1、角色(ROLE) 一、传播学类百科全书21、Encyclopedia of communication and information Volume2 G20-61 En19, p37222、Websters new world:Dictionary of media and communications G20-61 w431 P41023、The communication hand book: a dictionary2二、心理学类百科全书31、社会心理学词典32、Encyclopedia of psychology33、当代西方心理学新词典54、The encyclopedia of
2、human behavior vol.265、简明心理学词典 B84-61 24 P1957三、社会学百科全书71.Encyclopedia of sociology C61 en1972.The Social science Encyclopedia8四、引申概念8相关概念:9五、重要的研究成果9六、个人的整理与理解101角色概念的要点102角色的分类113角色理论的范畴:114角色理论的功能115角色理论的发展11七、检索作业心得12一、传播学类百科全书1、Encyclopedia of communication and information Volume2 G20-61 En19,
3、p372In most groups, particular roles (i.e., patterns of behavior) emerge. In a classic article on this subject, Kenneth Benne and Paul Sheats (1948) identified three broad categories of role that typically occur during group interactions: task completion roles, group building and support roles, and
4、individualistic roles. Task completion roles are those roles that are related to the completion of given job or activity. Examples of task completion roles include information seeker, information giver, recorder, coordinator, and evaluator-critic. Group building and support roles are those roles tha
5、t are related to encouraging the social development of the group. Examples of these roles include encourager, harmonizer, compromiser, gatekeeper/expediter, observer and follower. Individualistic roles are generally the less desirable roles. Those roles contribute negatively to the group both in ter
6、ms of progress toward completion of a task and group development and climate. Examples of individualistic roles include aggressor, blocker, recognition seeker, dominator, and special-interest pleader.2、Websters new world:Dictionary of media and communications G20-61 w431 P410Role: A character or par
7、t; characteristic social behavior of an individual. 3、The communication hand book: a dictionary G206-61 d496 P269Role: The part an individual plays in a group, and individuals function and expected behavior两个定义的差异:第一个定义用了social, 第二个用了in a group,强调它的社会性两者都强调它是一种个人的行为,不同的是第一个强调行为的特征性, 而第二个则将行为细化为“func
8、tion and expected behavior”,强调了功能性和期望。二、心理学类百科全书1、社会心理学词典 B894: C91 33 P145-149角色原是戏剧、电影中的名词。也称“脚色”,指戏剧中的人物。社会心理学的“角色”概念,则是指与一定社会位置相联系的行为模式,是占有某一社会位置的人应有的行为表现(如应尽的义务,能享受的权利等)。它规定了一个人活动的特定范围,即应该做什么,不应该做什么,其中也包含有对人对己的感情、态度和价值观等心理成份。任何角色都不是孤立存在的,而是有其对应的角色伴侣,如丈夫和妻子,父母和子女、老师与学生、医生与病人等等,相互之间的权利和义务是紧密联系的。任
9、何人都不能摆脱一定的角色束缚,但由于个人性格、文化水平和负责程度也不同。理想角色与实际角色是有差别的。当人们不能省仍自己的角色时便产生了“角色差距”,当一个人不能同时扮演几个角色而造成内心矛盾时便产生“角色冲突”。2、Encyclopedia of psychologyB84-61/En19k(v.7)Role ThoeryA role is comprehensive pattern of behavior and attitude that linked to an identity, is socially identified more or less clearly as an en
10、tity, and is subject to being played recognizably by different individuals. Basic roles, like those attached to gender and age identities, are the most inclusive, affecting what is expected of an individual in a wide variety of situations. Position or status roles, like family occupational roles, ar
11、e linked to statuses in particular settings, though they vary in how much they carry over into other situation (a banker who gambles on his day off may be suspect) Functional group roles, such as “mediator” “devils advocate” and “counselor” emerge informally as individuals acquire situational identi
12、ties during sustained interaction in a group setting.Value roles, like hero, saint, and villain, develop around very positively or negatively valued activity.The term role theory refers to a loose collection of generalizations about 1) The organization of roles to society and groups2) The processes
13、of interaction between incumbents of different roles3) The way individuals learn and manage the diverse complements of roles that they play under various circumstance.Underlying assumptions are that social interaction are all levels from the dyad to entire societies tends to be organized into cluste
14、rs of behaviors that are thought to belong together, that individuals orient their social behavior in terms of roles they play and roles they tribute to others, that judgments if adequate or inadequate role performance constitute a major basis for assessing the worth of individuals, and that Meaning
15、s are ascribed to actions according to the role that are presumed to manifest. The stability of its system of roles and of the relationship between actors and their roles depends on three variable functionality-the degree to which the role constituents an effective strategy for dealing with relevant
16、 situations: responsibilitythe extent to which the cost/benefit ration for the role incumbent is acceptable. The concept of role came into general use in the behavioral sciences during the 1920s and 1930w by analogy to the theater, where the same actor might play very different parts in different pl
17、ays, and different actors could play the sane part quiet similarly. In the most important early formulations, G. H. Mead stressed a reciprocity of role-Taking and roles role-playing. Anthropologists R. Linton (1936) identified roles as components of culture, which every social status having its acco
18、mpanying role, and T. Newcomb (1950) made role a central concept in his formulation of filed of social psychology. Approaches to the theory are most broadly classified as either structural or international. Strcuralists, following Linton, see role as sets of behavioral prescriptions attached to posi
19、tions in organizations and statues in society. Roles are therefore best described as catalogues of specific expected behaviors, complemented by sets of privileges, R Merton (1957) introduced a more dynamic version of structural theory in which the incumbent of any position is said to play somewhat d
20、ifferent roles in response to the varied exceptions of different significant others. These several roles linked to any given position are called a role-set. Interactional approaches, drawing upon G. H. Mead, shift the emphasis from conformity to role making (Turner, 1962). By imaginatively taking th
21、e role of other, the roles incumbent improvises a suitable course of action that combines elements of creativity with conformity. People perceive and act as if role contents were definite and consensual, which often accepting quite unexpected behavior as a suitable or understandable manifestation of
22、 a role. At the heart of interpersonal, group, and inter-group processes is the allocation of roles, which involves negation between assignment to a role by others and adoption or acceptance of a role by the actor. A process of altercating has been identified in which an actor attempts to entice or
23、force others to play those roles that enable the focal person to play a preferred role. Crucial in acceptance of a system of roles as the basis for interaction are assigning and weighting of rights and duties.3、当代西方心理学新词典B84-61 19 p167亦称“脚色”,原是戏剧用语,指舞台戏剧中的人物。20世纪20年代,美国社会心理学家米德(G Mead)首先将其引入社会心理学,称为
24、社会角色,只有人的社会地位决定的行为方式。包括三种含义:1)体现特定的社会角色的一套社会行为方式;2)反映个体在社会生活群体中所处的位置和身份,3)个体按照社会期望去履行责任和义务的行为规范。其本质是社会对队色的客观期望与个人主观扮演能力的统一。最有影响力的角色理论是米德的“符号互动理论”。他将角色与互动结合在一起,指出互动式角色的互动,角色也是通过互动形成和表现自己的,是在人际符号互动中尝试和创造的结果。美国人类学家林顿(Linton, R.)提出了社会地位是角色的客观属性的反映。当个体根据他在社会中所处的地位而实现自己的权利和义务时,他就扮演者相同的角色。这对研究角色的本质具有深刻的意义。
25、4、The encyclopedia of human behavior vol.2 B84-61 P192Social roleThe part played or function performed by an individual in a specific group situation, such as the role of a teacher, or squadron leader. The concept of social role is based on the fact that each individual tends to occupy a functional
26、position in the groups to which be belongs, and other members of each group tend to agree on certain exceptions concerning this behavior in their group. In current social psychology the position the individual occupies is termed his “role category” (such as vice president), and the attitudes and beh
27、avior associated with that category are termed “role expectation” or “role behaviors”. Social role is a general term which includes both of the aspects. Social role is an extremely important concept for tow major reasons. First, any social system can viewed at a group of related social roles; the el
28、ucidation of these roles is an essential factor in describing that system. Each role must be defined by reference to other, related roles, or “counter positions” and to the rights and obligations which each role possesses in the social system: for example, a foreman has the right to make certain dec
29、isions , but as obligation to direct the workers and keep certain rights, such as the right to strike, plus an obligation to accomplish a certain amount of work. The second important function of social role is in defining the individuals self-image and in particular his conception of himself as a me
30、mber of society. This is on simple matter, since every person plays many roles in life, and these roles interlock in many ways. Often, however, one role plays a major part in determining his self-image. In American society this is frequently the occupational role, although there are many instances i
31、n which church, community, lodges, or household activities are the dominant factor. One important personality theory, termed role theory, is based upon the roles an individual assumes in society (Newsome Turner and Converse, 1965) 5、简明心理学词典 B84-61 24 P195角色:亦称社会角色、脚色,愿意之戏剧舞台上的人物,由美国社会心理学家米德(Mead,196
32、3-1931)首先引入社会心理学理论中,指个人在社会关系中的特定位置和与之相关联的行为模式,它反映了社会赋予个人的身份和责任。三、社会学百科全书1.Encyclopedia of sociology C61 en19RoleLike many other conceptions in sociology, role is use in different writers, and only a careful reading of sociologist in question will reveal exactly what he means. Generally, a role consi
33、sts of the behaviors typically performed by an individual in a particular situation. The individuals assumption of a role implies his acceptance of the need to act in ways that are socially agreed upon as being appropriated in that situationTo differentiate role from status, Aaron Cicourel points ou
34、t that a status generally refers to an institutionalized role. Thus, status often involve occupational or kinship system-physician, layer, factory worker, father, mother, uncle. Whereas the physician, by virtue of his profession, enjoys a certain status, his role in any situation will be more fluid.
35、Along with the status of physician, the individual may establish several roles; he may be the humorist at lunch, the friendly but efficient professional with patients, and the cold technician in the operating room. Some sociologists feel that role behaviors, like the behaviors appropriate to certain
36、 status, are learned early in life, perfected through practice in schools are early adulthood, and then passed on to others, in this view role behavior itself is fairly static, consisting of a rehearsed set of performances, The sociologist then investigates how these were learned.Another view mainta
37、ins that individuals are constantly in the process of constructing roles as they interact with others. Thus the physician may act more or less the humorist, depending on the response he seems to be getting. This simplistic example is a basic case of general phenomenon of people adjusting their inter
38、preting it. The others present their interpretations thorough roles of their own. Because roles are constructed in response to other roles. George Herbert Mead referred to interaction as a “cooperative exchange” between the participants.-Author W Frank III, Yale University2.The Social science Encycl
39、opedia C61/So13 p660A role is the expected behavior associated with a social position.四、引申概念角色互补Role recruitment 角色认知/定位 Role orientation角色行为 Role behavior角色冲突 Role strain Role conflict角色扮演 Role Playing角色学习 Role Learning角色形式 Role Pattern角色期待 Role expectation 角色距离Role distance角色交易 Role bargaining:相关概
40、念:社会化 Socialization自我概念 Self-concertino调节理论 Adjustment冲突理论 Conflict印象管理 Impression management 前台与后台 Front regions and back regions决策制定 Decision making 小群体互动 Group communication社会地位 Status刻版印象 Stereotype人际传播 Interpersonal Communication五、重要的研究成果 Baird, John, E, Jr., and Weinberg, Stanford B (1948) Gro
41、up Communication, 2nd edition. Brown Benne, Kenneth, and Sheats, Paul. (1948) “Functional Roles of Group members” Journal of social issues 4: 41-49 Ruben,Brent, D., and Stewart, Lea (1998) “Communication and human behavior,” 4th addition. Boston: Allyn & BaconBiddle, B, J (1979), Role Theory: Expect
42、ations, Identities and Behavior, LondonBanton, M (1965), Roles: An introduction to the study of social behavior, London Goffman, E (1959), The Presentation of self in everyday Life, New York.Jackson, J.A (ed) (1972), Role, Cambridge Clausen, J A (1986) the life course: A socilogical perspective. Eng
43、land Cliffs.Natalie Sachs-Ericsson, James A. Ciarlo,Gender, Social Roles, and Mental Health: An Epidemiological Perspective, Sex RolesVolume 43, Numbers 9-10 / 2000年11月Elizabeth M. Bertera,The Role of Positive and Negative Social Exchanges Between Adolescents, their Peers and Family as Predictors of
44、 Suicide Ideation ,Child and Adolescent Social Work JournalJeffrey C. Johnson, Dawn L. Parks,Communication Roles, Perceived Effectiveness, and Satisfaction in an Environmental Management Program ,Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory,Volume 4, Number 3 / 1998年10月重要期刊:Sex Roles:Springer Ne
45、therlands ISSN 0360-0025 (Print) 1573-2762 (Online)Group:Springer Netherlands ISSN : 0362-4021 (Print) 1573-3386 (Online)六、个人的整理与理解1角色概念的要点1) 社会性2) 个人的行为表现3) 与个人的社会位置相联系4) 个人可以有很多角色,不同的人可以有一个角色5) 有一定的范式和特征6) 个体按照社会期望去履行责任和义务的行为规范2角色的分类基本角色 Basic roles, 如性别和种族,最无法改变对个人影响最广泛深远地位角色Position or status ro
46、les, 如家庭和职业,影响很大价值角色Value roles, 如英雄,圣人,在非常伟大的行为中发展出来的角色群体功能角色Functional group roles:通过群体中持续的人际互动而产生的非正式的角色emerge informally as individuals acquire situational identities during sustained interaction in a group setting.Kenneth Benne and Paul Sheats (1948) 将小群体互动中的功能角色分为以下三类1、 Task completion roles “
47、counselor”2、 Group building and support roles “mediator”3、 Individualistic roles “devils advocate”3角色理论的范畴:是一个比较宽泛的概念,涉及多个学科。主要包括1) The organization of roles to society and groups2) The processes of interaction between incumbents of different roles3) The way individuals learn and manage the diverse
48、complements of roles that they play under various circumstances.4角色理论的功能1、他人的预期人们对人群进行分类,并先验地将人群根据角色分类 (Underlying assumptions)2、自我的认同个人通过他们所扮演的角色和所作出的贡献认同他们自己的社会行为表现。( Defining the individuals self-image)3、社会的评价个人对社会角色扮演得成功(adequate)与否,他们个人的角色对社会的贡献,成为了衡量个人价值的重要标准5角色理论的发展 缘起:二十世纪二三十年代,从戏剧中借用“角色”理解社会行为早期研究:1、G. H. M