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1、,The Midnight Visitor,The Midnight Visitor,Unit 4,Questions/Activities,Check-on Preview,Objectives,W,B,T,R,Unit 4,Warming up,The Midnight Visitor,Warming up,Questions/Activities,Have you ever seen a spy movie,or read a spy story?What is it?Do you like it?Why?,W,B,T,R,What is a spy like?,What is your

2、 general impression of a spy?Look at the prompts(提示)and pictures on the next slide and try to think of as many words as possible to describe people who work as a secret agent.,Age,appearance,Personality,TasksResponsibilities,Reasons,The Midnight Visitor,Young or old?Handsome or ordinary-looking?,Adv

3、enturousCourageous Intelligent Shrewd精明的Presence of mind,Collect and pass on significant information Recruit new agents,For money?For ambition?For patriotism?,They live in a secret world of deception,fraud欺骗,and sometimes violence.,Espionage,The Midnight Visitor,Espionage,Fr.spying Espionage(谍报):the

4、 secret collection of information,or intelligence,that the source of such information wishes to protect from disclosure.Intelligence(情报):evaluated and processed information needed to make decisions.Intelligence generally has a national security connotation and therefore exists in an aura(光环)of secre

5、cy.,An Example,British intelligence agents secretly intercepted(截获)conversations of U.N.Secretary-General Kofi Annan in his New York offices last year.,CIA中央情报局,Central Intelligence Agency Mainly for gathering secret information that may bear on national security Created in 1947The CIA also coordina

6、tes the activities of the United States intelligence community,which includes agencies such as the Defense Intelligence Agency(DIA)and the National Security Agency(NSA).In addition,the CIA takes overall responsibility for gathering information from other U.S.intelligence agencies,analyzing the separ

7、ate pieces of information from each source,and providing a recommendation to the president of the United States and the presidents advisers.,FBI美国联邦调查局,Federal Bureau of Investigation Chief investigative agency of the United States federal government and a division of the U.S.Department of Justice,T

8、he primary responsibility for counterespionage activities within the US.,coordinating its work with the CIA,which is responsible for such operations outside the US.,FBI,It also provides services to other law enforcement agencies,including fingerprint identification,laboratory analysis of criminal ev

9、idence,police training,and access to a centralized crime information database.Because of its broad mandate(授权),the FBI is one of the most powerful and controversial agencies in the government.The bureau traces its origins to 1908,when the attorney general appointed a small group of investigators wit

10、hin the Department of Justice.,KGB苏联国家安全委员会(克格勃),Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti(State Security Committee)the government agency of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(USSR)in charge of the Soviet political police from 1954 to 1991.The KGB,the last in a series of Soviet security agencies dat

11、ing from 1917,was officially disbanded解散when the USSR collapsed.During its years of operation the agencys main directive was to protect the Soviet regime from internal and external threats by means of a vast police and spy network.During the cold war,both the FBI and the CIA concentrated their atten

12、tion primarily on KGB of the USSR.,1.spy 2.espionage 3.international spy 4.double agent 5.secret agent 6.secret service 7.special agent 8.intelligence 9.intelligence agency10.counterintelligence agency11.spy movies12.detective stories13.undercover agent or undercover operation,1.间谍 2.侦察、谍报 3.国际间谍 4.

13、双重间谍 5.秘密特工 6.特工处 7.特工 8.情报 9.间谍机构10.反间谍机构11.间谍片 12.侦探故事13.秘密的地下工作者/活动,Do you know these terms?,Check-on Preview,Do you like the story?Why/Why not?Read aloud the sentences/paragraphs you like best and say why.What is the story about?How do you understand the historical background against which the s

14、tory was set?What have you found about the source of this article?Give the meaning/the definition of the following words and expressions(p.270):official hands,course,drama,a start,management,to take a chance,W,B,T,R,Warming up,Objectives,By the end of the lesson,students are expected to be able to r

15、etell how Ausable defeated his adversary(敌手,对手)Max.be able to make character analysis of Ausable,Max and Fowler.be able to use the key words,phrases,expressions,and grammar items correctly and appropriately.know more about the author,detective stories and related information about secret agents.,W,B

16、,T,R,Warming up,Background,Genre,Author,B,W,T,R,Unit 1,The Midnight Visitor,Background,Author,His Life,B,W,T,R,Born on Nov.10,1909 in the Philippines Got his B.A.in 1930 at the Univ.of MichiganGot his M.A.in journalism in 1932 1930-1940,his stories was published in Wonder Stories,Detective Fiction W

17、eekly,Mystery,The Illustrated Detective Magazine,Street&Smiths Detective Story Magazine,Amazing Stories,The Shadow,Street&Smith Mystery Reader,Detective Tales,Thrilling Detective,Double Detective,Startling Stories,Colliers,The Phantom Detective,Argosy Weekly,Unknown Worlds,and Black Mask.,Robert Art

18、hur,Background,His Works,Author,B,W,T,R,1940s to 1960s:He also wrote radio scripts and TV series.His career as a writer for radio came to an end during the McCarthy era.In 1959,he worked in television and wrote scripts for The Twilight Zone.1960s:he was involved in editing a series of anthologies fo

19、r younger readers.He died on May 2,1969 in Philadelphia at the age of 59.,Elements of a Short StorySettingCharacters:protagonist vs.antagonistConflictsClimaxThemeSuspenseIrony,Genre,Background,How is a spy story similar to or different from a detective story?,Genre,Background,A spy story vs.a detect

20、ive story,Both have complicated plots so that the reader remains as puzzled as the characters within the story.Both are like a puzzle and the climax of the story is the solution of the puzzle.The bulk(大部分内容)of the narrative concerns the logical process by which the investigator follows a series of c

21、lues to this solution.Suspense is used a lot.A spy story is mainly concerned with international intrigue(阴谋)and politics;while a detective story is usually concerned with local crimes.,Unit 1,Text Analysis,T,W,B,R,The Midnight Visitor,Text Analysis,Structure,1,Para.1-5Who Ausable was and why the you

22、ng writer Fowler was disappointed with him,2,Para.6-23How Ausable developed a plan to deal with his adversary Max and what he did to throw Max off guard,3,Para.24-28How Ausable finally outwitted Max and made him jump onto the so-called balcony and kill himself,T,W,B,R,Wisdom is more powerful than an

23、y weapon.Never judge a person by his appearance.First impressions could be misleading.He who laughs last,laughs longest.,Text Analysis,Theme,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,Main Idea,Sentence Paraphrase,Words&Expressions,Exercise,Part I Part II Part III,T,W,B,R,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,When a

24、nd where did the story happen?Who was Fowler?Why did he follow Ausable to his room?What was his first impression of Ausable?Why did Fowler feel disappointed with Ausable?Who was Ausable?Did he fit in with Fowlers picture of a good spy?Why or why not?,Part I:Main Idea,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,

25、Part I:Sentence Paraphrase,Ausable did not fit the description of any secret agent Fowler had ever read about.(para.1)Ausable was not at all what a secret agent should look like.,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,Part I:Sentence Paraphrase,Someday soon that paper may well affect the course of history.

26、(para.5)In the near future,this document might probably have an effect on the development of history.,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,as used in time clausesas used in reason clauses,for one thing(for another)to deal in to slip into may/might well to risk ones life doing sth.to risk ones life to do

27、sth.,fitfigurewheezilyespionagecracksloppy,Words,Phrases,Sentence Pattern,Grammar,Part I:Words&Expressions,to risk ones life doing sth./to do sth.Dont risk your life(in)trying to climb that mountain.He risked his life to save his friend.I dont want to risk being late.risk n.There is a high risk of a

28、ccidents happening on the icy road.Heart attack can be avoided if people at risk take medical advice.The houses at the foot of the mountain were at the risk of mud-rock flow.She argued with him at the risk of being fired.risky adj.Verbs collocated with:be,look,prove,seem,sound,consider sth.,Detailed

29、 Analysis,Text Analysis,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,Part I:Exercises,1.It was a small room on the sixth floor,and hardly a setting for a romantic figure.A.character B.story C.picture2.Ausable was,for one thing,fat.A.just a little B.for one reason C.generally3.There is drama in that thought,dont

30、you think?A.performance B.some trick C.something out of the ordinaryAnswers:1.A,2.B,3.C,What happened when Ausable opened the door of his room?Did Ausable know the man?Who was Max?What did he want?How did Ausable react to the sudden appearance of Max in his room?How did Ausable react to Maxs threat?

31、Why did Ausable start talking about the balcony?How did Fowler feel?Was he frightened?Why or why not?Did Max believe the story?How come he never doubted Ausable?,Part II:Main Idea,Detailed Analysis,Text Analysis,Discuss the following questions in pairs.What is meant by“It will be safer in my hands t

32、han in yours.”(Para.10)?Why did Ausable say“The appointment was for twelve-thirty.I wish to knew how you learned about the report,Max.”(Para.15)?Describe Maxs feelings when he said“And we wish we knew how your people got the report.”?What do you think helped to make Ausables plan work out?,Detailed

33、Analysis,Text Analysis,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,Part II:Sentence Paraphrase,you gave me quite a start.(para.5)You surprised me.,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,unreal conditionpassive voice,except forto save the trouble of doing sthto raise the devil withto block offto learn aboutto check on

34、to take ones chance(s)to make sure,startpressglanceunlockcover,Words,Phrases,Sentence Pattern,Grammar,Part II:Words&Expressions,raise Cainalludes to the son of Adam and Eve who killed his brother,Abel“Why have we every reason to believe that Adam and Eve were both rowdies?Because they both raised Ca

35、in.”(pun)raise Cain/hell/the devil behave in a rowdy or disruptive way 闹事;大吵大闹;提出强烈反抗He said hed raise Cain if they wouldnt give him a refund.那天晚上,黑社会出来闹事。The gang was out to raise hell that night.风把我们的野餐搅乱了。The wind raised the devil with our picnic.,Cain and Abel,Detailed Analysis,Text Analysis,tak

36、e chances:to behave riskilyExample:Dont take your chances when driving a car.,take a chance(on sth.):to take a riskExample:He left home and decided to take a chance on pursuing a career in acting.take ones chance:to benefit as much as possible from ones opportunitiesExample:If you want to work in a

37、creative field,you should learn to take your chance.,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,Part II:Exercises,1.Some day soon that paper may well affect he course of history.A.will quite probably B.will to a great extent C.will positively2.And as the light came on,Fowler had

38、 his first real thrill of the day.A.fear B.excitement C.headache3.“Max,”he wheezed,“you gave me quite a start.”A.frightened shock B.good beginning C.terrible pain4.Max was slender,not tall,and with a face that suggested the look of a fox.A.evoked B.proposed C.demanded5.Im going to raise the devil wi

39、th the management this time.A.raise Cain with B.curse C.fire6.I wish I knew how you learned about the report,Max.A.studied B.read through C.became aware of7.Send them away or Ill shoot and take my chances.A.kill B.try my luck C.have an opportunity,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,Part II:Exercises,An

40、swers:BAAACB,How did Max feel when he heard someone knocking at the door?Did Ausable know who it was?What did he say to Max?Did Max believe him?What did Max decide to do under the circumstances?What happened to Max?Why did Ausable sigh?,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,Part III:Main Idea,Text Analysi

41、s,Detailed Analysis,Words,Phrases,Sentence Pattern,Grammar,uncorkshrillysighstarestammer,Part III:Words&Expressions,sighto breathe out slowly and noisily,expressing tiredness,sadness,pleasure,etc.She sighed deeply and sat down.I wish he was here,she sighed(=she said with a sigh).,Detailed Analysis,T

42、ext Analysis,stareto look for a long time with the eyes wide open,especially when surprised,frightened or thinking Dont stare at people like that,its rude.Henry sat quietly for hours staring into the distance,thinking of what might have been.,Detailed Analysis,Text Analysis,stammerto speak or say so

43、mething with unusual pauses or repeated sounds,either because of speech problems or because of fear and anxiety Wh-when can we g-go?she stammered.He dialled 999 and stammered(out)his name and address.,Detailed Analysis,Text Analysis,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,Part III:Exercises,True/False State

44、ments.(110=10%)Fowler was a young man learning spy skills from Ausable.()Ausable was a quite probably an American secret agent working in France.()Fowler was disillusioned because Asuable would not tell him anything.()Both Asuable and Fowler were thrilled when they found someone standing in the room

45、 holding a pistol in one hand.()Ausable started talking about the balcony because he wanted to gain some time to make a plan.()It wasnt the first time for somebody to get into Ausables room through the balcony.()Somebody started knocked at the door at about twelve-thirty at night.()When somebody kno

46、cked at the door,Ausable knew it was the waiter who had brought his wine.()Max was probably killed at the end of the story.(),Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,Part III:Exercises,Answers:FTFFF FFTT,R,W,B,T,Unit 4,Reinforcement,Retelling,Discussion,The Midnight Visitor,Dramatize the storyAssuming a rol

47、e of Ausable,Fowler,or Max and retell the story Imagine yourself to be Fowler,the writer,retell your experience on the night you spent with Ausable.,Reinforcement,Retelling,Lurk(潜伏)is a 2009 Chinese television series based on a spy novel.Yu Zecheng was an underground worker who spies for the Communi

48、st Party of China during the Chinese Civil War.Many viewers consider this is different from what we have usually seen on screen,actor Sun Honglei presents a refreshing spy image and displays the true-to-life personality of a spy in a high danger-plagued existence full of espionage,pretend to be foolish and just dress like an ordinary person in office.Topic:Why do people love spy dramas and their heroes?,Reinforcement,Discussion,


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