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1、大二下英语口语考试UNIT1 what do you think we should do to preserve nature? Maybe some people would say as an ordinary person, there are not many things that we can do to preserve the earths environment. Maybe they would say it is governments responsibility. But I believe that it is everybodys responsibility

2、to preserve the earths environment as we all live on the earth, Only one earth. There a lot of things that we, as ordinary people, can do to preserve the earths environment. Those are just very simple actions in our daily life but if everybody does it, it will definitely definitli清楚地 improve the ear

3、ths environment a lot. For example, I can reuse and recycle things like paper, plastic bags, etc. I can also use more renewable rinju:bl可再生 energy instead of fossil fsl化石 fuels fjulz燃料. I should use fewer cars; instead, I can take a bus or an underground. Walking or riding a bike is a very good choi

4、ce if it is not very far because I can get good excise while I are saving the earth. Mostly importantly, I can persuade my family and friends and other people around me to do those things as well. Just a slight change in our life can bring a significant signifiknt有效的 change to the earths environment

5、. So I think my personal actions can be very significant to the earths environment. UNIT2 Is the advancement of technology always a good thing? Nowadays, many people are enjoying the benefits brought about by material and technological advances unimaginable in previous eras. With the development of

6、science and technology, peoples standard of living is getting higher and higher. Peoples life expectancy has soared, too. However, oddly enough, many people do not feel happier than they used to be. It can be seen that there is no close correlation between peoples income and their happiness. Happine

7、ss cannot, after all, be bought with money. Although the majority mdriti多数 of people are not very satisfied with their lives, they are happy to be alive, and the more time they get on earth, the better off they feel theyll be. What is important is that material wealth is far from enough. People need

8、 spiritual spiritjul, -tul 精神happiness, too. UNIT5 what do you think fame can bring to people? Fame has always been pursued by many people for the advantages it brings about. Fame can assure u 确保 one of a high social status, high regard, great admiration, edc.Fame can also bring one wealth as a cele

9、brity has more chances to earn big money. Besides, the applauses pl:z 欢呼 and flowers from the fans may boost bu:st 增进ones self-confidence and increase ones sense of fulfillment. However, fame also can ruin ones life, too. It deprives one of his privacys a public figure, he is often chased by fans an

10、d journalists d:nlists记者, and his private life never escapes the medias attention or public curiosity ,kjurisiti好奇, Fame also places one under great pressure. He has to work in line with public expectations and thus becomes the slave of his own success. So fame is a double-edged sword dbledd. I dont

11、 seek fame and I dont envy those who are famous. I highly appreciate what the American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow says about fame: “the talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of fame.” UNIT6 attitude to life People hold different attitudes towards li

12、fe. Some take a positive attitude and they always appreciate the beauty of life with zeal and gratitude. Some take a negative attitude towards life and any slight trouble in life may seem like the end of the world to them. A positive attitude ensures a happy, successful and healthy life. With a posi

13、tive attitude, people find it easy to accept challenges and overcome obstacles while maintaining peace of mind. Besides, a positive attitude boosts their self-esteem selfisti:m自尊, lifts their morale 士气and helps them fulfill their commitments both in their career and in their everyday life. Moreover,

14、 medical research shows that positive thinking can improve the immune imju:n 免疫 system and strengthen the bodys resistance rizistns阻力 to diseases. There are several ways to develop a positive attitude towards life. One needs to think positively, read uplifting plifti 令人振奋stories, hang around with op

15、timistic people, give up jealousy delsi嫉妒, and participate in meaningful activities. By building a positive attitude towards life, one can enjoy a happy, successful and healthy life. UNIT1 what makes you happy? Are you happy when others are happy? Im a girl who likes laughing. Laughing is the main r

16、hythm rim, rim of my life. When my friends play joke on each other, I laugh. When I see some humorous things, I laugh. Even the atmosphere tm,sfi seems to be embarrassing imbrsi, I still laugh to make us active. Therefore, Im always happy. Most of time, I become the clown小丑 of my friends, as we all

17、need to live a happy life, and Id like to devote my part sincerely. I have many good friends. And I think we all have the humor talent, our nature reflect to jokes is enough to make another joke. Thats really exciting! When my friends get great progress, we all celebrate together. As we help each ot

18、her and encourage each other during the daily life. Every forward step is the harvest of all of us. Thus when my friend get success Im always happy. While when my opponent gets achievements, especially greater than mine, I always dont express happy. Instead, I will think Why cant I do that?” What ca

19、n I do to improve myself more?” and so on. I dont know the idea is right or wrong. But I think it comes from my nature. Some famous man has said:” It is difficult for one to celebrate others success sincerely. I think it is right. In any case, the ideal becomes the power of my progress. This is the

20、most important. UNIT2 why do some people want to improve their appearance? A love of beauty is part of human nature. People like to see beautiful scenery, flowers, and animals. It is not strange that they also want to look at good-looking humans and improve the way they look themselves. With improve

21、d features, one may find a better job, attract a more desirable spouse spaus 配偶, and gain faster promotion. Some occupations attach great importance to appearance. Most actors, anchorpersons k,p:sn新闻节目主持人, and fashion models can be recognized reknaiz by their looks. It is sometimes argued that by lo

22、oking good, one tends to feel self-confident. With confidence, success is more likely to follow in any undertaking. 3 What damage could an earthquake cause and what can human beings do to deal with it? An earthquake damages poorly-built structures strkt建筑物. A powerful earthquake can destroy even wel

23、l-constructed buildings. When the buildings fall down, human lives and property prpti财产are ruined. Aftershocks may cause additional casualties kjulti伤亡. A heavy death toll, if not dealt with promptly, may be followed by an epidemic. ,epidemik传染病 It is difficult to predict earthquake, so we can only

24、take preventive measures. For example, in an area prone prun俯卧 to earthquake, we should construct strong, quake-proof buildings. We should also prepare emergency im:dnsi 紧急情况kits kit装备 that include a torch, t:t电筒first-aid medicines and bandages. bndid We should move out of dangerous quake zones zun.

25、 When an earthquake strikes while we are in a building, we should move outside. If there is no time to leave , we can hide under a strong table or bad to avoid being hurt by failing objects. Dont forget to turn off the electricity and gas to avoid accidents. UNIT4 When a boss employs or promotes peo

26、ple, what may be the chief consideration their education or their practical ability? A good university education does not necessarily lead to good practical ability; practical ability derives diraiv源于 mostly from practical work rather than from book knowledge; many people who did not receive a unive

27、rsity education become strikingly straikili 显著 successful in their chose field. Bill Gates is just one case in point. A good education provides one with knowledge which is useful in ones future job; even if part of the knowledge is not directly applicable plikbl, plik- 可应用, one may benefit in a broa

28、der sense; with the educational reforms, more emphasis emfsis重点 is now laid on ability, though theoretical knowledge is not neglected; a student getting good marks is not necessarily just a bookworm bukw:m 书呆子; high marks often reflect many good qualities such as diligence dilidns勤奋, self-discipline

29、, intelligence, logical thinking, good planning, and perhaps psychological stability. UNIT5 after finishing undergraduate studies, would you like to find a job or pursue a postgraduate pustrdjuit, -eit 研究生degree? Why ? Some students prefer to look for a favorable job, through which they can gain use

30、ful experience that they cant get from books. When they move on to a higher level job one day, then, they will already have experience in that field. At work, they can give full play to their practical abilities, and may be promoted to department manager by the time their classmates complete their M

31、asters degree programs. On the other hand, some students are not eager to take up a job and prefer to continue to study towards a Masters degree or even a PhD ,pi:eitdi:博士. As we all know, knowledge is power. Although not everything you learn will be directly applicable at work, knowledge does impro

32、ve your character overall. In the long run, those who acquire more knowledge will benefit from it. 6 Do you think success is due more to luck and opportunity or to diligence勤奋? Why? Sometimes a lucky person achieves great success without making the corresponding ,k:rispndi 相应 efforts, while a person

33、 who has worked diligently on and on fails to accomplish anything. But on the whole, I am inclined inklaind 倾向于 to believe that success is more closely related to diligence than to luck. It is true that in gambling mbli投机, card-playing and some other games, luck plays in a large role. But in most fi

34、elds, one has to study and work hard before one has a chance of success. For example, all scientists, engineers, teachers, musicians and athletes must receive years of rigorous rirs严格 training before they can do their work properly and stand out from the rest. Without hard work, they have almost no

35、hope of success at all. After all, opportunity favors those who are well prepared. UNIT7 what do you think about the computer and the Internet as sources of entertainment? With the advent of the computer and the Internet, we can play all kinds of games in the virtual world; we can play chess and car

36、ds with people we have never met, even a chess master. We can travel to all parts of the world on the Net. We can send email moreover; we can make use of the Net as a way of learning. But We should reasonable use the computer. If we sit in front of a computer all day long, there will be many negativ

37、e effects. Our eyes may get cause disease. Too much sedentary sedntri 久坐work is bad for our health. We may become physically weak and develop a weight problem. Worse still, if we get addicted to the computer, we may neglect human relationships and communication between one another. In the end we wou

38、ld rather talk to a computer than to a human. so We should reasonable use the computer. UNIT8 is it possible that humans will be cloned in the future? Many people are against human cloning, and some countries have passed laws to ban it. human cloning may bring many religious, social and ethical eikl

39、l伦理 problems, and the present religious and social systems may collapse klps倒塌. However, history shows that mankind is always curious to explore what is unknown and eager to accomplish what seems to be impossible. But many people want to clone man .they think human cloning, who are likely to be stro

40、nger, cleverer and better-looking than people today. Even if there are social and moral problems with human cloning, perhaps politicians and sociologists can figure out ways to resolve them. At least, the cloning of human cells and organs has great potential in the medical field. UNIT9 How can we na

41、rrow the gap between the rich and the poor? Browse the Internet for information. The most important measure to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor lies in an appropriate taxation tksein policy plisi税收政策. The tax burden on the poor should be lightened, while the rich should pay more taxes to

42、 help the poor and support the countrys development. Moreover, some voluntary programs such as Project Hope have played a role in helping children in poverty-stricken areas. The wealthy eastern region can cooperate with the economically disadvantaged western region to seek for joint development. In

43、some profitable sectors sekts地区 of the economy such as the electric power and telecommunications telik,mju:nikeinz通讯, monopoly telik,mju:nikeinz垄断 should give way to fair competition. Also, the social welfare welf 福利 system should be improved to guarantee ,rnti:保证 poor peoples basic living standards

44、. 10 Should we be punctual for class, work, or appointments? Why? What can you do to ensure punctuality? In the past, Chinese didnt attach much importance to punctuality ,pktjuliti严格遵守时间. In an agricultural ,rikltrl 农业country punctuality was not very important. But nowadays, owing to the quickened p

45、ace of life and the influence of Western concepts knsept 观念of time, the Chinese seem to be paying more attention to punctuality. If somebody is twenty minutes late for an appointment, you may be annoyed because it is a waste of your time. To avoid being late, we should make adequate dikwit充分 preparations. In case an emergency im:dnsi 紧急情况prevents us from arriving at the destination ,destinein目的地 on time, we can call ahead to inform the person concerned of the delay. dilei推迟 But for entertainment activities like a party, we may be a bit late, for that causes no inconvenience to others.


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