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1、大学英语期末考试英译汉复1. But he was not prepared for the devastating enemy that met him in Moscow-the raw, bitter, bleak Russian winter.但他没有料到在莫斯科他会遭遇劲敌俄罗斯阴冷凄苦的寒冬。 2. Hitler expected a short campaign but, like Napoleon before him, was taught a painful lesson. The Russian winter again came to the aid of the So

2、viet soldiers. 希特勒希望速战速决,但是,就像他之前的拿破仑一样,他得到的是痛苦教训。仍是俄罗斯的冬天助了苏维埃士兵一臂之力。 3. Caught off guard by the invasion, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin instructed the Russian people to “scorch the earth” in front of the German invaders. Farms and factories were burned, destroyed, or rendered useless. 苏联领导人约瑟夫斯大林被打了

3、个措手不及,他指示全国人民在德国入侵者到来之前实行“焦土”政策。农场和工厂被焚烧毁坏,或弄得无法运转。 4. The loss of the battle for Stalingrad finally turned the tide against Hitler. 斯大林格勒一战的失利最终使希特勒走向穷途末路。 5. The elements of nature must be reckoned with in any military campaign. 任何军事行动都必须考虑到自然的因素。 6. Prepare to win. “If you miss one day of practic

4、e, you notice the difference,” the saying goes among musicians. “If you miss two days of practice, the critics notice the difference. If you miss three days of practice, the audience notices the difference.” 准备去赢。“一日不练,自己知道,”音乐家中有这样的说法,“两日不练,音乐评论家知道。三日不练,观众知道。” 7. The same preparation applies in eve

5、ry form of human endeavor. 同样的苦练适用于人类的各项活动。 8. But it takes no longer to prepare well for one interview than to wander in half-prepared for five. 但认真准备一次面试的时间不会多于马马虎虎准备五次面试的时间。 9. Find a way to make a difference. In my opinion, the majority of New York cabdrivers are unfriendly, if not downright rud

6、e. Most of the cabs are filthy, and almost all of them sport an impenetrable, bulletproof partition. 想方法显得与众不同。在我看来,纽约大多数的出租车司机即使不算无礼透顶,至少也是不友好的。车辆大都十分肮脏,几乎所有的车都触目惊心地装有难以穿透的防弹隔离装置。 10. Hes living proof that you can always shift the odds in your favor. 他就是一个生动的例证,说明你总是可以争取到成功的机会。 11. I have a sense t

7、hat what is going on here concerns much more than the fate of a nation.我有种感觉,这个国家正在发生的一切不仅仅关乎一国之命运。 12. Linked more to the Third World and Asia than to the Europe of Americas racial and cultural roots, Los Angeles and southern California will enter the twenty-first century as a multiracial and multi

8、cultural society.洛杉矶以及南加州与第三世界和亚洲的联系要比与美国的民族、文化之根欧洲的联系更密切,因此将以一个多民族、多元文化的社会进入21世纪。 13. This transformation of American culture anticipates the general trend in the composition of mankind. 美国文化的这一变化预示着人类构成的普遍趋势。 14. For the destructive, paralyzed world where I have spent most of my life, it is import

9、ant, simply, that such a possibility as Los Angeles exists. 对那个我在其间度过大半生的带破坏性、停滞不前的的社会来说,存在着洛杉矶这样一种发展前景确实意义十分重大。 15. He is on time when he arrives. 他到了就是准时了。 16. “Its almost got to the point where theres stress envy. 这几乎到了羡慕压力的程度。 17. The gains, however, were unevenly distributed. 但增加的时间分配得并不均匀。 18O

10、ne is an attempt to gain the largest possible amount of satisfaction from the smallest possible investment of time.反应之一是试图投入最少的时间以获取最大满足。 19. Anything that helps streamline our lives is a growth market. 任何能帮助我们提高生活效率的事物都有越做越大的市场。 20. As Godbey points out, the stress we feel arises not from a shortag

11、e of time, but from the surfeit of things we try to cram into it. 正如戈德比所指出的,我们的紧张感并非源于时间短缺,而是因为我们试图在一个个时段中塞入过多的内容。 21. Out of the way of what? I was sitting on a stump at the edge of a bankside palm-thatch village, in the middle of the night, on the headwaters of the Amazon. Out of the way of human

12、life, tenderness, or the glance of heaven? 那么说它偏僻,指它远离什么呢? 夜半时分,在亚马逊河的源头,我坐在一个树墩上,身后是傍水的棕榈叶作屋顶的小村落。这难道指他远离人类生活,远离温情脉脉,或者说远离天堂的扫视? 22. Beneath us the brown Napo River was rising, in all silence; it coiled up the sandy bank and tangled its foam in vines that trailed from the forest and roots that loop

13、ed the shore. 在我们下方,褐黄色的纳波河水正在涨潮,万籁俱寂;惟见河水沿着沙岸蜿蜒流过,水沫裹挟在蔓生在森林里的藤蔓间以及盘绕岸边的树根上。 23. All at once, in the thatch house across the clearing behind us came the sound of a recorder, playing a tune that twined over the village clearing, muted our talk on the bankside, and wandered over the river, dissolving

14、 downstream.突然,我们身后空地旁的茅屋里,传出了录音机的声音,一首乐曲在村子空地之上缭绕,减弱了我们在河畔谈话的声音,然后又传至河面,随流飘去。 24. This will do, I thought. This will do, for a weekend, or a season, or a home. 人生遇此情景足矣,我暗想。在此度过周末足矣,在此小住数月足矣,在此安家足矣。 25. There was all the time in the world. 我们毋庸为时间担忧,可以从容地欣赏周围的一切。 1. alliance heroic stroke limp minu

15、s regions declarations siege raw retreat have taken their roll In the case of campaign at the cost of has been brought to a halt 3. generously physically structure partition blurted (out) chuckling pried prospective jet sparkled took a crack at partner made adifference beyond his wildest dreams the

16、employment 3 plural debt thesis inevitably historical .precedent .constructive destructive . ethnic .combination . stagnant/in decline . destiny/mentality discourage . from the perspective of in thesense 6. appliance comparative multiply oblige prosperity in reality aircraft volunteers a handful of distribution famine large quantities of/a large quantity of widespread streamline provoke 8. heap smeared in detail dissolve loosed slapped hollows tangle lay/get her hands on darted thrashing hop in flocks illumine transparent 1


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