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1、四年级下册知识点 第一课 1. Welcome to my new home. 欢迎来到我的新家。 2. Look at my bedroom. 看我的卧室。 3. There is a new bed , a new desk and a new chair. 有一张新床,一张新桌子,和一把新椅子。 4. There is a new computer. 有一台新电脑。 5. Its a birthday gift from my father. 它是我爸爸送给我的生日礼物。 Ill make the bed and then wash the cups and mugs. 我来整理床铺,

2、然后洗杯子。 3. clean the table and chairs 擦桌椅 Can you clean the table and chairs? 你能擦桌椅吗 4. mop the floor 拖地 Ill mop the floor. 我来拖地。 第五课 第二课 1. Whats in the living room? 客厅里面有什么? 2. There is a new TV. 有一台新电视。 3. Come and see. 过来看看。 4. There are two sofas and four armchairs. 有两个沙发和四个扶手椅。 5. There are thr

3、ee kites and a big clock on the wall. 墙上有三个风筝和一个大钟表。 6. There is a big clock and three kites on the wall. 墙上有一个大钟表和三个风筝。 7. on the wall. 在墙上 第三课 1. Come into the kitchen. 到厨房里面来。 2. Go into the kitchen. 到厨房里面去。 3. There is a big cake on the table. 桌子上有一个大蛋糕。 4. Its for my birthday. 它是为我生日准备的。 5. The

4、re are some hamburgers and sandwiches . 有一些汉堡包和三明治。 6. Will you come to my birthday party? 你愿意来我的生日聚会吗? Id love to. 我愿意。 第四课 1. Can you do some housework with me?你们能和我一起做家务吗? 2. make the bed 整理床铺 wash the cups and mugs 洗杯子 1. What else can I do for you? 我还能为你做什么? 2. cover the computer 盖上电脑 clean the

5、 windows 擦窗户 Cover the computer first and then clean the windows with me. 先盖上电脑,然后和我一起擦窗户。 3. What can I do for you? 我能为你做什么? 4. hang the clock and picture 挂上钟表和画。 Please hang the clock and the picture on the wall 请把钟表和画挂在墙上。 第六课 1. Can you do some housework for me? 你能为我做些家务吗? 2. What can I do for y

6、ou? 我能为你做什么? 3. in my bedroom 在我的卧室里 4. Can you clean the windows with me? 你能和我一起擦窗户吗?5. What are you doing? 你在干什么? Im washing the mugs. 我在洗杯子。 第七课 1. wake up 起床 2. Its time to get up. 该起床了。 3. What time is it? = Whats the time? 现在几点了? Its sevenoclock. 现在七点整。 4. brush your teeth 刷牙 wash your face 洗脸

7、 have your breakfast 吃早餐 5. Lets have breakfast. 让我们吃早餐吧。 第八课 1. Lets go to school together. 让我们一起去上学吧。 OK. Lets go. 好的。 走吧。 2. Whats the first class ? 第一节是什么课? 3. You like Chinese. 你喜欢语文课。 4. We like English. 我们喜欢英语课。 5. Its time to have class. 该上课了。 Its time for class. 该上课了。 6. Is it Chinese? 是语文课

8、吗? No, its English. 不, 是英语课。 第九课 1. Whats the time? =What time is it? 现在几点了? Its twelve oclock. 现在12点整。 2. Its time for lunch. 该吃午饭了。 Its time to have lunch. 该吃午饭了。 3. I like hamburgers, French fries and Coke. 我喜欢汉堡,薯条和可乐。4. I like pizza, chicken and orange juice. 我喜欢比萨饼,鸡肉和橙汁。5. Two Cokes and two h

9、amburgers, please.请给我两杯可乐和两个汉堡。Here you are. 给你。 第十课 1. Whats the time? 现在几点了? Its four oclock. 现在四点整。 2. Its time to go home. 该回家了。 Its time for home. 该回家了。 3. Lets go home together. 让我们一起回家吧。 4. Lets have dinner. 让我们吃晚饭吧。 5. Im hungry. 我饿了。 6. What do we have? 我们吃什么? 7. What a nice dinner! 多好的晚餐呀!

10、 第十一课 1. Can I watch TV? 我可以看电视吗? 看电视 2. put away 收拾好 school things 学习用品 Put away your pen. 收拾好你的钢笔。 3. Put away your pen, pencil , and all your school things first. 先收拾好你的钢笔,铅笔和所有的学习用品。 OK, Ill do that. 好的,我就做。 4. go to bed 上床睡觉 Its time to go to bed. 该上床睡觉了。 5. Early to bed. Early to rise. 早睡早起。 6

11、. Make us healthy! Make us wise. 让我们健康又聪明。 第十二课 1. Its time to get up. 该起床了。 2. Its time for breakfast. 该吃早饭了。 3. What do we have? 我们吃什么? 4. What do we have for breakfast? 我们早餐吃什么? 5. The first class is Chinese. 第一节是语文课。 第十三课 1. Lets play a counting game. 让我们玩一个数数的游戏吧。2. How many words do we have? 我

12、们有多少个单词? 3. We have twenty-nine words. 我们有29个单词。 4. We win! 我们赢了。 5. We are neighbours. 我们是邻居。 第十四课 1. Good morning, boys and girls. 早上好,同学们。 2. This is Miss Green, our new English teacher. 这是格林小姐,我们的新英语老师。 3. How many students are there in your class?你们班有多少名学生? Fifty students. 50名学生。 4. How many bo

13、ys and how many girls? 多少个男孩?多少个女孩?5. Whats your number? 你的号码是多少? 6. Lets count in threes. 让我们三个一组数数。 第十五课 1. May I ask you some questions? 我可以问你们一些问题吗? Yes, please. 好的,请吧。 2. How many classes do you have today? 你们今天上几节课? We have six classes today. 我们今天上六节课。 3. What are they? 它们是什么? They are maths ,

14、 Chinese, English and music in the morning. 上午是数学,语文,英语和音乐。 4. in the morning 在早上 在上午 in the afternoon 在下午 第十六课 1. What subjects do you like? 你喜欢什么学科? I like Chinese and art. 我喜欢语文和美术。 2. Do you like English? 你喜欢英语吗? Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。 3. And you? 你呢? 4. Do you like PE? 你喜欢体育吗? Yes, we all like it.

15、是的,我们都喜欢。 5. What subject do you like best? 你最喜欢什么学科? 第十七课 1. What do you do in English class? 你们在英语课上做什么? All kinds of activities. 做各种活动。 2. listen and do 听做 3. speak and sing 说唱 4. play and act 玩演 5. We do everything in English. 我们用英语做每件事。 第十八课 1. Its time for science. 该上科学课了。 2. Show me your scie

16、nce book. 给我看看你的科学书。 3. Take out your English books. 拿出你们的英语书。 4. What classes do we have today? 我们今天上什么课? 5. My science book is at home. 我的科学书在家里。 第十九课 1. Lets play a chain game. 让我们做个连锁游戏吧。 2. How many days are there in a week? 一周有多少天? There are seven days in a week. 一周有七天。 3. What are they? 它们是什么

17、? 4. They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. 它们是星期日,星期一,星期二,星期三,星期四,星期五和星期六。 第二十课 1. Lets name the seven days. 让我们来给七天起名字吧。 2. What day is today? 今天是星期几? Today is Saturday. 今天是星期六。 3. What day is the next day? 第二天是星期几? The next day is Sunday. 第二天是星期日。 4. Sunday is

18、 the first day. 星期日是第一天。 5. What day is the last day? 最后一天是星期几? The last day is Saturday. 最后一天是星期六。 第二十一课 1. Look at my new Chinese book. 看我的新语文书。 2. Its my favourite subject. 它是我最喜欢的学科。 3. How many Chinese classes do you have? 你上多少节语文课? 4. Shall we talk in Chinese? 我们用汉语谈话好吗? 5. They are on Monday,

19、 Wednesday and Thursday. 它们在星期一,星期三和星期四。 第二十二课 1. Welcome to our school. 欢迎来到我们学校。 2. Do you like sports? 你喜欢体育吗? Yes, I do. 是的,我是。 3. My favourite class is PE. 我最喜欢的课是体育课。 4. Do you have PE class every day? 你们每天上体育课吗? No, we dont. 不,我们不是。 5. When do you have a PE classes? 你们什么时候上体育课? We have PE cla

20、sses on Tuesday and Friday. 我们在星期二和星期五上体育课。 第二十三课 1. What do you usually do on weekends? 你通常在周末做什么? 2. I usually go to the theme park on Saturdays. 我通常在周六去游乐园。3. I usually see my grandpa and grandma on Sundays. 我通常在周日去看爷爷奶奶。 4. have music class 上音乐课 5. go roller skating 滑旱冰 6. go to the park 去公园 7.

21、go to theme park 去游乐园 第二十四课 1 What day is today? 今天是星期几? Its Tuesday. 今天是星期二。 2 this morning 今天上午 I have a music class this morning. 今天上午我有一节音乐课。 3. When do you have music classes? 你什么时候上音乐课? I have music classes on Wednesday and Friday. 我在周三和周五上音乐课。 4. You cant come to the park with me this weeked.

22、 这周末你不能来和我一起去公园了。 第二十五课 1 Its a fine day today. 今天天气晴朗。 2 Shall we have a picnic? 我们去野餐好吗? 3 Lets go and tell your dad. 让我们去告诉你爸爸。 4 We have so many things for our picnic. 我们野餐有那么多东西。 5 What would you like? 你想要什么? Id like some bread and sausages. 我想要一些面包和香肠。 第二十六课 1 Tomorrow is Saturday. 明天是星期六。 2 I

23、ll have a party with my friends. 我要和朋友一起聚会。 3 What about you? 你呢? 4 Are you interested in drawing and painting? 你对画画感兴趣吗Yes, I am. 是的,我是。 5. Im interested in singing. (就划线部分提问) What are you interested in? 你对什么感兴趣? 第二十七课 1 What are you interested in? 你对什么感兴趣? Im interested in drawing and painting. 我对

24、画画感兴趣。 2. I enjoy jogging and exercising. 我喜欢慢跑和锻炼。 3. Youll be a good singer and dancer. 你会成为一个很好的歌唱家和舞蹈家。 第二十八课 1 This is Peter. 我是彼得。 2 Ill go swimming. Are you interested? 我要去游泳。你感兴趣吗? 3 Are you good at swimming? 你擅长游泳吗? 4 Do you like skating? 你喜欢滑冰吗? 5 I like skateboarding. 我喜欢滑板。 6 We both lik

25、e skating. 我们两个都喜欢滑冰。 第二十九课 1 Shall we go shopping this morning? 我们今天上午去购物好吗? 2 What would you like to buy? 你想买什么? 3 I want to buy a ruler. 我想买一把尺子。 4 Anything else? 还有别的东西吗? 5 I also want a Teddy Bear. 我还想要个泰迪熊。 第三十课 1 What will you do this weekend? 这周末你要做什么? 2 Do you enjoy drawing? 你喜欢画画吗? No, I d

26、ont. 不,我不喜欢。 4. Are you interested in singing and dancing? 你对唱歌和跳舞感兴趣吗? No , Im not. 不,我不感兴趣。 5. Are you good at roller skating? 你擅长滑旱冰吗? Yes, I am. 是的,我擅长。 第三十一课 1 in two days 两天后 School is out in two days. 学校两天后要出去旅游。 2. Would you like to take a trip? 你们想去旅游吗? Certainly. 当然。 3. Where shall we go ?

27、 我们要去哪儿? 4. Any ideas? 有什么主意吗? 5. We want to go to the theme park。我想去游乐园。 6. Shall we go to Beijing Zoo and Beijing Theme Park? 我们去北京动物园和北京游乐园好吗? 第三十二课 1 Come along. 过来。 2 They have long legs. 它们长着长腿。 3 What are these? 这些是什么? They are geese. 它们是鹅。 5. Are they ducks? 它们是鸭子吗? No, they arent。 不,它们不是 。

28、第三十三课 1 What are these? 这些是什么? They are peacocks. 它们是孔雀。 2. What are those? 那些是什么? They are cranes. 它们是鹤。 3. They have long legs. 它们长着长腿。 4. Look at these turkeys. 看这些火鸡。 5. Oh, they are colourful. 哦,它们是五颜六色的。 第三十四课 1 Here we are at Beijing Theme Park. 我们在北京游乐园这儿了。2 What would you like to do? 你们想干什么

29、? 3 Id like to go on the teacups. 我想玩茶杯转椅。 4 Id like to go on the ferris wheel. 我想玩摩天轮。 第三十五课 1. Where shall we go tomorrow? 明天我们要去哪儿? Tomorrow well go to the great wall. 明天我们要去长城。 2. How can we get there? 我们怎么去那儿? We can get there first by coach and then by cable car. 我们先坐长途车然后坐缆车去那儿。 3. Lets bring some water and fruit. 让我们带些水和水果吧。 4. Please come here at 7:00 tomorrow morning. 请明天早上7点到这儿。 第三十六课 1. Would you like to go to the Great Wall? 你想去长城吗? 2. I want to go to Beijing Theme Park. 我想去北京游乐园。 3. Would you like to come on the merry-go-round? 你想来玩旋转木马吗?


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