医学英语新教程 下册 重点单词及翻译打印.docx

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1、医学英语新教程 下册 重点单词及翻译打印unit 1 trigger引发,触发 decline下降,衰退 hemoglobin血红蛋白 protrude 突出,伸出 routinely 常规地,通常地 polycythemia红血球增多症 counteract抵消,中和 prevailing流行的,一般的 hypertrophy 肥大,过度增大 prescribe 开处方,规定 devise遗赠 equip装备 atrophy萎缩 exacerbate使加剧 multipronged 多种要素的 mutate改变,使突变 aggravate恶化,加重 destruction破坏,毁灭 anom

2、aly 异常,不规则 resemble 类似 advancement 前进,进步 congenital defect先天性缺陷 lesion损害,机能障碍 infectious agent传染剂 pathogenesis发病原 diagnosis诊断 prognosis预后 autopsy尸体解剖 heredity遗传 hemophilia 血友病 syndrome综合征 alcoholism 酗酒 anemia 贫血 pregnancy怀孕 delivery 分娩,交付 leukemia白血病 malnutrition 营养不良 hyperactive thyroid活跃甲状腺 hypert

3、hyroidism甲状腺功能亢进 mongolism先天愚型 urinalysis尿分析 physician内科医生 surgeon外科医生 remission缓解 relapse复发 complication 并发症 pneumonia 肺炎 sequela后遗症 paralysis 麻痹 polio 小儿麻痹 fallopian tubes输卵管 alleviate减轻 masterpiece 杰作 defective有缺陷的 deficient不足的 concurrent并发的 respectively分别地 utilize利用 perceive察觉 terminal末端,晚期的 sev

4、erity严重 fracture破裂 prostate 前列腺 transmit 传输,遗传 subside平息,沉淀 onset开始,着手 confined to只限于 compensate补偿,赔偿 traumatize使。损伤 accompany陪伴,伴随 observe 观察 manifest证明,显示 aftermath后果 rheumatic fever风湿热 sterility 不育 health professional 保健专业人士 comprehensive综合的 unit 2 a cluster of 一群,一组 initial最初的 inject注入,注射 homose

5、xual同性恋者 impair损害,减少 emerge摆脱暴露 monitor 监视,监控 compromise妥协,和解 alert 警惕的 official正式的 original 原始的 outbreak发作,爆发 coin 硬币 isolate 隔离 novel异常的 press按压 lymphoadenopathy 淋巴瘤 lymphotropic嗜淋巴细胞 declare宣布 striking显著,惊人 contradict 反驳,否定 turn out发生,证明 in check 受控制 pinpoint精确地 supplement补充 complement补助 consider

6、able值得考虑的 Implicate暗指 影响 涉及 activate 刺激 激活 replication复制,反响 administer管理,执行 administration管理,实施 nucleoside analog核苷类似物 nucleocapsid核蛋白体 diminish 使减少,使缩小 appear to似乎,好像 indicate 表明,指出 specific特殊的,明确的 drawback 缺点,不利条件 optimism乐观 trial 实验 confer授予,给以 causative成为原因 desease-causing成为致病原因 be intended to 打

7、算 preliminary准备,预赛 mediate间接,居中 prolong延长 enhance 提高 rule out排除,取消 be capable of 能够 attach附加,附属 inert迟缓的,无效的 hemophiliac血友病的 myeloid 骨髓的 compatibility兼容性 homozygous 纯合子的 heterozygous杂合子的 bowel 肠 内部 同情 commentator评论员 reservoir 水池 investigational调查 anecdotal 轶事的 mortality死亡数 ongoing 前进 modulate调节,调整 l

8、atency 潜在因素 eradication消灭,扑灭 adherence坚持,忠诚 pandemic全国流行的,普遍的 angiography血管学,血管造影术angioplasty血管成形术 prior to在。之前,优先 unit 4 hyperactivity极度活跃 overactivity过度活跃 distractibility 注意力分散 inattentiveness注意迟钝 attention-deficit 注意力不足 disorder混乱失调 heterogeneity异质性 referral参照 提及 intolerance不宽松 偏狭 exuberance丰富 茂盛

9、 grow out of 产生于 outgrow出生,过大不适合 elicit 抽出 引出 quantitative assessment 定量评价 prevalence流行 普及 psychiatric精神病学的 prenatal 产前的 perinatal围产期 additive 添加剂 dopamine多巴胺 noradrenergic system 去甲肾上腺系统 aggression轻略 进攻 serotonin 五羟色胺 positron正电子 reveal/exhibit/manifest暴露 展现 cortex 皮质 psychostimulant精神兴奋药 antidepre

10、ssant 抗抑郁剂 sufficient足够的 evolve发展 进化 contingent reinforcement 后效强化 controversial 有争议的 adolescence青春期 follow-up 随访 untreated未经处理的 illustrate举例 treatment/therapy/治疗 management管理 settle down 定居 安定下来intact完整的 未受损的 outpatient 门诊病人 chaos混沌 混乱 epidemiology 流行病学 etiology病因学 differentiate 区别 区分 defiant挑衅的;目中

11、无人的,挑战的 optimize优化,持乐观态度 discipline学科 纪律 resent 怨恨 愤恨 recess休息 休假 insult侮辱 损害 fficacy/effectiveness效力 be apt to 倾向于 concurrent并发的 normative 规范 标准 peer凝视 窥视 subtype图标类型 unit 5 rehabilitation复原 interdisciplinary各学科间的 premalignant癌变前的 predisposition倾向 易染病体质 prophylaxis预防 radiotherapy放射疗法 radiopaque不透射线

12、 irradiation照射 发光 chemoprevention化学预防 metastasis转移 chief complaint主诉 cholangiopancreatogram胆管胰造影术 benign良性的 progression前进 连续 regression复原 回归 retrogression退化 后退 retrospective回顾 怀旧 ureter尿管 modification修正 改变 optimal最佳的 subsequent intervention后期介入 resect切除 eliminate消除 promptly迅速地 eligibility合格 适任 strat

13、ify分层 collaboration合作 evaluate/estimate评估 估计 revolve around以.为中心 daunting 使人害怕的 oncologist肿瘤学家 oncology肿瘤学 advanced disease病沉重期 perceptive感觉的 有感知力的 necessitate需要 迫使 internist内科医生 bone marrow骨髓 partially obstructed intestine部分肠道堵塞 obstruction阻碍/construction建设/ destruction破坏/instruction指令 elucidate说明

14、阐明 radiopaque不透射线的 radiolucent可透射线的 compilation编辑 deranged疯狂 精神错乱的 alleviate减轻 缓和 palliate减轻 辩解 relieve解除 减轻 asymptomatic无症状的 eligibility适任,合格 standardize使标准化 prognosis预后 parameter参数 参量 delineate描绘 描写 neoplasm瘤 赘生物 categorize分类 potential潜能 sufficiently充分地 proficient精通 专家 interval间隔 间距 recurrence循环 再

15、发生 relapse复发 再发 dosimetry剂量学 ureter尿管/urethra尿道 locoreginal限于局部 complication并发症 duplication复制 副本 replication复制 回答 反响 implication含义 暗示 牵连 vigorous有力的 精力充沛的 1. The human body is a masterpiece of art. The more one understands the functioning of the body, the greater appreciation one has for it. Even in

16、 disease, the body is quite remarkable in attempting to right what is wrong and compensate for it. 人体是一个艺术的杰作。更多的了解身体的功能,将更大的发挥它的价值。即使在疾病时,身体也是非常引人注目,因为它尝试判断对修补错的。 2. Congenital birth defects, mental or physical, may be due to a developmental error resulting from a maternal infection such as rubella

17、 or German measles during pregnancy, the use of certain drugs, or the mothers excessive consumption of alcohol. 精神或身体先天性出生缺陷,可能是由于母亲在怀孕期间感染风疹或德国麻疹等,使用某些药物或过度酗酒造成的发育错误。 3. Stress adversely affects the entire body, it reduces the ability of the immune system to counteract disease. Stress causes severa

18、l diseases of the gastrointestinal system such as peptic ulcers and ulcerative colitis. It also aggravates respiratory ailments asthma, for example and other allergic conditions. 压力对整个身体造成不利影响,它降低了免疫系统抵抗疾病的能力。压力会导致一些胃肠系统疾病如消化性溃疡、溃疡性结肠炎。它还加重呼吸道疾病例如哮喘、和其他过敏性疾病。 4. Signs are objective evidence of disea

19、se observed on physical examination, such as abnormal pulse or respiratory rate, fever, and pallor, or abnormal paleness, whereas symptoms are indication of disease perceived by the patient, such as pain, dizziness, and itching. 迹象是体格检查疾病观察的客观证据,如异常的脉冲或呼吸速率、发烧、苍白,或不正常的苍白,而症状是疾病象征,如疼痛、头晕、和瘙痒。 5. The

20、aftermath of a particular disease is called the sequela, a sequel. The permanent damage to the heart after rheumatic fever is an example of a sequela, as is the paralysis of polio. The sterility resulting from severe inflammation of the fallopian tubes is also a sequela. 后一个特定的疾病称为后遗症,续集。对心脏的永久性损伤风湿

21、热后遗症的一个例子后,脊髓灰质炎的瘫痪。不育造成严重的输卵管炎症也是一个后遗症。 1. In the early days, the CDC did not have an official name for the disease, often referring to it by way of the diseases that were associated with it, for example, lymphadenopathy, the disease after which the discoverers of HIV originally named the virus. 在早

22、期,CDC没有该病的一个正式的名称,通常指的是它的方式,与它相关的疾病,例如,淋巴结肿大,病后,HIV病毒发现者命名为。 2. Since then, much research has been directed towards pinpointing the changes in the human immune system due to infection, seeking ways of reversing these changes, or supplementing the compromised immune system to hold the infection in ch

23、eck. 自那时以来,大量的研究已针对精确定位在人类免疫系统的变化,由于感染,寻求逆转这些变化的方法,或补充免疫系统抑制感染。 3. The drug mixture typically contains a so-called nucleoside analog, which blocks genetic replication, and inhibitors of two enzymes that are critical enzyme in the making of new virus (protease and reverse transcriptase). 药物混合物通常包含一个所

24、谓的核苷类似物,阻碍基因复制,和两个酶在新病毒的关键酶抑制剂。 4. Treatment strategies, vaccine-based or otherwise, will need to address the different isolates of the AIDS virus that are present in various regions of the globe. 治疗策略为基础的疫苗,否则,将需要针对不同的艾滋病病毒,目前在全球各地区的菌株。 5. Research to improve current treatments includes decreasing

25、side effects of current drugs, further simplifying drug regimens to improve adherence, and determining better sequences of regimens to manage drug resistance. 研究改善目前的治疗包括减少当前药物的副作用,进一步简化提高药物依从性的药物治疗方案,确定更好的方案来管理序列耐药性。 1. For severely affected preschoolers, the diagnosis may not be difficult, but in

26、less obvious cases, parents may resist believing the child has any problems or may be convinced the child will grow out of it. 严重影响学龄前儿童的诊断并不困难,但在不太明显的情况下,父母可能抵制相信孩子有任何问题或者可能被说服孩子会长大。 2. ADHD must also be differentiated from several conditions that can be present concurrently, such as learning disor

27、der, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, anxiety disorder and mood disorder. 多动症也必须有区别的几个条件,可以同时存在,如学习障碍、品行障碍、对立违抗障碍、焦虑障碍和情绪障碍。 3. Psychopharmacological treatment with psychostimulants is widely used and is effective in up to 90% of ADHD children. Other medications used in clinical prac

28、tice include some antidepressants and clonidine. 精神药理学治疗喷射器袭击得到了广泛地应用,并有效的多动症儿童的90%。其他药物用于临床实践包括一些抗抑郁药和氯压定。 4. It was previously thought that children outgrew their symptoms in adolescence, and it was possible to stop medications as the child got older. Recently there has been increasing focus on ad

29、olescents and adults treated as children who continue to show some or all of the symptoms of ADHD on follow-up. 人们以前认为孩子在青春期,超越他们的症状,有可能停止药物当孩子长大。最近有越来越多的关注青少年和成年人视为孩子继续显示的部分或全部在后续多动症的症状。 5. An 8-year-old girl, the only child of an intact middle-class family, was brought to the child psychiatry outp

30、atient clinic at the medical center because she was doing very poorly in the second grade, and the school was considering having her repeat the year. 一个8岁的女孩,一个完整的中产阶级家庭的唯一的孩子,被带到儿童精神病学门诊诊所的医疗中心,因为她做的很差在二年级,和学校正在考虑让她重复。在后续多动症的症状。 1. If cancer prevention fails, detecting cancer as early as possible i

31、s important. For many primary sites of cancer, early detection is a reasonable goal and will result in less intense treatment and improved treatment results. In every instance, a well-conceived management plan is critical. 如果癌症预防失败,尽早检测癌症是很重要的。对许多癌症的主要网站,早期发现是一个合理的目标,将导致没那么强烈的治疗和改善治疗结果。在每一个实例,一个周密的管

32、理计划是至关重要的。 2. Although the plan for evaluation and treatment usually requires the efforts of an interdisciplinary team to obtain optimal results, leadership in this enterprise still necessitates a perceptive and knowledgeable coordinating physician who may be an oncologist, the primary-care physicia

33、n, an internist, or a general surgeon. 尽管计划进行评估和治疗通常需要一个跨学科的团队的努力来获得最优结果,领导本企业仍然需要感知和知识渊博的协调医生可能是一个肿瘤,初级保健医生,内科医生或外科医生。 3. Although the primary focus of the initial physical examination is on the presenting symptoms, patients who are being evaluated for the presence of cancer require a complete phys

34、ical examination and the recording of a complete history so as to elucidate possible sites of metastatic spread of the cancer. 虽然最初的体格检查的主要焦点是呈现症状,患者正在接受癌症需要一个完整的体格检查和记录的一个完整的历史,说明可能的网站转移性癌症扩散 4. To minimize patient discomfort and limit cost, physicians should avoid tests that have a low likelihood

35、of providing useful information and should avoid any tests that provide information similar to that obtained from other tests already performed or planned. 减少病人不适和边际成本,医生应避免测试,提供有用信息的可能性较低,应避免任何测试,提供类似的信息从其他测试已经或计划执行。 5. Not only might this offer an obstacle to future administration of effective pain medication, but surgical relief of this problem may be the one thing that can be done to relieve the symptom of most significance to such patients. 这不仅可以提供未来管理的障碍有效的止痛药,而且手术缓解这个问题可能可以做的一件事最有意义的患者缓解症状。 紫夜&整理


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