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1、托福写作这5类错误一定要避免 托福写作这5类错误一定要避免?到底是哪5样呢?快来一起学习学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作这5类错误一定要避免托福写作备考常见错误一:中式思维受地域影响,由于大陆考生从小接受的都是中式思维的教育,待到考生学习英文的时候,很难马上就将中文思维给纠正过来。中式思维和西式思维在表达上有很大的区别的。这种错误也是考生在考试的时候最易犯的,那么应该如何去避免这种情况的发生呢?考生必须要在平时练习的时候要多积累地道的英文表达方式,通达不断的练习让你自己逐渐的适应西式思维和表达方式,只有这样才能让你的托福作文获得高分。托福写作备考常见错误二:用词的错误中英文的一


3、这个是对托福写作是很有帮助的。大多数考生在考试的时候就同有意思到这一点,所以难免得不会太高。例如:As a result of crustal adjustments,我们完全写成Because the crust adjust。托福写作备考常见错误四:习语不地道要知道我们写作*是要给国外的英语老师进行批改的,如果在你的作文中加了一些习语的话,除了可以给你的作文增添地道的一笔,而且还能够给*增添更多的幽默性,这一点是地道的写作者与间接的写作者之间的差别。为什么考官看到你的作文不会给你的作文评高分,可能你的作文中或许就差了这么些。考生可以在平时的备考中适当的积累一些地道的习语表达,合理的运用到你

4、的写作*当中,可以为你的*获得高分哦。托福写作备考常见错误五:句式单一很多考生自认为自己的英语水平非常的不错,在写作的时候要表 现自己的“强大的英语功底”以此来获得高分,满篇*都使用一些复杂的长句子,但是过度的追求句子的复杂程度往往会影响到*的可读性就得不偿失了,并且考生你的英语功底也并非是非常强吧,这样句子的错误率了会加大。托福写作常见5类错误如上所述,建议大家在备考中注意避免,写作中尽量用英式思维思考写作,用词要准确,动词注意名词化,不要一句话出现两个谓语,习语使用要谨慎,确保用法正确,写作句式不要太单一。托福的快速写作技巧如何在30分钟内快速写完*:熟悉考场写作三个步骤的时间分配,TOE




8、对中国几所顶尖大学的作文的调查显示,20 篇优秀作文中名词化的使用频率为7%-8%,而普通习作的使用频率仅为5%-6%。与此同时,选用了20 篇英语国家学生的英语作文,同样的方法统计出其名词化的使用频率为10%-15%。托福写作辅导中提到老外眼中句子分为3个档次,最差的是主动句,较好的是被动句,倒装句等,最好的nominalization(名词化)的句子,这样的句子最学术最适合写论文。那么面对这样的差异,我们需要重新审视我们写作中的思维方式,做到如何恰到好处又不“画蛇添足”。简单说,名词化即是动词或形容词被用作名词的现象。比如动词转成名词:discovery-discovery, move-m

9、ovement, refuse-refusal,又比如形容词转成名词:careless-carelessness, difficult-difficulty, intense-intensity。那么什么情况下,我们需要进行名词化呢?A. 谓语动词的宾语部分原句:I do not know either what she meant or what he intends.名词化:I do not know either her meaning or his intentions.B. 结合被动形式原句:If people decide without enough persuasive inf

10、ormation, .名词化:If a decision is made without enough persuasive information, .打开托福写作突破口1.熟悉可能涉及的话题可用official guide提供的185个topics,或去下载题库,然后反复阅读题目。185个topics从托福独立写作模式上分可分为:解释现象类:(如解释一下为什么现代人的寿命比以前的长)对立观点类:给出两个对立的事物或者一个事物对立的两个方面,要求考生支持一方并进行说明或给出两个对立事物或一个事物对立的两个方面,要求考生说明二者为什么不同或比较它们的优缺点,并给出理由(Some people

11、like different friends. Other likes similar friends. Compare the advantages of these two kinds of friends. Which kind of friend do you prefer? Explain why.)2.形成自己的答案资源库熟悉了写作题目之后,就要准备自己的答案资源库了。自己的资源库要包括:同一类题目的通用观点,有针对性的例证(不一定都要背名人典故,可以从自身取材,自给自足)。这些内容都是要自己去深思,需要有人点拨,才能形成一个清晰的构架和写作流程的。我的习惯就是羊毛出在羊身上,*于

12、彼,还原于彼。3.线性思维,总分总在新托福独立写作中,用这总分总种思维最容易获得高分,所以你要在平时的练习中一定要注意写作的结构。托福作文应该写成三个层次,也就是我们确立了中心思想后应该找到三条理由来支持。托福写作高分作文题目:In modern life, it is no longer necessary to use animals as food and in other products like clothing and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree?现今已经不再需要屠杀动物,并将其制成食品或者其他产品例如衣物

13、或者医药。你是否同意这种观点?范文:Trying to live without exploiting animals for food, clothing or medicine can be a healthy lifestyle, except that that would probably never become a fashion. People in the modern world seem to agree that it is not 100 percent justified to eat meat, clothe in leather, or use animals

14、as medical research subjects; nevertheless, very few people would like to choose to live the vegan way for the benefits of animals, people and the planet. The case for animal rights is likely to go nowhere simply because people can have a choice but animals cannot.It would be out of the question to

15、imagine that non-human animals could voice their own opinions. As it is, the question whether animals have rights as humans do has never been considered seriously. More recently, however, pro-animal and vegan groups have joined forces in supporting one basic right for animals: the right not to be pr

16、operty. Roughly speaking, people take it for granted that they own the world which they actually do. Of course, the animal welfare movement is being promoted to illustrate no more than moral conscience, certainly with little, if any, cognitive knowledge of, or obvious understanding from animals them

17、selves. As a result, amid various points of view, a parallel argument is that there is nothing inherently wrong with using animals as resources so long as there is no unnecessary suffering.On the other hand, even today common sense seems to imply that humans are licensed to kill animals for food, cl

18、othing or medicine. As if authorized by Heaven, people also make animals suffer in other things, including hard labor in farms and transportation as well as entertainment in circus shows. Discussed as a whole, this is more an issue on habitual necessity, or religious, ethnic and health backgrounds,

19、rather than on mere survival . Although the vegan way of life is a healthy choice, most people cannot accept eating a plant-based diet, nor can they avoid using animal by-products for many purposes. Given that plants can theoretically feed, cover and cure, there is nothing like what comes from anima

20、ls. In short, talking about sparing animals and leaving them alone is too cheap to carry weight since not every person is willing to be a vegan in the real sense of the word.In all appearances, the animal debate attracts some attention but does not lead to enough action to reduce the pain of animals

21、. Without wearing something like leather jackets and knowing to use medicines from animals, for instance, humans are in part similar to the omnivorous rats that eat anything . So, it is next to impossible for people to change the carnivorous habits and become entirely herbivorous because humans are

22、not born vegans.Trying to live without exploiting animals for food, clothing or medicine can be a healthy lifestyle, except that that would probably never become a fashion. People in the modern world seem to agree that it is not 100 percent justified to eat meat, clothe in leather, or use animals as

23、 medical research subjects; nevertheless, very few people would like to choose to live the vegan way for the benefits of animals, people and the planet. The case for animal rights is likely to go nowhere simply because people can have a choice but animals cannot.It would be out of the question to im

24、agine that non-human animals could voice their own opinions. As it is, the question whether animals have rights as humans do has never been considered seriously. More recently, however, pro-animal and vegan groups have joined forces in supporting one basic right for animals: the right not to be prop

25、erty. Roughly speaking, people take it for granted that they own the world which they actually do. Of course, the animal welfare movement is being promoted to illustrate no more than moral conscience, certainly with little, if any, cognitive knowledge of, or obvious understanding from animals themse

26、lves. As a result, amid various points of view, a parallel argument is that there is nothing inherently wrong with using animals as resources so long as there is no unnecessary suffering.On the other hand, even today common sense seems to imply that humans are licensed to kill animals for food, clot

27、hing or medicine. As if authorized by Heaven, people also make animals suffer in other things, including hard labor in farms and transportation as well as entertainment in circus shows. Discussed as a whole, this is more an issue on habitual necessity, or religious, ethnic and health backgrounds, ra

28、ther than on mere survival . Although the vegan way of life is a healthy choice, most people cannot accept eating a plant-based diet, nor can they avoid using animal by-products for many purposes. Given that plants can theoretically feed, cover and cure, there is nothing like what comes from animals

29、. In short, talking about sparing animals and leaving them alone is too cheap to carry weight since not every person is willing to be a vegan in the real sense of the word.In all appearances, the animal debate attracts some attention but does not lead to enough action to reduce the pain of animals.

30、Without wearing something like leather jackets and knowing to use medicines from animals, for instance, humans are in part similar to the omnivorous rats that eat anything . So, it is next to impossible for people to change the carnivorous habits and become entirely herbivorous because humans are not born vegans.


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