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1、大学英语b复习资料1、- Whats the problem with your bike? - _ A:Not at all. B:Good, thank you. C:Nothing serious. D:Sure 答案:C 2、- Thank you for your invitation. - _ A:It doesnt matter. B:Its a pleasure. C:Its a small thing. D:Ill appreciate it. 答案:B 3、- Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please? - _ A:Whos the

2、re? B:Whos speaking? C:Who are you? D:Who wants to speak to Mark? 答案:B 4、- Are you going on holiday for a long time? - _ A:It was a long time. B:Two weeks ago. C:No. Only a couple of days. D:Not long time ago. 答案:C 5、- Thank you for calling. - _ A:Dont mention it. B:Thats fine. C:Nice talking to you

3、. D:Call back again. 答案:C 6、- Hows your family? - _ A:Thanks all the same. B:Thanks for calling. C:Not too bad. D:Dont mention it. 答案:C 7、- Where is Miss Smith? - _ A:Shes from England. B:Shes at home. C:Shes not back. D:Shes very well. 答案:B 8、- This is a challenging job. Who wants it? - _ A:Ill tak

4、e it. C:You bet! D:No sweat! 答案:A 9、- We are planning an outing. _ - Sure. A:Where are you going? B:When will you leave? C:How is everything? D:Do you want to join us? 答案:D 10、- Would you like to go to a concert this evening? - _ A:OK. Lets go. B:You are welcome. B:Its a good idea. C:But I have noth

5、ing else to do. D:Not bad. 答案:A 11、- What is she? - _ A:She is a typist. B:She is talking to her friend. C:She is having a holiday. D:She is my sister. 答案:A 12、- Hey, Linda. You look so pale. Whats the matter? - _ A:Thank you. B:Are you OK? C:Im just getting over the flu. D:Im feeling well. 答案:C 13、

6、- Good afternoon. Can I help you? - _ A:No. I dont think so. B:Thank you. C:I need to buy a birthday present for my son. D:Yes. I think so 答案:C 14、- Excuse me, is this the Sales Department? - _ A:Im afraid you have the wrong number. B:You are wrong. C:Whats wrong with you? D:What are you talking abo

7、ut? 答案:A 15、- Sorry to give you so much trouble. - _ A:I think so. B:Oh, Im sorry. C:Its OK. D:You are busy. 答案:C 16、- My son won the first prize in the writing contest! - _ A:Congratulations! B:Are you sure of that? C:What a pity! D:Its terrible. 答案:A 全套完整新版题库,全中文翻译,群内考前突击,提供简化版 , 提供作文辅助输入工具,全程免费答疑

8、。更多免费请看用户名。 17、- Thank you for the wonderful meal, Mrs. Hanson. - _ A:Oh, I dont think you ate well. B:Im not a good cook in fact. C:Be careful next time. D:Im glad you enjoyed it. 答案:D 18、- I heard you got a full mark in the English exam. Congratulations! - _ A:Oh, no, no. B:No, I didnt do very well. C:Thanks. D:Dont praise me. 答案:C 19、 Pleased to meet you! _ A:Pleased to meet you ,too. B:How do you do? C:Ive heard about you. D:The pleasure is mine. 答案:A 20、How do you do? _ A:How are you? B:Good afternoon. C:Im fine. D:How do you do? 答案:D


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