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1、大学英语III第1次作业一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共40道小题) 1. Hello, may I speak to Mr. Clinton? _ (A) Yes, I am Clinton. (B) Thank you for calling me. (C) This is Clinton speaking. (D) Yes, who are you? 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:C 解答参考:第一单元C 当别人打电话来找某人,而你就是别人要找的人,可直接说 Speaking. 或 Its speaking./ This is speaking. 而不能说 I am . 或

2、 is me. 当你想知道是谁打的电话,应该说 Who is this? 或 Whos calling?/ Whos speaking? 不能说 Who are you? B项不符合本题的对话内容。 2. ABC Company, may I help you? _ (A) I am Jack. May I speak to Miss Jenny? (B) This is Jack speaking. May I speak to Miss Jenny? (C) This is Jack speaking. Can I find Miss Jenny? (D) I am Jack. Can I

3、 find Miss Jenny? 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:B 解答参考:第一单元B 打电话时做自我介绍,应该说 This is / Its 不能说 I am 所以A、D两项都是错误的答案。当你想让某人接听电话时应使用 May I speak to ?而Can I find ?显得不太礼貌,也不符合英语电话用语习惯。 3. Hello, I need to get in contact with Mr. Fox right away. _ (A) Whats the matter, please? (B) Hi, Im listening. (C) Its Fox, who a

4、re you? (D) Hold on, please. 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:D 解答参考:第一单元D get in contact with 和联系。该题题干是表明说话者有急事找福克斯先生,只有D项符合本题,Hold on, please. 请稍等一下。 4. Would you transfer this call to the Financial Department? _ (A) Yes, I cant. (B) No, somebody else is on the phone. (C) Sorry, the line is busy. (D) Yes. But

5、you should wait. 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:C 解答参考:第一单元C 该题题干是请求接线员将电话转接财务部,而选项是接线员说的话。请求时可用Would you transfer this call to (电话号码)?接线员通常回答 Yes, Ill put you through. 但尝试后接不通或对方号码占线时,应说 Sorry, the line/number is busy/engaged. 也可再加上 Will you hold on? 5. Hello, may I talk to Jerry? Sorry, he is out of the offi

6、ce right now. _ Yes, thank you. (A) Can I help you? (B) What can I do for you? (C) Would you like to hold? (D) Would you like to leave a message? 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:D 解答参考:第一单元D 依据对话中的上下文推断可知要找的人不在,而接电话的人则询问是否需要帮捎个口信,故选D。 6. Hi, is Thomas there? _ (A) No, he is not there. (B) Sorry, Ill call him. (

7、C) Hold on. Ill get him. (D) Yes, Thomas is me. 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:C 解答参考:第一单元C 当别人打电话来找某人而此人在时,可用Hold on. Ill get him/her. 意为“请别挂断,我去叫他/她。”若此人刚好不在,可用 Im sorry. He/She isnt in. 或 He/Shes out. 接下来还可以说 Can I take a message for him/her? 请别人留言。A项不太礼貌,且不符合英语习惯。B项说法不准确。D项不是电话用语。若你就是别人要找的人,可直接说 Speaking.

8、或 Its Thomas speaking. 而不能说 I am Thomas. 或 Thomas is me. 7. Hello, Id like to speak to Mr. Wang. Hes out to lunch now. _ Sure, thank you. (A) Sorry, you cant. (B) I dont know. (C) No, you cant. (D) Would you mind calling back later? 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:D 解答参考:第一单元D 依据对话中的上下文推断可知王先生出去吃午饭了,接电话的人则询问是否介

9、意稍后再打电话,对方表示同意。其他A,B,C项都不符合题意。 8. Excuse me, is this the Sales Department? _ I am so sorry. (A) Im afraid you have the wrong number. (B) You are wrong. (C) Whats wrong with you? (D) What are you talking about? 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:A 解答参考:第一单元A 根据上下文可知打电话的人一定是拨错电话号码了。在英语中,表达对方打错电话了可用“I am afraid you h

10、ave the wrong number.”自己意识到打错电话则可以用“Im sorry. I must have misdialed./Im afraid I have the wrong number.”而B,C,D三项则不够礼貌。 9. Excuse me, its urgent Id like to talk to your manager. _ (A) Yes, Ill make you through. (B) Sorry, can you tell me who you are? (C) Hold the line, please. Ill put you through. (D

11、) Yes. But you have to wait. 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:C 解答参考:第一单元C 只有C项符合用英语打电话的习惯,解答同4题。 10. Hello, may I speak to Mike? _ Sorry, I must have misdialed. (A) You are wanted on the telephone. (B) Theres nobody named Mike here. (C) Just a second, please. (D) Can I take a message for him? 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答

12、案:B 解答参考:第一单元B 依据选项处的上下文来推断,一定是打错电话了,只有B项符合题意,其他三项都与上下文矛盾,故不能选。 11. The accident was _ to careless driving. (A) for (B) likely (C) due (D) because 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:C 解答参考:第一单元C due to是固定搭配,意为“由于,因而产生”。 这起事故起因于粗心驾驶。 12. The news made the old lady very _. (A) sadder (B) sad (C) sadly (D) sadness 你选

13、择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:B 解答参考:第一单元C due to是固定搭配,意为“由于,因而产生”。 这起事故起因于粗心驾驶。 13. He stressed that the disadvantages of the change would _ its advantages. (A) overtake (B) outweigh (C) overcome (D) beyond 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:B 解答参考:第一单元C due to是固定搭配,意为“由于,因而产生”。 这起事故起因于粗心驾驶。 14. I cant find _. (A) a coat eno

14、ugh large (B) a large enough coat (C) a large coat enough (D) an enough large coat 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:B 解答参考:第一单元B 此题考察enough的位置。enough adv. 足够地, 充分地,放在所修饰 的形容词后。 我找不到一件足够大的外套。 15. Over a third of the population was estimated to have no _ to the health service. (A) assessment (B) assignment (C) exc

15、eption (D) access 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:D 解答参考:第一单元D access to 使用,接近,或进入之途径或权利;assessment n. 估价; assignment n. 任务; exception n. 例外 估计有1/3以上的人口享受不到医疗保健服务。 16. In our English study reading is more important than speaking, I think. I dont agree with you. Speaking is _ reading. (A) as important as (B) so

16、important as (C) the most important (D) the same as 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:A 解答参考:第一单元A 此题考查“同等比较”的用法,句式中的“asas”结构意为“和一样”,其中的形容词或副词用原级。 我认为英语学习中读比说重要。 .我不这么认为。说和读是同等重要的。 17. His lectures on Roman history would do credit _ a real expert. (A) in (B) to (C) of (D) with 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:B 解答参考:第一单元B do

17、credit to 为带来光荣 他关于罗马史的讲座成就了他的专家美誉。 18. Someone is knocking at the door _. (A) aloud (B) loud (C) loudly (D) aloudly 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:C 解答参考:第一单元C 此题考察副词的辨析。aloud adv. 大声地;loud adv. 高声地;loudly adv. 响亮地, 大声地 有人在大声敲门。 19. I fail to _ ever meeting her. (A) recall (B) pretend (C) plan (D) hope 你选择的答案

18、: 未选择 错误 正确答案:A 解答参考:第一单元A 此题考察动词的辨析。recall 后面有宾语时,要接动名词形式;pretend假装;plan 计划;hope 希望 我想不起曾经见过她。 20. I was _ by their kindness and moved to tears. (A) preoccupied (B) embarrassed (C) overwhelmed (D) counseled 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:C 解答参考:第一单元C 此题考查动词意义辨析。 preoccupy 使全神贯注;embarrass 使窘迫;overwhelm 使不知所措;c

19、ounsel 劝告 他们的善意深深地感动了我,使我热泪盈眶。 21. Doesnt the clown look _ ? (A) fun (B) laugh (C) laughter (D) funny 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:D 解答参考:第一单元D 此题考察形容词作表语。感官,感觉动词后面要求用形容词作表语,常见的有see、 appear、 look、sound、smell、taste、feel等。 这个小丑看上去不是很滑稽么? 22. My camera can be _ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions. (A

20、) treated (B) adjusted (C) adapted (D) remedied 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:B 解答参考:第一单元B 此题考察动词意义辨析。 treat 对待,处理; adjust 调整,调节;adapt 使适应; remedy 治疗,纠正 我的照相机可以调节,不论阴天还是晴天都可以照相。 23. The football game comes to you _ from New York . (A) lively (B) alive (C) live (D) living 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:C 解答参考:第一单元C 此题考察形

21、容词辨析。lively 活泼的,活跃的;alive 活着的,活泼的;live 活的,生动的,精力充沛的,实况转播的;living 活的, 起作用的, 逼真的, 现存的 这场足球赛是从纽约实况转播的。 24. I try to _ a few dollars each month in order to buy a new bike. (A) set up (B) set out (C) set off (D) set aside 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:D 解答参考:第一单元D set aside 留出; set up建立;set out 出发,开始; set off 出发,动

22、身 为了买一辆新的自行车,我尽力每个月都留出一些钱。 25. With _ three inches of rain falling in a six-month period, the farmers found it necessary to irrigate the land. (A) less than (B) fewer than (C) little than (D) less few than 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:A 解答参考:第一单元A 此题考察比较级的用法。首先排除C和D,二者都是错误的表达。只能选A,less than用在表示一定时间、数量或距离的复数名

23、词前,意思是“少于”,属于固定搭配。 由于在六个月里的降水量只有不到三英寸,农民们感到有必要灌溉农田了。 26. Clark felt that his _ in one of the most dramatic medical experiments of all time was worth the suffering he underwent. (A) apprehension (B) appreciation (C) presentation (D) participation 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:D 解答参考:第一单元D 此题考查后缀 -tion和 sion构成的

24、名词辨析。apprehension 理解; appreciation 欣赏; presentation 陈述; participation 参与 克拉克认为能参加有史以来最令人激动的医学实验,再苦也值得。 27. He bought a _ carpet yesterday. (A) large beautiful green Chinese (B) Chinese beautiful large green (C) beautiful large green Chinese (D) Chinese green beautiful large 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:C 解答参

25、考:第一单元C 此题考察数个形容词同修饰一个名词时的排序。一般是“表示特性的词(nice, good, etc.)大小年龄形状颜色国籍、地区、出处”,如:the tall young American policeman。 他昨天买了一张既美丽又宽大的绿色中国地毯。 28. He said that the driver must have had an accident; otherwise he _ by then. (A) would have arrived (B) must have arrived (C) should arrive (D) arrived 你选择的答案: 未选择

26、错误 正确答案:A 解答参考:第一单元A otherwise 引出的与过去事实相反的虚拟语气 他说司机一定出事了,要不然那时他应该已经到了。 29. I will give you some picture books. The _, the _. (A) more; better (B) many; better (C) most; best (D) much; better 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:A 解答参考:第一单元A 考查“The +比较级,the +比较级”结构的用法。 我会给你一些图画书。 越多越好。 30. Its very _ of you not to ta

27、lk aloud while the baby is asleep. (A) concerned (B) careful (C) considerable (D) considerate 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:D 解答参考:第一单元D 此题考察形容词的辨析。considerate 考虑周到的;be concerned for/ about/ with 对关心; be careful of/ about/ with 对当心;considerable 相当大的,值得考虑的 婴儿睡着了你就小声说话,你真是考虑的太周到了。 31. Dont blame the youth. I th

28、ink the young generation is _ of trust. (A) worth (B) worthy (C) worthless (D) worthwhile 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:B 解答参考:第一单元B 此题考察相近形容词的辨析。worth 值钱的,值的看中的;worthy 有价值的, 应的;worthless 无价值的,无益的;worthwhile 值得做的,值得出力的 不要责怪年轻人。我认为年轻一代应该得到信任。 32. A healthy life is frequently thought to be _ with the open count

29、ryside and home growth food. (A) tied (B) bound (C) involved (D) associated 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:D 解答参考:第一单元D tie 和involve不与with搭配 bound可以做“联系”讲,但是搭配是be bound up with。 人们常常把健康的生活与开阔的乡村和自家种的食物联系在一起。 33. The new edition of this book is _ expensive than the old one . (A) fewer (B) more much (C) less (D)

30、 a little 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:C 解答参考:第一单元C 此题考察形容词比较级。 这本书的新版本比旧版本便宜。 34. Being deaf hasnt stopped Karen _ her ambition to be a hairdresser. (A) fulfilling (B) finishes (C) fulfills (D) finishing 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:A 解答参考:第一单元A fulfill v. 实现;finish v. 完成;stop sb. (from) doing sth. 阻碍某人做某事 耳聋并没有能阻碍凯

31、伦实现她成为一名理发师的理想。 35. This street is much _ than that one. (A) straight (B) straighter (C) straightest (D) more straighter 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:B 解答参考:第一单元B 此题考查much,even,still,far,a lot,a great deal等程度副词(短语)修饰形容词或副词比较级的用法,句中常用“程度副词(短语)+形容词/副词的比较级(than) ”结构。 这条街比那一条直多了。 36. There are few scientific and

32、 technical books that are not _at our university library. (A) available (B) bought (C) determined (D) valuable 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:A 解答参考:第一单元A available 可用到的, 可利用的;bought 是buy的过去分词;determine 决定,下决心;valuable 有价值的 在我们大学的图书馆,几乎没有什么科学技术方面的书是找不到的。 37. Thomas said that he was late because he was caught i

33、n a traffic jam. That was a _ story. (A) like (B) alike (C) likely (D) liking 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:C 解答参考:第一单元C 此题考察词的辨析。like n. 爱好 adj. 相似的 v. 喜欢 prep. 像;alike adj. 相似的 adv. 以同样的方式;likely adj. 很可能的,有希望的 adv. 或许,很可能;liking n. 爱好,嗜好 托马斯说他是因为交通堵塞才迟到的。这很有可能。 38. You see the lightning _ it happens, but y

34、ou hear the thunder later. (A) the instant (B) for an instant (C) on the instant (D) in an instant 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:A 解答参考:第一单元A the instant 相当于when的用法。 on the instant 立即,马上;for an instant 有一会儿 一闪电你就会看到光,但过一会你才能听到雷声。 39. When his wife and two little children left him, he was very _ . (A) alone (B

35、) along (C) lonely (D) lonelier 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:C 解答参考:第一单元C 此题考察alone和lonely的辨析。alone 独自一人的,孤单一人的;lonely 孤独的,寂寞的 妻子和两个孩子离他而去后,他很孤独。 40. They regard these men as their _ enemies. (A) death (B) dead (C) deadly (D) deadlines 你选择的答案: 未选择 错误 正确答案:C 解答参考:第一单元C 此题考察词的辨析。death n. 死,死亡;dead adj. 死的,无感觉的

36、,呆板的;deadly adj. 致命的,势不两立的;deadline n. 最终期限 他们把这些人看作他们的死对头。 。因此选D,网络教育最适合那些忙于工作但又想获得更高学位的人。 43. Successful and happy distance learners have a few characteristics in common. Compare yourself to the following list to determine whether or not online classes are a good fit for your personality and habit

37、s. 1. Successful distance learners do just as well, if not better, without people looking over their shoulder. While some people need teachers to keep them motivated and on-task, distance learners are able to motivate themselves. They realize that they will never be face-to-face with the people who

38、give them assignments and grade their work, but they dont need others to encourage them. The most successful students are self-motivated and set their own goals. 2. Successful distance learners never (or at least rarely) put off their assignments or wait until the last moment to write their papers.

39、These students enjoy the freedom of working at their own pace and appreciate the ability to complete their work in as much time as it takes them, instead of waiting for an entire class. However, they understand that putting off their work too often can end up adding months, if not years, to their st

40、udies. 3. Successful distance learners have good reading comprehension skills. W hile most people learn by listening to lectures and taking notes, the majority of distance learners are expected to master material through reading alone. Although some distance learning courses offer video recordings a

41、nd audio clips, most programs require that students understand a large amount of information that is only available through written text. These students are able to comprehend texts at the college level without the direct guidance of a teacher. 4. Successful distance learners can resist constant dis

42、tractions. Whether its the phone ringing off the hook, the kids screaming in the kitchen, or the temptation of TV programs, everyone faces distractions. Successful students know how to filter out the constant disturbances that threaten their progress. They feel comfortable turning down an invitation

43、 or letting the machine pick up the phone when they know there is work to be done. 共5题 (1) Which of the following is NOT included in the successful distance learners characteristics? (A) Being self-motivated. (B) Being self-disciplined. (C) Being with good reading comprehension skills. (D) Being eas

44、y to distract attention. 你选择的答案:未选择 错误 正确答案:D (2) If putting off his work too often, what will happen to this student? (A) An entire class will wait for him. (B) The professor will punish him. (C) He has to postpone his graduation. (D) Nothing will happen to him. 你选择的答案:未选择 错误 正确答案:C (3) The phrase

45、“filter out” in the last paragraph means _. (A) choosing something to learn (B) getting rid of the disturbances (C) working out a plan (D) solving the problem 你选择的答案:未选择 错误 正确答案:B (4) What we can infer from this passage is that _. (A) distance learners will never refuse the invitation for coming out because they are free (B) only with written texts provided by online class, reading comprehension skills are


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