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1、华东师范大学2005年博士生入学英语考试答案我做的答案基本和以上二位相同。我只做了选择题,答案如下:21-30:bccbb,cdaab31-40:ccbad,bcabc41-50:,cdadb,daccc51-60:dbadb,bbcbc61-70:bbcca,baacb,71-80:cdacc,abaad,81-85:bcdacVocabulary 21-25 BCCBB 26-30 ADDAA 31-35 CCBAC 36-40 BAABD 41-45 CCABA 46-50 DACCC ERROR IDENTIFICATION 51 C much easier 52 B faced 53

2、 A keeps 54 D peaking 55 B should know 56 B has there been 57 B has 58 D superior to 59 B that 60 C would be READING COMPREHENSION 61-65BBCCA 66-70BCACB 71-75CDACC 76-80AAABC 81-85BCDDD(该篇很不确定) TRANSLATION 公众身份带之于隐私的丧失,这一观点并不具有说服性。更具有说服力的说法是,如果个人信息的曝光会起到引发公众兴趣的作用,那么个人隐私并受到了侵犯。新闻业的一个行为法则中详细说明了在出版业中能够

3、激发公众兴趣的各种情况,例如,发现犯罪行为或进行曝光、保护公众健康、预防公众受到误导等等。揭露行政官员贪污腐败、办事效率低下、玩忽职守、隐瞒事实,这些必定引发公众的关注,因为这些过失行为与行政官员的公共职责表现有着直接的相关。因此,如果一个公司与政府有着规范的合作,而该公司的董事只是一个拿着高薪的非常务董事(不作事实的)的长官,揭露这种现象便会引发公众的关注。然而,大多数隐私受到侵犯的案例中都会涉及到性道德的问题,而且这比较难以看出它们的曝光在引发公众兴趣中起到怎么样的作用。 It is definitely predicted that atomic energy will be the m

4、ain source needed by the future mechanics. At that moment, all the coals and oils in the world will be exhausted completely, winds and tides will be negligent by people, however, atomic energy will become more popular because it is convenient to get by divide atom into pieces. The method in which at

5、omic energy is used is still a secret which is protected strictly, but It will be commonsense for the future people. Because there are endless energy to make the whole world operate regularly, future people will lead much higher-level life and enjoy more leisure time than us. By then, human people w

6、ill free themselves of earning enough money and craving for life, some energy will be saved and used to enjoy more leisure and conquest the natural world. Writing The Power of Humor If you are asked to describe a person who is humorous, which key words will be in your paper? optimistic、amiable? Only

7、 these words? No , I dont think so. In my opinion, humor is a tool what everyone should master in our daily life. Several reasons is following: First, humor is a tool to improve your psychological health. The person who is humorous always smiles at himself. Humorous person know how to amuse themselv

8、es, they love their life, they can find interests from their daily life. Smiling will make you look much younger. Second, humor is a tool to improve your communicating skill. When we encounter some embarrassing situation, humor always do you a great favor and help you go through these situations. Wi

9、th humor, you will find you are welcomed by the people around, they love you and be happy to work with you. If your words are tedious, who would like to make friends with you? That is a very easy question to understand. Third, humor is a tool to solve problems. When confronting with difficulties, hu

10、morous person will view the difficulties in an humorous way and relax their mind and body to prepare for overcoming them while unhumorous person will quit or become angry. Definitely humorous person will succeed. Humor is a powerful tool, with it, you will be a charming guy. Keep humor in mind!华东师范大

11、学2003年博士生入学英语考试答案Part OnePart IListening ComprehensionSection A1-5ABCDB6-10BACDBSection B11-15ABCDA16-20BAABAPart IIVocabulary21-35ACCDB26-30ABDCA31-35DBDAD36-40ADBCC41-45CBBAD46-50BCCDAPart IIIError Identification51-55CCCBB56-60ABABCPart IVReading61-65BDDCD66-70CBDAA71-75CDCCB76-80CDACB81-85BBDABPa

12、rtTwoPart VITranslationA. 1500年至1800年间,有教养的欧洲人观察和理解社会的方式发生了重大的变化。当时许多重大的科学发现相继问世,启蒙运动给人们带来了一种全新的责任感和理性。然而,面对这些巨变,在18世纪中叶,世界上大多数人(或许也是欧洲的大多数人)仍然相信,历史将一如既往地延续。历史的包袱无处不在,如同磐石,难以摆脱:人们已谈到欧洲人为摆脱这种历史重负所作的某些艰难尝试,但是,当时在欧洲以外的任何地区,人们甚至对这种尝试的可能性都难以理解。尽管在许多地区,少数人通过与欧洲人的接触开始从根本上改变其工作方式,然而世界上大部分地区并未受到欧洲传统方式的玷污。B.D

13、octorate applicants are the group of students who have the highest academic level in higher learning. They will shoulder heavy responsibility for the construction of our country (They will be charged with important tasks of constructing our country) in the foreseeable future, and play a big role/par

14、t in Chinas economic take-off this century. Therefore, they should not only have extensive and profound knowledge, master advanced techniques, but also have high ideological and moral standards. They should be able to look far ahead, aim high, and place the benefits of our country and people above e

15、verything else. They should be firm, vigorous and full of spirit of self-sacrifice. They are willing to devote their talent and wisdom. Meanwhile, they are to be active and initiative without looking on or seeking easy way out. With breadth of mind, they should be self-disciplined and tolerant of others, knowing how to respect them. They will go all out (do their endeavor) to pursue their noble goal persistently until they succeed.


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