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1、在工作场所中如何应对处理所遇到的骚扰和欺负在工作场所中如何应对处理所遇到的骚扰和欺负 在工作场所中,如果你成为他人的欺负目标,骚扰和欺凌就是一个严重影响你的问题。当有人不断打扰你时,你的工作场所可能就会变成一个紧张,不舒服的环境。若你每天早晨醒来后,害怕去上班时,对于这种情形才会有必要采取行动而对付骚扰和欺负;你有权拥有一个安全的无骚扰的工作环境。为确保不损害你的工作,并解除受欺负的状况,务必保持平静专业的风范,必须采取合适正当的渠道与程序。 合适正当的渠道与程序如下: 第一步,准备材料:记录骚扰或欺凌的所有事件。包括事件的具体描述,时间,骚扰欺负人的名字,以及见证人。如果可能的话,得到你的见

2、证人签字,并保存所有文件;必要时将文件提交给你的上司或法律机构存档。 第二步,私人谈话:直接和骚扰或欺负你的人谈话。直接找他们或给他们发电子邮件,或安排见面谈话。你必须保持冷静,保持尊重人,以避免引发另外一起灾难性事件,使你有理变成无理,此灾未消,又惹一祸。问他们是否你自己做了什么事让他们骚扰欺负你,如没有什么事,要求他们立即停止欺负骚扰。如有事,该道歉就道歉,该赔偿就赔偿,一切按法律正规程式进行。如事情危险,见面应选在公众场所,并有他人在场见证,以免发生打斗。 第三步,告诉领导:如果私人谈话不起作用,情况不好转,就跟你的直接领导讲,并提供相关材料,并且要讲明你为平息矛盾所做的努力,并说明矛盾

3、斗争状况没有因你的努力而减缓,因此需要领导的帮助而解决问题。 第四步,告诉上一级领导:如果你的直接领导不能帮助解决这个问题,征询他的同意和支持,按照相应的报告程序,向上一级领导反映。一般国外情况,就是对你公司的人力资源部门讲,此时,事情将会进入公司的正式解决程序,就是相关人员转岗或解聘。你必须事先认真严肃对待此事,后果会很严重,直接影响相关人员和你的工作及利益。这时需认真填写表格,按照固定的程式,以避免出差错。在这个过程中要有你的主管参与同意,同时还要包括证人的证词。 第五步,报告警方:如果你的雇主公司不能解决冲突,或骚扰欺负升级,或在工作场所以外发生骚扰欺负事件,这时就可能需要采取法律行动以

4、保护你自己。向警方提交一份报告,在报告中应包括你的文件和你已经提交给公司的正式投诉文件的副本,很有可能将会有律师和你谈话。根据骚扰欺负的程度不同,警方可能会发出一份禁止令以解决该问题。使用法律诉讼手段是最后不得已而采取的手段,因为它可以对你的职业生涯产生严重影响,除非无法消除非法诽谤打斗等问题,如造谣偷盗伤害等迫害问题,不然不可采用法律手段。所有的问题能在公司内解决,并获得领导同意支持,才是最正确的最安全的方法与途径。 How to Deal With Harassment & Bullying in the Workplace Deal with harassment in the work

5、place quickly and effectively. Harassment and bullying in the workplace can be a serious problem, particularly if you are the target. When a fellow staff member, vendor or customer will not leave you alone, the workplace can become a tense, uncomfortable environment. Instead of waking up each mornin

6、g dreading the day ahead, take action to deal with the bully; you have the right to a safe, harassment-free workplace. To ensure that the situation is resolved without damaging your career, maintain a professional demeanor and follow appropriate channels. How to Stop Workplace Bullying Checklist for

7、 Workplace Harassment Instructions 1, Document all incidents of harassment or bullying. Each time an incident occurs, make a note that includes a specific description of the event, names of the person who is harassing you and the situation. Gather witnesses, if possible, and keep notes about the inc

8、idents and times. Ask your witnesses to sign the account of the bullying and keep all papers on file; consider submitting them to your supervisor to establish a paper trail. 2, Talk to the person who is harassing or bullying you. Approach them directly or email them to schedule a meeting to talk thr

9、ough the situation. Keep your calm and remain respectful to avoid triggering another incident. Ask if you have done anything to precipitate the harassment, and request that it stop immediately. Hold the discussion in a public place to minimize danger to yourself and to establish witnesses. 3, Speak

10、to your supervisor if the situation persists. If the informal talk did not help the bullying, meet with your immediate manager to talk about the problem. Let them know that you made an effort to find out the source of the harassment but got nowhere, and hand over copies of your documentation. Ask fo

11、r a recommendation and give the supervisor a chance to help you solve the problem. 4, Follow appropriate reporting procedures. If your manager cannot help with the problem, speak to your human resources department to find out the correct and legal procedure to report an incident. Fill out forms care

12、fully, and stick to the process to avoid problems down the road. Involve your supervisor in the process, and include witness statements. 5, Take legal action if your employer does not help resolve the conflict, or if the harassment continues outside of work, file a police report. Bring copies of you

13、r documentation and the formal complaint you filed with the company, and speak to a lawyer about the appropriate way to proceed. Depending on the level of harassment and the extent, you may need to file a restraining order to resolve the problem. Use legal action as a last resort, because it can have a serious effect on your career.


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