village had

41、 a strong tide, but she was a good swimmer. So she wasnt _1_. Laura left her friends lying on the sands and ran into the sea. She swam quite far out from the beach and waved to her friends in the distance. After a short while she decided to swim _2_. She tried her best, but she couldnt get any closer to the beach. The tide kept _3_ her back. She waved her arms in the air to let her friends know that she was _4_ , but they just waved back, for they di


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