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1、外国人就业证年检表外国人就业证年检表 Application Form for Annual Inspection of Alien Employment Permit 就业证号码: Employment Permit No.: 有效期限至: 年 月 日 Validity: YY MM DD 外文名: Name in English (Capitalized): 中文名: Name in Chinese: 国籍: Nationality: 现任职位: Position: 护照号码: Passport No.: 有效期限至: 年 月 日 Validity: YY MM DD 居留许可种类: 任职

2、就业 居留许可(证)号码: Residence permit type: 定居其他 Residence permit No.: 现在住址: Present Address: 有效期限至: 年 月 日 Validity: YY MM DD 工作单位全称: Full name of employer: 单位联系电话: Company Tel.: 单位办公地址: Business address: 单位传真号码: Fax Number: 组织机构(企业)代码: Enterprise organization code: 单位邮编: Zip Code: 营业执照有效期限至: 年 月 日 Validit

3、y of Business License (Registration Certificate): YY MM DD 申请人承诺如实向行政机关提交有关材料和反映真实情况,并对申请材料实质内容的真实性负责。 年检意见: Approved by: (申办单位公章) (Seal of Employer) The applicant hereby declares that all the documents and information submitted to the authority are true, and shall be responsible to the authenticity

4、 of the documentation. (公章) (Seal) 年 月 日 YY MM DD 年检日期: 年 月 日 Date of Annual Inspection: YY MM DD 年检有效期限至: 年 月 日 Validity of Annual Inspection: YY MM DD Further explanations: 1. If the validity of Alien Employment Permit is over one year (validity of one year not included), the employer of the certi

5、ficate holder shall fill this form and apply for annual inspection of Alien Employment Permit in 30 days advance before the annual inspection date, which is exactly one year after the issuing date or after last annual inspection. 2. This form should be filled in Chinese. Using a fountain pen or prin

6、ter to complete the form. 3. The grids of Approved by and Validity of Annual Inspection can only be filled by the approval Organization. 4. English name should be filled as it appears in passport. 5Using “” to mark proper options from option groups with “( )”. 6This form could not be photocopied. 说明: 1. 外国人就业证有效期限在一年以上的,用人单位应在就业证签发之日起期满一年或上年年检期满一年时,提前30天内,填写此表,办理就业证年检手续。 2. 本表用钢笔中文填写或打印。 3 表中“年检意见”和“年检有效期限至”两栏,由审批机关填写,用人单位不要填写。 4 外文名按护照填写。 5 表中有“”的栏目,请选择相应的内容并在“”内打“”。 6. 本表不能复印。


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