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1、大班英语公开课weather大班英语活动weather 设计意图: 天气状况具有多变性,接近幼儿生活实际,为了让幼儿更形象地学说rainy windy,并与其他表示天气状况的单词相区别,特设计此多媒体活动,关注幼儿情感,让幼儿自主学习,并在选择及flash游戏中区分五个单词,哼唱儿歌How Is the Weather,进一步培养幼儿学习英语的兴趣。 活动目标: 1、学习表示天气状况的两个单词,并能与前三种天气相区别。 2、乐意主动参与活动,感受成功的喜悦。 活动内容: sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy How is the weather?/Whats the w

2、eather like? It is 活动准备: 课件、老狼头饰 1 活动过程: Step1 Greeting T:Hello,everyone.Nice to meet you! C: T:What day is it today? C: T:How is the weather today? C: Step 2 Reviewing T: How is the weather?(PPT P3、4、5) C: Step 3 :Learning T: How is the weather?Oh,you dont know ,It doesnt matter,Look carefully,mayb

3、e youll find the answer .(PPT P7 A weather report ) (Children look carefully to find the answer .) T: Now ,how do you say “下雨” in English? C: Teach “rainy ”and “It is rainy.”(TPR) T: How is the weather?(PPT P8下雨场景) Say it one by one. 2 T:How is the weather?(PPT P9 刮风场景) C: 刮风! T:Yeah! How do you say

4、 “刮风”in English?Listen carefully.(Listen several times) Teach “windy ”and “It is windy.”(TPR) Choose several kids to say. Now I say you do . I do you say.OK? Now we have learned five words.what are they?(PPT P10) Step 4 Games 1、 Choose game Now ,listen carefully(PPT P11-14)which is right? 2、 Flash game(PPT P17) T: Its time to play,This is Manman,How is the weather?Can you help him? C: 3、“Old wolf ,old wolf ,how is the weather”game T: Whos this?(Show the old wolf) C: 3 Step 5 Song At last,lets stand up and dance together. (PPT P18) What day is it tomorrow? Lets say see you on(PPT P19) 4


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