原创精品 小学五年级英语社团活动教案.docx

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1、原创精品 小学五年级英语社团活动教案小学五年级英语社团活动教案 第一课时 Topic1:询问身边的人或事物的年龄、身高、重量及长度并做比较 * Language systems: 1. Lexis:形容词比较级形式:taller, shorter, older, younger, stronger, thinner, bigger, smaller, longer, heavier 2. Grammar: How old/ tall/heavy are you? Im 11 years old. Im 164 cm tall. Im 48 kg. Youre shorter than me .

2、 Youre 4 cm taller than me . Im thinner than you , and shorter. 3. Function:认识形容词比较级的形式,学会用形容词比较级来谈论自己、朋友及其他人或物,如:Im taller than you , but youre stronger than me.等;能用How old/ tall/heavy are you? Im 11 years old. Im 164 cm tall. Im 48 kg. 询问别人 的年龄、身高及重量;并能借助长度及重量单位进行准确比较,如:Youre 4 cm taller than me .

3、 Im 1 year older than you. 等。 4. Phonology:了解音标/ei/、/ai/ /i/, 能够区分音标/p/与/b/, /t/与/d/的发音不同 * Language skills: 1. Listening:能听有关形容词比较级的单词,能听懂用形容词比较级来谈论自己、朋友及其他人或物的情况。 2. speaking: 能询问别人 的年龄、身高及重量;能用形容词比较级来谈论自己、朋友及其他人或物。 3. reading:会读形容词比较级的单词,读懂有关比较的情况 4. writing:会写形容词比较级的单词和询问别人的年龄、身高及重量的句子,会写有关自己和别人

4、外貌比较的小短文。 * Objectives: 一、能力目标 1. 学会用形容词比较级来谈论自己、朋友及其他人或物,如:Im taller than you , but youre stronger than me.等。 2. 学会用英文的长度和重量单位来描述人、物或动物的身高、长度和体重等。如:Im 164 cm tall. Im 48 kg. A sperm whale is 35 ton.等。并能借助长度及重量单位进行精确地比较,如:Youre 4 cm taller than me . 二、情感、策略、文化等有关目标 1.情感态度:引导学生关注自己身边的人、事物及自然界中与我们共同生活

5、的其他生命。 2.学习策略:训练学生角色扮演的能力;鼓励他们在调查、比较和分析的过程中反思该如何扬长避短,让自己做得更好。 3.文化目标:了解常见的长度和重量单位。 三、课堂小游戏 (1)、邀请几位学生上台,教师拿自己的信息跟他们分别作比较,引出新单词。如:Im 30 years old. Youre 12 years old. So. Im older than you. Youre younger than me .同上引出taller - shorter, stronger thinner, heavier lighter的学习。 、再邀请一位学生出来,教师将自己的手和手臂分别与其比较来

6、引出bigger smaller, longer shorter 的学习。如:My hands are bigger than your hands . Your hands are smaller than my hands .My arms are longer than your arms. Your arms are shorter than my arms. 第二课时 Topic2:Whats the matter? Language systems: 1. Lexis:有关病疼的名词短语,有关心情的词汇和有关这一话题的日常交际用语。 Grammar: Whats the matte

7、r?How do you feel? How does heshe feel? Function:能正确询问他人的身体是否健康、心情是否愉快;并简单陈述产生某种心情的原因;能简单表达感冒期间的注意事项等 Language skills: 1. Listening:能听懂有关病疼的名词短语,有关心情的词汇和有关这一话题的日常交际用语。 2. speaking:能询问别人的身体是否健康、心情是否愉快并简单陈述理由。 3. reading:会读关病疼的名词短语,有关心情的词汇,有关这一话题的日常用语和短文。 4. writing:会写有关病疼的名词短语,有关心情的词汇、句子和有感冒期间的做法等。 *

8、 Objectives: 一、 能力目标 能够简单询问他人的身体是否健康,心情是否愉快,如:“Whats the matter?How do you feel?How does she/he feel?” 能够简单表达自己或他人的健康状况以及各种情绪和心理状态 ,如:“I have a headache/ cold /toothache/ fever /flu. I feel sick. I am happy /sad/ angry/ bored/ tired/ excited.” 能够简单表达感冒期间的注意事项,如:“Take some medicine.Drink some hot wat

9、er.”等。 能够简单陈述产生某种心情的原因,如:“I feel sad because I failed my math test.” 二、情感、策略、文化等文化目标 情感态度:培养学生团结友爱、关心他人的良好品质。增强学生的集体荣誉感和耐挫折能力。 文化目标:让学生理解健康的体魄和愉悦的心情是一个人成功的重要因素。 三、情境练习: 一名学生扮演医生,另一名学生扮演病人,医生边询问病情边给病人开处方,增强学生的口头语言表达能力 D: Good morning, ? S: Good morning, doctor. D: Whats your name? S: My name is D: Wh

10、ats the matter? S: I feel sick. D: Do you have a headache? S: Yes. D: Do you have a fever? S: I dont know. I feel very cold. D: Do you have a sore throat? S: Yes. D: Come to me and say “Aha”? S: Aha D: You have a cold.? S: Oh. What should I do then? D: Ill give you some medicine. Drink some water an

11、d stay at home for three days. 处方: Name: Mike Age: 12 Sex:F Symptom: Have a headache,Sore throat,Nose hurt Diagnosis: have a bad cold Advice :take some medicine and drink hot water.stay in bed 第三课时 Topic3: My holiday 一、能力目标 1. 能够用一般这去时询问别人在过去时间里坐什么交通工具去哪里并作答,如:Where did you go on your holiday? I wen

12、t to. How did you go there? I went by train 二、情感目标 1. 培养学生合理安排学习和生活的能力,激发学生热爱大自然的美好情感。 2. 了解西方国家的人在外旅行给亲人寄贺卡报平安的风俗,了解使用相机的简单步骤。 Specific vocabulary: learnd Chinese, sang and danced, took pictures, climbed a mountain, bought presents, rowed a boat, saw elephants, went skiing, went ice-skating Specifi

13、c target sentences: What did you do on your holiday? I ate good food. Specific functional exponents:能在实际情景中运用:What did you do on holiday?进行询问与回答 Specific vocabulary: learnd Chinese, sang and danced, took pictures, climbed a mountain, bought presents, rowed a boat, saw elephants, went skiing, went ic

14、e-skating Specific target sentences: What did you do on your holiday? I ate good food. Specific functional exponents:能在实际情景中运用:What did you do on holiday?进行询问与回答 Specific vocabulary: learnd Chinese, sang and danced, took pictures, climbed a mountain, bought presents, rowed a boat, saw elephants, wen

15、t skiing, went ice-skating Specific target sentences: What did you do on your holiday? I ate good food. Specific functional exponents:能在实际情景中运用:What did you do on holiday?进行询问与回答 三、情境教学 1.设计情境,让学生在特定的情景下学习。 教师在powerpoint课件的课件上出示一个特定的日期February 12th,让学生猜这是什么日子,教师引导学生说Spring Festival,教师再呈现Chenjie 的图片。

16、让学生充分猜想What did Chen jie do on Spring Festival. 2让学生在老师发的练习纸上根据时间,找相应的活动。 Date Feb.1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Chenjie 3. 四人小组内充分讨论自己找到的答案, 4.老师用强烈的语调引导学生板书。 Chen Jie left Beijing on February 1st. She got to Harbin on the 2nd 5. 教师接上一个话题问学生:When did you go to Beijing? I went there on October 2nd.教师接

17、着学生的问答说:That means you left Ningbo/ on October 2nd .When did you get to Beijing? 引导学生回答:I got there on October 3rd. 教师板书left和got,告诉学生left是leave的过去式,got是get的过去式。教师问:When did you come back? 引导学生回答:I came back on October 6th. 教师说:It was a long holiday. 并板书:It was a long holiday. 带读该句子。 ?6. 教师询问学生的作息时间表

18、:Where were you at 7 oclock yesterday? 引导学生回答:I was at home.教师可询问学生一天的行程安排,从而引出relaxed,对话设计如下: T:Where were you from 12:15 to 12:45? S:I was on the playground. T:What did you do? S:I played ping-pong. T:You relaxed. 7.?教师呈现以下问题,学生集体读一遍。 When did they leave Beijing? When did they get to Harbin? When did they do on February 2nd? When did they do on February 3rd? When did they do on February 4th? When did they do on February 5th? 8.学生回答以上六个问题。


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