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1、大学英语模拟诚实考试吾心不虚 ,公平竞争方显实力, 考试失败尚有机会 ,考试舞弊前功尽弃。 上海财经大学成人高等教育考试卷 课程名称: 大学英语 模拟试题3 姓名 学号 专业 班级 题号 得分 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分 装订线一. Choose the right word to complete each of the following sentences (每小题1分,共计20分): 1. He has been given the _ over the department. A. opportunity B. authority C. dilemma D. charge

2、2. Malicious gossip (恶意的闲话) may do a lot of harm to quite _ people. A. innocent B. detached C. eloquent D. credible 3. When he was questioned about the missing ring, he firmly _ that he had even seen it. A. refused B. asserted C. denied D. debated 4. Tom had been completely exhausted but felt greatl

3、y _ after a meal and a rest. A. renewed B. refrained C. resumed D. refreshed 5. At last people are beginning to realize the necessity of _ Nature. A. exchanging B. favouring C. adjusting D. preserving 6. The peasants made _ about the ill-treatment by their landlords. A. complaints B. grumbles C. eff

4、orts D. attempts 7. The terrified sheep were _ of the presence of the wolf. A. ignorant B. conscious C. incredible D. careless 8. The Society is _ half a million pounds in aid of the flood victims. A. demanding for B. running for C. appealing for D. speaking for 9. There will be a performance of “Tw

5、elfth Night” _ this evening provided it doesnt rain. A. in the open B. in season C. in all D. in the way 10. The head of the delegation is in the lecture hall _ a large audience. A. attracting B. addressing C. beckoning D. absorbing 11. To _ the overall expenditure, every dollar should be spent care

6、fully. A. cut out B. bring down C. put down D. slow down 12. It was really a miracle that he _ a heart surgery. A. worked through B. passed through C. went through D. pulled through 13. Its a long trip and well have to _ early tomorrow morning. A. take off B. go off C. start off D. put off 14. We fo

7、und that piles of books _ most of the space of his bedroom. A. took up B. deprived of C. cut off D. took on 15. Some players deliberate violence during the football game _ of the whole match. 得分 第1页/共8页 A. tore up B. grew out C. took control D. made a mess 16. _ his arrival at the little town, Alber

8、t was invited to a party in his honour. A. With B. For C. Upon D. By 17. _ that there is oil underground in this area, _ not much. A. True; and B. Its true; but C. Although; but D. True; but 18. We had been living in the centre of London for five years _ my father decided to move to the suburbs. A.

9、before B. while C. after D, so that 19. Because Jane is grown up, _ she can stay out so late. A. but it isnt that B. but it cannot follow that C. it is not followed that D. it doesnt follow that 20. A research paper should be written in a formal style _ in a personal one. A. better than B. other tha

10、n C. rather than D. less than 二 Choose the word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the underlined 得分 part in each of the sentences (每小题1分,共计10分): 1. Beth could identify her coat because it has large red buttons. A. recognize B. prove C. define D. claim 2. William once proclaimed that music was

11、 his life. Everything he has in life he owes to his music. A. decided B. declared C. concluded D. mentioned 3. I hope I can retain the memory of our trip to Sahara Desert. A. keep B. reserve C. last D. value 4. How are her chances of passing the exam? A. conditions B. possibilities C. successes D. o

12、pportunities 5. Both the advantages and the disadvantages of using foreign faculty in teaching positions have to be weighed. A. analyzed B. considered C. demonstrated D. discussed 6. Each leader had a solemn look as he signed the peace treaty. A. grave B. suspicious C. earnest D. honest 7. The new t

13、echnique enables us to deep-freeze our produce when it is abundant. A. plentiful B. rich C. ripe D. stable 8. His original plan was to become a scientist but he didnt succeed. A. ordinary B. primitive C. traditional D. earliest 9. They debated for hours but could not agree on an answer. A. argued B.

14、 examined C. consulted D. fought 10. The tank emitted an unpleasant odor. A. gave off B. injected C. broke down D. retained 三 Reading Comprehension(每小题1.5分,共计30分) : 得分 Read the following passages and then choose the right answer to each of the questions given: Passage One Is it possible to persuade

15、mankind to live without war? War is an ancient institution which has existed for at least six thousand years .It was always had and usually foolish, but in the past the 第2页/共8页 human race managed to live with it. Modern ingenuity has changed this. Either Man will abolish war, or war will abolish Man

16、 . For the present, it is nuclear weapons that cause the most serious danger, but bacteriological or chemical weapons may, before long, offer an even greater threat. If we succeed in abolishing nuclear weapons, our work will not be done .It will never be done until we have succeeded in abolishing wa

17、r .To do this, we need to persuade mankind to look upon international questions in a new way, not as contest of force, in which the victory goes to the side which is most skilful in killing people, but by arbitration in accordance with agreed principles of law .It is not easy to change very old ment

18、al habits, but this is what must be attempted. There are those who say that the adoption of this or that ideology would prevent war .I believe this to be a big error .All ideologies are based upon dogmatic statements which are ,at best doubtful ,and at worst ,totally false .Their adherents believe i

19、n them so fanatically that they are willing to go to war in support of them . The movement of world opinion during the past few years has been very largely such as we can welcome .It has become a commonplace that nuclear war must be avoided .Of course very difficult problems remain in the world ,but

20、 the spirit in which they are being approached is a better one than it was some years ago. It has begun to be thought, even by the powerful men who decide whether we shall live or die, that negotiations should reach agreements even if both sides do not find these agreements wholly satisfactory .It h

21、as begun to be understood that the important conflict nowadays is not between different countries, but between Man and the atom bomb . 1. What change does the author refer to in the sentence “Modern ingenuity has changed this” in paragraph 1? A. The fact that war has always been bad B. The fact that

22、 man has managed to live with war so far C. The fact that war will abolish man D. The fact that war has existed for thousands of years . 2. What does “our work” mean in the sentence “If we succeeded in abolishing nuclear weapons ,our work will not be done . ” in paragraph 1? A. Abolishing war B. Pro

23、hibiting new weapons C. Reaching agreements D. Making arbitration 3. What is the authors opinion of ideologies? A. He is an adherent of some modern ideologies. B. He does not believe ideologies can prevent war. C. He thinks that some ideologies might have effect. D. He has no doubt about the truth o

24、f ideologies. 4. Which of following is a proper way to stop war? A. To destroy nuclear weapons B. To let powerful men control the world C. To improve modern weapons D. To solve disputes through negotiation 5. Which is the most severe threat to human beings? A. The conflicts among nations B. The use

25、of atomic bomb C. The adoption of ideologies D. The unsatisfactory agreements Passage Two A plan is needed for the World Trade Center site but not a big plan. There are times for 第3页/共8页 building Central Park, and there are times for remedial gardening. Lower Manhattan should not be remade according

26、 to some new grand vision. A framework needs to be put in place and some principles agreed on, and city life will take its course. “There is no rush” is a phrase often heard in discussion of the site. Actually, there is a rush, because theres a reason why most cities struck by disaster-natural or ma

27、n-made-generally end up rebuilding more or less what was there before. The reason is not a lack of imagination or will. Rather, while the planners and architects are thoughtfully discussing the options, decisions are being made on ground. There is infrastructure to be repaired, fire hydrants to be r

28、econnected, materials to be transported, neighborhood to be knitted back together. And in the absence of a new plan, the old street pattern emerges by default . And soon its too late: the blank slate is no longer blank. Yes, the World Trade Center site offers a rare opportunity, as many have been po

29、inted out, but the window of opportunity will not stay open long. There is no immediate pressure to build a lot of office space, since its as yet unclear how strong the demand will be and how the current upswing will affect New York. But other things can not wait. Subway tunnels will be rebuilt, sta

30、tions will be reopened. Damaged infrastructure will be repaired. The destroyed electrical substation will have to be put back into operation. But doesnt planning take time? Not as much as many people believe. Urban buildings are remarkably durable. We got it right at a long time ago which is why an

31、old city, like London, Rome and Istanbul, often remains a delight. There appears to be agreement among most architects and planners about what should be done on the World Trade Center site. To begin with, New York should not simply replace the destroyed towers with new ones, even if they are lower.

32、The 16-acre site is a so-called super block, the result of a misbegotten theory of 1960s city planning that replacing streets and sidewalks with windswept plazas was a sign of progress. We have since learned rather, relearned that urban life thrives on streets and sidewalks. So we should put them ba

33、ck. Not that we need to recreate the pre-trade-center street grid in its entirety, but a north-south street would be useful, and so would at least one cross-town road. Fulton Street, for example, could be extended to Battery Park City. There is also an opportunity here to unravel some of the knotted

34、 transit issues that bedevil this part of Manhattan. 6. From the passage, we can infer that the word “vision” in paragraph 1 means_ A. a beautiful site B. the ability to see C. concept D. foresight 7. Whats the most important reason for making the reconstructing decision? A. The old infrastructure.

35、B. The connection with the neighborhood C. The practical situation D. The effect of current economic upward trend 8. Which of the following best reflects the main idea of paragraph 2? A. The blank slate is no longer blank B. The rare opportunity we have C. The principle of good city building D. We m

36、ust work out the proper plan to remark WTC. 9. According to the passage, why is it useful to build a north-south road? A. Because there was a north-south road in Washington D.C. B. Because a north-south road can solve some traffic knots. C. Because its the result of the theory of 1960s city planning

37、. D. Because people need a north-south road to enjoy the beauty of Washington D.C. 10. Which one can be the best title for the passage ? A. A Big Plan for the Rebuilding of WTC. B. No idea for the Rebuilding of WTC. C. What Should Be Done on the WTC Site. D. The New WTC Site Has Been Chosen. 第4页/共8页

38、 Passage Three Read the following passage and then answer the questions given: Last Thursday an ld gentleman came to our class to talk about the evils of smoking. We saw him take his gold wrist-watch off and lay it on the table. Slater and I cant remember what he said about smoking because we had ot

39、her things to think about. He finished when the bell rang for play-time, and the headmaster told us to go out. Slater happened to slip by the table In the playground Slater showed me the watch. He put it on his wrist, and it looked lovely. I was wishing that I had been the one to slip by the table.

40、The headmaster came out then with the old fellow. They walked about, looking around and talking all the time. After a bit the bell rang, and we got into our lines, ready to go in. The headmaster said, “Ive got a little job for you boys. Our lecturer has just lost his watch in the playground. Its hap

41、pened before, he saysit just slips off his wrist. So look around for it, will you? See if youre clever enough to find it. Ive no doubt the boy who does so will get a useful reward.” We all walked about the playground, looking for the watch. And I wasnt a bit surprised when Slater bent down as if he

42、was picking something up. Then he hurried past me towards the old man. And the next minute there was Slater, all smiles, handing over the watch to the old fellow and hanging about for the reward. But the lecturer didnt seem at all pleased. In fact he looked quite to put a knife in Slaters heart unti

43、l the headmaster burst out laughing. Then they both laughed. Slater told me afterwards that the old man hadnt even said “Thank you for the watch.” The thing that puzzled us most of all was that Slater didnt get any reward. 11. What might the two boys be doing during the lecture? 12. Why did the stor

44、y-teller wish that he had been the one to slip by the table? 13. When Slater “bent down”, what was he trying to do? 14. What was the purpose of the promised reward? 15. What do you think made the headmaster burst out laughing? Passage Four Read the following passage and then fill in the blanks to fi

45、nish each of the sentences: Time and how we experience it have always puzzled us. Physicists have created fascinating theories, but their time is measured by a pendulum and is not psychological time, which leaps with little regard to the clock or calendar. As someone who understood the distinction o

46、bserved, “When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, it seems like a minute, but when you sit on a hot stove, a minute seems like two hours. They also note that the more time is structured with schedules and appointments, the more rapidly it seems to pass. For example, a day at the office flies co

47、mpared with a day at the beach. Since most of us spend fewer days at the beach and more at the office as we age, an increase in structured time could well be to blame for why time seems to speed up as we grow older. Expectation and familiarity also make time seem to fly more rapidly. Almost all of us have h


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