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1、外研社英语九年级上M1知识点整理gu in the east of 9.though/although 虽然,引导让步状语从句,可以和but互换 Though it was raining heavily, they still kept working hard in the fields. =It was raining heavily but they still kept working hard in the fields. 10.It be +数词+metres/kilometers/miles +adj. (long/wide/deep/tall/high/heavy/away)

2、 deep depth 深度 high-height 高度 long-length 长度 wide- width 宽度 11.in ones opinion Different people have different opinions about this matter.对于这件事,不同的人有不同看法。 In their opinion, the books by Mo Yan are well worth reading.他们认为莫言写的书很值得一看。 12.at/on the top (of)反义词组 at the bottom of 13.produce electricity发电

3、14.to some degree在某种程度上 Unit2 The Grand Canyon was not just big. 1. arrive + at/ in+ 地点 get+ to + 地点 reach+ 地点 I am waiting for him to arrive. arrival n. 2. look to the east/west/north/south look to ones left/right look down to look across to the other side of the canyon look after look for look out

4、小心,当心 look out of the window/door 看窗、门外 look into the room 朝屋子里看 look into the case调查案件 look through (newspapers/magazines) 浏览 look down upon sb. 轻视某人 look forward to doing 期待 look over 向.上方看;检查 The doctor looked over the patient carefully. Look over your testpaper before you hand it in. 3. get on/

5、get off the bus/train get into/out of the car 1 Module1 Wonders of the world Unit1 Its more than 2,000 years old. 1.the Terracotta Army 兵马俑 the Three Gorges Dam三峡大坝 the Giants Causeway 巨人之路 Victoria Falls 维多利亚瀑布 2.natural/man-made wonders 自然奇观,人造奇观 a modern wonder an ancient wonder wonder n.奇观C;惊奇U

6、1)The Great Wall is one of the greatest wonders of the world. 2)The foreigners are full of wonder at the Great Wall. vt. 对感到好奇;想知道,想弄明白 3)He wondered whether to have a picnic or not. wonderful adj. 3. join+组织、俱乐部/sb. join in/ take part in (doing) sth.加入某个活动; join in 后也可以不接宾语 join sb. in (doing) sth.

7、 Id like to join the English club. Hurry up! Lets join in their discussion. Wont you join us in singing the old song? 4.discuss vt. discuss sth. with sb.= have a discussion with sb. Lets discuss how to fight against their team. 5.one用于代替名词,指代某类明确的人或事物的单数,复数用ones I dont like this style. Would you ple

8、ase show me another one? They lose interest and went away in ones and twos.(三三两两) 注意:在比较句中,代替前面提到过的同类事物用that或those The weather in Kunming in winter is much warmer than that in Jiaxing. The beaches in Hawaii are even better than those in Hainan Island. 6. agree with sb./what you said agree to do sth.

9、 同意做某事 allow sb. to do sth. 同意某人做某事 反义词 disagree v. agreement n. 7.run vi.跑步; 延续 vt.经营 run a factory 8. on the eastern coast 3. an ancient circle of stones 4. a place to bury dead people一个埋葬私人的地方 动词不定式做定语 a place to study the stars and the sky at night一个观察星星和夜空的地方 5. dozens of 数打 6. in height The to

10、wer is about 500 meters high. =The tower is about 500 metres in height. 7. missing adj. My watch is missing/gone.我的手表不见了。 8.one of the most wonderful sights of the world 4. go through the gate go across the bridge go along the path 5. appear beside the path出现在路边 6. replyrepliedreplied 回答 answer+ 名词/

11、代词 reply + to +名词/ 代词 7.in five minutes 5分钟后,常用一般将来时 划线提问用How soon After five minutes/Five minutes later5分钟后 常用一般过去时,划线提问用When 8. finally: at last/ in the end 反义词组 at first=in the beginning 9.Suddenly, the clouds cleared. 突然,云散开了. The water is very clear. 水很清澈. Are you clear?你听懂了吗? 10. The sun rises

12、 in the east. (rise-rose-risen) The price of beef is rising day by day. 牛肉的价格天天在涨价。 11. I saw that the ground fell away and down to a river, far below me.我看见地面沉降到下面深谷中的一条河里,离我特别遥远. fall away: 消失;疏远 Her smile falls away. His friends began to fall away from him. 12. on both sides on either/each side 1

13、3. may be (句中) 情态动词may+be动词原形 maybe(句首,句末) adv. 相当于perhaps This umbrella may be hers. Maybe this umbrella is hers. 14. remain by the canyon remain v. 逗留,留下 n. 剩余物;遗迹;残骸 e.g. I didnt remain long in the city. The police told everybody to remain in their cars. The serious problem remains. They were tidying up the remains of their picnic. 1英里=1.6公里 Uint3 Language in use 1. have a fantastic view of 2. the entrance to the museum 2


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