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1、托福写作范文附思路解析汇总 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理一些托福写作范文附思路解析,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作范文附思路解析31. Staying in one place or moving in search of another place? Some people spend their entire lives in one place. Others move a number of times throughout their lives, looking for a better job, house, community, or even clima

2、te. Which do you prefer: staying in one place or moving in search of another place? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.分析选择哪一个都无所谓。直接选择一个立场,*就变成了罗列三个理由的简单说明文。后者比较容易操作一些。也可以采取it depends的策略。小的时候,没有选择,父母在哪里,自己就要在哪里;长大了,就会不停地寻找合适的地方;到了老年,就喜欢停留在一个地方了。范文 While moving to a new place

3、can be a traumatic experience, especially for children, I believe that in the end its benefits outweigh its drawbacks. Moving to a new place to live increases a persons understanding of the world, offers new challenges and opportunities, and does not preclude putting down deep roots at some point in

4、 the future. One of the greatest benefits of traveling is learning about a new and different place. Traveling to a new place to live deepens and enriches the sense of newness and learning that a visitor might feel. A new place means a new, perhaps different job, and new and different friends. Learni

5、ng the diverse viewpoints of a new place not only presents totally new information; it also casts a new light on old viewpoints. Often moving to a new place teaches people more about the place that they are from. Old, seemingly mundane foods, customs, and language are suddenly new again viewed in th

6、e context of a radically different environment. Through comparisons of old and new places, friends, and ideas, people become more knowledgeable about the world and about themselves. A new place offers interesting possibilities for personal and professional development. Even though in a new place peo

7、ple lacks deep connections, they also lack prejudices and rivalries. Often people move to new places to escape uncomfortable situations that have hampered their personal growth. If I have a long-standing feud with my neighbor, I might eventually move to a new place to start over in peace. New places

8、 naturally have their own local politics, but learning about them and finding a way to prosper is like starting life with a clean slate. Every opportunity is available to newcomers to pursue because the local people do not have preconceived ideas about them. Some people would say that truly settling

9、 down in one place and making deep and lasting connections is preferable to moving every few years. I say that true friendships can be maintained over distance, and that people will be happiest when they discover a place that is truly the best for them. How can people really know what place is best

10、for them if they have only lived in one place and have no basis for comparison? Moving once, or even several times does not mean that a person can never settle down in one, but it does ensure that he/she truly like and understand the place that he/she does settle down in.32. Spend your earned money

11、immediately or save it for future? Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.分析先讨论一下储蓄的必要性以及及时享乐的好处。然后可以采取it depends策略进行选择。是花钱及时享乐好呢还是把钱存起来好,要看钱的数目是多少。如果一个月赚 800块,只有一个选择,

12、花掉。 2000块,就可以花掉一些,存起来一些。 20000块,就多花一些,也可以多存一些。范文 My mom used to tell me: You can only spend money once. What she meant is that if you spent money frivolously, you might really need it later and regret your earlier careless spending. After several years of managing a small amount of my own money, I h

13、ave come to the conclusion that my mom was right, saving is better than spending. No one knows what tomorrow will bring, the only thing we can do is to try to be prepared. When disaster strikes, perhaps a sudden illness in the family, having money on hand can mean the difference between life and dea

14、th. When opportunity knocks, a surprise acceptance to a top university for instance, money is needed for tuition, board, and books. This is not to say that one should not spend any money because they have to prepare for every possible contingency. It simply means that one should not spend recklessly

15、 without having a substantial amount of money to guard against an unpredictable future. The importance of saving money when young cannot be overstressed. This is because young people can tolerate higher-risk, higher return investments, and can let their investments mature longer, allowing interest o

16、n savings to compound. If invested well, $5,000 today could become $20,000 in 15 years. This concept is so powerful because the investor does not have to work for the money, the money works for the investor. Saving is not only a bulwark against an unpredictable future, it is also a way to generate f

17、uture wealth. At last, while it is true that spending money can be enjoyable, it is not the only way to have fun. The idea that we must always be consuming things in order to have a good time is a lie told to us by advertisers. These companies tell us that only when we drive the right car, wear the

18、right clothes, and drink the right beverages will we be truly happy. In reality, each person determines the standard of his/her own happiness. For my part, I have decided that creating things, writing, painting, making music, is what truly makes me happy. The amount of money I need to spend doing th

19、ese things is almost nothing, but the happiness they bring me is immeasurable. I would prefer to save money for unavoidable expenses and enjoy life by being a producer, not a consumer.33. How to deal with a gift of money? You have received a gift of money. The money is enough to buy either a piece o

20、f jewelry you like or tickets to a concert you want to attend. Which would you buy? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.托福写作范文附思路解析36. A transportation vehicle that has changed peoples lives Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why you think it has chan

21、ged peoples lives. ? automobiles ? bicycles ? airplanes Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.分析根据70,应该选择automobiles。注意,要回答为.什.么.汽车改变了人们的生活。汽车改变了人们的时间、空间观念,进而改变了人们的生活。汽车使货物的远程运输成为可能,进而使人们可以购买更多的商品。汽车使汽油变得格外重要,直接间接导致了很多中东地区的战争。汽车使空气污染更加严重,导致人们的健康受到影响相关题目:70、106、177范文 Automobiles, a

22、s the exponent of modern transportation vehicles, virtually have contributed to modern life more than most people have imagined, even though automobiles, as is true of all other technologies, have also created many problems. The advancement of modern transportation, certainly including that of autom

23、obiles, has made more goods available in local markets. For example, in China, some fruits are only cultivated in the southern part of the country and not in the northern, such as litchi, sugarcane, pineapplepartly due to sheer gradient of temperature. Thanks to the advancement of modern transportat

24、ion system, people in the northern part of the country can now get those southern cultivated fruits readily available in almost every local market. In the far past when such system didnt exist, when goods could be transported only by primitive tools such as carts, some fruits such as litchi were the

25、 privilege of imperial household. At the same time, the development of modern transportation has also made goods in local markets much less expensive. Take litchi for example again. Two decades ago, litchi was pretty expensive, and was a luxury. But the development has made the transportation easier

26、 and the cost lower and lower. On the other hand, due to previous factors, more merchants are engaged in the business that simultaneously intensified the competition, which certainly affected the prices. Thus, the price of litchi subsequently dropped. The same goes for other goods as well. Today, pe

27、ople are able to buy almost any goods they want no matter where the origin of the goods is, and to make choice among more counterparts, and the best of all, to take the goods home with less expenditure. Moreover, advanced transportation vehicles such as automobiles have to some extent made people mo

28、re independent than before. It is not hard to imagine that 50 years ago a young widow who lived in a small village and whose husband had died when she was 23 had little chance to get married again, for the sake of the tradition or culture, or whatever. But if that happened in the present day, things

29、 would be entirely different. Advanced transportation vehicles being readily available, she could easily get to another city within at most 2 days and by lower expenses, say from the small village located in the north east of China to the far southern city, Guangzhou - several thousands of miles awa

30、y. Thats a big city, thats a new city, and nobody knows her there; she has a brand new start, and she is entirely independent.37. Is progress always good? Do you agree or disagree that progress is always good? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.分析不同同意。Always是一个绝对的修饰词。大多数的时候进步是好

31、的。电的发明、交通方式的进步、通讯方式的改良也有些时候进步带来一些副作用。参见:29范文 Progress can be measured in many ways, but one very tangible way to measure progress is by looking at economic development. In these terms, progress can be seen as a very positive force, helping many people rise up from poverty. But history shows that pro

32、gress, even as measured by economic progress, always has its cost. Take Germany in the 1930s for example. Humiliated by unequal treaties after World War I, the German people were suffering from a terrible economy and massive inflation. Then Hitler took power and mobilized the German economy, in seve

33、ral years the Germans economy had recovered and was actually becoming among the most powerful in Europe. But Hitlers economic miracle came at a terrible price. His plan was to use Germanys economic power to finance its military power. Germanys aggression sparked World War II, a catastrophe that kill

34、ed tens of millions of people all over the whole world, including countless millions of civilians. When progress serves evil, the result hurts. Likewise the progress of America, arguably the most advanced of all nations, has come at a heavy price. America used to be the land of native Americans. Ame

35、ricas current progress would probably not have been achieved if most of the land in America still belonged to the Native Americans. From their perspective, Americas current progress is their profound loss. Finally, Chinas economic growth over the past 25 years has been truly remarkable. Standards of

36、 living have gone up dramatically, but the progress has negative aspects as well as the obvious positive ones. As income gaps between the rich and the poor widen, social problems like crime and poverty become more pronounced. The damage done to the environment by factories and progressive human acti

37、vity might not be undone for hundreds of years, affecting the lives of Chinese people for generations to come. If these problems are not addressed, our grandchildren might truly come to regret current alleged progress.38. Does history have any value for people living in the present? Learning about t

38、he past has no value for those of us living in the present. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.托福写作范文附思路解析41. Land for human needs or endangered animals Some people think that human needs for farmland, housing, and industry are more important than savi

39、ng land for endangered animals. Do you agree or disagree with this point of view? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.分析选择不同意更好写一些。列举两三个保护endangered animals的重要性。同时不要忘了说明人类也确实需要更多的土地。只不过不能只顾眼前利益(short term benefits)而已。范文 When making decisions about land use, some

40、say that human needs should come before animal needs in every case. While I agree that human needs should have primary consideration, humans have a special responsibility to protect the land that endangered animals call home. Animals adapt very slowly to sudden changes in their environments. Many en

41、dangered animals can only live in one place, or in a specific type of place. Humans, on the other hand, have a special ability to adapt quickly to changing and hostile environments. For instance, if humans need to live in a very dry environment they can use technology to locate and drill for water,

42、or build pipelines to bring in water from outside. Thousands of years ago the residents of Xinjiang province dug underground tunnels hundreds of kilometers long to carry water to oasis towns like Turpan. Because humans are thus flexible while many animals are not, humans should make an effort to use

43、 up all available space before encroaching upon the habitats of endangered animals. One of the important reasons to protect endangered animals is that the delicate ecological balance of an area might be irreparably harmed by their extinction. For example, if humans chop down forests and use the land

44、 to grow corn, they might simultaneously destroy the habitats of a kind of bird that eats locusts. The next year because the locust population can grow unchecked, locusts might destroy the entire nearby corn crop. Not only do the birds lose their homes, but humans are also harmed. The ecological bal

45、ance of many natural habitats is still not well understood and humans interfere in it at their peril. Finally, humans have much to learn from endangered species. One example is in the field of medicine. By observing a particular species of endangered monkeys in South America, scientists have discove

46、red that monkeys eat a certain kind of plant when they get sick. Through research the scientists discovered that this plant also has medicinal value for humans. If the monkeys habitat had been destroyed to create more farmland, not only would we lose the plants and the monkeys, we would also lose li

47、fe-saving medicines and the potential for medical research.42. One skill needed to be successful in the world today What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today? Choose one skill and use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. 参见:15。

48、也可以用27作为答案。范文 People succeed not merely because they have one or more certain skills. However, if I have to choose one skill which is supposed to be useful to success, I think it should be the ability to convince or persuade others. By convincing or persuading we get what we want from others. When w

49、e were children, we always managed to persuade our parents to buy us candies; when we were in the high school, we had to persuade our classmates to play with us; when we applied for a job after graduation, we had better be able to successfully convince the employer that we are qualified employees. Besides, some day, we will all have to convince a person whom we love that we are in deed outstanding husbands or excellent wives. By convincing or persuad


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