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1、上海理工大学中英国际学院2011年自主招生入学考试模拟试卷考试日具体安排上午笔试 制作准考证8: 30如在考试当天制作准考证的学生,需携带本人两张报名照片 (1寸或2寸) 在办证处办理。一张照片用于制作准考证,另一张照片在进入考场签到时交给工作人员。(照片反面写上姓名和准考证号)照相8: 30考试当天未携带报名照片的,由教务处负责安排当天照相。一张照片用于制作准考证;另一张照片在进入考场签到时交给工作人员。(照片反面写上姓名和准考证号)入场签到 8: 30:1. 考生必须携带本人准考证及本人报名照片;入场时监考人员核实准考证、照片以及考生本人三者是否一致并且收取一张照片留存。2. 监考人员做签

2、到记录,考试完成后会将签到记录复印给招生部、国际办公室(如有国际学生参加)。开考9:00:监考老师完成以下流程:1:身份验证 2:宣读考场规则3:讲解考试流程 4:发试卷考试9:3011:051: 学生进入考场后至整场考试结束不得离开考场。2:桌上只准放水、两支笔、准考证、其他东西须放在监考老师指定地点,如未按规定,一经发现考试成绩为零分。交卷11: 05监考老师收卷,核查数量,确认无误后,宣布上午考试结束,准许考生离开考场。下午口试侯考考生按照告示栏张贴的口试安排,在规定时间内携带准考证到达相应的口试地点。入场考场工作人员核查考生的身份,确认无误后,安排考生进入考场;口试考场工作人员,在现场

3、安排考试次序,解答学生、家长的疑问。考试成绩公布及录取通知书发放明细公布成绩考试成绩将于考试日后的十日左右公布,考生可通过两种形式获取考试成绩及录取状态: 1学生可登录学院网页, 进入自主招生成绩查询系统, 输入学生准考证号码和中文姓名即可查询到学生入学考试成绩及录取状态。2招生部门的咨询老师也将在考试成绩公布当天以电话形式告知家长或考生考试成绩及录取状态。如发现以下情况者,会宣布该考生考试成绩无效,并告知学生及家长:1. 经教务部核查,发现考生的照片或证件与本人不一致,且经查或与招生部协查,确系代考者。2. 经其他途径确认考生有作弊或代考。录取通知书发放考生的录取通知书分为电子与书面两个版本

4、:1:电子版本在成绩公布的当天通过电子邮件形式发送到学生或家长提供的电子邮箱。 2:书面版本录取通知书在成绩公布当天以快递方式寄出; 江浙沪的考生3日内可收到, 其它地区的考生一周内可收到。 重要提示:1. 在国内其他城市举行的考试,考试流程和在上海地区考试一致。考试试卷由外教老师负责保管。开考之前,除试卷保管专员以外的任何人员不得接触试卷。 2. 在国外举行的入学考试,学生报名由国际办公室自理;试卷由学术部直接交给国际办公室管理。只举行笔试,没有口试。其余流程与上述完全一致。对于国际学生,须将报名照片交给国际办公室。PART ONEWriting (40 minutes)Name (Engl

5、ish): Name (Pin yin):Name (Chinese):Exam Number:Date:Instructions1. You have 40 minutes to complete this test.2. You must write an essay to discuss how you feel about the statement shown on the next page. 3. Write your essay on the paper provided.Write an essay of three to five paragraphs (around tw

6、o hundred words) to discuss the opinion above. You should use examples from your life, your reading, or your schoolwork to support your answer._PART TWO.Entrance Exam Grammar & Vocabulary (20 minutes)Name_ Reference Number _Directions for StudentsThe test is in two parts. Part 1 consists of multiple

7、 choice questions as in the example given below:1) _ is a pen.A. TheB. WhereC. ThisD. SuchPlease circle the correct answer. Part 2 consists of three short texts. You will notice that many of the words in these have only the first half of the word completed. Each space _ represents one letter. You mu

8、st complete the words by writing the missing letters in the space. Here is an example:My name is John Smith. Im thirty years old. Im mar _ _ _ _ and I ha _ _ two chil _ _ _ _. I li _ _ in a ho _ _ _ in Scotland, ne _ _ the s _ _. I wa _ _ to le _ _ _ Eng _ _ _ _ for m _ job.You will write the second

9、 half of the words like this:My name is John Smith. Im thirty years old. Im married and I have two children. I live in a house in Scotland, near the sea. I want to learn English for my job.Part 1. (5 minutes)Questions 1 151. Good morning. I _ a new student.A. isB. areC. amD. were2. My home is _ Lond

10、on.A. onB. atC. inD. into3. My father is the leader of _ familyA. HerB. HimC. MineD. Our4. My dad is _ than your mom.A. oldB. olderC. oldestD. elder5. We found three _ in our attic.A. mouseB. miceC. mousesD. mices6. I met her five weeks _.A. sinceB. beforeC. agoD. past7. Bob _ pay his rent every mon

11、th.A. hadB. hasC. has toD. must have8. After school, I _ travel in Asia.A. will beB. am going toC. wouldD. going9. Last night, there were a lot of clouds in the sky and we _ see the moon.A. could haveC. couldntB. canD. cant10. They _ homework by their teacher.A. was givenB. were givenC. giveD. gave1

12、1. He spent last weekend in Cambridge _ to his sisters wedding.A. dueB. becauseC. asD. so12. They will visit their friends if they _time.A. hadB. haveC. havingD. has13. If her friend had studied, she _got a good grade.A. will haveB. would haveC. could hadD. would had14. We _ studying for over three

13、months before we got married.A. wasB. isC. had been D. has been15. The delay in her trains _ will change our plans.A. arriveB. arrivingC. arrivalD. arrivedPart 2. (15 minutes)Write your answers in the text. Use one letter for each space.Text 1 (Questions 1-25)When you find a word you dont understand

14、 in a text, you need to decide first whether it is really necessary to understand the word. 1Perh_ _ _ you 2c_ _ understand 3en_ _ _ _ of 4t_ _ text 5with_ _ _ understanding 6t_ _ word, 7i_ which 8c_ _ _ you 9c_ _ ignore 10i_. Alternatively, 11t_ _ context 12i_ which 13t_ _ word is 14loc_ _ _ _ may

15、14al_ _ _ you to 15g_ _ _ _ the 16mea_ _ _ _ of the 16wo_ _ well 17en_ _ _ _ to 18cont_ _ _ _ reading. If 19nei _ _ _ _ of these 20appl _ _ _, you may 21ha_ _ to 22l_ _ _ up the 23w_ _ _ in a 24dict_ _ _ _ _ _. If you 25f_ _ _ you are using a dictionary so much that you are prevented from reading th

16、e text at a reasonable speed, the text may be too difficult for you. Coffee, one of the oldest drinks in the world, is still one of the most popular. The 26fa _ _ that 27i_ _ popularity 28h_ _ endured 29o_ _ _ the 30ye_ _ _ is 31d_ _ to its 32m_ _ _ different 33u_ _ _. It is 34frequ _ _ _ _ _ used a

17、s a 35flav_ _ _ _ _ for 36cook_ _ _ and baked 37g_ _ _ _, and is 38of_ _ _ combined with 39cho_ _ _ _ _ _ to 40m_ _ _ the mocha 41fla_ _ _ of chocolate 42cand_ _ _ and of 43da_ _ _ products 44s_ _ _ as ice 45c_ _ _ _. It 46ev_ _ appears in 47sav_ _ _ recipes, 48s_ _ _ as 49tradit _ _ _ _ _ red-eye g

18、ravy. But coffee is 50m_ _ _ popular as a beverage.Text 2 (Questions 26-50)Smoking, which is the most common method of consuming tobacco, has a very long history. For example, 51th_ _ _ is evidence 52th_ _ people 53w_ _ _ smoking 54toba_ in South America 5000 55ye_ 56a_ _. It 57se_ _ _ that, 58moreo

19、_ _ _ _, smoking 59w_ _ an important 60p_ _ _ of 61both traditional 62ceremo_ _ _ _ and 63tr_ _ _. When 64t_ _ Europeans 65arr_ _ _ _ in the Americas, 66toba_ was 67sp_ _ _ _ around the 68wo_ _ _ along 69internat_ _ _ _ _ trade 70rou_ _ _. Furthermore, 71smok_ _ _ later 72bec_ _ _ fashionable 73th_

20、_ _ _ to successful 74advert _ _ _ _ _ campaigns (like the 75fam _ _ _ Marlboro advertising campaign) and through its association with famous film stars. Smoking now seems to be in decline in many countries and strict controls on smoking in public places are being introduced. Text 3 (Questions 51-75

21、)Grammar Exam Answer KeyPart 1:1) C 2) C 3) D 4) B 5) B 6) C 7) C 8) B 9) C 10) B 11) A 12) B 13) B 14) C 15) CPart 2:When you find a word you dont understand in a text, you need to decide first whether it is really necessary to understand the word. 1Perhaps you 2can understand 3enough of 4the text

22、5without understanding 6the word, 7in which 8case you 9can ignore 10it. Alternatively, 11the context 12in which 13the word is 14located may 14allow you to 15guess the 16meaning of the 16word well 17enough to 18continue reading. If 19neither of these 20applied, you may 21have to 22look up the 23word

23、in a 24dictionary. If you 25feel you are using a dictionary so much that you are prevented from reading the text at a reasonable speed, the text may be too difficult for you. Coffee, one of the oldest drinks in the world, is still one of the most popular. The 26fact that 27its popularity 28has endur

24、ed 29over the 30years is 31due to its 32many different 33uses. It is 34frequently used as a 35flavoring for 36cookies and baked 37goods, and is 38often combined with 39chocolate to 40make the mocha 41flavor of chocolate 42candies and of 43dairy products 44such as ice 45cream. It 46even appears in 47

25、savory recipes, 48such as 49traditional red-eye gravy. But coffee is 50most popular as a beverage.Smoking, which is the most common method of consuming tobacco, has a very long history. For example, 51there is evidence 52that people 53were smoking 54tobacco in South America 5000 55years 56ago. It 57

26、seems that, 58moreover, smoking 59was an important 60part of 61both traditional 62ceremonies and 63trade. When 64the Europeans 65arrived in the Americas, 66tobacco was 67spread around the 68world along 69international trade 70routes. Furthermore, 71smoking later 72became fashionable 73thanks to succ

27、essful 74advertising campaigns (like the 75famous Marlboro advertising campaign) and through its association with famous film stars. Smoking now seems to be in decline in many countries and strict controls on smoking in public places are being introduced. PART THREESpeaking Interviews (between 7 10

28、minutes)Guidelines for InterviewersPurposes of the Exam Encourage students to talk as much as possible To ascertain if their spoken English level is sufficient for them to be able to attend SBC Grade their spoken ability (see criteria)As the purpose of the exam is to get the students to talk as much

29、 as possible, please bear in mind the following: Give explanations or examples of specific words and phrase if the student indicates (including non-verbal indications) that they do not understand Paraphrase the questions if necessary. Try to elicit as much language from the students as possible. Thi

30、s is a semi-formal interview in a foreign language and is probably a very unfamiliar and stressful experience for the students so please try to be as patient and understanding as possible.Exam Procedure Timing: 8-12 minutesRubric to be read out by the interviewer is in bold. This should not be chang

31、ed in any way. Instructions for interviewers are (italicized and in parenthesis) - do not read these out. Part 1. (Introductory Questions, 2-3 minutes) Choose up to two of the four sets of questions The purpose of Part 1 is a warmer for both candidate and interviewer try to put the candidate at ease

32、 during this part Part 1 should not be gradedPart 2. (Long Turn, 2-3 minutes) This is a long-turn, based on a description of a picture There are three sets of pictures Each set consists of two pictures - Picture A for Part 2 and Picture B (with questions) for Part 3 In Part 2, Picture A is given to

33、the candidate and the instructions are read out and checked 30 seconds are given for preparation The candidate should speak for at least one minute, if possible. If the candidate cannot sustain a one-minute long turn, the interviewer may prompt. Please only use the provided prompts. The candidate ma

34、y speak for up to two minutes. During Part 2, interviewers should have the opportunity to rate candidates in the following areas: General fluency Use of discourse markers Intonation Sentence and word stress Intelligibility over L1 accent influences Oral grammatical accuracy Evidence of appropriate c

35、ollocation Command of phrasal verbs ParaphrasingPart 3. (Picture-based discussion, 3-4 minutes) In Part 3 a second picture is introduced, which differs from the first. This allows the candidate to compare, contrast and evaluate, and should allow some expansion of the theme in Part 2. Picture B is gi

36、ven to the student, and the interviewer uses the provided questions to elicit language and develop discussion. The questions here can be paraphrased as appropriate to the candidate, in order to draw the student into more extended responses. During Part 3, interviewers should have the opportunity to

37、rate candidates on the following areas: Ability to express abstract ideas Restatement Emphatic stress Articulation Demonstrate understanding of complex language Use complex language Display knowledge and command of wide-ranging structures Command of idiomatic languageMarking and Grading Complete the

38、 marking sheet, including the students name and exam ID number. Include the date and your initials. Highlight the relevant points and add notes/comments. Give a band for each student.Part 1. Introductory Questions (2- 3 minutes)Good morning/afternoon. My name is .Whats your name?(Complete the Markin

39、g Sheet with the students details.)First, I would like to ask you some questions about yourself. (Choose one or two of the questions below).l Tell me about your hometown.l What do you like to read?l Which country would you like to visit?l Tell me about your favorite teacher.Part 2. Long Turn (2- 3 minutes, including student preparation time)(Give candidate Picture A Man with Polar Bear)Now look at this picture. I would like you to des


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