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1、Key of Unit 2 Language Study A. 1. spot 2. random 3. sole 4. brought up 5. volunteers 6. tact 7. in the presence of 8.disposed 9.triggered 10.diminished 11. go a long way 12.affiliation 13. literally 14. render 15. intellect B. 1) intellectual 2) spiritual 3) intellectual 4) spiritual 5) connected 6

2、) affiliated 7) affiliated 8) connect 9) recipients 10) receipt C. 1. lyric 2. interaction 3. supportive 4 developing 5.spans 6.improvements 7. Mutual 8.share 9. lovable 10. concept Translation A. 调查大脑体积和智力的研究人员称,他们的研究提供的证据表明,接受教育能保护智力免受大脑自然衰退的影响。 大脑随着年龄的增长而萎缩是众所周知的事实,但是这对智力方面的影响却 因人而异。有趣的是,一项有关老年人的

3、研究表明,实际上接受过较多教育的人 大脑萎缩得较多。这项研究成果表明的是,接受过教育的人在大脑功能开始崩溃 之前更能经受得住大脑组织的丧失。 据研究人员说,这份发表在7 月份的神经病学杂志上的研究报告第一次 提供了生物学上的证据来支持储备假说,即接受过较多教育的人在大脑衰老 时拥有更大的认识上的储备可以利用;实际上这部分人的大脑中有更多的脑组织 处于闲置状态。 研究人员对320 名年龄在66 岁到90 岁的身体健康的男子和女子的脑部扫描 X 光片研究后发现,受试者的受教育经历每多一年,其大脑外层叫做脑皮层的部 位就多一份萎缩。然而,所有受试者的认知能力和记忆力的测试分数均在正常范 围以内。 人

4、的一生应该不断地努力,通过新的生活体验使大脑处于警觉状态。旅游是刺激 大脑的一种方法,较少冒险性的方法是玩拼字游戏. 教育是怎样影响脑细胞的尚不清楚。研究人员在报告中推测,接受过较多教 育的人大脑的某些比脑皮层更深层次的结构可能完好无损,从而弥补了脑皮层萎 缩带来的损失。B. 1. Happily, you will discover that by standing up for yourself you will feel better and your fiends annoying comments will occur less often. 2. He was well set u

5、p for a lot of readings and warm clothes for the coming long winter days. 3. In the presence of his company, he never tries to hide his negative feelings. 4. Long-time disease diminishes his strength. 2 5. His appropriate reaction to his foes unpleasant put-downs and attacks rendered him more influe

6、ntial. 6. In this situation, instead of holding your tongue or walking away to lick wounds, you should speak up bravely your hurt. 7. The injured soccer player refused to rule out the possibility that he could fight again. 8. Ever since he left, she has been in a real funk now and then and doesnt fe

7、el like doing anything but watching TV. 9. Now he experiences a real loss: all his friends would not like to be affiliated with him. 10. If you find you are ill-equipped to handle your life for quite a while, you are having the red flags telling you that your environment needs to be changed. Reading

8、 Practice A. CDCCCB. 1. She became uneasy. 2. No. She was feeling that she has been given a label and her position was a bit lowered. 3. She disliked the idea of being put in a particular category called grandmother. 4. Because some of her family members and close friends died or are suffering from disease. 5. For her, the importance of existing can make her feel to be herself no matter how society may classify her as invisible and powerless.


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