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1、外文翻译产品设计中的人机交互的交互方式产品设计中的人机交互的交互方式 人机交互过程实际上是一个输入和输出的过程,人通过人机界面向计算机输入指令,计算机经过处理后把输出结果呈现给用户。人和计算机之间的输入和输出的形式是多种多样的,因此交互的形式也是多样化的。 1.1 数据交互 数据交互是人通过输入数据的方式与计算机进行交流的一种方式,它是人机交互的重要内容和形式。其一般的交互过程是:首先由系统向操作者发出提示,提示用户输入及如何输入;接着用户通过输入设备把数据输入计算机;然后,系统响应用户输入,给出反馈信息,并显示在屏幕上;同时系统对用户输入进行检查,如有错误就向用户指出,让用户重新输入。不同的

2、数据输入形式决定了数据交互的不同方式。注意:这里的数据,可以是各种信息符号,比如数字,符号,色彩,图形等。 数据交互主要有以下交互形式: 1).问答式对话数据输入交互 特点:简单易用,但单调,输入速度慢。 2).菜单选择数据输入交互 如:PDA的操作界面的菜单输入方式,还有各种手机中的图形交互选项。 3).填表数据输入交互 特点:输入界面是一个待填充的表格,用户可以按照提示填入合适的数据。 4).直接操纵数据输入交互 特点:可通过光标移动进行查找或选择。输入方便,但常有预设范围的限制。 5).关键词数据输入交互 如:在设计软件的应用过程中,熟练的操作用户,经常用快捷键来辅助操作 6).条形码数

3、据输入 条形码经条形码读入器识别并读入,并八条形码序列翻译成数据序列。 如图书馆书目的编号,超市中商品的品名和价格信息都可使用条形码。 7).光学字符识别 OCR系统可以让计算机通过模式比较来识别一些具有不同字体和大小的印刷体。 如:办公自动化中的文本输入,邮件自处理,定单数据输入,单证,发票等。 8).声音数据输入交互 特点:速度快,不用手和眼。尤其对那些要求在输入数据的同时要完成手脚并用的工作场合,尤为适用。 9).图像数据输入 通过对图像进行特征提取和分析,自动识别限定的标志,字符,编码结构等。 常用的数据交互设备 数据输入设备有键盘/鼠标/跟踪球/操纵杆/触摸屏/手写板/光笔/数字化输

4、入板/手势板/三维输入设备等;数据输出设备有显示器/打印机等。 1.2 图像交互 科学研究表明,人类信息传递主要通过语言,文字和图象三个渠道。而且,人类从外界获得的信息有70%以上来自视觉系统,也就是从图像中获得。所以,对图像交互的研究和探讨将意义重大,对产品设计的创新也有引导作用。图像交互的应用领域空前广泛,如人脸图像的识别,手写交互界面,数字墨水等。 图像交互,简单说,就是计算机根据人的行为,去理解图像,然后作出反映。这里面,让计算机具备视觉感知能力是首要解决的问题。目前人们研究的机器视觉系统可以分为三个层次:图像处理-图像识别-图像感知。所谓图像处理,主要是对图像进行各种加工以改善视觉效

5、果,就是把输入图像转换成具有所希望特性的另一幅图像的过程,是一个从图像到图像的过程。所谓图像识别,主要是对图像中感兴趣的目标进行检测和测量,以获得它们的客观信息从而建立对图像的描述。本质上是一个从图像到数据的过程。所谓图像感知,重点是在爱图像识别的基础上,进一步研究图像中个目标的性质和它们的相互关系,并得出对图像内容含义的理解以及对原来客观场景的解释,从而直到和规划行动。图像感知,输入的是一幅图像,输出的则是对该图像的解释。 1.3 语音交互 语言一直被公认为是最自然的流畅,方便快捷的信息交流方式。在日常生活中人类的沟通大约有75%是通过语音来完成的。研究表明,听觉通道存在许多优越性,如,听觉

6、信号检测速度快于视觉信号检测速度;人对声音随时间的变化极其敏感;听觉信息与视觉信息同时提供可使人获得更为强烈的存在感和真实感等。因此,听觉通道是人与计算机等信息设备进行交互的最重要的信息通道。 语音交互就是研究人们如何通过自然的语音或机器合成的语音同计算机进行交互的技术。它涉及多学科的交叉,如语言学,心理学,人机工学和计算机技术等;同时对未来语音交互产品的开发和设计也有前瞻式的引导作用。语音交互不仅要对语音识别和语音合成技术进行研究,还要对人在语音通道下的交互机理,行为方式等进行深入研究。语音识别和语音合成的相结合,即构成了一个人机通信系统。 语音交互系统一般采取两种途径:一种是用基于语音识别

7、和理解技术的,主要依靠音频进行交互的系统;另一种是利用语音技术与系统的其他交互方式结合在一起来进行交互的系统。在这种方式中语音不再占主导地位,它只是交互系统的一部分。 3.4 行为交互 人们在相互交流过程中,除了使用语音交互外,还常常借助于身体语言,即通过身体的姿态和动作来表达意思,这就是所谓的人体行为交互。人体行为交互方法不仅能够加强语言的表达能力,有时还能起到语音交互所不能起到的作用,如时装表演,舞台小品的表演等。人机行为交互是计算机通过定位和识别人类,跟踪人类肢体运动,跟踪表情特征,从而理解人类的动作和行为,并做出响应的智能反馈过程。 行为交互将带来全新的交互方式。计算机通过用户行为能够

8、预测用户想要做什么来满足用户的需求。如:计算机跟踪人们的视线,就能决定用户的意图,是想要浏览什么网站还是需要打电话等;当用户走进房间时,带有蓝眼的计算机即做出反应,如提示新收到的电子邮件,如果用户摇摇头,计算机就认为用户不希望阅读邮件,因此转而列出当天的日程安排等。 Interactive mode Interactive process is actually a process of input and output, through man-machine interface for computer input, computer processing of the output re

9、sults are presented to the user. Between man and the computer input and output forms are diverse, so the interactive form is also diversified. 3.1 data interaction Data interaction is through the input data and computer is a way of communication, it is the important content and form of man-machine i

10、nteraction. The general interaction process is: first by the system to the user tips, prompts the user to input and how the input; then the user through an input device to enter data into the computer system; and, in response to user input, give feedback, and displayed on the screen (or otherwise sh

11、ow); at the same time the system of user input for inspection, if there is an error to the user pointed out, allow the user to re-enter. The different data entry form determines the data interaction in different ways. Note: the data here, can be a variety of information symbols, such as numbers, sym

12、bols, colors, graphics etc. Data interaction mainly has the following interaction form: 1). Socratic dialogue interaction with data input Features: easy to use, but dull, slow input speed. 2) Menu selection input interaction data. Such as: PDA interface menu input mode, there are all kinds of mobile

13、 phone in the interactive graphic options. 3) Fill in the form input interaction data. Features: input interface is a form to be filled, the user can follow the prompts to enter the appropriate data. 4) direct manipulation of input interaction data. Features: through the cursor to search or selectio

14、n. The input is convenient, but often the preset range limit. 5). Key words input interaction data Such as: in the design of software of the application process, the operation of skilled users, often use shortcut keys to auxiliary operation 6). The bar code data input Bar code recognition by the bar

15、 code reader and reading, and eight bar code sequence is translated into a sequence of data. Such as the library bibliographic number, name of commodity and prices in the supermarket are the use of bar code information. 7)Optical character recognition (OCR). The OCR system can make the computer thro

16、ugh pattern comparison to identify some with different font and size of the printed. Such as: office automation in the text input, mail handling, order data input, documents, invoices etc. 8)Voice input interaction data. Characteristics: fast, hand and eye.Especially for those who request in the inp

17、ut data at the same time to complete the hands and feet of the workplace, particularly applicable. 9) The input image data. Based on image feature extraction and analysis, automatic recognition of qualified sign, character, coding structure. Commonly used data interactive device Data input device ha

18、s a keyboard / mouse / trackball joystick / Touchscreen / handwriting board / pen / digitizer tablet / sign board / 3D input devices; data output device has a monitor / printer. 3.2 interactive image Scientific research shows that, human information mainly through language, text and image three chan

19、nels. Also, people acquire from outside has more than 70% information from the visual system, is also from images obtained in. Therefore, the image interactive research and explore the significance of innovation of product design, also has a guiding role. Image interactive applications unprecedented

20、 wide range, such as face recognition, handwritten interface, digital ink. Image interactive, say simply, is the computer according to the human behavior, to understand the image, and then make a report. Inside this, let the computer with visual perception ability is the primary problem to solve. At

21、 present, people study the machine vision system can be divided into three levels: image processing (the lowest level) - Image Recognition (higher level) - image perception (the highest level).Image processing, mainly for image processing to improve the visual effect, is the input image is converted

22、 into having desired characteristics of another image of the process, is a from the image (input) to the image (output) process. Image recognition, it is mainly interested in the image of the target detection and measurement, to obtain their objective information so as to establish the image descrip

23、tion. Is essentially a from images to data process. The so-called image perception, the focus is on the love image recognition based on further research in a target image, the nature and the relationship between them, and draw on the image content understanding of the meaning of the original as well

24、 as objective scene interpretation, thus until and planning action. Image perception, the input is an image, the output is the image interpretation. 3.3 voice interaction The language has been recognized as one of the most natural and smooth, fast and convenient way to communicate information. In da

25、ily life, human communication is about 75% is accomplished through voice. Research shows that, the auditory channel has many advantages, such as fast speed, an auditory signal detection in visual signal detection speed; the sound changes with time extremely sensitive; auditory information and visual

26、 information at the same time provide can make people obtain more strongly on the presence and real sense. Therefore, the auditory channel is person and computer and other information devices interact with the most important information channel. Voice interaction is the study of how people through n

27、atural speech or machine synthesized speech with computer interactive technology. It involves a multidisciplinary, such as linguistics, psychology, human engineering and computer technology; in the future at the same time voice interactive product development and design is also prospective guide. Vo

28、ice interaction not only to speech recognition and speech synthesis technology research, but also to the people in the voice channel interactive mechanism, behavior are studied. Speech recognition and speech synthesis combination, which constitute a man-machine communication system. Voice interactiv

29、e system generally adopt two ways: one is based on speech recognition and understanding of technology, relying mainly on audio interactive system; another is the use of speech technologies and systems of other interact together to interact with the system.In this way the voice is no longer the domin

30、ant, it is only a part of interaction system. 3.4 interactive behavior People in the communication process, in addition to the use of voice interaction, often with the help of body language, namely through the body posture and gesture to express meaning, this is the so-called human interactive behav

31、ior. Human behavior interaction method not only can strengthen the language expression ability, sometimes also plays the voice interaction does not have, such as fashion show, stage sketch show. The man-machine interactive behavior is computed through the location and identification of human, tracki

32、ng of human limb movements, tracking features of expression, thus the understanding of human actions and behavior, and respond to the intelligent feedback process. Interactive behavior will bring a new interactive way. The computer through the user behavior can predict what the user wants to do to m

33、eet the needs of users. Such as: computer tracking the line of sight of people, can decide the intentions of the user, is want to browse what website or call; when the user walks into a room, with the blue eyes computer that make response, such as tips for new mail received, if the user shakes his head, the computer that the user does not want to read the message, therefore instead of listing the days schedule.


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