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1、单元综合检测圆学子梦想,铸金字品牌 单元综合检测 (Starter Units 13) (90分钟 120分) 第卷 (共65分) . 听力 (20分) () 录音中有一个字母和四个单词, 听一遍后, 选择你所听到的字母或单词。 (5分) 1. A. a 2. A. pen 3. A. morning 4. A. blue 5. A. whats B. h B. pencil B. hello B. what B. evening C. k C. key C. English C. yellow C. white () 录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选择与之相符的图片。 (5分) () 录音

2、中有两段对话, 听两遍后, 选择最佳答案。 (5分) 听第一段对话, 回答第11、12小题。 11. Bob and Helen meet (见面) in the . A. morning Its a . A. pen B. afternoon C. evening 12. Whats this in English? B. map C. ruler 1 初中新课标百练百胜 英语(七年级上册) 听第二段对话, 回答第1315小题。 13. Cindy is . A. good A. white A. jacket B. fine B. blue B. key C. red C. green C

3、. orange 14. The jacket is . 15. The is orange. () 录音中有五组对话, 听两遍后, 补全所缺的单词或短语。 (5分) 16. W: your name? M: Jim. 17. W: How are you? M: , thank you. 18. W: Whats this ? M: A book. 19. W: is it? M: Yellow. 20. W: it, please! M: P-E-N. . 单项选择 (15分) 1. 下列字母的发音中含有元音音素/aI/的是 。 A. Rr B. Aa C. Yy D. Ll 2. 字母R

4、的左邻右舍分别是 和 。 A. O;P B. P;S C. Q;S D. S;Q 3. 下列字母笔顺标注有误的是 。 4. “停车区”的英文缩写是 。 - 2 - 圆学子梦想,铸金字品牌 A. P B. V C. kg D. CD 5. 晚上6: 30, 见到别人你应该说: 。 A. Good morning C. Good night 6. How you? I OK. Thanks. A. are;are B. am;am C. the C. Dale C. An D. / D. Bob D. It C. is;are D. are;am 7. Whats that? Its UFO. A

5、. a A. Frank A. The 8. is a good girl. B. Helen B. A 9. ruler is green. 10. Wang Xiaoya is in . B. an B. Good afternoon D. Good evening 11. Whats this in English? a ruler. A. This is B. That is C. Its D. Thats 12. _ Its red and yellow. A. Whats this in English? C. What color is it? 13. M-A-P. A. Is

6、it a map? B. Whats this? D. What color is the map? 3 B. How are you? D. Whats that? C. Spell it, please. 初中新课标百练百胜 英语(七年级上册) 14. How are you, Miss Gao? . A. How are you C. Thank you A. Thank you. B. Im OK. D. Good morning! C. Good afternoon! . 完形填空 (10分) 1 name is Jim Brown. I 2 thirteen (十三) years

7、old. Im 3 English. My English teachers name 4 Bill Smith. I have (有) 5 friends (朋友) , Tom and Mike. I 6 red. Tom likes white. Mike 7 black. 8 is that? Its 9 orange. What 10 is it? Its orange. 1. A. I 2. A. is 3. A. an 4. A. am 5. A. one 6. A. like 7. A. like 9. A. a B. My B. are B. a B. are B. two B

8、. likes B. is B. the B. color C. He C. am C. the C. is C. / C. am C. likes C. When C. an C. letter D. You D. be D. / D. / D. a D. are D. are D. What D. / D. map B. Fine, thanks D. Nice to meet you 15. Good afternoon! 8. A. How 10. A. name B. Whats . 阅读理解 (20分) A Hi, Im Chen Na. My English name is Gr

9、ace. This is my pencil box (铅笔盒) . Its red. Whats in it? A ruler and a pen. The ruler is yellow. The pen is blue. Whats this? Ah, its a key. Its white. Its in my pencil box, too. 1. Chen Nas English name is . - 4 - 圆学子梦想,铸金字品牌 A. Alice A. Red. A. ruler A. red B. Cindy C. Grace C. Blue. C. key C. key

10、 C. pen B D. Helen D. White. D. map D. map D. key 2. What color is the pencil box? B. Yellow. B. pen 3. The is not in the pencil box. 4. The ruler is . B. yellow B. ruler 5. The is white. A. pencil box A: Good afternoon, Lucy. B: Good afternoon, Alice. Whos this? A: Oh, Lucy, this is my friend (朋友)

11、, Jane. B: Hello, Jane! Nice to meet you. C: Nice to meet you, too. B: Well, whats this in English? A: Its a bike. And its my new bike. B: Its very nice. A: Thank you. B: By the way (顺便问一下) , can you spell the word“bike”? A: Sure, its B-I-K-E, bike. B: Thanks. A: Youre welcome. 阅读对话, 判断正 (T) 误 (F) 。

12、 ( ) 6. Jane is Alices friend. ( ) 7. This is a bike. ( ) 8. The bike is new and nice. ( ) 9. Its in the morning. ( ) 10. Alice can spell“bike”. 5 初中新课标百练百胜 英语(七年级上册) 第卷 (共55分) . 观察下列图片像什么字母, 写出它们的大小写 (5分) 1. 3. 5. 2. 4. . 词汇运用 (10分) () 根据图片完成句子, 每空一词。 (5分) 1. Cindys 2. Is that Alans 3. Good ! ? in

13、English? is yellow. ? 4. Is this Helens 5. Hi, Alice! Whats thisIts an . () 用所给词的适当形式填空。 (5分) 6. Hello, Eric! How (be) you? I am fine, thanks. 7. I (be) a boy (男孩) . I study in No. 1 Middle School. 8. This (be) a cup. Its my cup. 9. Whats this in English? (spell) it, please. 10. I can (say) it in En

14、glish. . 句型转换 (10分) 1. Good evening. (写出应答语) . - 6 - 圆学子梦想,铸金字品牌 2. I am fine. (对画线部分提问) you? 3. This ruler is red. (对画线部分提问) is this ruler? 4. This is a purple quilt. (改为同义句) This quilt . 5. That is a ruler in English. (对画线部分提问) in English? . 连词成句 (10分) 1. white, jacket, is, the (. ) _ _ _ 2. the,

15、what, is, cup, color (? ) _ _ _ _ 3. that, is, English, in, what (? ) _ _ _ _ 4. Alice, hi, you, are, how (? ) _ _ _ _ 5. evening, good, Cindy (! ) _ _ _ _ . 补全对话 (5分) 7 初中新课标百练百胜 英语(七年级上册) 从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话。 A. Im OK. B. Good morning, Frank. C. What color is it? D. How are you? E. No, it isnt. Frank:

16、 Good morning, Bob. Bob: 1 Frank: 2 Bob: Im fine, thanks. And you? Frank: 3 Bob: Is this your pen, Frank? Frank: 4 My pen is not red. Bob: 5 Frank: Its black. . 书面表达 (15分) 假如你是Alice, 向你的同学谈谈你房间的物品。 要求词数: 30个左右。 _ _ _ - 8 - 圆学子梦想,铸金字品牌 答案解析 . () 1. a 2. key 3. English 4. hello 5. white 答案: 15. ACCBC

17、() 6. Its a map. 7. How are you, Tony? 8. The panda is black and white. 9. This is a good CD. 10. Lin Shuhao is in the NBA. 答案: 610. CBEAD () Dialogue 1 M: Good morning, Helen! W: Good morning, Bob! M: Whats this in English? W: Its a ruler. Dialogue 2 M: Hello, Cindy! How are you? W: Hi, Eric! Im fi

18、ne, thanks. M: Whats this in English? W: Its a jacket. M: What color is the jacket? W: Its white. M: And whats this? W: Its an orange. M: What color is it? W: Its orange. 答案: 1115. ACBAC () 16. W: Whats your name? M: Jim. 9 初中新课标百练百胜 英语(七年级上册) 17. W: How are you? M: Fine, thank you. 18. W: Whats thi

19、s in English? M: A book. 19. W: What color is it? M: Yellow. 20. W: Spell it, please! M: P-E-N. 答案: 16. Whats 17. Fine 18. in English 19. What color 20. Spell .1. 选C。本题考查字母发音。字母Yy读作/waI/, 含有元音音素/aI/, 故选C。 2. 选C。本题考查字母表。在字母表中QRS是按顺序排列的。故选C。 3. 选B。本题考查字母的笔顺。小写f的书写笔顺应颠倒过来。故选B。 4. 选A。本题考查缩略词的含义。字母P代表“停车

20、区”;V代表“胜利”;kg代表“千克”;CD代表“光盘”。故选A。 5. 选D。本题考查情景交际。A项意为“早上好”;B项意为“下午好”;C项意为“晚安”;D项意为“晚上好”。故选D。 6. 选D。本题考查be动词的用法。主语是you时, be动词用are;主语是I时, be动词用am。故选D。 7. 选A。本题考查冠词的用法。第一次提到某一事物时用不定冠词a或an, 先排除C、D两项;a用于以辅音音素开头的单词前, an用于以元音音素开头的单词前。UFO以辅音音素/开头, 故选A。 8.选B。本题考查名字的性别。Helen“海伦”是女孩名, 其他三项是男孩名。故选B。 - 10 - 圆学子梦

21、想,铸金字品牌 9. 选A。考查冠词的用法。a, an为不定冠词, 表示泛指, the为定冠词, 表示特指。根据句意“这把尺子是绿色的。”可以判断用the。故选A。 10. 选C。本题考查缩略词的含义。由常识可知, 王小丫在中央电视台工作。CCTV代表“中国中央电视台”符合句意。 11.选C。本题考查固定句型。回答句型Whats this/that in English? 用Its. . . 而不用This is. . . 或That is. . . 。故选C。 12. 选C。本题考查固定句型。由答语“它是红黄相间的。”可知, 问句是对某物颜色的提问, 故用句型: What color+be

22、(is/are) +主语 (物品) ? 13. 选C。本题考查固定句型。由答语可知, 问句是让对方拼写map这个单词, 故用Spell it, please. 或How do you spell it? 14.选B。本题考查情景交际。How are you? 意为“你 (身体) 好吗? ”, 常用答语: Im fine/OK, 并向对方致谢。故选B。 15. 选C。本题考查问候语。在英语中当对方问候“下午好”时, 回答Good afternoon。故选C。 . 1. 选B。本题考查词义辨析。由下一句中的“I”可知是My name“我的名字”。 2. 选C。本题考查be动词。当主语是I时, be

23、动词用am。 3.选D。本题考查冠词。句意“我是英国人。”English用作“英国人”讲时, 其前不加任何冠词。故选D。 4.选C。本题考查be动词。主语name为第三人称单数, be动词用is。 5.选B。本题考查语境理解。由后半句中的Tom and Mike可知是两个朋友。故选B。 6.选A。本题考查谓语动词。句意“我喜欢红色。”, 主语I是第一人称, 谓语动词like用原形。故选A。 7.选C。本题考查谓语动词。句意“迈克喜欢黑色。”, Mike是第三人称单数形式, 故谓语动词用like的第三人称单数形式。 11 初中新课标百练百胜 英语(七年级上册) 8.选D。本题考查词义辨析。由下句

24、“它是一个橙子。”可知, 上句询问“那是什么? ”。疑问词what“什么”, 符合句意。 9.选C。本题考查冠词。orange是以元音音素开头的单词, 前用冠词an。 10.选B。本题考查词义辨析。由最后一句“它是橘黄色的。”可知, 该句是询问颜色的。故选B。 . 1. 选C。事实细节题。由第二句“My English name is Grace. ”可知选C。 2. 选A。事实细节题。由“Its red. ”可知, 这个铅笔盒是红色的。故选A。 3. 选D。推理判断题。由全文可知, 铅笔盒的里面有一把尺子、一支钢笔和一把钥匙。由此可以推知, 里面没有地图。 4. 选B。事实细节题。由“The

25、 ruler is yellow. ”可知, 这把尺子是黄色的。故选B。 5. 选D。事实细节题。由“. . . its a key. Its white. ”可知, 这把钥匙是白色的。故选D。 6.T。事实细节题。由对话中“Oh, Lucy, this is my friend, Jane. ”可知, Jane是Alice的朋友。 7.T。事实细节题。由对话“B: Well, whats this in English? A: Its a bike. ”可知, 这是一辆自行车。 8.T。事实细节题。由对话“A: Its a bike. And its my new bike. B: Its

26、very nice. ”可知, 这辆自行车又新又漂亮。 9.F。推理判断题。由对话中问候语“Good afternoon”可知, 该对话发生的时间是下午而不是上午。 10.T。事实细节题。由对话中“Sure, its B-I-K-E, bike. ”可知, Alice会拼写bike这个单词。 . 答案: 1. Ff 2. Hh 3. Ww 4. Gg 5. Yy - 12 - 圆学子梦想,铸金字品牌 .答案: 1. key 2. ruler 3. evening 4. jacket 5. orange 6. are 7. am 8. is 9. Spell 10. say . 答案: 1. G

27、ood evening 2. How are 3. What color 4. is purple 5. Whats that .答案: 1. The jacket is white. 2. What color is the cup? 3. What is that in English? 4. Hi, Alice, how are you? 5. Good evening, Cindy! .答案: 15. BDAEC . 答案: Hello, Im Alice. Its my room. This is my pen. Its black. The map is blue and white. The ruler is white. The key is yellow. That is a jacket. Its green. 13


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