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1、古诗词汉英对照汉 英 对 照 古 体 诗 词 一 百 四 十 五 首 One Hundred and Forty-five Chinese-English Traditional Poems and Rhymes 贝 碧. 艾 尔 德 里 习 作 集 Babee Elderlys Practice Writings PROLOGUE All the poems and rhymes presented here are from a green born s One will not fail to find in them lots of blunders and trash. The au

2、thor wishes to bid you for your frank criticisms. Your help will surely rid him off his errors of silly ignorance. pads. 第一部 中 国 古 体 诗 词 英 译 The First Part Chinese Traditional Poems and Rhymes in English Verse 白 居 易Bai Juyi 草 篱 篱 原 上 草 , 一 岁 一 枯 荣。 野 火 烧 不 尽 , 春 风 吹 又 生。 远 芳 侵 古 道 , 晴 翠 接 荒 城。 又 送 王

3、 孙 去 , 萋 萋 满 别 情。 Grass The grass grows all over that vast land. Once a year it thrives and then wanes. No fire in the fields can burn it off once for all, When spring breezes come it will grow most lively once again. Its fragrant smells lead through the same old land. Its bluish green colour to all

4、 those waste towns extends. Once again Im sending off my fellow guys, How dare I remain aloof as they leave for that wild plain? 宫 词 泪 尽 罗 巾 梦 不 成 , 夜 深 前 殿 按 歌 声。 红 颜 未 老 恩 先 断 , 斜 椅 熏 笼 到 天 明。 Her Sorrows in the Palace She couldnt fall asleep and her handkerchieves socked with tears, While at nigh

5、t dances and songs were performed in the fore palace. His Majesty stopped favouring her while she was still charming, She sat in her closed chamber recalling her best days till morning. 暮 江 吟 一 道 残 阳 铺 水 中 ,半 江 瑟 瑟 半 江 红。 可 伶 九 月 初 三 夜 ,露 似 珍 珠 月 似 弓。 Late Evening on the River The setting sunshine s

6、preads all over the river. Of which half is pretty sober and the other half presenting a red colour. The dew drops all flash as beautiful pearls and the moon as a bending bow. Isnt it a lovely night on the third of September? 常 建 Chang Jian 破 山 寺 后 禅 院 请 晨 入 古 寺 ,初 日 照 高 林 。 曲 径 通 幽 处 ,禅 房 花 木 深 。 山

7、 光 悦 鸟 性 ,潭 影 空 人 心 。 万 籁 此 皆 寂 ,惟 闻 钟 磬 音 。 The Monastery Behind Puo Shan Temple I walked up towards Puo Shan Temple early in the morning. By then the sun brightened the trees high up on the mountains. I followed the lanes leading to a secluded square, There the monastery stood in the depth of tree

8、s and flowers so fair. The birds were made happy by the beautiful scenes on the slops. I felt my heart purified when I saw in the pond my waving shadow. There everything was so quiet and nothing could be heard, Except the tinkling of the monastery bells that knocked my soul. 晁 补 之Chao Puzhi 忆 少 年 无穷

9、官柳,无情画舸,无根行客。 南山尚相送,只高城人隔。 罨画园林溪绀碧,算重来,尽成陈迹。 刘郎鬓如此,况桃花颜色。 Recalling My Youth Days All along the river bank were lots of willow trees. The sailors all remind on the ornameted boats were getting ready to leave, I felt grateful to Nan San for it stood there in regret to see me off. But the city wall bl

10、ocked my sight and I wondered where could she be. Those colourful gardens and deep blue colours of the nearby streams Will all turned to be relics in the end as might happen in dreams. By now my hair has all turned grey and white. As there are so many changes appearing among the flowers on peach twi

11、gs, 岑 参Cwb Shen 逢入京使 故园东望路慢慢,双袖龙钟泪不干。 马上相逢无纸笔,凭君传话报平安。 Meeting a Messenger Going to the Capital Looking for my home far and far, far away in the east, My sleeves have long been wet and are still with tears. Meeting you while riding a horse Ive got neither paper nor brush. Ill rely on you telling my

12、folks Im pretty well indeed. 陈 子 昂Chen Ziang 春 夜 别 友 人 银 烛 吐 青 烟,金 樽 对 绮 筵。 离 堂 思 琴 瑟,别 路 饶 山 川。 明 月 瘾 高 树,长 河 没 晓 天。 悠 悠 洛 阳 道,此 会 在 何 年。 Saying Farewell to a Friend At a Spring Night The candles on my silver stands burn off in curls and curls of smokes. With wine in our gold goblets we offer one a

13、nother toasts after toasts. While we depart our musical instruments remind us of our sweet old days. Hereafter youll be on your way crossing rivers and mountainous roads. Tthe bright moon light.shines over tall trees at night. Down is delayid while Milk Way still remains in the sky. Dont you know yo

14、ull be far, far away from Luoyang. Do we know the day well meet once again, neither you nor I. 戴 叔 沦Dai Shulun 兰 溪 棹 歌 凉 月 如 眉 褂 柳 湾 ,越 中 山 色 镜 中 看, 兰 溪 三 月 桃 花 雨 ,半 夜 鲤 鱼 来 上 滩。 Lan Xi Fishermans Songs The cold moon as an eyebrow hangs over willow bay. One sees in a mirror Zhejiangs beautiful lands

15、cape. In Lan Xi the peach blossom rain falls always in March, At midnight carps are brought ashore and we all feel gay. 杜 甫Du Fu 登 岳 岱 宗 夫 如 何,齐 鲁 青 未 了。 造 化 钟 神 秀,阴 阳 判 昏 晓。 荡 胸 生 层 云,决 眦 入 归 鸟。 会 当 凌 绝 顶, 一 览 众 山 小。 Taking a View on Top of Tai Shan What does Tai Shan look like when seen at a dista

16、nce? On its two sides Qi and Lu are both covered with many greens. The Great Nature is so extremely noble, It makes the world ever so beautiful. The south slop of the mountain appears clear and bright, And its north slop faces a grayish sky. I feel very happy, as Ive seen the beautiful clouds up on

17、high, Those home-going birds make my eyes open pretty wide. One day Ill get up on its highest peak. By then Ill find all the other peaks around much smaller in size. 客 至 舍 南 舍 北 皆 春 水,但 见 群 鸥 日 日 来。 花 径 不 曾 缘 客 扫,蓬 门 今 始 为 君 开。 盘 飧 市 远 无 兼 味,樽 酒 家 贫 只 旧 醅。 肯 与 邻 翁 相 对 饮,隔 篱 呼 取 尽 余 杯。 A Friend Comin

18、g to See Me My hut resides where the spring streams run around its south and north. Few friends come to see me but crowds of wild gulls. Heretofore Ive never swept the lanes leading to my lowly hole, Only today have I opened for you my humble abode. As the town from here is far, far away, I cant off

19、er you anything of good taste. If you dont mind my asking a friend come to drink with us, We would finish drinking all the wine left in my hut. 登 高 风 急 天 高 猿 啸 哀,诸 清 砂 白 鸟 飞 回。 天 边 落 木 萧 萧 下,不 尽 长 江 滚 滚 来。 万 里 悲 秋 常 作 客,百 年 多 病 独 登 台。 艰 难 苦 恨 繁 霜 鬓,停 倒 新 亭 浊 酒 杯。 Taking a View at a Height The monkey

20、s screech wearily when the wind blows on high. The ponds turn clear and white as the birds return in delight. The twigs from the trees fall ceaselessly because of the wind. All the water in Yangtze River runs in tides after tides. Ive been a wonderer here and there in all-unpleasant autumn. Although

21、 aged and invalid I can still climb up high all alone. The bitterness and hardships have caused my hair turning white. Ive stopped drinking now, and in despair I try to keep myself alive. 春 望 国 破 山 河 在,城 春 草 木 深。 感 时 花 溅 泪,恨 别 鸟 惊 心。 烽 火 连 三 月,家 书 抵 万 金。 白 头 搔 更 短,欲 浑 不 胜 簪。 My Despair When the Spri

22、ng Comes Rivers and mounts remain the same while the state is torn up by war. As the spring comes to this city no one cares for the greens any more. Facing what is going on now I shed my tears onto the flowers. The crows cry breaks my nerve, as I feel dreadful for being a stranger. For three months

23、the bloody war has been carrying on. I can hardly receive a letter so precious to me from my hometown. I find my hair much thinner than before when I comb it, And I cant clip a clasp onto my thin hair even if I want. 江 汉 江 汉 思 归 客, 乾 坤 一 腐 儒。 片 云 天 共 远, 永 夜 月 同 孤。 落 日 心 尤 壮, 秋 风 病 欲 苏。 古 来 存 老 马, 不

24、必 取 长 途。 Jiang Han I am but an old bookish scholar that ever lives Hoping to return to Jiang Han where my home is. I have always had the same fortune under the cloudy sky. As the moon I have always been alone every night. While the sun goes setting my heart is still as strong as ever, Although being

25、 ill because of the autumn wind,I will soon recover. Since early days aged horses have been able to keep on living. Do I have to worry about the long days that I am facing? 前 出 塞 挽 弓 当 挽 强。 用 箭 当 用 长。 射 人 先 射 马。 擒 贼 先 擒 王。 杀 人 亦 有 限。 立 国 自 有 疆。 苟 能 制 侵 陵。 岂 在 多 杀 伤。 Tactics to be Observed in the Fro

26、ntiers One should choose the strongest bow one can find. And shoot with the longest arrow of its kind. He should shoot the horse first and then the rider. And capture the king first and then the rest of the gang. There should be a limit of the number of people to be killed. And all countries should

27、likewise have their boundaries set still. Should all aggressive wars could be stopped by tactical means, Why should one attempt to wound and kill a lot of people? 杜 牧Du Mu 寄 杨 州 韩 绰 判 官 青 山 隐 隐 水 迢 迢,秋 尽 江 南 草 木 凋, 二 十 四 桥 明 月 夜,玉 人 何 处 教 吹 萧。 A Note to Han Zuo, the Yangzhou Judicial Official The gr

28、een hills appear dim when seen from the waters far away. The autumn breezes all over Jiang Nan and turn the greens gray. Tonight the moon shines over the “wenty-Four Bridges”. Where can you be teaching flute to the girls with whom you stay? 江 南 春 千 里 莺 啼 绿 映 红, 水 衬 山 郭 酒 旗 风。 南 朝 四 百 八 十 寺, 多 少 蝼 台

29、烟 雨 中。 The Spring in South Jiangsu The nightingales trill for a thousand li in greens and reds. There youll see wine shop banners, pagodas on hills, and villages along rivulets. Four hundred and eighty Buddhist temples of Nan Chao are present before your eyes. What a number of buildings and houses a

30、re soaked in tiny raindrops and get wet. 秋 夕 银 烛 秋 光 冷 画 屏,轻 罗 小 扇 扑 流 荧。 天 街 夜 色 凉 如 水,卧 看 牵 牛 织 女 星。 During an Autumn Night At night in autumn light from silver stands is seen on cool picturesque screens. A maiden in the palace uses a silk fan to sweep the fireflies in strings. The colours in the

31、upper sky are as cool as frosting water. Lying alone she looks at the stars Altair and Vega and cant fall into dreams. 范 仲 淹Fan Zhongyan 取 调 苏 幕 遮 碧 云 天,黄 叶 地,秋 色 连 波, 坡 上 寒 烟 翠。 山 映 斜 阳 天 继 水, 芳 草 无 情,更 在 斜 阳 外。 黯 乡 魂, 追 旅 思, 夜 夜 除 非, 好 梦 留 人 睡。 明 月 楼 高 休 独 倚,酒 入 愁 肠,化 昨 相 思 泪。 To the Tune “ Su Mu

32、Zhe“ While lots of clouds spread over the blue sky, The yellow leaves on the ground fall in piles. The waves in the streams float scenes of autumn, While cooling smokes on the nearby slops appear so quiet. Under the setting sunshine the hills seem to have kissed the river. Up till now she cares not

33、my presence, and I am far beyond her eyes. As I turn around to have a look of my hometown I have lost my soul. What make me so weary are my tired feelings Ive had during my travel. I can hardly have a rest at night for days and days, Unless I find myself in sound dreams in a quiet hole. I wont let m

34、yself stay here in a huge building alone under the moon, For the liquor will get into my viscera and become streams of tears soon. 秋 思 塞下秋来风景异,衡阳雁去无留意。 四面边声连角起,千嶂里,长烟落日孤城闭。 浊酒一杯家万里,燕然未勒归无计。 羌管悠悠霜满地,人不寐,将军白发征夫泪。 Recollections in Autumn The autumn scenes in north frontier differed from those in the so

35、uth. Wild geese didnt remain and flew to Hengyang and there about. The fighting horns blew hard all over the battlefield. In the midst of thousands of mountain peaks signal smokes up rose, The sunset at eve and the city gates were all closed. As my home was far away I drank a cup of wine to ease my

36、soul. The enemies were not yet defeated and the date to return was not told. The tribal flutes sounded and the land covered with frost and snow. The commanders hair turned white, and none of us could sleep, And the fighters shed tears, as they were already too old. 高 适Gao Shi 别 董 大 千 里 黄 云 白 日 獯,北 风

37、 吹 雁 雪 纷 纷。 莫 愁 前 路 无 知 己,天 下 谁 人 不 识 君。 Saying Goodbye to Dong Da Covering thousands of li the dirt-tinted cloud darkens the sky. The north drifting wind carries geese, while the snow spreads deep and wide. Dont you worry youll not have a close friend hereafter on your way, For nobody under the bri

38、ght sun would fail to recognize your Highness. 韩 愈Han Yu 晚 春 草 树 知 春 不 久 归。 百 般 红 紫 斗 芳 菲。 扬 化 榆 荚 无 才 思。 惟 解 漫 天 作 雪 飞。 The Last Few Days of Spring The plants all know the spring will soon come. Colourful flowers are ready to compete for their throngs. The white buds of elms leaves are not of much

39、attraction. Like the snowflakes flying all over the sky and then fall to the ground. 贺 知 章He Zhizhang 回 乡 偶 书 少 小 离 家 老 大 回,乡 音 无 改 鬓 毛 衰, 儿 童 相 见 不 相 识,笑 问 客 从 何 处 来。 Meeting My Kids I left home early in my life and came back in my old age My native dialect did not change but my hair turned white a

40、nd gray I didnt recognize my kids at first nor did they know me No wonder why they treated me a guest and asked me where I stayed 姜 葵Jiang kui 暗 香 旧时月色,算几番照我, 梅边吹笛? 唤起玉人,不管清寒与攀摘。逊而今渐老,都忘却春风词笔。 但怪得疏花外疏竹,香冷入瑶席。 江国,正寂寂, 叹寄与路遥,夜雪初积。 翠尊易泣, 红萼无言耿相忆。 长记曾携手处,千树压,西湖寒碧。 又片片,吹尽也,几时见得。 Cladestine Fragrance Time

41、 and again in those days I played flute by the plum trees. Under the moonshine I called you up to see me. The coldness at night didnt trouble us much. We picked lots of flowers from the plum twigs. By now Im getting older and older as He Xun in his days, Ive forgot all about my love affairs and my w

42、riting wits. As the flowers send me their cladestine fragrance, Once again I come to myself and write these poems for thee. What a pity it is in Jiang Nan everywhere is so quiet and stilly. The vast land tonight is covered with snow in heaps and heaps. Facing our precious wine cups I cant stop my sh

43、edding tears. And you are so far away how can I let you know my hearty wishes. Its lucky the red petals remind me of our happy old days. Ive long been remembering those lovely places where we stayed. They are all covered with green trees and it is chilly on West Lake. By now they have all turned fad

44、ed and are blown far away. When would those happy gatherings reappear as in the same old way? 疏 苔枝缀玉,育翠禽小小,枝上同宿。 客里相逢,蓠角黄昏,无言自依修竹。 昭君不惯胡沙远,但暗忆,江南江北。 想佩环月夜归来,化作此花幽独。 犹记深宫旧事,那人正睡里,飞近蛾绿。 莫似春风,不管盈盈, 早与安排金屋。 还教一片髓波去,又却怨玉龙哀曲。 等恁时,重觅幽香,已入小窗横幅。 Seeming Shadows There were two kingfishers lodging in the plum

45、trees. The beautiful flowers hanging on the twigs appeared as blue beads. They kept silent and leaning against heaps of bamboo. I happened to meet them, not in my hometown at a quiet eve. Zhao Jun didnt feel at ease when living in the northern dessert. In her deep heart the beauty of her hometown sh

46、e remembered. She wished to come back to the south wearing ornamented dressings, Into plum flowers she turned to appeal to those who came to see her. I remember that happened years ago in Sou Yang Palace, Plum flowers fell on her eyebrow while she was asleep. She shouldnt be treated as those plum pe

47、tals falling from the twigs, But be a lady of highness living in golden terrace. Yet as plum petals she had gone in drifting streams. Could the fragrant flavour of plum flowers be kept a little longer? Only those dim shadows seemed to have remained on the window screens. 李 白Li Bai 月 下 独 酌 花 间 一 壶 酒,独 酌 无 相 亲。 举 杯 邀 明 月,对 影 成 三 人。 月 既 不 解 酒,影 徒 随 我 身。 暂 伴 月 将 影,行 乐 须 及 春。 我 歌 月 徘 徊,我 舞 月 零 乱。 醒 时 同 交 欢,醉 后 各 分 散。 永 结 无 情 游,相 期 邀 云 汉。 Drinking alone under the Moon There wa


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