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1、剑11第一套题第一篇文章解析剑11来了,除去个别有些题目较难以外,整体难度并没有很难。这只是一本模考题,我们不需要过度重视,但也不能轻视。下面我们先来看一下题型设置: 在全套160题中,填空题49,判断题44,Heading13,选词填空11,Matching20,选择题12,信息包含题11。 重点题型依旧是判断和填空,这也是考试中考查最多的题型。Matching题数量不多,但每套题都会出现,大家也需要仔细练习。难度较大的Heading题,以及最难题型的信息包含题在11中并没有出现太多,但这两种题是考试中常考题型,大家仍需要有针对性地练习。 难度非常大的选择题出现频率依旧不是很高。 剑10中没

2、有出现的分类题,在11中依旧没有出现,此外填空题的变型之一:简答题也没有出现。 下面我们解析一下第一套题第一篇文章,大家来感觉一下11的难度 Crop-growing Skyscrapers 促进作物增产的摩天大楼,这是一篇农业科技类文章,讲的是垂直农业,人们将来利用科技把农业种植在立体高楼中,以及垂直农业的优缺点。 下面我们来看一下题目,题目下载可以关注yasiyuedu365公号 1. Some food plants, including _ , are already grown indoors. 原文:The concept of indoor farming is not new,

3、 since hothouse production of tomatoes and other produce has been in vogue for some time. 读题干,确定需要填写的是一种食物作物,名词复数,定位词indoors,题目不难,在第二段首句,答案是tomatoes 2. Vertical farms would be located in _, meaning that there would be less need to take them long distances to customers. 原文:Situated in the heart of ur

4、ban centres, they would drastically reduce the amount of transportation required to bring food to consumers. 定位词be located in,be less need,依旧在第二段,分别对应situated in,reduce the transportation required,此外,customer和consumer也是一组替换词,答案为urban centres 3. Vertical farms could use methane from plants and animal

5、s to produce _ 原文:although the system would consume energy, it would return energy to the grid via methane generation from composting nonedible parts of plants. 定位词methane,produce对应第四段倒数第八行,methane原词重现。原文写虽然垂直农业系统会消耗能量,但也会通过植物肥料产生的methane甲烷来返还能量。虽然没有明确的produce替换词,但理解句子不难得出答案是energy 4. The consumptio

6、n of _ would be cut because agricultural vehicles would be unnecessary 原文:It would also reduce fossil fuel use, by cutting out the need for tractors, ploughs and shipping. 定位词be cut, agricultural vehicles,定位在第四段最后一句,be cut 对应reduce,vehicle对应小学词汇tractor。答案是fossil fuel 5. The fact that vertical farms

7、would need _ light is a disadvantage. 原文:A major drawback of vertical farming, however, is that the plants would require artificial light. 填空要求优先为形容词,其次名词。定位词disadvantage. 定位到原文第五段首句,对应在前几册剑桥真题中考察多次的drawback,need 对应 require,答案为artificial 6. One form of vertical farming involves planting in _ which a

8、re not fixed. 原文:One variation on vertical farming that has been developed is to grow plants in stacked trays that move on rails. 填名词,定位词be not fixed对所填答案做后置修饰,对应到六段首句,对应move on rails , 此外还有One variation对应one form,plant in对应grow plants in,答案stacked trays 7. The most probable development is that food

9、 will be grown on _ in towns and cities. 原文:While it is possible that much of our food will be grown in skyscrapers in future, most experts currently believe it is far more likely that we will simply use the space available on urban rooftops. 填写名词,定位词The most probable,be grown on,对应最后一段最后一句,会发现will

10、be grown原词重现。但读完全句,句子中写possible,相比之下后面一句的be far more likely that才更加对应The most probable,答案为urban rooftops. T/F/NG 8. Methods for predicting the Earths population have recently changed. NG 9. Human beings are responsible for some of the destruction to food-producing land 原文:We despoiled most of the la

11、nd we worked, often turning verdant, natural Eco zones into semi-arid deserts. 定位词be responsible for 对。负有责任,destruction to food-producing land,出自原文第三段,我们掠夺土地资源,变鲜草为半干旱的荒地,答案为T 10. The crops produced in vertical farms will depend on the season. 原文:There would be no whether-related crop failures due t

12、o droughts, floods or pests 定位词为season。在第三段倒数第八行,可以看到can do no more than hope for a good weather year,细读句子,说的是之前和现在能做的只是盼着好天气,但并不是以后得vertical farming。继续读,在第四段第一行supporters of vertical farming claim that,第七行no whether-related crop,庄稼不用再依赖天气了,而题干说需要依赖时令。此题有迷惑性,且和11题出现了部分乱序,答案为F 11. Some damage to food

13、 crops is caused by climate change. 原文:Massive floods,long droughts,hurricanes and sever monsoons take their toll each year, destroying millions of tons of valuable crops. 定位词climate change,在第三段倒六行,a rapidly changing climate, 最后一句出现了很多种极端天气现象,毁掉了庄稼,答案为T 12. Fertilizers will be needed for certain cro

14、ps in vertical farms 原文:eliminating the need for herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers. Fertilizer定位,第四段中间部分,题干写需要肥料,原文写不需要肥料,选F 13. Vertical farming will make plants less likely to be affected by infectious diseases. 原文:The system would greatly reduce the incidence of many infectious diseases that 定位词infectious diseases,紧接着上一题的出题句,原文和题干一致,都表示减少了植物感染的几率,答案为T


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