北京出社 小学英语 五年级.docx

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1、北京出社 小学英语 五年级北京出版社 小学英语 五年级课文 词组 Lesson 1 Mike:What are you doing, Guoguo? Guoguo:Im practicing my English. I can read but I cant speak very well. Mike:Lingling speaks English very well. I wish I could speak Chinese very well. Guoguo:We can make progress if we practice more. Lesson 2 Baobao: What ar

2、e you doing, Sara? Sara: Im watching TV. The final game of the NBA is going on. My favorite team is playing. Baobao: Im also watching TV. But I never watch basketball games. Chess is my favorite. Sara: You have some very good chess players in China. Lesson 3 Maomao: Lingling, would you like to look

3、at the pictures of my family? Lingling: Certainly. Oh, there are so many people in this picture. What are you doing? Maomao: We are having a party. Its my grandmas birthday. My grandparents are talking to my mom. My uncles playing the piano and my aunt is singing. My dad is talking pictures. Linglin

4、g: You are having a good time. Lesson 5 Guoguo: After the long winter, spring is finally here. The leaves and the grass will soon come out. Maomao: Everything will be green again. I really love spring! Guoguo: What do leaves do? Maomao: Green leaves are like little factories. They make food for the

5、tree. Lesson 6 Guoguo: Leaves change in fall. They lose their green color. Maomao: Can yellow leaves make food? Guoguo: No. Leaves must be green to make food for plants and trees. Maomao: What do they need to make food? Guoguo: They need sunlight, air, and water. Lesson 7 Guoguo: A plant has many jo

6、bs. Maomao: Whats the special job of each part of the plant? Guoguo: Flowers make the seeds. Little seeds grow up to be plants and trees. Maomao: Leaves make food for the plant. The stem carries water from the roots to the leaves. The roots hold the plant in the ground. Lesson 9 Guoguo: Trees help u

7、s. We can use trees in many ways. Maomao: How can we make use of trees? Guoguo: Sometimes we eat the food from trees. Sometimes we build things with the wood from trees. Can you name some things that come from trees? Maomao: Sure. Apples, peaches, nuts, and many other fruits come from trees. Lesson

8、10 Guoguo: People eat many foods from trees. Animals can also eat the food from trees. The food comes from different parts of the tree. Maomao: What about plants? Guoguo: We eat many parts of plants. Sometimes we eat just fruit. Sometimes we eat just the leaves. Maomao: We may also eat the stem, the

9、 root, or the seeds. Lesson 11 Guoguo: Plants have seeds. Some plants have more seeds than other plants. Maomao: How do seeds travel? Guoguo: Seeds travel in many ways. Maomao: When we plant the little seeds, they grow into new plants. Lesson 15 Yang: This is a lovely photo. Whos this man on the hor

10、se? Sara: Hes my cousin, Dick. Hes the son of Aunt Mary. Yang: He looks much older than you. Sara: He is. Hes eighteen years older than I am. Hes married and has two children. Lesson 16 Sara: This pretty girl is my niece, Sally. She is Dicks daughter. Shes seven years old. Yang: My cousin, May, is a

11、lso seven years old. She goes to the same primary school as I do. Sara: Look at this cute boy! He is my little nephew, the younger brother of Sally. Yang: One of my cousins will have a baby this December. It will be my nephew or niece. Lesson 17 Yang: I have six cousins. Three of them study in high

12、school. Sara: I have more cousins because I have a lot of uncles and aunts. Yang: Lucky you! Do you often see them? Sara: Well, some of them live far away. We dont see each other very often. Yang: My cousins live in this city. We get on very well. Lesson 19 Guoguo: What will you do in the future, Ma

13、omao? Maomao: I will be a pilot. I will fly a plane or a spaceship. I want to see the world. Guoguo: My father is a professor. I want to be a professor, too. Maomao: You must study very hard to be a professor. Guoguo: Youre right. Im studying hard and will do so in the future. Lesson 20 Lingling: Wh

14、at does your father do, Mike? Mike: My father is a football coach. He spends a lot of time with his team. Lingling: Great! I want to be a football player. Will he teach me how to play better? Mike: I think so. I will ask him. Lingling: Thank you, Mike. Lesson 21 Mike: Your parents are doctors. Are y

15、ou going to be a doctor, too? Baobao: I dont think so. Im going to be an engineer. I enjoy making things. Mike: Engineers design and build roads and bridges. Baobao: They design a lot of things and we can see their work everywhere. Lesson 23 Lingling: Are you going away for the holiday, Guoguo? Guog

16、uo: Yes. My mom and I are going to Canada. My father is working there. Lingling: Really! So how long does it take you to get to Canada? Guoguo: It takes us more than ten hours by air. Lingling: Ill miss you. Guoguo: Ill send emails to tell you about everything. Lesson 24 Sara: My parents and I are g

17、oing to Shanghai for the weekend. Mike: How are you going? Will you go by air? Sara: Well go by train this time. The train leaves Beijing in the evening and arrives in Shanghai the following morning. Mike: Youd better take the plane to Shanghai. Itll take about 2 hours. Mike: I enjoy traveling by tr

18、ain. Itll be very exciting. Lesson 25 Yangyang: My father will take me to Beidaihe this summer. Sara: I hear its famous for its sandy beach. Yangyang: Yes. Well go swimming in the sea every day. Sara: I want to see more of Beijing. Ill visit the famous places here. Yangyang: Theres so much to see in

19、 the capital city. 词组 1-3单元词组 practice my English 练习英语 very well 非常好 speak Chinese 说中文 make progress 取得进步 practice more 多练习 do homework 做作业 cook dinner 做晚饭 repair the bike 修自行车 read a book 读书 listen to music 听音乐 play football 踢足球 join the football team 参加足球队 every day 每天 watch TV 看电视 the final game

20、of 总决赛 never watch basketball game 从不看篮球赛 chess player 国际象棋运动员 in China 在中国 listen to art music 听艺术音乐 listen to pop music 听流行音乐 wash my socks 洗袜子 cook dinner for my parents 给父母做晚饭 play basketball 打篮球 the final page of 最后一页 would you like to 你想要 look at 看 the picture of .的照片 in this picture 在这张照片里 ha

21、ve a party 开聚会 my grandmas birthday party 我奶奶的生日聚会 talk to my mom 和我妈妈说话 play the piano 弹钢琴 take pictures 照相 have a good time 玩的开心 write a letter 写信 read the newspaper 看报纸 listen to the radio 听广播 wait for a friend 等一个朋友 visit the Great Wall 参观长城 this weekend 这个周末 the long winter 漫长的冬天 come out 出来 re

22、ally love spring 真的爱春天 be like little factories 像小型工厂 make food for the tree 给树提供养分 grow up 长大 grow up to be plants and trees 长成植物或者树木 hold plants 固定植物 in the ground 在地里 hold the trees 固定住树 above the ground 在地面上 every day 每一天 every year 每一年 in fall 在秋天里 lose their color 退去他们的颜色 yellow leaves 枯叶 need

23、 to 需要 get water 获取水分 have to 必须,不得不 lost my bike 丢了自行车 the special job 特别的功能 each part of 各个部分 make the seeds 制造种子 grow up 生长 make food for the plant 制造养分给植物 carry water from roots to leaves 从根运输水分到叶子 by bike 骑自行车 carry books 运书 in spring 在春天 turn green 变绿 do my homework 做我的家庭作业 after dinner 晚饭后 gr

24、ow with sunlight 伴着阳光成长 in this world 在这个世界上 finish this job 完成他的工作 help us 帮助我们 in many ways 不同的方面 make use of 利用 eat the food from trees 吃来自树上的食物 build houses 建筑房屋 build things with wood 用木头建一些东西 come from 来自 other fruits 其他水果 in the world 在世界上 build a house 建筑一间房屋 come from 来自 different parts of

25、不同的部分 what about/how about 怎么样 many parts of 许多部分 water plants 水生植物 mountain plants 山上的植物 dessert plants 沙漠植物 go swimming 去游泳 go fishing 去钓鱼 go to the zoo 去动物园 on Sunday 在星期天 different countries 不同的国家 more than 比.更. other plants 其他的植物 in many ways 不同的方面 plant the seeds 播种 grow into 长成 in winter 在冬天

26、take care of 照顾 all over the world 全世界 grow up 成长 make jam for breakfast 做果酱当早餐 name things in English 用英语命名事物 many parts of the world 世界上许多地方 5-7单元词组 a lovely photo 一张好看的照片 on the horse 在马背上 my cousin 我的表兄 the son of 的儿子 look much older than you 看着比你大很多 get married 结婚 has two children 有两个孩子 in the

27、house 在家里 on National Day 在国庆节 the same primary school 相同的小学 one of my cousins 我的表兄之一 will be 将会 my nephew 我的外甥 my niece 我的外甥女 was/were born in the year of 在年出生 the pink skirt 粉色的皮肤 only a week 仅一周 look so cute 看起来如此可爱 three of them 他们中的三个 study in high school 在高中学习 a lot of 许多 uncles and aunts 叔叔和阿

28、姨 live in 住在 this city 这个城市 get on very well 相处的好 far away 遥远 see each other very often 经常见到彼此 from different countries 来自不同的国家 the big family 大家庭 over 40 years old 超过40岁 this time 这次 one of my classmates 我的同学之一 are like brothers 像兄弟 learn from each other 互相学习 help each other 互相帮助 in the future 在未来

29、fly a plane 开飞机 fly a spaceship 开飞船 want to be 想要 study hard 努力学习 be a professor 成为一名教授 practice a lot 多练习 draw very well 画的好 travel to many places 到很多地方旅行 other planets 其他星球 football coach 足球教练 spend a lot of time with 花费大量的时间为 clean the floor 清理地面 on the table 在桌子上 every morning 每天早晨 repair the to

30、y 修理玩具 win the final game 赢得总决赛 take care of patients 照顾病人 be an engineer 成为一名工程师 enjoy making things 享受制作东西 design and build roads and bridges 设计建筑公路和桥梁 design a lot of things 设计很多东西 work everywhere 到处工作 making clothes 设计服装 meeting people 会见人 writing stories 写故事 design new cars 设计新车 go away for 外出

31、how long 多长,多久 take sb to sp/take sb to get to sp 带某人去某地 take more/less than hours 用了多于/少于 小时 send emails 寄信 tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事 by ship 乘船 by train 乘火车 by foot 步行 in the evening the following morning by plane/take the plane to enjoy traveling by train take the taxi to the airport walk to the library take the bus to the subway station ride a bike to a shopping center over there had better tomorrow morning


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