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1、口语外教老外聊天时经常用的25个英语习语 www.sunpf . com 口语外教:老外聊天时经常用的25个英语习语 1. step up your game 有更好的表现 If you want to win this competition, youll have to step up your game. 如果你想赢得这场比赛,你必须得有更好的表现。 2. you rock 你真棒 Thanks for the tickets, Rob. You rock! 罗布,谢谢你提供的票。你真厉害! 3. cut sb some slack 给(某人)方便;对(某人)网开一面 - Andrews

2、 late again. - 安德鲁又迟到了。 - Cut him some slack - his wifes just had a baby. - 对他就网开一面吧他妻子刚生小孩。 4. come out swinging 开始相互攻击 After a day off, Hillary and Trump this morning again launched another hard week of campaigning, and they both came out swinging. 休息了一天后,希拉里和特朗普今早又开始了为期一周的艰苦竞 www.sunpf . com 选旅程,

3、两人又开始互掐。 5. go up in flames 毁于一旦,受到重创 His career went up in flames when he was jailed for theft. 他因为偷盗坐牢后事业受到了重创。 6. pull yourself together 恢复镇定;控制自己 I understand youve had a bad day, but pull yourself together and get on with your job, will you? 我知道你这一天过得很糟,但你一定要振作起来,工作还得继续,不是吗? 7. crunch time 关键时刻

4、 Im not getting enough sleep these days. Its crunch time at work. 我最近睡眠不够。正赶上工作的关键时期。 8. once in a blue moon 少有地 My sister lives in Alaska, so I only see her once in a blue moon. 我姐姐住在阿拉斯加,所以我很少去看她。 www.sunpf . com 9. tar sb with the same brush 认为是一丘之貉 Because they worked so closely in the same depa

5、rtment, John was tarred with the same brush as Tim. 由于在同一个部门工作,关系又非常密切,约翰被认为跟蒂姆是一路人。 10. hang in there 坚持住;挺住 Work can get tough in the middle of a term but hang in there and itll be OK. 到了学期中间功课会变得很难,但坚持下去就会好的。 11. shoot from the hip 鲁莽行动(或讲话) Miss Lee, I have to apologize for shooting from the hip

6、 and yelling at you for losing the papers. I was in a big hurry and forgot I left them right here in my drawer. 李小姐,我必须向你道歉。我由于找不到文件而对你发火太鲁莽了。当时我实在着急,忘了是我自己把文件放在这儿抽屉里的。 12. be a catch 值得追求的人,宜婚对象 John is taking me out tonight. Hes such a catch, I hope hell propose. 约翰今晚带我出去了。他是个靠谱的结婚对象,我希望他能向我 www.s

7、unpf . com 求婚。 13. running on fumes 非常疲惫,就快熬不住了 Im sorry, but Ive got to go home now. I havent slept for twenty hours and Im running on fumes. 抱歉,我现在得回家。我已经有20个小时没睡了,快熬不住了。 14. sell (sb) out 背叛;出卖 French farmers feel theyve been sold out by their government in the negotiations. 法国农场主感到在谈判中他们被*出卖了。 1

8、5. sell sb (on sth) 说服某人(做某事) OK, youve sold me. Ill go with you. 好吧,你说服我了。我跟你一起去。 16. blow sb away 使(某人)大为惊讶;令(某人)非常高兴 The ending will blow you away. 结局会让你无比惊喜。 17. blow smoke 蒙人,骗人,放烟雾弹 Im not blowing smoke. I have honestly read War and Peace www.sunpf . com by Tolstoy. 我没骗你,我真的读过托尔斯泰的战争与和平。 18. c

9、ouldnt care less (表示强调)一点也不在乎 - That man stole a bottle of wine from the shop. - 那人从商店偷了一瓶葡萄酒。 - Oh, really? I couldnt care less. - 是吗?我一点都不关心这个。 19. chuffed to bits 高兴,兴奋 Hey, thanks for the present! Im chuffed to bits. 嗨,谢谢你的礼物!我很喜欢。 20. feel under the weather 生病;觉得不舒服 Im feeling a bit under the w

10、eather - I think Ive caught a cold. 我觉得有点不舒服可能是感冒了。 22. a stones throw 很短的距离,掷石之遥 The cottage is just a stones throw from the sea. 小屋离海只有一箭之遥。 www.sunpf . com 23. hear (sth) on/through the grapevine 从传闻中听说;通过道听途说获悉;听小道消息知道 I heard on the grapevine that he was leaving - is it true? 我听到传闻说他要离开了是真的吗? 24. sit on the fence 骑墙观望,犹豫不决 You cant sit on the fence any longer - you have decide whose side youre on. 你不能再骑墙观望了你必须决定支持谁。 25. take sth with a pinch of salt 对半信半疑,对有所怀疑 You have to take everything she says with a pinch of salt, she does tend to exaggerate. 你不能完全相信她的话,她总是喜欢夸大其词。


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