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1、医院各个科室牌的英文名称翻译医院各个科室牌的英文名称 门诊护士办公室:outpatient nurses office 门诊办公室:outpatient office 儿科厕所:Childrens toilet 儿科候诊:waiting room for pediatrics 儿科门诊:outpatient department of pediatrics 输液室:transfusion room 小儿注射:injection room for Children 男厕所/女厕所/残疾人专用厕所:toilet for man/ toilet for woman/ handicapped used

2、 only 饮水间:drinking room 急诊化验室:emergency laboratory 急诊X光室:emergency X-ray room 急疗室:emergency therapeutic room 抢救室:resuscitation room 外科治疗室:surgery therapeutic room 急诊妇产科:emergency obstetrics and gynecology department 急诊内科:emergency internal medicine 急诊外科:emergency surgery 急诊儿科:emergency pediatrics 急诊

3、候诊:emergency waiting room 急诊收费挂号:emergency registration & cashier office 急诊药房:emergency pharmacy 急诊手术室:emergency operation room 主任办公室:directors office 急诊值班室:emergency duty room 洗手间:toilet for man/ woman 洗涤室:washing room 药库主任办公室:pharmacy store directors office 血透室:hemodialysis room 药库:pharmacy store

4、急诊观察室:emergency observation room 出入院处:out/in-patient department 医学整形科:department of plastic surgery 整形室:plastic surgery room 中医科:department of traditional Chinese medicine 内科:department of internal medicine 脑外科:department of cerebral surgery 神经外科:department of neurosurgery 胸外科:department of thoracic

5、 surgery 普外科:department of general surgery 伤科:department of traumatology 骨科:department of orthopedics 肛肠外科:department of anus & intestine surgery 泌尿外科:department of urology 膀胱镜室:cystoscopy room 石膏室:plaster room 换药室:dressing room 拍片室:X-ray room 碎石室:stone manipulation room DSA:digital subtraction angi

6、ography ICU:intensive care unit 主任办公室:directors office 护士站:nursing station 皮肤科:department of dermatology 激光冷冻室:laser & cryotherapy room 皮外手术室:operation room for dermatology surgery 检查治疗室:consulting & therapeutic room 性病专科:department of venereology 诊室:consulting room 口腔科:department of stomatology 口腔诊

7、室:consulting room for stomatology 耳鼻喉科:department of ENT 窥镜室:endoscope room 治疗室:therapeutic room 听觉诱发电位室:department of auditory evoked potentials 测听室:audiometric room 诊室:consulting room 小手术室:outpatient operation room 眼科:department of ophthalmology 治疗室:therapeutic room 诊室:consulting room 弱视治疗室:amblyo

8、pia therapeutic room 小手术室: outpatient operation room 门诊妇产科:outpatient department of obstetrics and gynecology 诊室:consulting room 检查室:examination room 人工流产室:induced abortion room 产前检查室:Pre-natal Care room 人流休息室:rest room for induced abortion 化验室:laboratory 实验区:experimentation area 免疫室:laboratory of i

9、mmunology 质控室:quality control room 细菌检验室:bacteriological laboratory 生化室:biochemical laboratory 血液室:blood laboratory 洗涤室:washing room 标本接手区:specimen area 产科病区:department of obstetrics 产房:delivery room 储藏室:store room 厕所:toilet 女更衣室:female changing room 洗婴室:baby bathing room 配置室:collocation room 护士值班室:

10、nurses duty room 妇检室:gynaecological examination room 胎心监护室:fetal monitor room 待产室:labour room 抢救室:resuscitation room 医生办公室:doctors office 贵宾候诊室:VIP waiting room 诊室:consulting room 内镜区:department of endoscope 纤维镜室:fibrescope room 胃镜室:gastroscope room 胃镜办公室:doctors office 仪器室:instrument room 肠镜室:enter

11、oscopy room 彩超区:department of Color Doppler Ultrasonic 彩超室:color ultrasonic room 动态心电图室、血压室:dynamic electrocardiogram & ambulatory blood pressure monitoring 心电图室:electrocardiogram room 乳房仪室:breast-screening unit TCD:transcranial color Doppler 肌电图室:electromyogram room B超室:B ultrasonic room 脑电图室:elect

12、roencephalogram room 国际学术报告厅:international academic report hall 病理区:department of pathology 档案室:record room 主任办公室:directors office 诊断室:diagnosis room 制片室:slide making room 细胞室:cell room 技术室:technical room 手术室:operation room 洗涤室:washing room 手术动态显示房:dynamic operating room 服务台:information desk 示教办公室:t

13、eaching office 麻醉办公室:doctors office 护士办公室:nurses office 护士长办公室:head nurses office 男值班室/女值班室:duty room for man/ woman 病人交谈室:patient communication room 护士站:nursing station 手术室:operation room 仪器室;instrument room 无菌室:asepsis room 产科病区:department of obstetrics 妇科病区:department of gynaecology 外科病区:departme

14、nt of surgery 内科病区:department of internal medicine 心内科:department of cardiology 内分泌科:department of endocrinology 呼吸科:department of respiration 风湿科:department of rheumatism 血液科:department of hematology 肾病科:department of nephropathy 口腔外科 stamotological surgery 矫形外科 orthopaedic surgery department 整形外科

15、plastic surgery 心血管外科 cardiovascular surgery 神经外科 neurosurgery department 妇科 gynecology department 产科 obstetrical department 儿科 paediatrics department 骨科 asteology department 牙科 dental department 眼科 ophthalmology department 耳鼻喉科 ENT(ear-nose-throat)department 神经科 neurology department 皮肤科 dermatology

16、(skin)department 泌尿科 urology department 中医科 department of traditional Chinese medicine 针灸科 acupuncture and moxibustion department 理疗科 physiotherapy department 按摩科 massage clinic 放射科 X-ray department 传染科 department of infedtious diseases 药房 dispensary,pharmacy 血库 blood bank 病房 ward ; 病床 hospital bed

17、产房 delivery room 诊室 consulting room 门诊部 outpatient department 住院部 inpatient department 护理部 nursing department 挂号处 registration office 急诊室 emergency room 候诊室 waiting room 化验室 laboratory 观察室 obervation ward 隔离室 isolation room 治疗室 medical-treatment room 敷药室 dressing room 化疗室 chemotherapy room 电疗室 electrotherapy room 理疗室 physiotherapy room X 光室 X-ray


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