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1、Unit 6When was it invented.?(SectionA3a3c)四十七团中学:邓远新课 题Unit 6 When was it invented.?课 型新授课课 时3/7教 学 目 标1:1) 学习掌握下列词汇:by accident, ruler, boil, remain, smell, saint, national, take place, doubt, without doubt 2)阅读短文,能按要求找到相应的信息。2:通过阅读了解茶的发展历史,并且能用简单的语言描述出来。3:培养一种科学创新精神,尝试着发挥自己想象发明一些小制作。教 学重 点1) 掌握本部分

2、出现的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。 2) 阅读短文,获得相关的信息。通过阅读练习,来提高阅读能力。教 学方 法 讨论法、自主学习、任务型教 学难 点1) 阅读短文,获得相关的信息的能力。 2) 理解并运用所学的词汇及表达方式。教 具多媒体板 书 设 计 Unit6 An Accidental invention1st Paragraph:How tea was invented by accident New words:2nd Paragraph :Lu Yu and his book Cha Jing by accident, ruler, 3rd Paragraph: How tea

3、 spread to other countries boil, remain, smell,saint, national,take place, doubt, without doubtit is said/believed that be brought to sp.教 学 过 程教师活动学生活动一、Revision(5mins)What will you do if you are really thirsty?Youd like to drink these drinks.Guess,what will I drink? 二、Presentation1、Who was tea inv

4、ented by?2、How was it invented?3、show some important phrases4、Work on 3a: ( 1)、 Tell Ss to read the article quickly and match each paragraph with its main idea.(2)、 Read the instruction and grasp the key words(3)、check the words5、 Post reading Read and fill the blanks.6、Work on 3b: 1. 告诉学生们再次阅读短文内容,

5、并回答3b中的所有问题。 3. 让学生们回答问题,并校对答案。 4. 让学生读一下自己的答案,并改正答案。Step3、practice (10mins) Look at PPTStep 4、Summary谈谈我的收获Step5、Homework 3mins1.Recite the new words and Section A 3a.2. Preview Section A 4a-4c. 教学后记SS: answersSS: try to answer the question1、Look and say 2、Look、 learn and say3、Find、draw and say4、Re

6、ad the passege quickly,search for the key sentences and find the answers.5、say out their answers.6、Read the first paragraph7、Fill the blanks according to the first paragraph.6、Read the second paragraph.7. Fill the blanks according to the second paragraph.8、Read the third paragraph.9、 Fill in the blanks according to the third paragraph.10、Ss read the article quickly and try to answer the questions:11、让学生读一下自己的答案,并改正答案。2、SSSS:


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