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1、双向式英语第二册1 Women You know something? I just saw our English teacher walking hand in hand with a girl. Are you talking about a girl with two long braids? Yes. Did you see them too? Sure! With this telescope, I can see anything on campus. By the way, theres a good movie showing in the school auditorium

2、 tonight. Would you like to see it? Is it a war movie starring Jacky Wang? No, its a love story starring Sophia Loren. Is it a movie called “My Fair Lady”? No, I dont think so, but I forget the name of the movie. When will the movie start? I want to put on some make-up before we go. I dont like peop

3、le to stare at my pimples. Id better fix my make-up, too. May I use your cream and lipstick? Yes, please. Are you ready? No, I have to put on my stockings and shoes. Are you going to wear high-heeled shoes? Yes, I am. Ill do the same. You know something? George is in love with a girl. I saw them sit

4、ting close together on the lawn of a golf course last night. Are you talking about a girl named Linda? I dont know her name. I only know shes a cute girl with two deep dimples. Thats her. Are you going to take your kids to see the cartoon showing in the Shihlin Theater? You mean the cartoon made by

5、Jack Lee? Yes, thats the best cartoon ever made by him. Its been showing there for five weeks, and the place is still packed. What keeps you so busy? Im working on an English conversation book. Didnt you publish your book last month? Yes, but that was a lousy book. You claimed it was the best book e

6、ver written by you. Yes, but that was three weeks ago. Drill Have you seen any good movies lately? Yes, I saw a good love story called “My Ex-husband” last week. Why do you think its a good moving? The plot was simple but moving. Also, every scene in the movie looked very realistic. Who is the scree

7、nwriter? The movie was adapted from a novel written by Wangyang. Is Wangyang a famous writer? Yes, hes a popular novelist. Is he very sociable? No, hes always trying to isolate himself from society. He likes to be a hermit. Do most Chinese intellectuals like to be hermits? No, not necessarily. Was t

8、here a hermit named Chiuyuan in Chinese history? Yes, he was a poet. Do you have the Dragon Boat Day in memory of him? Yes, he was respected because of his loyalty to his country. Why do you eat sticky rice wrapped up in bamboo leaves on Dragon Boat Day? Its a long story. To make a long story short,

9、 people didnt want any fish to eat Chiuyuans corpse after he jumped into a river to commit suicide, so they cooked a lot of sticky rice to feed the fish in the river. Why did he commit suicide? Because he couldnt do anything when his country was at the point of crisis. The king didnt accept his sinc

10、ere advice. 2 religious beliefs Jane, do you have any religious beliefs? Yes, I am a Buddhist. Do you know a lot about Buddha? To be honest, I know nothing about him. I was brought up in a Buddhist family and naturally became a Buddhist. Then you probably dont know anything about Buddhism, either. N

11、o, I dont. Im not very religious. How about you? Do you have any religious beliefs? Yes, Im sincere Christian. Ive accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior. Thats ridiculous. Jesus was just a human, yet you seem to be fanatical about him. You cant be so arbitrary about this. If Jesus were not God

12、, he couldnt have performed so many miracles. I dont want to argue with you. I know Im bound to lose if I argue with fanatics. You cant reason with them. Then lets drop the topic. Are you a protestant or a Catholic? Im a Catholic. Do you know a lot about Catholicism? Yes, I studied theology in colle

13、ge. Are you very religious? Yes, Im so religious that I always donate ten percent of my income to the church. Youd better not bother that guy. Why? Ive got to teach him a lesson because he always tries to seduce my fiance. Dont you realize that youre bound to die if you fight him? He is a seventh-de

14、gree judo black belt. Besides, he belongs to a notorious underworld gang. DRILL Have you decided to study in the seminary? Yes, I want to devote my whole life to God. Do you really believe in the existence of God? Yes, I do. Why do you have such strong faith? My faith is based on my deep understandi

15、ng of Christianity. Thats absurd. Christianity isnt scientific at all. However, many well-known scientists are sincere Christians. How did get interested in Christianity? I followed my father to church prayer meetings every morning when I was a child. The attitudes of those people aroused my interes

16、t, so I began to study the Bible. Are you going to follow your fathers steps as a preacher? Yes, Im determined to do that. Does your family agree with your decision? No, they object to it. Why did you come so late today? There was a traffic jam so my bus was delayed. Is the traffic in Taipei always

17、in a state of confusion? Yes, thats a problem. The government has been trying hard to improve this. Is that why theyre constructing so many underpasses, overpasses and highways? Yes, thats part of the reason. Do the policemen here enforce traffic rules strictly? Yes, theyre always doing their best,

18、but many drivers and pedestrians still disobey traffic rules. How much is the fine for running a red light? I dont know for sure, but I wish it were higher. 3 the reception desk lady Excuse me, miss, could you please tell me if this is the way to the business department? Yes, it is. Go to the far en

19、d of the hall, turn right, and youll be there. Thank you. By the way, what time do you start work here? We start at eight-thirty in the morning. Do you have a break between twelve and two? No, we only have a one-hour break for lunch. We open at one oclock in the afternoon. Do you work on weekends? Y

20、es, but only on Saturday mornings. How many employees are there in this company? Therere about two hundred. Do you ever work overtime? Yes, but only when were very busy. That rarely happens. Are your salaries high? Yes, theyre decent, but theyre decided on the basis of a persons position and seniori

21、ty. Sir, arent you going to the business department? I almost forgot! I have an appointment with the director of the department at eleven oclock. I should have been there five minutes ago. Sorry to rush a way like this. I How many days a week do you work? We work five days a week. Do you work on wee

22、kends? Yes, we do, but we have Mondays and Wednesdays off. II Would you like to go downtown after you get off work? Yes, I havent been there for a long time. What do you plan to do downtown? Ill treat myself to a big Chinese meal and then buy some clothes hangers. DRILL Are you a student here? No, I

23、 am not, but Ill soon be one. I came here to register. I work here. Do you need any help? Yes, could you please tell me where to register? You can register right here. Should I fill out this form? Yes, this is the registration form. How much is the tuition? Its five thousand N.T. I cant afford to pa

24、y that much right now. May I pay by installments? Yes, you may, but you have to fill out another form. How much is the first payment? Its one thousand five hundred N.T. Do you mind if I smoke here? No, I dont. When do you start work? We start at nine oclock in the morning, stop at noon for lunch, an

25、d open again from two oclock in the afternoon until six oclock in the evening. Do you have anything to do after work? No, I dont. Would you like to go bowling? No, Im going to see a ballet performance. 4 Running into a friend Excuse me, Sir. Could you tell me if there are any stationery stores in th

26、is area? Hello, Jane. Dont you remember me? We met in the Chinese classical music club last semester. Oh? Yes! You seem to have gained some weight and changed your hair style. No wonder I couldnt recognize you. How have you been lately? Ive been fine. And you? Im fine, too. Would you like me to take

27、 you to the stationery store? Sure! Thank you. What do you want to buy? Im going to get a tape, some glue or paste, a pair of scissors. Are you going directly home after that? No, Im going to the zoo. I love to see giraffes and elephants. They are large but peaceful animals. I like animals, too, esp

28、ecially leopards. They are always so calm and alert, just like kungfu masters. Have you ever fed the monkeys there? Yes, I fed them bananas. They know how to peel them. How about the bears? Do they know how to peel bananas, too? No, theyre incredibly stupid. They swallow bananas with peels. How many

29、 kinds of animals do you think there are in the zoo? Lets see! Therere hippos, tigers, lions, ostriches, peacocks, camels, donkeys, wolves, foxes, deer I dont think you can ever count them all. The best way to find out is to ask someone who works there. The way you count them makes you look like one

30、 of those stupid bears. congratulations! Youre now free. Thank you! The judge almost wronged me and sentenced me to death. You seem to have suffered a lot in jail. Yes, without enough food and clothing. I nearly froze to death. Are you sure your tutor was taken away by those criminals? Yes, they gra

31、bbed her and pulled her out of my study. Can you think up a way to rescue her? The only way to save her is to report the truth to the police. Their job is to protect us. 5 wedding anniversary Are you crazy? Why do you buy so much seafood? I invited all my colleagues to dinner tonight. Dont you remem

32、ber what day it is? Jesus! Its our wedding anniversary. Whos going to cook today? I have no idea about how to prepare those cuttlefish and lobsters. Ive got a special recipe to cook cuttlefish; Ill teach you later. Why dont you steam those lobsters with ginger and scallion now? Do I have to cut the

33、ginger and scallion into small pieces? Yes, youre supposed to slice them first, and then cut them into tiny pieces. Do I have to put in liquor? Yes, youve got to put in a spoonful of liquor, some vinegar and olive oil, but that comes ten minutes later. Is it a French recipe? No, its my special recip

34、e. Are you going to fry the leek with eggs? No, Ill make dumpling filling with that. Did you also get ground pork, cabbage, garlic and pepper for the filling? Yes, I got them all. I bought almost every kind of food in the market. How many people are actually coming? About twenty eight people. Most o

35、f them like seafood, so I bought a lot of it. Look! The eels are still alive. Have we got any radishes? We can stew them with the eels. How about the spinach? Just saut it with beef, garlic and pepper. Are you sure that will be tasty? Yes, I tried it before. By the way, have you prepared dessert and

36、 fruit? Yes, I just picked up some vanilla ice cream at the corner drugstore. I also got some cantaloupes, longans and grapes. Why didnt you get some tangerines or grapefruit? They are in season, arent they? The cantaloupes you got look green. They must not be ripe. Dont nag at me all day. Work! Our

37、 guests will come soon. youre supposed to help your husband when he is bankrupt. Dont just wander around the street. What can I do to help him? Im far from being competent. I can hardly earn any money. Dont be so desperate. Cheer up and face reality. God only helps those who help themselves. In comp

38、arison with those fruit vendors, youre lucky; yet they never complain. Thanks! Ill think about what you said Where did you put the baking powder? Its in the cupboard. Be careful not to spill the oil the jar. I will. Do we still have any breadcrumbs? No, we dont have any left, but we can use flour in

39、stead. 6 oversleeping Where are you headed, Raymond? Im going to a language lab class. Isnt the language lab course only for freshman and sophomores? Yes, it is, but I flunked last semester. Youve got to be kidding. We all know youre one of the top students in the language lab class. Well, I didnt t

40、ake the final because I overslept. Why did you oversleep? What did you do the night before the exam? I didnt sleep late in the morning. I didnt do anything the night before the exam, either. The exam took place in the afternoon and I accidentally took a long siesta. You shouldnt have been so scatter

41、brained. Why didnt you use an alarm clock to wake yourself up? I did, but I was exhausted, so I didnt hear it ring. Did you over-exercise again in the morning? Yes, I did a lot of kunfu and pull-ups. Sooner or later, kungfu is going to ruin you. Are these paintings for sale? No, theyre just on displ

42、ay. Who sponsors the exhibition? Its sponsored by the Normal University. Are those films for children? No, theyre only for adults. Are they porno films? Yes, theyre full of sex and violence. 7 Pastor Powers Raymond, it was really nice of you to stay and help with the service. I found the story about

43、 you very legendary. Thank you, Pastor Powers. Im just an ordinary man. Id like to know something about your mission here if its possible. Id be glad to share with you anything about my mission. How long are you going to stay? Ive decided to spend my life here. Dont you miss your folks? Yes, I do, b

44、ut I have dedicated myself to god. I founded and orphanage last year and fell obliged to take care of those children. I also plan to establish a charity fund here to help the poor. I cant help admiring you. If you need my help, let me know. Im always at your service. Thank you! Thank you for your ki

45、nd offer, Raymond. Raymond, it was kind of you to drive me home. No problem, Jane. It was my pleasure. Raymond, its really foolish of you to buy such a rusty sword. Dont be so sure, Jane. The sword was made in the Tang Dynasty. Jane, I found that guy somewhat weird. He is, he just got out of the mad

46、house. I found miss Ma very intelligent. Youre right. She is so intelligent that she needed me to teach her the slang idiom “cut a fart” after she smelled up the whole room. 8 practicing mandarin Hello, Billy. Hi, Jane. Billy, Id like you to meet a fried of mine. This is George. George, this is Bill

47、y. Glad to meet you, George. Are you studying Mandarin here? Yes. Where do you study? I study at the Normal University. I hear thats a very good school. How do you like it? I like it very much. Almost all the teachers there are well-trained and patient. How many students are there in your class? The

48、re are six. Do you often practice your Mandarin? No, I wish I could find someone to practice with. If you want to, you can practice your Mandarin with me. How do you like Taiwan? I like it very much. how do you like her? I dont think I like her. She is so picky about everything. 9 getting sick Jean, whats wrong with you? Your face is very pale. Im not sure, Billy. I feel dizzy and nauseated. It sounds like youre coming down


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