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1、托福写作高分技巧揭秘 今天来和小篇一起揭秘托福写作高分技巧吧?快来一起学习学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。2019年7月13日托福独立写作解析及参考范文今天上海新航道托福培训班为大家整理了2019年7月13日托福独立写作解析及参考范文!如果你是员工,公司的预算是拿来改善电脑等技术?还是改善工作室,让员工舒服办公?话题分类:工作类社会类解题思路:钱的问题都是重要性的问题,对于公司来讲,不管是员工舒服的办公还是提升技术改善工作效率都是公司利益最大化。从舒服的角度可以写,但是可能会导致后文不好接,相对来讲技术的素材和话题就比较多,对于考生来讲比较灵活,也可采取让步的形式进行论述。2019年7

2、月13日托福独立写作参考范文Many companies around the globe these days, no matter their sizes, are starting toemploy diverse methods to try to make their employees both highly productive intheir work at hand and satisfied with their working conditions. Some have suggested that companies could encourage employees

3、to add more up-to-date technology to their work, while others agree that a more pleasing working environment could also be of help. Personally, I believe that companies should indeed try to adopt similar methods to help make the working place more enjoyable.Involving more up-to-date technology could

4、 help make employees much more innovative and productive.Think about a company focused in advertisement designs. The designers are constantly endeavoring to be more and more productive to exceed close deadlines and to please picky customers. The market is quite large and competition is very fierce,

5、so finishing quickly is the best way to win a deal. With the help of highly advanced designing software,for example,designers could make their drafts much more conveniently, and they may also beable to include more intricate and novel designs, so productivity would be greatly increased while satisfy

6、ing the needs of different customers, securing potential sales in the future.Admittedly,a more pleasant working area is also an effective way to help to increase productivity. More pleasing environments like well-designed and highly convenient working spaces,or cafes with relaxing surroundings in a

7、reasonable distance would help to brighten up the average working days, making employees be in a better mood when they are working-working is a part of everyoneslife, too. A better mood would mean that employees find their work enjoyable,or that they think they could relax when they are nettled by t

8、heir work. If employees find their working days not that hard to bear, it means that they would perform better at their jobs, increasing productivity.These methods are just a few of many more, and they all could have a positive effecton employees and productivity. What the companies should consider,

9、 I think is that they should think carefully about the capital needed to create that pleasing environment.托福写作高分满分范文点评和思路解析:问朋友借钱影响友谊?托福写作遭遇陌生话题缺乏思路是比较让人头疼的一件事,考试中如果遇到自己完全不知道怎么写的题目可能会严重影响大家的发挥和心态。因此,考生需要在写作备考中就开始多接触各类作文话题了解写法思路,多读一些高分范文提前进行铺垫。下面上海新航道托福培训班就为大家带来托福写作难点话题的思路解析和高分范文赏析。托福写作难点话题一览Can borr

10、owing money from a friend harm the friendship?It is sometimes said that borrowing money from a friend can harm or damage the friendship. Do you agree? Why or why not? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your answer.写作思路展开结构分析这道题不同意比较好写一些,因为还是偏积极一点的想法更容易展开。确实,有些时候,借钱给朋友之后,朋友之间的关系不再那么单纯友好了,或者

11、说在没有利益关系存在的时候,友谊显得更美好。然而,破坏友谊的不是借钱这件事情,是借债者的人格问题。另外,借钱可能也是考验友谊的好机会。本话题高分范文赏析There is a popular saying that if you lend a book to a friend, you lose the book and the friend. Truer words have never been spoken. Borrowing anything, especially money, can put a high level of stress on ones friendship, an

12、d is usually not worth the pain.The first reason why borrowing money from a friend is not a good idea is because if one forgets or does not pay back the friend, the friendship could be lost. Everyone has a busy life, and it is easy to forget details. If one borrows 100 yuan from a friend, he/she can

13、 easily forget about the situation, or perhaps even think he/she has already paid back his/her friend when he/she didnt. This, of course, leads to trouble in the relationship. The friend does not know whether to ask for the money or not, as doing so could be conceived as rude.The lender can only wai

14、t so long before he/she believes that the borrower has forgotten about the debt. At this point, the lender will begin to ask the borrower for the money, which, as mentioned above, is an uncomfortable situation. The lender does not want to have to ask for the money back, and the borrower does not wan

15、t to be reminded that he/she is indebted to someone. Finally, asking a friend for money is a bad idea because it is possible he/she will refuse your request. For example, if a poor person befriend a rich person, the poor man might ask his/her friend for money. If the rich person would rather not len

16、d out his/her money, he/she is put in the awkward situation of having to refuse his/her friend, which could harm the friendship.Overall, I think it is a terrible idea to borrow money from friends, or lend money if it is requested. While we would like to think that our friendships are strong and true

17、, in many cases, they are not. If you do lend money to a friend, perhaps it is best not to expect to be repaid. By treating the situation like this, one will not be upset if a friend does not return the money, and will have a pleasant surprise if the money is repaid.2019年9月7日上午场托福写作考试机经回忆Task 1Topic

18、 saber-toothed cats 剑齿虎是不是群居动物?Reading1.剑齿虎幸存下来的伤害,一定是受伤之后从同伴那里获取食物;2.发现剑齿虎们会集中出现在柏油坑里面。说明狩猎的团队;3.因为他们的竞争者如狮子都是群居,他们也一定是。Listening1.它们受伤之后可以找附近动物尸体充饥,a modern tiger 就是这样。2.想象一下有只鹿被柏油给粘住了,一只剑齿虎循声而来,附近另一只也循声而来,然后好几只都来了,这不一定是一起捕猎。3.modern tiger 也可以独自战斗,他们 hunt individually,不也成功活到现在吗。Task 2TopicAre the communication skill the most important quality of a politician or leader?交流能力是不是成为成功的领导者或者政治家最重要的因素?


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