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1、大幅批注要点货物批注 船方收货时应对货物的质量和数量负责,既不给托运人造成不应有的麻烦,又不损害承运人的正当利益,并按照远洋货物运输与外贸条款实事求是,公平合理的予以批注。 大幅收货时具体批注应做到: 1. 内容具体、肯定、确切、不含糊其辞或模棱两可; 2. 不重复提单中的免责条款; 3. 对于贵重物品,船方值班人员要加强对货物的监督、检查,凡有缺陷一定按原则加以批注 这里我们汇集了国内外大幅收据上比较常见的各种批注以供参考。 1 货物残损批注 1) 上述货物是装港损坏的。 The above mentioned cargo (was) damaged at the loading port.

2、 2) 上述货物是装港装卸工人造成的。 The above damage was caused by the stevedores of the loading port. 3) 船方不负责上述残损货物。 Ship is not responsible for the above mentioned damaged cargo. 4) 货物是装货过程中和装货前损坏的。 The cargo was damaged during or before loading. 5) 上述残损货物是由于货物本身性质所造成的。 The above mentioned damaged cargo was caus

3、ed by the mature of cargo itself. 6) 以校验员报告为准。 Subject to cargo surveyors report. 7) 残损货卸后才报告。 The damaged cargo was reported after discharged. 8) 根据租船合同,船方不负责货物残损和溢短。 According to the charter party, ship is not responsible for the damaged cargo and shortlanded and overlanded cargo. 9) 上述残损货物系卸货港造成的

4、。 The above mentioned cargo damaged at the discharging port. 2 关于货物残损的批注 1) 袋装货 a. 三包, 船方不负责 Three bags, N/R for Broken 破包 badly chafed 擦破 Torn 撕破 patched 经缝补 Cover torn 袋撕破 old & frail 旧袋不牢 Burst 破裂、胀破 covers old & stained 旧袋并沾污 Split 撕裂 with hook holes 有手钩洞 Mouths open 开口 holed by cargo hooks chaf

5、ed 擦花 b. 两包, 并经,重量分别为41、43公斤。 Two bags , and , weighing 41、43 kilos respectively. Cover torn 袋撕破 reserwn 补包 Broken 破包 refilled 换袋 Loose 散口 collected 灌包 c. (多少袋), 由于 ( xxx ), due to Wet 潮湿 more or less wet 有些潮湿 Caked 结块 the contents melting 内容融解 Evaporated 蒸发 mature of cargo 货物性质所致 Deteriorated 变质 st

6、ained 污渍 d. x x 袋子相互粘连。 x x bags sticked one another. e. 7包表皮破绽、内容露出。 7 bales cover torn and contents exposed. f. 3包钩破、装船前修复。 3 bales hook holes and repaired before shipment. 2) 箱装货 a. 三箱, 船方不负责 Three cases(with), N/R for Nails off 钉脱落 bottom off 箱底脱落 Nails started 钉松 jammed at the side 箱边压坏 Bands o

7、ff 箍条脱落 crushed 压破 Penels split 镶板裂开 repaired 经修补 Side batten broken 旁板破裂 repacked 重装箱 Side boards broken 旁板破裂 renailed 重钉 Boards & battens broken 板条破裂 reclipped 重钉码钉 Ends split 末端板条裂开 insufficiently packed箱板不牢 Boards stoved in 板碰穿 empty 空箱 Broken at side 箱旁破裂 half empty 半空箱 Broken at bottom 箱底破裂 co

8、ntents leaking 货物露出 Broken at corner 箱角破裂 b. (多少箱), 内容 x x x , contents Broken 破 ok 无损 Crashed 摔破 intact 完整 Smashed 撞摔 exposed 暴露 Damaged 损坏 unknown 情况不明 Lost 损失 c. 四箱, 内容不明。 Four ctns(cartons), contents unknown Flaps open 箱盖松开 badly chafed 擦破 Wrappers torn 箱皮擦破 torn & dented 撕破、碰扁 Chafed 擦花 content

9、s rattling 内容物有破碎声 d. 船方不负责内容破损及其状态。 N/R for breakage and/or condition of contents. Insufficiently packed 包装不固 Case fragile 箱子脆弱 Covers old & stained 包装残旧、沾污 e. 2箱破损内容三打完好,12瓶已空。 Two (2) cases broken (damaged), contents 3 dozens OK, 12 bottle empty. f. 2箱压坏,内容暴露, 货物有无损坏不明。 Two (2) cases crushed, con

10、tents exposed. Cargo damage unknown. g. x x 箱装前摩擦, 被偷窃。 Cases No x x chafed and pilfered before shipment. h. x x 纸箱摆动时有破碎声。 Cartons No x x contents rattling. i. 海关开箱检验一件提琴损坏。 Cases opened and examined by customs one violin damaged. j. 箱破, xx 打完好, xx 打瓶子全空。 Cases damaged, contents: x dozens OK, x doz

11、ens all bottles empty. k. 一箱损坏,重量70公斤。 One case damaged weighting 70 kgs. l. 二箱破损,内容各重50、52公斤。 2 cases broken, contents 50、52 kgs respectively. 3)桶装货 a. (多少桶)船方不负责 (x x x) N/R for Bung off 桶塞脱落 Dented 碰凹 Badly dented 严重碰凹 Leaking at plugs 桶塞处渗漏 Puncture & leaking 穿洞并漏 Oozing 渗漏 b. (多少),船方不负责内容损失,短少及

12、其状态。 (x x x) ,N/R for the loss or shortage & condition of contents. Barrels 鼓形桶 staves off 桶板脱落 Casks 琵琶桶 staves broken 桶板破裂 Band off 桶箍脱落 leaking through seam 板缝渗漏 Hoops off 桶箍脱落 re-coopered 重修理 c. 全部,船方不负责桶漏或桶破以及内容短少。 All,N/r for leaking or breakage and shortage of contents Old drums (barrels) 旧桶

13、Second hand drums(barrels) 旧桶 Re-coopered barrels (casks) 重修桶 d. 5听微漏、装船前修复。 5 tins slightly leaking and repaired before shipment. 3) 罐、坛装货 a. (多少罐、坛),船方不负责由此造成的 (x x x) ,N/R for consequential Oozing 渗漏 leaking 漏失 Weight of contents 货物重量 Condition of contents 内容状态 Slightly leaking 微漏 Sprung out 内容物涌

14、出 b. 三罐,一罐内容无损,其余两罐内容丢失一半。 Three jars (cans),one contents OK other two half gone. Tops off 无盖 heads broken 罐顶破裂 Bottoms off 脱底 cracked 撞裂 Bungs off 塞子脱落 c. 2罐凹陷,对内容状况不负责任。 2 cans dented, N/R for condition of contents. 5)捆装货 船方不负责由于。 N/R for caused by Number of pieces 件数 bundles off 散捆 Bands off 散箍 h

15、oops off 散箍 Partly unprotected bundles no x broken 货物无遮盖,第x号破捆 3 甲板货和散装货批注 1) 甲板货 甲板货由发货人承担风险。 Shipped on deck (stowed on deck/deck cargo) at shippers risk 2) 散装货 a. (根据)发货人的重量, 船方不负责货物重量短少。 Shippers weight, N/R for loss in weight b. (装船)重量据称为公吨。 Said to (weigh be)M/Ts (received on board) 4 鲜货批注 1)易

16、于船方不负责由于货物本性所造成的此类损失及重量。 Liable to,N/R for such a damage from nature goods and also for weight of contents Liquefy 液化 Melt 融化 Rotrefy 腐烂 2)易腐烂货物发货人自负责任。 Perishable cargo at shippers risk 3)易腐烂货物,船方不负责 Perishable cargo, N/R for Putrefaction 腐烂 puttenness 腐烂 Withering 枯萎 4)六箱摔破重钉, 内容2已,船方不负责 Six c/s c

17、racked and renailed contents found 2%,N/R for Putrefied 腐烂 withered 枯萎 Rotten 腐烂 spoiled 变坏、腐烂 Perished 枯萎 mildewed 发霉 5 粮食作物批注 1)有害。 (x x x) damaged by vermins 虫 rats 鼠 2),船方不负责货损货差及货物状态。 ,N/R for loss or shortage & contents (condition) therefor Mouldered 发霉 Sweated 发潮 3)被海水潮湿三袋退回。 Three bags sent

18、back for wet by sea water 6 牲畜及其他动物批注 1) 不负责 N/R FOR Mortality 死亡 sickness 生病 Injury 受伤 escape 逃跑 2) 牲畜逃跑,船方不负责。 N/R for escape of live stocks 7 贵重货批注 1) 全部箱封妥,船方不负责任。 All cases sealed, N/R for contents 2) 第二号箱一箱封条脱落,船方不负内容短少责任。 One case (NO.2) seal off, N/R for shortage. 3) 封条船方不负内容短少责任。 Seals, N/R

19、 for shortage of contents. Broken & repaired 弄破后重修补 Racked & resealed 破裂后重加封 注贵重物品装船,应严格检验包装上的封条是否严密完好。如完好无缺可按1批注。船方到卸港仅按同样完好封条情况交货,但如果装船时已发现封条破裂、脱落情况,则应拒装。如因多种原因非装不可,又来不及换货时,则由发货人当众开箱,重新装箱加封严密后方可装船,再次情况下可按2或3批注。 8 化工原料等批注 1) 船方不负责 N/R for Loss in weight 货量减少 Deterioration of contents 货物变质 Deteriora

20、tion of bags by nature of contents 因货物特性使包装变质 Lower of value of contents 货物价值下降 Obliteration of marks 标志不清 2) 内货价值下降,船方不负责任。 N/R for lower of value of contents 9 铜材、机器、车辆等批注 1)严重碰弯。 badly bent Steel tubes 钢管 steel bars 元钢 Steel pipes 钢管 2)一根铸铁管断成两截。 One castic iron pipe (broken split) into two piece

21、s 3)(数量)钢板 Steel plates (sheets) Rusty 生锈 deformed 变形 Chafed 擦花 concave 变凹 Bent 弯曲 convex 凸起 Dented 碰凹 4)自敞车装船,装船前已。 Taken from open carbefore shipment. Wet 湿 chafted 擦花 Rusty 生锈 5) 有些 Slightly Lorries (trucks) 卡车 deformed 变形 Cars 小汽车 chafed 擦花 Machines 机器 scratched 刮花 Rusty 生锈 6)镀锌铁皮一件端部轻度弯曲。 One p

22、ackage of galvanization steel sheet slightly bent on end. 7)边缘弄弯。 Edge bended 8)顶层铁板生锈。 Top layer of steel sheet rusty 9)金属包皮表面有锈。 Mental packing cover surface rusty 10)3件装货中破捆。 3 packages bundle broken during loading 11)敞车运到,装船前潮湿。 Delivered from open trucks cargo wetted before shipment. 12)装货中3捆损坏

23、,56块散开。 3 bundles loading broken, 56 pieces loose 13)油漆轻度刮伤。 Paint surface slightly scratched 14)x x 块钢板凹陷, x x 块凸起。 x x steel plates concave, x x convex 15)钢板两端弯曲,。 Steel sheets slightly bent (dented, concave and convex, chafed, rusty, chafed, deformed, cover missing, corner folded) 16)少数金属板两端轻微弯曲。

24、 A few sheets slightly bent on both ends 17)钢管、元钢、软钢筋、角钢严重碰弯。 Steel tubes (steel pipes, steel bars, mild steel, mild steel equal angle) badly bent 18)铝箔有霉迹。 Aluminium foil mildew stained 19)卷钢箍脱落、生锈。 Hot coil bands hoops off and rusted 20)我发现甲板所装卡车发动机罩子碰瘪了,这是由于装货时操作不小心造成的。 I found the engine hood of

25、 the truck on deck dented, it was caused by careless handling during loading 21)重量据托运人所报,如有差短,船方不负责任。 Shippers weight, N/R for loss in weight 10 木材批注 1) 数根木材龟裂。 Several timber cracked 2) 对木材损坏、裂开、腐朽不负责任。 N/R for timber broken, split, and decayed 3) x x 捆木板湿。 x x bundles loaded wet (or broken) 4) x x

26、 根散装木头。 x x loose pieces 5) 如有暴裂、缺口、破损,船方不负责任。 Ship N/R for splitting, gap and breakage 11 关于货物溢短的批注 1) 短装 Short (over) shipped One case 一箱 five drums 五桶 Three bags 三袋 two packages 二件 2) 五箱在争议中。 Five C/S in dispute Short 短少 over 溢卸 3) 三件短少在争议中,如已装上船,则到达目的港如数交货。 Three pkgs (short, loss) in dispute, a

27、nd if on board to be delivered at destination 4) 三件溢卸在争议中。 Three pkgs over landed in dispute To be rechecked ashore 有待岸上重理 Subject to rechecking 必须重理 Subject to owners approval 必须经船东同意 5) 由于发货人来不及装船,退关。 No time, shut out due to shippers Cargo delayed 到货延误 Lighter unarrived 驳船未到 Cargo unprepared 货未备妥

28、 6) 装卸工人将一捆跌落水中。 One bundle of fallen overboard by the stevedores Piece goods 件货 Raw silk 生丝 Cotton 棉花 注 遇到这种情况,除了大副收据作批注外,尚须写一个事故报告,写明船名、航次、跌下水的货名,S/O No 标证号码, 发生在第几仓,日期、时间、原因,最后请工头签认。 7) 船理货数字比提单数字少,双方有争议时,可作下述批注。 x x bundles (pieces) loss in dispute 注 要求货主补足,最后以卸货实际数字为准。 8) 如船理货数字比提单多,双方有争议,可作下述批

29、注: Over in dispute subject to discharging figure 9) 如溢短数字明确,则应在相应提单上如实批注: a. 5捆短装。 5 bundles (cases) short shipped b. 因货耽搁,3捆退关。 3 bundles shut out due shippers cargo delay c. 工人不慎落水一捆。 One bundle (case) fallen into water by stevedores d. 溢装8袋。 8 bags over loaded e. 无舱位,少装100袋。 No space (cargo space

30、), 100 bags short loaded f. 延迟到达,250桶退关。 Delayed on delivery, 250 barrels shut off g. 短缺15袋,在争议中,如在船上,目的港交付收货人。 Shortage of 15 bags in dispute, if on board, to be delivered to consignee at destination h. 托运人自称重量1800T。 Per shippers weight 1800 tons i. 据称重量。 Weight said to be j. 根据岸上理货数字。 According to

31、 shore tally figure k. 数字有争执。 Figure in dispute l. 船方不负责短少数。 Ship is not responsible for the shortage m. 全部货物卸完,船上无剩余货物。 All the cargo was discharged, nothing remained on board n. 根据进口舱单的数字。 According to the import manifest figure o. 根据提单的数字。 According to the Bill of Lading p. 原收原交。 Cargo was discha

32、rged as loaded q. 有待重理。 To be rechecked r. 以重理数字为准。 Subject to rechecked figure s. 据称短10包。 Said to be 10 bags short t. 为开船签字。 Signed for sailing u. 被迫下签字。 Signed under protest v. 在异议下签字。 Signed under disagreement w.根据装货港数字。 According to the loading port figure 12关于水、油湿污的批注 1) (多少件)(由于)(变)湿,船方不负责。 we

33、t by,N/R for oil 油 rain water 水 spray fresh water 淡水 snow sea water 海水 sweat 2)(多少件)装船前已有渍。 stained bybefore shipment rust 锈 paint oil 油 mud water 水 contents 3)(多少件)浸湿(过)且已 soaked and spoiled 变坏 moulded 雨水 溅花、浪花雪 发汗 油漆 泥 货物本身 发霉 mildewed 发霉 4)(多少件) x x x dry stained 干渍 mildew stained 霉渍 traffic stai

34、ned 运输中沾污 5) 装货前No x 有x x 包货锈污。 x x bags No x of piece goods stained by rust before shipment 6) 一包橡胶有水渍。 One bale of rubber stained by water 7) No x x 有 x x 箱铁钉严重锈污和货物内容湿透。 x x cases No x x nails badly rusted and saturated into its contents 8) No x x 有x x 包有干渍及退色。 x x bales No x x dry stained & part

35、ly discolored 9) x x 箱被水泡及腐烂。 x x cases soaked & spoiled (or mildewed) 10) x x 包因靠近油桶而遭油污。 x x bales stained by oil due to being struck on the oil drum barge 11) 10袋轻度被汗湿污损。 10 bags slightly stained by sweat (by rust, by nail rust) 12) 3包严重汗湿。 3 bags heavily wetted by sweat 13) 6 箱浸湿并退色(腐坏、发霉)。 6 ca

36、ses soaked and discolored (spoiled, mildewed) 14) 3包外皮全部脱去,内容污染。 3 bales all wrappers off and contents stained 15) 5包箍锈并污染。 5 bags hoops rusty and stained 13工残批注 1) x x 包外包皮被工人在卸货中损坏,但内容无损。 x x parcels externed packings slightly torn by stevedores during discharging, but the contents are intact. 2) 由于装卸工人在作业中用手钩,造成货物破损和损坏,但是内容是完好的。 Owing to the stevedores working by hooks, the packings of goods have been torn more or less; but the contents are in good condition. 3) 有x x 包货和冷冻货是被工人偷窃,我们对货损不负责任。 It is found that x x parce


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