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1、托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析汇集 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理一些托福考试作文范文,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。.托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:judge a person by external appearances托福写作难点话题一览Should one judge a person by external appearances?Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should never judge a person by external appearanc

2、es. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.写作思路展开结构分析以貌取人是不对的,这个观点相信大家都有,这道题目也是一样,不过既然题目里出现了never这样的绝对词,那么在选择同意之前大家就需要多斟酌一下了。认为比较合理的写法是选择部分同意的立场。然后再大体上分成两部分来写,一般情况下以貌取人的确不对,不应该根据外表判断一个人。但在一些特殊或是极端情况下,有时候还是必须根据外表判断的。比如导演选择演员,或是招聘零售柜台店员等等。这样一来大家的立场就会显得比较理智客观全面了。本话题高分范文赏析People should

3、look beyond superficial appearances. All too often we judge people quickly, and we do not take the time to gel to know them. We draw conclusions based on prior experiences and stereotypes. Of course, there are situations in which judging a person based on appearance is necessary, but such quick conc

4、lusions can lead to serious misjudgments, and they often prevent progressive change within society. As time is limited, we often dont have enough of it to get to know a person well, and thus we are forced to form an opinion hastily. During a job interview, for example, decisions have to be made very

5、 quickly. If the applicant for an office job does not dress in accordance with the standards of the employer, he will probably not get hired for the position, although he might be the best qualified candidate overall. Another applicant will take his place, because his qualifications, including his a

6、bility to dress and present himself professionally, appear to address the needs of the company better. In most other cases, however, judging based on external appearance can lead to many misjudgments. An old person is not necessarily wiser than a young person, because wisdom is the result of experie

7、nce and not age. A person dressed in old jeans and tennis shoes does not have to be poor or without means, she might merely prefer the comfort of her old clothes to the discomfort of high heels and business suits. Judgments based on appearance will also prevent progressive change within society, bec

8、ause people will come to conclusions based on stereotypes. For example, a person with very dark skin might be from an African country, but he/she might also be from another continent altogether. Likewise, his/her skin color does not reveal anything about his/her likes or dislikes, his/her character

9、traits or personality. Nevertheless, almost every person will invariably jump to conclusions on all of these, thereby precluding any contact or true understanding of the person and his/her background. As a result, common perceptions will persist and no progressive change will take place.托福独立写作难点话题思路

10、解读和高分范文赏析:should people make important decisions alone托福写作难点话题一览Should people make important decisions alone?Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person should never make an important decision alone. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.写作思路展开结构分析不能同意这个观点。因为题目

11、中出现了never这个绝对修饰词。确实,很多的时候独自做出的决定是错误的。因为做出正确的决定需要完整的信息。然而,也有些时候必须独自做出决定。比如,在没有别人能够给出参考意见时。并且,很多独自做出的决定并不是错误的。所以,只能说one can not be more careful to make an important decision。本话题高分范文赏析Important decisions are those that will have a significant or lasting impact on a persons life. Oftentimes such a decis

12、ion is difficult to make because the consequences are considerable or because the decisions circumstances and implications are complex. As a result, people will consult friends and family for their opinions to get a better understanding of the situation. Seeking advice is helpful because it helps to

13、 avoid pitfalls and precludes carelessness, but in the end the person who has to live with the decision should make it by himself/herself. Discussing important decisions with others can be beneficial, especially if the person one is conferring with has experience with the problem at hand. For exampl

14、e, in order to be able to decide between continuing ones education after finishing four years of university studies and finding a job, it is helpful to talk to people who have made this decision. A person who decided to find gainful employment will probably give different advice than a person who de

15、cided to stay in school. Listening attentively to both will allow a person to make the best assessment of his/her own situation as he/she will be able to learn from others experiences. At the same time, one should consider the opinions and feelings of the people who will be impacted by his/her decis

16、ion. For example, husband and wife should confer with each other before making up their mind to quit or change a job. After all, the change of a job can impact many aspects of their life together, such as the household income or the amount of time they can spend together. However, one should not all

17、ow or even ask others to make an important decision on ones behalf. After all, he/she will be the one with all the information at his/her disposal, especially after seeking advice from others. Ultimately, the person who has to live with the decision (in so far as it is a personal decision that does

18、not affect others directly in a significant way) should take complete responsibility and make it himself/herself.托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:support the arts or protect the environment托福写作难点话题一览Support the arts or protect the environment?A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or

19、to protect the environment. Which do you think the company should choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.写作思路展开结构分析两个方向都可以充分展开,没有优劣,考生可以根据自己的喜好来选择,选择哪一个都可以。只要列举出两三个sound reasons能够逻辑自洽就可以了。并且大家要注意在作文中提及另外一个选择的好处,以显示“考虑周全”。需要考虑的至少有两点:企业花钱,当然要考虑input-output ratio。投入哪一个活动中,公众效应

20、更加明显?社会作为受体,哪一个活动将对社会有更多的实际好处?这些都可以成为大家展开的点。本话题高分范文赏析Nowadays companies contribute money to many worthy causes. In fact many cultural events only become possible through corporate sponsorship and financial support. The choice between supporting the arts and protecting the environment is not an easy

21、one. However, the company should give money to protect the environment because a healthy environment is necessary in order to produce and enjoy the arts and also because every company has an obligation to secure the environment which it pollutes either directly or indirectly.A healthy environment ha

22、s served as inspiration to artists over the centuries and millennia. On all continents creative people have drawn from the positive effects of natural beauty to produce landmark pieces of art, and painters, writers, and musicians alike talk about the stimulating effects that nature has on their work

23、. Furthermore, nature is the focal point of many works of art, for example, landscape painting. Therefore, a healthy environment becomes a prerequisite for art. Protecting the environment will also ensure that people will be able to enjoy the arts in the future. After all, environmental pollution ca

24、uses and contributes to many diseases and illnesses. Naturally, sick people are not very concerned with high culture but are more worried about getting healthy or staying alive. Thus, money spend on environmental protection will make it possible for people to continue to enjoy art because they will

25、live healthier lives.Lastly, every company contributes in some way to environmental degradation. Even the companies that dont cause pollution by means of manufacturing or production still ship products or use great amounts of electricity in their line of work. Since air pollution is a serious proble

26、m, much of which is caused by industrial transport, and because electricity is a scarce commodity, the production of which also causes environmental damage, businesses should invest in this area. Not only will the company fulfill its ethical obligation but it will benefit from the investment.托福独立写作难

27、点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:what makes a good son or daughter托福写作难点话题一览What makes a good son or daughter?What are the important qualities of a good son or daughter? Have these qualities changed or remained the same over time in your culture? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.写作思路展开结构分析这道题目

28、中国考生可能很容易联想到孝顺这个传统观念上去,也就是听父母的话,虽然不能说不对,但写在给老外看的作文里面想要表达出这层意思是比较困难的,老外其实对于这种很听父母话,缺乏自己独立意识的做法并不是特别能够理解,所以考生需要讲解得透彻一些,或者做一些对比才会比较好懂。另外大家要注意问题还有关于这种quality是不是在你的文化中因为时间经过而有所变化的提问,因此在写作时也需要把这点写进去。本话题高分范文赏析In traditional Chinese society, a persons most important relationship was that between a parent an

29、d a child. The only measure of whether a child was good or bad was whether or not they were obedient to their parents wishes. Traditionally a Chinese family had many children. Boys were expected to go to school and, after they grew up, to have a son of their own, and to manage the familys affairs. W

30、hen his parents grew old, a son was expected to live with and care for them. A girls parents would usually arrange her marriage to someone who she did not love and without consulting her. After she was married, she was no longer a part of her biological family; instead she became an adopted daughter

31、 of her husbands family and had to respect her husbands parents as she would her own parents. She was also expected to bear her husband a son. A child who broke these norms, defied or disrespected their parents was seen as worthless or immoral at best, and could legally be killed by their parents in

32、 extreme cases. Today of course, China is very different. Chinese children are still expected to respect their parents, but society is not as conservative as it used to be. When a Chinese son gets married, he will often prefer not to live in the same house with his parents, although he might still f

33、eel quite obligated to care for them in their old age. The greatest strides have been made by Chinese women, who now hope that their daughters grow up to marry someone that they love, and who is able to take good care of them. The major revolution in the Chinese family since 1980s has been the intro

34、duction of the one-child policy. Since Chinese families are now usually only allowed to have one child, the roles of parent and child have almost been reversed! Todays children in China, while still expected to treat their parents with respect, have become the little emperors and empresses of their

35、families. Many little emperors are so doted on by their immediate and extended families that they become very spoiled, demanding toys, candy, and attention all day long. Because of the changing structure of the Chinese family, the bonds between parent and child, while still of primary importance, are characterized less by rules and respect and more by love


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