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1、外研社三年级上册模块一 微课教案系部:外国语学院 姓名:陈婕 学号:10610259827 外研社小学一年级起点新标准英语三年级上册第五册 Module 1 Unit 1 Lesson objectives 1.Languageknowledge and skills (1) the new words: chopsticks, a knife and fork, use, easy, hard and mess (2)learn the basic sentence pattern and the students could make dialogues according to the

2、sentence patterns Do you use Yes ,I do./No ,I dont. 2.Affect The students could make differences in food culture between the western countries and China. 3.Teaching important points Do you use chopsticks in ? Do you use a knife and fork in ? 4.Teaching difficult points The pronunciation of some new

3、words. For example, chopsticks 5.Preparation Word card,ppt 6.板书设计 Teaching process 1.Warming up part The teacher shows many pictures about food.(noodles,rice, hamburgers,cakes and so on). Firstly, the teacher leads the students to get familiar with these food names, and then on this basis the teache

4、r can ask them to practice the sentence pattern. Do you like noodles? Yes, I do. No, I dont. 2.Presentation and practice (1) The teacher use the picture noodles and then a new word chopsticks can be leaded out. T: I like noodles. I eat noodles with chopsticks. The teacher takes out the real chopstic

5、ks and then says the new word. At the same time, the teacher shows the picture of chopsticks. The pronunciation ofnew word is a difficult point. So the teacher should ask students to practice more. (2) The new word use can be leaded out in the process of communication. T: Can you use chopsticks? The

6、 word card of use should be shown. Do you use chopsticks? Yes, we do. No, we dont. (3) The teacher inquires the students if the English people use Chopsticks and then a knife and fork will be leaded out. T: We use chopsticks in China. Do the English people use chopsticks? S: No, they dont. English p

7、eople use a knife and fork. Do you use chopsticks / a knife and fork? Yes, I do. No, I dont. (4)Practice(PPT) a. In China, we use _. In England, people use _. b. pair work(the pupils practice the centence patterns with partner according to the ppt ,and then the teacher check the work. A:Do you use chopsticks in England? B:No,Idont.We use a knife and fork. A:We use chopsticks in China. 4.Homework To practice the sentence patterns learned in this lessonwithclassmates.


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