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1、外研五年级下册复习详讲与练习免费下载M1 一、短语: 1.live in住在. 2.still in England仍然在英国 3.a programme about China一个关于中国的节目 4.Im coming!我就来! 5.old lady老女士 6.in China在中国 7.many years ago许多年以前 8.in a small house在一个小房子里 9.enough food足够的食物 10.How about.?.怎么样? 11.lots of许多 12.every day 每天 13.watch TV看电视 14.Thank you for.为.而感谢你 1

2、5.talk to.和.谈话 16.miss China想念中国 17.four years ago四年以前 18.a television programme about China一个关于中国的电视节目 19.last year去年 20.talk about her life谈论她的生活 21.on a fire在火上 22.work in the fields在田里干活 23.nothing stay with the same没有什么留下是一样的 24.the world 世界 25.go round the circle转圆圈 26.not.at all一点也不 二、句型: 1.I

3、m coming!我就来!再如:-Tom,supper is ready.Come quickly.-Ok,Im coming.汤姆,晚饭准备好了。快过来。好的,我就来! 2.Life was very different in China many years ago.在中国,许多年以前的生活非常不同。【本句由于有many years ago这个过去的时间,说明事情是发生在过去,所以谓语动词be要用一般过去时态was。 一般过去时态是表示过去经常发生的动作和存在的状态。谓语动词要用其过去式。 动词过去式的变化规则: 1.一般在动词原形后加-ed。如look-looked; 2以不发音的e结尾

4、的只加-d如:live-lived; 3.末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ed.如:stop-stopped; 4.末尾是辅音字母加y的动词,现变y为i,再加-ed.如:study-studied. 5,不规则的动词过去式需特殊记忆:am/is-was;are-were; go-went; come- came; take-took;have/has-had】 再如We lived in a snall house many years ago.许多年以前我们住在小房子里。 练习:许多年前,我们在火上做饭。 3.There werent any buses.没有任

5、何公共汽车。请用some any填空:There are buses and cars now.Many years ago there werent buses or cars. 4.We didnt have enogh food.我们没有足够的食物。再如:Now we have enough houses.现在我们有足够的房子。 5.Thank you for talking to us.谢谢你和我们交谈。 6.She didnt have a television or a radio.她没有一台电视机和一台收音机。填空:She couldnt read write. Now,she

6、can read write. 7.There were no cars or aeroplanes,there were only bikes.没有任何的汽车和飞机,仅仅有自行车。再如:There is no pen or pencil.=There isnt a pen or a pencil.没有一支钢笔和铅笔。 8.Some changes I dont like at all,others I really like.我一点也不喜欢一些变化,我真的喜欢其他的东西。 9.写出现在和过去的情况各4句话: Before now 五年级英语下册Module 1测试题 一、读单词找出划线读音不

7、同的一个。 ( 共10分) ( ) 1.A. farm B. postcard C. party D. warm ( ) 2.A. play B. rain C. any D. wait ( ) 3.A. hear B. air C. hair D. pear ( ) 4.A. sad B. badly C. catch D. glass ( ) 5.A. control B. shop C. home D. hold 二、写出下列动词的过去式。(共15分) 1.do_ 2.is _ 3.are _ 4.live _ 5.have _ 6.watch _ 7.cook_8.talk_ 9.he

8、lp_ 10.go_ 11.run_ 12.play_13.dance_14.listen_15.take_ 三、单项选择。(共20分) 1.( )There werent _buses. A. some B. any C. one 2.( ) We lived _ a small house. A. at B. in C. on 3.( )Yesterday I watched TV _my grandchildren. A.and B.with C.to 4.( )Thank you for talking_ me. A. with B.to C.and 5.( )She _ footba

9、ll yesterday. A. playing B played C plays. 6.( ) Its a programme _ monkeys. A.for B.in C.about 7.( ) There _ three books on the desk one year ago. A.was B.were C.are 8.( ) Now there _ lots of buses. A.was B.are C.is 9.( ) Many years ago there _ any televisions. A.wasnt B.werent C.arent 10.( ) Many y

10、ears ago we _ have enough food. A.are B.did C.didnt 四、请选择下列句子的正确译文。 ( )1.Its a programme about China. A.大约是中国的节目。 B.它是一个关于中国的节目。 ( )2.We have got lots of food. A.我们有许多食物。 B.我们想要许多食物。 ( )3.Life was very different in China many years ago. A.多年前中国的生活和现在差别很大。 B.生活有了一些不同。 ( )4.China is changing. A.中国已经变了

11、。 B.中国正在变化。 ( )5.There werent any buses. A.过去没有一辆公共汽车。B.现在没有一些公共汽车。 五、选词填空。(共10分) seasons days weeks months 1、There are seven _in a week. 2、There are fifty-two _ in a year. 3、There are twelve _ in a year. 4、There are four _ in a year. didnt werent lived 5、Many years ago.There _ any buses or cars. 6、

12、Tim _ in a small house. 7、He _ have enough food. Where What Who 8、_ are they? They are my friends. 9、_ did you do? I played football. 10、_ did you go? I went to the supermarket. 六、看句子,连线。(共10分) 1. How is your mother? A.You are welcome. 2. Thank you. B.No, I havent. 3. Have you got enough food? C.I w

13、as in Shanghai. 4. What did you do last Sunday? D.We watched TV at home. 5. Where were you two days ago? E.She is very well. 七连词成句,注意大小写及标点。 1. life very years different in was many China ago 2. we of got lots food have 3. for you thank to talking us 4.I a television watched about programme night la

14、st China 5. or she television a didnt radio a have 八、阅读理解。根据短文,判断正误, T或F。(共10分) There are two pictures about our city. One is now. the other one is before(以前的). Look! There was a small park, but now there is a big and beautiful park. And there is a lake with some ducks on it. There wasnt a lake befo

15、re. In our city there were some old houses, small trees. But now there are some new and high buildings. The trees are very tall and the flowers are very beautiful. There are some supermarkets and some cars now. I love my city. Do you want to visit here? ( )1. There was a park in our city before. ( )

16、2. There was a lake in the park. ( )3. There arent some ducks on the lake now. ( )4. There werent any tall trees before. ( )5. There were some cars in the city before. M2 一、短语: 1.learn English学英语 2.wear these clothes穿这些衣服 3.in lots of Chinese cities在许多中国城市 4.foreign language外语 5.Welcome to Beijing!欢

17、迎到北京! 6.go shopping购物 7.take a walk散步 8.do ones homework做作业 9.make a cake做蛋糕 10.ten years ago十年前 11.teach Chinese教汉语 12.in his class在他的班里 13.a good pupil一个好学生 14.study very hard学习非常努力 15.be retired退休 16.an English teacher一位英语老师 10.five years ago五年以前 18.walk to school=go to school on foot步行去学校 19.go

18、to school去学校 20.by school bus乘校车 21.write a letter写信 22.write an email写电子邮件 23.on the computer在计算机上 24.not I or you不是我也不是你 25.pass through刮过 26.put down their heads低下他们的头 27.pass by身边通过28. read a book看书 二、句型: 1.Why is she wearing these clothes?Because she was a dancer.为什么她穿这些衣服?因为她是一个舞蹈家。 【is wearin

19、g是现在进行时态,表示现在动作正在发生或进行, 其结构是:be(am.is.are)+动词ing形式;be随主语的单复数及人称变化。】 再如:Hes learning English now.他现在正在学习英语。练习:他正在教李先生。 2.Did your grandma learn English?Yes,she did.你奶奶学英语吗?是的,她学。 【这是一个一般过去时态的句子,询问的是你奶奶以前学英语吗,所以要用一般过去时态。一般过去时态的句子变一般疑问句时要用助动词“did”。 句型结构是:Did+主语+动词原形+其他? 回答:肯定的:Yes,主语+did. 否定的:No.主语+did

20、nt. 如果是“be”动词,就变成“was/were”。】 再如:Did she make a cake?Yes,she did.No,she didnt. 练习:五年以前他走着上学吗?是的,他是。 What did she do yesterday?She make a cake.昨天她做什么了?她做蛋糕了。 再如:What did Lingling do yesterday?She went shopping.昨天玲玲干什么了?她去买东西了。 练习:昨天大明干什么了?他散步的。 五年级英语下册Module 2测试题 一、选出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的一项。 1. A. draw B. s

21、aw B. chair C. window C. hair C. all C. pass 2. A. ear 3. A. autumn B. house 4. A. post B. class 5. A. star 二、写出下列动词的过去式。 B. party C. some 1. learn 2. live 3. do 4. make 5. is walk 三短语互译。 1.学英语 2.wear these clothes 3.在许多中国城市 4.Welcome to Beijing! 9.by school bus 10. 写电子邮件 四从方框中选择适当的词语填空。(10分) to hav

22、e ; having; has; had; have 1、What did she _ ? 2、She _ a tomato. 3、I m _ dinner. 4、He _ lunch at twelve everyday. 5、Im going _ chicken for dinner. 五选择填空。 1. Yesterday she _a cake. A. make B. made C. making 2. Hes _ English now. A. learnt B. learning C. 6. watch 7. teach 8. study 9. dance 10、5.十年前 6.退

23、休 7.do ones homework 8. 购物 learn 3. Ten years ago, Mr Li _ a teacher. A. was B. is C. am 4. Now Chen Hai is _ Mr Li . A. teach B. taught C. teaching 5. A: What did she do ? B:She _. A. dance B. dancer C. danced 6. A: dont we go out to play? B: Because its raining. A. Who B. Why C. What 7. A: is he?

24、B: He is my grandpa. A. Who B. Why C. What 8. I TV every day. A. watch B. watched C. watches 9. A: this? B: Its a pencil. A. What B. Whats C. whats 10. A:Did you like ice creams? B: . A.Yes, I didnt. B. No, I didnt. C. No, I did. 六选择配伍。(10分) A B. Yes, she did. C. They are Linglings B A. Hes learning

25、 English. ( )1.Who are they? ( )2.Was he a driver? ( )3.What is he doing now? grandparents. ( )4.Whos this? ( )5.Did she learn any languages? 七补全单词。 1. My aunt is a danc (舞蹈演员). 2. I st d (学习)English two years ago. 3.She works very h d(努力地). 4.My parents have ret ed.(退休的) 5.She worked in the f lds(田

26、地). 八连词成句。 D. No, he wasnt. E. Its my mother. 1.he, hard, very, studied. 2.was, Mr.Li, a, teacher. 3.hes, learning, now, English. 4.she, was, because, dancer,a. 5.learn, he, did, Chinese? 九阅读理解。(10分) Hello! My name is Alice. There are seven people in my family. My grandfather and grandmother are in

27、America. My parents are English teachers in China. I have two brothers. They are twins. We are students in the same school. I am in Grade One. They are in Grade Three. ( )1. Three are people in Alices family. A. eight B. seven C. ten ( )2. Her parents are China. A. at B. on C. in ( )3. There are chi

28、ldren in her family. A. seven B. three C. two ( )4. They are in same school. A. a B. an C. the ( )5. Her parents are . A.doctors B. teachers C.workers M3 短语: 1.an email from.一封来自.电子邮件 2.Its about.它是关于. 3.English food英国食物 4.have an English breakfast吃一顿英式早饭 5.What.have for lunch午饭吃. 6.What.have for di

29、nner晚饭吃. 7.fish and chips鱼和薯条 8.a traditional English dinner一顿传统的英式晚餐 9.be delicious美味的 10.have breakfast吃早饭 11.have lunch吃午饭 12.have dinner吃晚饭 13.at school在学校 14.like.very much非常喜欢. 15.give sth. To sb.把某东西给某人 16.Chinese food中国食物 17.be going to do sth.准备做某事 18.cook Chinese foodfor. 为.做/烹饪中国食物 19.wit

30、h love致以我们的爱 20.last night昨晚 21.tonight今晚 22.eat sth.吃某物 23.drink sth.喝某物 24.the very best最好的 25.pick a card挑选一个卡片 26.tell a story讲一个故事 27.buy some apples买一些苹果 句型: 1.Look.Ive got an email from Lingling.看。我有一封来自玲玲的电子邮件。 再如:I have got a letter from my mother.我有一封来自我妈妈的信。 练习:艾米有一份来自她爸爸的电子邮件。 2.What did

31、 she have for lunch?她午饭吃什么? 再如:What did she have for dinner?她晚饭吃什么? 练习:昨天我们早饭吃什么?两个鸡蛋和两个汉堡。 3.We gave our hamburgers to Sam.我们把我们的汉堡给了萨姆。 练习:小明把他的钢笔给了小红。 4.本课学习和应用了几个时态?请写出来: 5.找出本课应用动词过去式的单词,并写出动词原形: 6.语音:字母组合ea,ee/i:/ teacher see read seat eat easy tree three fifteen meat 还有哪些你好能想出来吗? 但ea也读/e/ hea

32、d bread read(过去式) 还有吗? ear/ ear hear really 但ear也读/e/ bear pear 字母组合ere eir也读/e/ where their 那么here、chair 读那个音? 练习:找出不同读音: ( ) A.read B.bread C.see D.eat ( ) A.head B.meat C.tea D.easy ( )A.ear B.bear C.pear D.chair ( )A.really B.here C.where D.hear 五年级英语下册Module 3测试题 一、词汇。 1.看图写单词。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

33、( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2. 按要求写单词。 give(过去式)_ city(复数)_ drink(过去式)_ sing(名词)_ eat(现在分词)_ study(过去式)_ dangerous(反义词)_ shop(现在分词)_ know wear (同音词) same 3. 用动词的正确形式填空。 1).Many years ago, she_(cook) on a fire. 2).Lets_(go) to the supermarket. 3).He _(do) her homework last night. 4).They _(be) going to cook

34、English food. 5).Lingling had a sandwich because she (like) hamburgers. 4. 读一读,圈出合适的词。 This is my school. Two years ago, it was / is small. There werent some / any tall trees. There was/were only a slide. But now, it is / was big and narrow. We can play / played football in our school. 5.在II 栏中找出I 的

35、相应的答语,并把序号写在括号内。 I ( ) 1. Whose new bag is it? ( ) 2. Where were you three days ago? ( ) 3. Where will you go? ( ) 4. Whats the matter with you? ( ) 5. Can you catch the ball? ( ) 6. What did he have for lunch? ( ) 7. How many hamburgers did he eat? ( ) 8. Your sweater is very beautiful. ( ) 9. What

36、 class are you in? II A. No, I cant. B. I am tired. C. The same to you. D. He had eggs for lunch. E. Its mine. F. Thank you! G. I was on a farm. H. I am in Class 1, Grade2. I. Ill go to Hainan. 二、 单项选择。 1Ive got _email from Lingling. A a B an C one 2 ( ) She _ an English breakfast yesterday. A has B

37、 have C had 3 ( )What _ she _ yesterday evening? A did, have B did, has C does, have 4 ( ) They had noodles _ lunch. A on B in C for 5 ( ) Lingling _ English food very much. A. likes B. like C. liked 6 ( ) What_ Daming_ to eat tonight? A are, going B. is, going C does, go 7 ( ) He _ eat hamburgers tonight. A does go to B is going to C are going to 8 ( ) She _ one apple to dog every day. A give B gives C gave


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