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1、商场常用英语商场常用英语 标示 男厕 Male Toilet 女厕 Female Toilet 手扶梯 Escalator 写字楼客梯 Office lift 观光电梯 observation lift A区 Zone A B区 Zone B C区 Zone C 出口 Entrance 消防通道 Fire Control Passage 卸貨區 Unload Area 咨询服务 Information Service 保安控制室 Secure Control Room 常用服务语 提供帮助 有什么可以帮到你吗? Q: May I help you? What can I do for you?

2、 A: I would like,表示希望“我想要”, Im looking for, 表示我在找一种 请问洗手间在哪儿? Q: Excuse me, where is the toilet? Q: Excuse me, where is the restroom/shopping mall. A: Ill show you. 我指给你看。 问路 对不起,可不可以告诉我怎么去 Q: Excuse me! Could you tell me how to go/get to.? Q: Excuse me! Do you know where is.? Q: Do you know how to

3、go /get to. ? 例 1 : Q: Excuse me! Could you tell me how to go/get to “zhuyuemao” ? Excuse me! Do you know where is “zhuyuemao”t? (我怎么才能找到祝愿猫这间店?) A: It is on the 6A025 。 例2 : Q: Where is the coffee shop/ canteen? (请问咖啡厅在哪里?) A: It is on the 10th floor. A: It is on the 10th floor., and you can take t

4、he office lift to go there. 问时间 Q: When does the onelink plaza open/close? (万菱广场几点开/关门?) A: We open/close at half past nine/six. A: We open 9:30 am to 6:00 pm. 询问语 Q: What are you looking for? (你在找什么呢?) Q: Could you speak slower? Q: Do you speak English? 感谢用语 Thank you very much! You are welcome./ I

5、ts my pleasure. 欢迎语 Welcome to onelink plaza! The service guide is on the desk. 警示语 No smoking(请勿吸烟) Please dont throw you cigarette ends on the floor Caution For Glass For your security, no running To your property, please take good care of your personal belongings Take care of your children Watch your foot No cargo


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