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1、口语考试之对话Book II Unit 1 Work in pairs and act out the conversation. Student A Tell student B youve been thinking about a particular person or group of people who need financial help and youd like to help them. Student B Tell student A youve been thinking the same. Student A Suggest organizing an event

2、 to raise money for this cause. Student B Agree and make some suggestions about what the event should be. Student A Say what you think of these suggestions. Students A&B Make some plans using a list about what you need to do. Student A Sum up and mention one or two things youve agreed on so far. Stu

3、dent B Mention one other thing youve agreed on. Book II Unit 3 Work in pairs and act out the conversation. Student A You find out that something you own (eg a computer, a mobile phone) has gone. Ask where it is and express surprise. Student B Ask where student A had left it. Student A Say where you

4、left it. Show your anger that someone has stolen it. Student B Express anger. Student A Mention its value and say how upset you are. (later) Student A Tell student B you reported the theft to the police. Student B Ask what they said. Student A Tell Student B what the police said. Student B Ask what

5、else the police said. Student A Reply. Student B Say that you hope student A gets it back. Book II Unit 6 Work in pairs and act out the conversation. Student A Ask where student B is going. Student B Say that youre going to a sports event and invite student A. Student A Explain that youre too busy b

6、ut youd like to come later. Ask where student B will be. Student B Sympathize with student A and give directions. Explain that you/ your team won the last match. Student A Congratulate student B. Student B Express concern that you / your team may not win the next match. Student A Reassure student B.

7、 Book II Unit 7 Work in pairs and act out the conversation. Student A Think of a pet. Ask if student B likes it. Student B Reply and give reasons. Talk about if friends or relatives like or dislike the pet. Ask student A if they like or dislike the pet. Student A Reply and give reasons. Talk about y

8、our own friends and relatives and the pets they like. Student B Make a comment. Talk about the Chinese attitude to pets. Student A Reply and say more on the subject. Mention an animal you dislike and express your fears. Student B Say how you feel about the animal student A fears. Book II Unit 9 Work

9、 in pairs and act out the conversation. Student A Ask student B if they know what they want to do after finishing college. Student B Say youre not sure and talk about different possibilities. Student A Listen and comment. Student B Say more about your ideas. Student A Check that something you know a

10、bout student B is correct. Student B Confirm or correct what student A has said. Ask about student As career plans. Student A Say that you think its important to plan ahead and that you know what you want to do. Talk about your plans. Student B Listen and comment. Student A Say that theres a careers

11、 fair on and suggest going together as it might help give student B some ideas. Student B Agree to go. Book III Unit1 Work in pairs and act out the conversation. Student A Tell student B about a personal matter such as a friendship or part-time job. Student B Ask student A if they mind you asking so

12、mething about it. Student A Answer student Bs question. Student B Ask if you can ask something else. Student A Answer the question and express annoyance about something. Student B Ask for clarification. Student A Clarify what you mean. Book III Unit 2 Work in pairs and act out the conversation. Stud

13、ent A Ask student B where they lived as a child. Student B Tell student A where you lived as a child, and one or two interesting facts about the neighborhood. Student A Express surprise and ask a further question. Student B Resume what you were saying. Then compare the neighborhood as it was then wi

14、th the present and say how its changed. Student A Make a comment. Student B Ask student A where they lives as a child. Student A Reply and tell student B an interesting fact about the area. Student B Express surprise, and ask student A where they went to school. Student A Reply with some interesting

15、 facts about your schooldays. Talk about differences between then and now, and then say something that shows you want to resume what you were saying. Student B Remind student A of what they were talking about. Student A Tell student B more about your education. Book III Unit 3 Work in pairs and act

16、out the conversation. Student A Tell student B you are waiting for a friend to go and see a show but they are late as usual. Student B Tell student A you remember seeing the show. Student A Ask student B when and where they saw it. Student B Try and remember when and where you saw the show. Student

17、A Ask how far away the theatre was. Student B Try and remember exactly where it was. Student A Ask student B to tell you something about the show. Student B Explain something about the show. Student A Prompt student B for more information. Student B Tell student A something more about the show. (student A s friend turn up.) Student A Reply and say that you have to hurry up so youre not late.


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