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1、四年级英语读写大赛小学四年级英语读写比赛试题 英语试题 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分 得分 温馨提示:本试卷满分为100分,答题时间为40分钟。 一、从B栏中选出与A栏相应的答语。每题1分,共10分。 A栏 B栏 1、What subjects do you like, Su Yang? A、No, but I can try. 2、Can you draw these animals? B、At twelve. 3、What can you see on the river, Mr Green? C、I like English and Music. 4、When do you

2、 have lunch? D、Lets go to the playground. 5、Its time for PE E、I can see a boat over there. ( ) 6. Look at my English book. I like English. F.Me too. ( ) 7. Would you like a timetable? G. Six. ( ) 8. Can I help you? H.Its nine yuan. ( ) 9. How many subjects do you have? I. Yes, please. ( ) 10. How mu

3、ch is the Maths book? J. Id like two Maths books. 二、从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话,并将答案写在题后的横线上,其中一项是多余的。每题2分,共10分。 A Would you like an umbrella? B.Id like that orange one. C. Thank you . D.How much are they? E.Id like an umbrella. F.No, thank you. Waiter: Good morning. Can I help you? Mr Green: Yes. 1 . Waiter: W

4、hat about this green one? Mr Green: 2 3 Waiter: Anything else? Mr Green: A fan, please. Waiter: Here you are. Mr Green: 4 5 Waiter: Twenty-five yuan. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 小学英语读写大赛四年级英语试题 共 4 页 三、将下列句子排成一段完整的对话。每题1分,共10分。 第一部分: A. Its time for school.Bobby gets up. B. Its six oclock. C. Look!What time is i

5、t now? D. No. E. Is Bobby happy? 顺序号 1 2 3 4 5 答案 第二部分: A. No,but Im hungry. B. Sure. C. Thank you. D. Are you thirsty too? E. Im thirsty. Can I have some milk? F. Heres a hamburger. 顺序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 答案 E 四、阅读理解。每题2分,共20分。 A I have a cat. She is black and white. Her name is Kitty. She has a long tail

6、 and small ears. Her tail is black, but her ears are white. She has a basket. She sleeps in the basket. She gets up in the evening. She goes out at night. She catches miceat night. She likes fish and milk. She eats fish and drinks milk every day. She doesnt like dogs, and they do not like her, eithe

7、r. Kitty likes me and I like her. I often play with her after school. 根据短文判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。 ( )1. Kitty is a pretty girl. ( )2. Kitty has fish and milk every day. ( )3. Kitty sleeps in bed at night. ( )4. Kitty and the dogs are good friends. ( )5. Kitty and the cats are good friends. B Hello, everyo

8、ne! Im a little rabbit (兔子). My name is Lele. Look! Im very lovely. My eyes are red. My ears are long. My hair is white. My tail is short. I like carrots very much. I have a good friend. Shes my little master. Her name is Lisa. This is Lisa and my bedroom. We have a table, a bed and some 小学英语读写大赛四年级

9、英语试题 共 4 页 books in it. We always play games together. I like her very much and she likes me, too. ( )1. Lele is a _. A. master B. rabbit C. boy ( )2. Leles eyes are _. A. black B. red C. yellow ( )3. Leles tail is_. A. long B. tall C. short ( )4. Lele likes _ very much. A. carrots B. eggs C. hambur

10、gers ( )5.There are some _ in the bedroom. A. books B. tables C. beds 五、根据问答回答问题。每题2分,共10分。 Alice: Hello, Jane. Jane: Hello, Alice. Alice: How many shbjects do you have this term? Jane: I have English, Science, Chinese, Art, Music, PE and Maths. Alice: What lessons do you have in the morning, Jane?

11、Jane: Well, let me see. We have Science, Chinese, Art and Maths. Alice: What subject do you like, Jane? Jane: I like Art. What about you, Alice? Alice: I like Art, too. Jane: Oh, we like the samesubject. Alice: How many Art lessons do you have in a week? Jane: Three. I like it. Its fun. 1. Does Jane

12、 like Art ? 2. Do Alice and Jane like the samesubject? 3. How many Art lessons does Jane have in a week? 4. What lessons does Jane have in the morning? 5. How many subjects does Jane have this term? 小学英语读写大赛四年级英语试题 共 4 页 六、英汉互译。每题1分,共10分 1、 三天 _ 6、 What a pity!_ 2、 看电视 _ 7、after school _ 3、 在晚上 _ 8、

13、a football match _ 4、 在周三 _ 9、Try again! _ 5、 去游泳_ 10、Welcome back to school. _ 七、根据汉语提示写出相应的单词,每空一词。每题1分,共10分。 1. 他一周有四节数学课。 He _four_ lessons a week . 2. 我们今天下午有什么课?有美术和语文。 What _ do we have in the _? We have Art and_ . 3. 你能看见河里有一条船吗? Can you see a _ on the _? 4. 怎么啦?你生病了吗? 不,但是我很累。我想要去睡觉。 Whats

14、the _? Are you ill? No, but Im _. I want to go to bed. 5. I have _ (三十个)chairs. 八、英汉互译。每题2分,共20分。 1. I dont have any friends. 2. When do you get up? 3. I have breakfast at seven oclock. 4.Jim is a short boy with big eyes. 5.Wheres my brother? 6.我每天九点半睡觉。 7. 他的衬衫太大。 8. 苏海有一节游泳课。 9. 你能干什么?我会做蛋糕。 10. 我们今天上午有什么课?有音乐和英语。 小学英语读写大赛四年级英语试题 共 4 页


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