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1、商务英语答案 商务英语参考资料 Unit1 1.我们要申请商标注册。 1.Wed like to apply for the registration of our trademarks. 2.如果你英语口语好,你应在这家美国公司找一份工作。 2.If you have a good demand of verbal English, you should find a job in this American company. 3.在明天的求职面试中你应与面试者保持眼神交流以表示你的自信。 3.You need to maintain eye contact with the intervi

2、ewer to show your confidence in the job interview tomorrow. 4.我们将利用我们的优势卖给出价最高、最好的人。 4.We shall capitalize on our advantage to sell the highest and best bidder. 5.由于同该银行缺乏业务联系,对他们我们不甚了解。 5.We are not familiar with the bank due to the lack of business contact with them. Unit2 1.两年前鲍尔曾担任麦当劳的执行总裁。 1.Pa

3、ul worked as McDonalds Chief Executive Officer two years ago. 2.我们愿尽力,保证买卖双方的利益。 2.We will do our best to benefit both the buyer and the seller. 3.处理公司的日常事务不容易。 3.Its not easy to deal with the day-to-day affairs of the corporation. 4.我们认为即使你方产品的质量较好,你方的价格仍然较高。 4.Your price is still high even though

4、we take the quality of your product into consideration. 5.我们满怀信心预期明年贸易会进一步增长。 5.We are looking forward with confidence to still bigger trade in the coming year. Unit3 1. 你可以申请报销差旅费。(refund) 1.You can apple for a refund of your travel costs. 2. 你要是不能提高销售额,就把你开除!(deliver) 2.If you cant deliver improve

5、d sales figures, youre fired 3. 本公司提供全系列冬季运动服饰及装备。(a wide range of) 3.Our company offers a wide range of clothing and equipment for winter sports. 4.你可以利用库存控制来提高效率及控制成本。 4. You can use inventory control to increase efficiency and manage costs. 5.我们保证本公司提供的高水平产品和服务会满足您的需求。 5.We ensure that the high s

6、tandard of products and services we provide will satisfy your needs. Unit4 1.这家公司正致力于开发新产品。 1.The company is concentrating on developing new products. 2.我们公司承诺提供良好的质量和客户服务。 2.Our company has a commitment to good quality and customer service. 1 3.我会确保信在今晚邮出。 3.I will make sure the letter leaves tonig

7、ht. 4.他非常有可能成功。 4.Its highly likely that he will succeed. 5.我们的头等大事是提高质量。 5.Our first priority is to improve quality. Unit5 1.公司将销售额的增长归功于新产品的上市。 1.The company attributed the increased sales to the launch of the new product. 2.你的促销计划根本行不通,因为费用太高了。 2.Your promotion plan does not make sense in that th

8、e cost is too high. 3如果你想扩大市场,你应该找一个分销商负责这一地区。 3.If you want to enlarge your market, you should find a distributor for this area. 4.你们所有人都为这个项目的成功投入了大量的时间和精力。(investin) 4.You have all invested significant amounts of time and energy in making this project a success. 5.这个项目对公司的生存至关重要,我们经不起失败。 5.This p

9、roject is vital to the survival of our company and we cannot afford a failure. Unit6 1.由于飞行员罢工,所有的航班都不得不取消了。 1.As a result of the pilots strike, all flights have had to be cancelled. 2.这个旅馆为住客提供了各种各样的娱乐活动。 2.The hotel offers its guests a wide variety of entertainments. 3.我们必须继续努力争取更高的效率。 3.We must c

10、ontinue to strive for greater efficiency. 4.在这个价格范围内,有几种汽车可供选购。 4.Several cars are available within this price range. 5.你的报告并没有解决资金的问题。 5.Your report does not address the issue of funding. Unit7 1.美国被认为是中国最重要的贸易合作伙伴之一。 1. America is regarded as one of the most important trade partners of China. 2.我们

11、的产量可以满足国内市场的需要。 2. Our production can satisfy the need of domestic market. 3.明年的GDP可能会增长7%。 3. The GDP is likely to increase by 7% next year. 4.我们应该关注质量而不是数量。 4.We should focus on quality instead of quantity. 2 5.根据时间安排,我们明天需要对计划进行调整。 5.According to the schedule, we need to make an adjustment to the

12、 route tomorrow. Vocabulary Unit3 ensure inventory department exceed various issue procedure feedback refund accurate 1. The brochure tries to give a fair and accurate description of each hotel. 2. The jacket is available in various colors. 3. I took the radio back to the shop and asked for a refund

13、 . 4. Our inventory of used cars is the best in town. 5. The final cost should not exceed $5000. 6. The company has new procedure for recruiting employees 7. Have you had any feedback from customers about the new soap? 8. The aim of the Personnel Department is to provide a full range of human resour

14、ces management services for the organization. 9. The key issue is whether the market will welcome the new product. 10. The factory is taking measures to ensure its employees safety. Unit4 Management E Schedule C Effective G Chore A Commitment F Productive H Stress J Essential B Goal D Secretary I A.

15、 a job or piece of work which is often boring but needs to be done regularly G. successful or achieving the results that you want C. a list of planned activities or things to be done F. a promise to do something or to behave in a particular way E. the way that people control and organize different s

16、ituations that happen in their lives or their work B. Extremely important and necessary D. An aim or a purpose H. Resulting in or providing a large amount or supply of something I. Someone who works in an office typing letters,keeping records,answering telephone calls,arranging meetings etc J. Conti

17、nuous feelings of worry about your work or personal life that prevent you from relaxing 3 Unit3 enquire investigate complain compensate deliver analyze correspond supervise improve recruit 1. You should claim compensation for the damaged goods. 2. Were getting a lot of enquiries from customers about

18、 our door-to-door shipping service. 3. The sales assistants are trained to deal with customer complaints in a friendly manner. 4. The new sales manager is effective and this months sales figures show some improvements . 5. The company carried a detailed investigation on the market in order to improv

19、e its product. 6. Any further correspondence should be sent to my new address. 7. Recruitment refers to the process of sourcing, screening, and selecting people for a job or vacancy in an organization. 8. The analysis shows that the responsibility for this failure must lie with the chief engineer. 9

20、. We guarantee prompt delivery of goods. 10. The handbags are produced under the supervision of the quality manager. Unit4 priority schedule likely make sure commitment struggle essential adjust be up to identify 1. Do remind me of the meeting because Im likely to forget. 2. The airline is strugglin

21、g with high costs. 3. The customer is high on our list of priorities . 4. It is up to the manager to make the final decision. 5. The meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. 6. You need to identify your priorities. 7. Even in small companies, computers are a(an) essential tool. 8. Before y

22、ou print something , make sure the printer has enough paper in it. 9. Try to make some adjustment of your differences so that you can cooperate with your colleagues. 10. The banks have committed themselves to boosting profits by cutting costs. according to expert leisure establish relate to categori

23、ze delay formal contribute to deal with 1. The population is categorized according to age, sex, and social group. 2. Why was there a delay in carrying out the plan? 3. An expert is someone who has a special skill or special knowledge of a subject. 4 4. The letter was in its wording. 5. How do you plan to the problem? 6. Most people only have a limited amount of time. 7. Our goal is to a new research centre in the North. 8. What he said does not the problem we discuss. 9. our records you owe us $130. 10. His college education his success. 5


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