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1、外教社大学英语精读第2册第3单元参考答案外教社大学英语精读第2册第3单元参考答案 Comprehension of the Text 2 1.c 2.b 3.b 4.a 5.c 6.a 7.d 8.a Vocabulary 5 1.(a)besides (b)except besides 2.(a)have received (b)accepted received,accept 3.(a)discovered (b)was invented discovered,invented 6 1.alike 2.asleep 3.alive 4.awake 5.alone 6.astir 7 1.c

2、onflict with 2.perform 3.resented 4.left(my car keys)behind 5.error 6.Constantly 7.created 8.obtained 9.above all 10.talent 8 1.origin 2.threatening 3.in existence 4.hesitates 5.custom 6.owes.to 7.Acting on 8.leaving.to 9.went out of her way 10.has.been appointed 11.perform 12.latter 13.influence 14

3、.humble Word Building 10 1.a wait-and-see attitude 2.a life-and-death stuggle 3.a down-to-earth spirit 4.an out-and-out lie 5.an out-of-the-way mountain village 6.a face-to-face talk 7.a divide-and-rule policy 8.an up-to-date machine 9.word-for-word translation 10.a never-to-be-forgotten night 11 1.

4、self-conscious 2.self-sufficient 3.self-educated 4.self-respecting 5.self-supporting 6.self-made 12 1.frightened 2.be heightened 3.strengthen 4.lengthening/to be lengthened 5.hastened 6.were.heartened Structure 13 1. Although advanced in years,. 2. While still at college,. 3. .unless caught very you

5、ng. 4. .when crossing the street. 5. ., once staged, . 6. .if not properly managed,. 14 1. .,nor could he sing. 2. .,nor were my classmates. 3. .,nor does he intend to start now. 4. .,nor did they invite my parents. 5. .,nor had her husband. 6. .,nor did he ever find out. 15 1.It was Jefferson who w

6、rote the Declaration of Independence. 2.It is with genuine feeling that the author praises all that is progressive. 3.It was on the beach that Miss White found the child lying dead. 4.It was because the water had risen that we could not cross the river. 5.It was Jim, a heartless fellow, who was hear

7、d shouting at his mother in the dead of night(在夜深人静时). 6.It was not until I told her that Mrs. Williams knew anything about it. 16 1.Paul considered himself fortunate to have been admitted to Harvard University. 2.Dont you think it good for us to remember Jeffersons emphasis upon knowledge as a basi

8、s for action? 3.Today people find it impossible for one person to learn what needs to be known about all subjects. 4.His duty fulfilled, Henry felt a great weight taken off his mind. 5.Alice considered herself lucky that she was not injured in the accident. 6.The Chinese working class made its stren

9、gth felt by playing the main role in the May 4th Movement Cloze 17 (A) 1.action 2.personal 3.source 4.obtain 5.educated 6.origin 7.agreement 8.go 9.conflict 10.constantly 11.acted on 12.left behind (B) 1.before 2.aged 3.following 4.Then 5.lying 6.for 7.that 8.as 9.in 10.that 11.might 12.life 13.away

10、 14.saved 15.was 16.given 17.dose 18.the 19.done 20.more 21.in 22.and Translation 18 1.It was suggested at the meeting that a committee of eleven be appointed to make a new constitution. 2.By making on-the-spot observations, the young scientists obtained first-hand information they needed in their r

11、esearch work. 3.It is very likely that he will be rejected by the army because of his bad/poor eyesight. 4.The committee members have conflicting opinions as to the best location of the new airport. 5.Henrys works of art are superior in many respects to those of his brothers. 6.The steady rise in th

12、e quality of our products owes much to the improvement of our equipment. 7.Jim would have preferred to act on his own judgment, but he didnt because as a soldier he had to obey the order. 8.Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a city without bikes or one without cars, I should not hes

13、itate a moment to prefer the latter. Key to Reading Activity Exercise A 1.纪念堂 2.神殿 3.宗教的 4.靠自己奋斗而成功 5.体力 6.不受欢迎的 7.退出,脱离 8.无限的 9.宽宏大量 10.未加控制的;难以相信的 11.战后的;玷污;损害;名望 12.暗杀者;擦掉,抹掉 Exercise B 1.第一段最后一句 2.第二段第一句(去掉first of all) 3.第三段第一句 4.第四段第一句 5.第五段第二句 6.第六段第一句 Exercise C 1.作家们指出,华盛顿特区的林肯纪念堂,与古希腊人为纪念他们的神祗而建造的神殿不无相似之处;而每年在学校和公共场所举行的纪念林肯诞辰的庆典仪式有时也带有宗教仪式的特点。 2.美国人民钦佩靠自己奋斗成功的人那种既没有钱,也没有家族权势,全靠自我拼搏而出人头地的人。 3.北方诸州的改革家们对国会施加压力,要求在后来成为合众国诸州的西部领地内禁止奴隶制。这时,南方的有些州便想脱离,即退出合众国。 4.作为总统,他任命那些他认为最有才能的人担任*要职,尽管其中有些人曾公开对他冷嘲热讽。 5.举国上下对他的死所作出的毫无克制的情感反应,几乎令人难以置信,表明了他深受国人的敬重。


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