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1、加勒比海盗1剧本PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN>-THE CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL Elizabeth singing softly:Drink up,me hearties,yo ho; We kidnap and ravage and dont give a hoot; Drink up,me hearties,yo ho; Yo ho,yo ho,A pirates life for me; We extort,we pilfer,we filch and sack,Drink up.; Gibbs: Quite,missy. Cursed

2、pirates sail these waters. You dont want to bring them. Norrington: Mr.Gibbs,that will do. Gibbs: She was singing about pirates. Its bad luck to be singing about pirates with us mired in this unnatural fog. Mark my words. Norrington: Consider them marked. On your way. Gibbs: Aye,Lieutenant. Its bad

3、luck to have a woman on board,too. Even a miniature one. Elizabeth: I think itd be rather exciting to meet a pirate. Norrington: Think again,Miss Swann. Vile and dissolute creatures,the lot of them. I intend that any man who sails under a pirate flag or wears a pirate brand gets what he deserves. A

4、short drop and a sudden stop. Swann: Lieutenant Norrington,I appreciate your fervor,but Im concerned about the effect this subject will have upon my daughter. Norrington: My apologies,Governor Swann. Elizabeth: Actually,I find it all fascinating. Swann: Yes.Thats what concerns me. Elizabeth: Look! A

5、 boy! Theres a boy in the water! Norrington: Man overboard! Man the ropes. Fetch a hook. Haul him aboard. Hes still breathing. Gibbs: Mary,Mother of God. Swann: What happened here? Norrington: Its the powder magazine.Merchant vessels run heavily armed. Gibbs: A lot of good it did them. Everyones thi

6、nking it. Im just saying it. Pirates. Swann: Theres no proof of that. Its probably an accident. Norrington: Rouse the captain immediately. Heave to and take in sail. Launch the boats. Swann: Elizabeth, I want you to accompany the boy. Hell be in your charge. Take care of him. Elizabeth: Its okay. My

7、 names Elizabeth Swann. Will: Will Turner. Elizabeth: Im watching over you,Will. Youre a pirate. Norrington: Has he said anything? Elizabeth: His names William Turner. Thats all I found out. Norrington: Take him below. Swann: Elizabeth? Are you all right? Are you decent? Elizabeth: Yes. Swann: Still

8、 abed at this hour? Oh,its a beautiful day. I have a gift for you. Elizabeth: Oh,its beautiful. Swann: Isnt it? Elizabeth: May I inquire as to the occasion? Swann: Does a father need an occasion to dote upon his daughter? Go on. Actually,I. I hoped you might wear it for the ceremony today. Elizabeth

9、: The ceremony? Swann: Captain Norringtons promotion ceremony. Elizabeth: I knew it. Swann: Commodore Norrington,as hes about to become. A fine gentleman, dont you think? He fancies you,you know. Elizabeth? Hows it coming? Elizabeth: Its difficult to say. Swann: Im told its the latest fashion in Lon

10、don. Elizabeth: Well,women in London mustve learnt not to breathe. MAN:Milord,you have a visitor. Swann: Mr.Turner. Good to see you again. Will: Good day,sir. I have your order. Swann: Well. Will: The blade is folded steel. Thats gold filigree laid into the handle. If I may. Perfectly balanced. The

11、tang is nearly the full width of the blade. Swann: Impressive. Very impressive. Now,now. Commodore Norrington is going to be very pleased with this. Do pass my compliments on to your master. Will: I shall. A craftsman is always pleased to hear his work is appreciated. Swann: Elizabeth,you look absol

12、utely stunning. Elizabeth: Will. Its so good to see you. I had a dream about you last night. Will: About me? Swann: Is that entirely proper for you. Elizabeth: About the day we met. Do you remember? Will: How could I forget,Miss Swann? Elizabeth: How many times must I ask you to call me Elizabeth? W

13、ill: At least once more,Miss Swann,as always. Swann: There. See? At least the boy has a sense of propriety. We really must be going. There you are. Elizabeth: Good day,Mr.Turner. Swann: Come along. Will: Good day. Elizabeth.Man: What - hey. Hold up,there,you. Its a shilling to tie up your boat at th

14、e dock. And I shall need to know your name. Jack: What do you say to three shillings,and we forget the name? Man: Welcome to Port Royal,Mr.Smith. MAN#2: Two paces march! Right about-face! Present arms! Murtogg: This dock is off limits to civilians. Jack: Im terribly sorry. I didnt know. If I see one

15、,I shall inform you immediately. Theres some sort of high-toned and fancy to-do up at the fort. How could it be two upstanding gentlemen such as yourselves did not merit an invitation? Murtogg: Someone has to make sure this dock stays off limits. Jack: Its a fine goal,to be sure. But it seems to me

16、that a ship like that makes this one here a bit superfluous,really. Murtogg: The Dauntless is the power in there waters,true. But theres no ship as can match the Interceptor for speed. Jack: Ive heard of one. Its supposed to be very fast. Nigh uncatchable. The Black Pearl. Mullroy: Well,theres no re

17、al ship as can match the Interceptor. Murtogg: Black Pearl is a real ship. Mullroy: No. No,its not. Murtogg: Yes,it is. Ive seen it. Mullroy: Youve seen it? Murtogg: Yes. Mullroy: You havent seen it. Murtogg: Yes,I have. Mullroy: Youve seen a ship with black sails thats crewed by the damned and capt

18、ained by a man so evil that Hell itself spat him back out? Murtogg: No. Mullroy: No. Murtogg: But I have seen a ship with black sails. Mullroy: Oh. No ship thats not crewed by the damned and captained by a man so evil that Hell spat him out could possibly have black sails,therefore couldnt be any ot

19、her ship than the Black Pearl. Is that what youre saying? Murtogg: No. Mullroy: Like I said,theres no real ship as can match the Interceptor. TOGETHER:Hey! You! Get away from there! Mullroy: You dont have permission to be there. Jack: Im sorry. Its such a pretty boat. Ship. Murtogg: Whats your name?

20、 Jack: Smith. Or Smithy,if you like. Mullroy: Whats your purpose in Port Royal,Mr.Smith? Murtogg: Yeah. And no lies. Jack: Well,then,I confess. It is my intention to commandeer one of these ships,pick up a crew in Tortuga,raid,pillage,plunder and otherwise pilfer my weaselly black guts out. Murtogg:

21、 I said no lies. Mullroy: I think hes telling the truth. Murtogg: If he were telling the truth,he wouldnt have told us. Jack: Unless you wouldnt believe the truth even if he told you. Norrington: May I have a moment? You look lovely,Elizabeth. I apologize if I seem forward,but I must speak my mind.

22、This promotion throws into sharp relief that which I have not yet achieved. A marriage to a fine woman. You have become a fine woman,Elizabeth. Elizabeth: I cant breathe. Norrington: Yes,Im a bit nervous myself. Jack: And then they made me their chief. Norrington: Elizabeth?Elizabeth! MAN: The rocks

23、! Sir,its a miracle she missed them. Jack: Will you be saving her? Mullroy: I cant swim. Jack: Pride of the Kings Navy,you are. Do not lose these. Murtogg: What was that? MAN: Make way! Murtogg: I got her! Mullroy: Shes not breathing! Jack: Move! Mullroy: I never wouldve thought of that. Jack: Clear

24、ly youve never been to Singapore. Where did you get that? Norrington: On your feet. Swann: Elizabeth! Are you all right? Elizabeth: Yes,Im fine. Swann: Shoot him. Elizabeth: Father. Swann: What? Elizabeth: Commodore,do you really intend to kill my rescuer? Norrington: I believe thanks are in order.

25、Had a brush with the East India Trading Company,did we,pirate? Swann: Hang him. Norrington: Keep your guns on him,men. Gillette,fetch some irons. Well,well. Jack Sparrow,isnt it? Jack: Captain Jack Sparrow,if you please,sir. Norrington: Well,I dont see your ship,Captain. Jack: Im in the market,as it

26、 were. Murtogg: He said hed come to commandeer one. Mullroy: Told you he was telling the truth. These are his,sir. Norrington: No additional shot nor powder. A compass that doesnt point North. And I half expected it to be made of wood. You are without doubt the worst pirate Ive ever heard of. Jack:

27、But you have heard of me. Elizabeth: Commodore,I really must protest. Norrington: Carefully,Lieutenant. Elizabeth: Pirate or not,this man saved my life. Norrington: One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness. Jack: Though it seems enough to condemn him. Norrington: Indee

28、d. Jack: Finally. Swann: No. No!Dont shoot! Jack: I knew youd warm up to me. Commodore Norrington,my effects,please. And my hat. Commodore. It is Elizabeth,isnt it? Elizabeth: Its Miss Swann. Jack: Miss Swann,if youd be so kind. Come,come,dear. We dont have all day. Now if youll be very kind. Easy o

29、n the goods,darling. Elizabeth: Youre despicable. Jack: Sticks and stones,love. I saved your life. You save mine. Were square. Gentlemen,milady,you will always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow.Swann: Now will you shoot him? Norrington: Open fire! On his heels! MAN

30、: Take cover,man! Norrington: Gillette,Mr.Sparrow has a dawn appointment with the gallows. I would hate for him to miss it. MAN: Search upstairs! MAN#2: Look lively,men! Will: Right where I left you. Not where I left you. Youre the one theyre hunting. The pirate. Jack: You seem familiar. Have I thre

31、atened you before? Will: I make a point of avoiding familiarity with pirates. Jack: It would be a shame to put a mark on your record. So if youll excuse me. Do you think this wise,boy? Crossing blades with a pirate? Will: You threatened Miss Swann. Jack: Only a little. You know what youre doing. Ill

32、 give you that. Excellent form. But hows your footwork? If I step here. Very good. And now I step again. That is a wonderful trick. Except,once again,you are between me and my way out. And now you have no weapon. Who makes all these? Will: I do. And I practice with them three hours a day. Jack: You

33、need to find yourself a girl,mate. Or perhaps the reason you practice three hours a day is that you found one and are otherwise incapable of wooing said strumpet. Youre not a eunuch,are you? Will: I practice three hours a day so when I meet a pirate,I can kill it! You cheated. Jack: Pirate. Move awa

34、y. Will: No. Jack: Please move. Will: No. I cannot just step aside and let you escape. Jack: This shot is not meant for you. MAN:There he is! Over here! Norrington: Excellent work,Mr.Brown. Youve assisted in the capture of a dangers fugitive Brown: Just doing my civic duty,sir. Norrington: I trust y

35、ou will remember this is the day The Captain Jack Sparrow almost escaped. Take him away. MAN: Can you smell it? Come here. Jack: Its marrowbone. (MAN: Come here.) Want a nice juicy bone? (MAN: Come here,boy! Come on.) You can keep doing that forever. The dog is never going to move. MAN: Oh,excuse us

36、 if we havent resigned ourself to the gallows just yet. WOMAN: There you go,miss. It was a difficult day for you,Im sure. Elizabeth:I suspected Commodore Norrington would propose. I must admit,I wasnt prepared for it. WOMAN: I meant you being threatened by that pirate. Sounds terrifying. Elizabeth:

37、Oh. Yes,it was terrifying. WOMAN: But the commodore proposed. Fancy that. Now,thats a smatr match,miss,if its not too bold to say. Elizabeth: It is a smatr match. Hes a fine man. Hes what any woman should dream of marrying. WOMAN: Well,that Will Turner. Hes a fine man,too. Elizabeth: That is too bol

38、d. WOMAN: Well,begging your pardon,miss. It was not my place. Swann: Has my daughter given you an answer yet? Norrington: No,she hasnt. Swann: Well,she has had a very trying day. Swann: Ghastly weather,dont you think? Norrington: Bleak. Very bleak. Swann: Whats that? Norrington: Cannon fire! Rerurn

39、fire! Jack: I know those guns.(Norrington:Men to arms!) Its the Pearl. MAN: The Black Pearl? Ive heard stories. Shes been preying on ships and settlements for neat 10 years. Never leaves any survivors. Jack: No survivors? Then where do the stories come from,I wonder? PIRATE: Coming through! Norringt

40、on: Sight the muzzle flash! MAN: Aim for the flashes! Norrington: I need a full strike,fore and aft. Mr.Stephens,more cartridges! Governor,barricade your self in my office. Thats an order. Elizabeth: Dont! Pintel: Hello,chum. Ragetti: Up there. WOMAN: Miss Swann, theyve come to kidnap you! Elizabeth

41、: What? WOMAN: Youre the governors daughter. MAN: In here! WOMAN: Listen. They havent seen you. The first chance you get,run to the fort. Ragetti: Gotcha. No!No!No!Its hot!You burned me! Pintel: Come on! We know youre here,poppet. Ragetti: Poppet.Pintel: Come out and we promise we wont hurt you. We

42、will find you,poppet. Youve got something of ours,and it calls to us. The gold calls to us. Gold. Hello,poppet. Elizabeth: Parley. Pintel: What? Elizabeth: Parley. I invoke the right of parley. According to the Code of the Brethren set down by the pirates Morgan and Bartholomew,you have to take me t

43、o your captain. Pintel: I know the Code. Elizabeth: If an adversary demands parley,you can do them no harm until the parley is complete. Ragetti: To blazes with the Code. Pintel: She wants to be taken to the captain. And shell go without a fuss. We must honor the Code. PIRATE: Say goodbye. Will: Goo

44、dbye. Elizabeth: Will. Pintel: Come on! Will: Elizabeth. PIRATE: Out of my way,scum! MAN: My sympathies,friend. Youve no manner of luck at all. Jack: Come on,doggy. Its just you and me now. Come on. Thats a boy. Good boy. Come get the bone. Thats a good boy. Come on. A bit closer. A bit closer. That

45、s it. Thats it,doggy. Come on,you filthy,slimy,mangy cur. Dont do that. No,no! I didnt mean it! I didnt. Twigg: This aint the armory. PIRATE: Well,well,well. Look what we have here,Twigg. Captain Jack Sparrow. Twigg: Last time I saw you,you were all alone on a godforsaken island,shrinking into the d

46、istance. His fortunes arent improved much. Jack: Worry,about your own fortunes,gentlemen. The deepest circle of hell is reserved for betrayers and mutineers. So there is a curse. Thats interesting. PIRATE: You know nothing of hell. Jack: Thats very interesting. PIRATE: I didnt know we was taking on captives. Pintel: Shes invoke


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