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1、守望先锋全英雄对话彩蛋一览 守望先锋全英雄对话彩蛋一览 守望先锋在开场时、击杀时、重生时,英雄们总会念念有词,那么这些内容你都注意过吗?下面就让我们进入今天的守望先锋全英雄对话彩蛋吧! 1 Soldier-76: You sure take to this badguy thing easily, dont ya?Reaper: And you sure know how to play boyscout 士兵76:靠,这反派角色你还适应得挺快。死神:你当童子军当的也挺好。 2 Lcio: Cant keep up? Tracer: Then stay out of our way! 卢西奥:

2、跟不上节奏的话 闪光:(合)那就闪边去吧! 3 Mercy: What happened to you?Reaper: You tell me, doc. 慈悲:你这是怎么了?死神:这还用问么? 4 Mercy: This is not what I intended, Reyes.Reaper: You knew exactly what you were doing 慈悲:我本意并非如此。死神:你做的事,你都清楚。 5 Lcio: Winstonnn, hows it hanging?Winston: Uhm. okay I guess. We got this big mission c

3、oming up. oh. I get it 卢西奥:温斯顿最近怎么样啊?温斯顿:呃,我想还好。我们还有正事,呃,我得走了。 6 Winston: Need any adjustments to your chrono accelerator? Tracer: I think- (Random sounds made from mouth) (Begins to laugh) Just kidding Winston! It works great! 温斯顿:时空加速器需要调整吗?闪光:我想哔呱呜呜啊唧(笑)开玩笑啦温斯顿,一切正常! 7 Tracer: Wow! Its an honour

4、to meet of the Shimbali! Mondatta was an inspiration to me.Zenyatta: To us all. I miss him greatly. (Widowmaker may continue the interaction if shes there. Do not know the words, though) 闪光:哇!能遇到香巴里僧众真是荣幸!孟达塔给了我很多启示!禅亚塔:他的福祉赐予了我们所有人。我深刻地怀念他。 (如果黑百合在场,还会往下接) 8 Winston: Your mother was a hero to me. T

5、o all of us.Pharah: You probably knew her better than me. 温斯顿:你的母亲是一位英雄,对我们所有人来说都是。法老之鹰:我对她的了解恐怕不如你。 9 Mercy: Your mother always wanted you to follow in her footsteps.Pharah: She did? Funny, she never mentioned that to me. 慈悲:你母亲一直希望你能继承她的道路。法老之鹰:哦是么?有意思,她从来没和我这么说过。 10 Soldier-76: Your mother would

6、have been proud of you.Pharah: You didnt know my mother very well then. 士兵76:你的母亲一直引你为傲。法老之鹰:那时候你可能还不太了解她。 11 Winston: (In Watchpoint: Gibralter) Sorry its such a mess in here. I-I wasnt expecting company. 温斯顿:(直布罗托地图)对不起,这儿一团糟。我没想到会有人来 12 Lucio: Reinhardt, we need to find you some new tunes。 Reinha

7、rdt: Ah, you kids today with techno music! You should enjoy the classics, like Hasselhof! Lcio: I cant even take you seriously right now. 卢西奥:莱因哈特,你应该尝试些新的风格(Tunes双关,曲风)了。 莱因哈特:啊,玩电子乐的小子!你应该好好听听古典乐曲,哈塞尔霍夫的就不错! 卢西奥:真是没法交流 13 Tracer: Whatchya looking at? Widowmaker: An annoyance. 闪光:你在瞅啥? 黑百合:某个烦人的家伙。

8、 Widowmaker: It looks like we will be working together. Tracer: Dont think Im happy about that. 黑百合:看来我们得合作了。 闪光:我可一点也不高兴。 14 Tracer: Lcio! Ill race ya! Lcio: Its on! 闪光:卢西奥!来比赛吧! 卢西奥:已经在比了! 15 Tracer: (After killing enemy Winston) Sorry big guy! 闪光:(击杀温斯顿)抱歉,大块头! 16 Pharah: Reinhardt, you know I ha

9、d a poster of you on my wall when I was younger. Reinhardt: I remember the poster! My hair was amazing 法老之鹰:莱因哈特,我小的时候家里墙上有一张你的海报。 莱因哈特:我记得那海报!那时候我的头发还很帅 17 McCree: (After an ally Reaper reloads) You werent given those guns to toss them around like trash. Reaper: I dont take lessons from you. 麦克雷:(本

10、方死神装弹后,死神的装弹动作是扔掉空枪拔出两把新的)装备不是用来像垃圾一样到处乱扔的。 死神:想教训我,没门。(我不需要你来教训我!) 18 Zarya: How do I trust a man who is half machine? Genji: The heart of a man still beats inside of me. 查理娅:我该怎么信任一个半机器人? 源氏:人类的心脏仍在我身躯内跳动。 19 Zarya: Watch your back, Omnic. Zenyatta: And I will watch yours as well. 查理娅:当心背后,神棍。 禅亚塔

11、:我会连你背后一起当心的。Mei: Youre just a no good bully, how can you even look at 20 yourself in the mirror? Junkrat: Oh, thats cold. 美:你浑身上下没一点正经。你就不能照照镜子么? 狂鼠:哦,这笑话可真冷。 21 Zarya: (After killing an enemy Zenyatta) Never trust an Omnic. 查理娅:(击杀禅亚塔)神棍绝不可信 22 Genji: (After being revived by an ally Mercy) You hav

12、e saved my life again, Dr. Ziegler. 源氏:(被本方慈悲复活后)你又救了我一命,齐格勒医生。 23 Genji: (after spawning in Hanamura) The true ruler of the Shimada clan has returned. 源氏:(在花村重生后)岛田家真正的当主回来了。 Hanzo: You will never amount to anything. Genji: We shall see. brother. 半藏:你终将一事无成。 源氏:走着瞧吧(伊利丹语气)哥哥。 24 Widowmaker: This is

13、 no place for children. D.Va: Who are you calling a child? 黑百合:这不是小孩子玩的地方。 D.Va: 你叫谁小孩? 25 Tracer: I think my quantum-stabilizer is on the fritz! Tracer: I was about to say the same thing! Spooky! 闪光A:时空加速器好像坏了! 闪光B:我刚想说这句!真见鬼! 27 Reinhardt: Can I have your autograph? .I was wondering if you would s

14、ign something for me!. I-Its for a friend. D.Va: Of course! Here you go! Love, D.Va! / After this match is over, right now its time to get serious. 莱因哈特:能给我签个名么?我一直想要你的签名呃,这是帮朋友要的。 D.Va: 没问题!给!/打完这局再说吧!是时候展现真正的技术了! 28 Junkrat: Dont worry, heres the cavalry. Tracer: Hey! Thats my line! 狂鼠:别担心,救星来啦! 闪

15、光:喂,这是我的台词! 29 Lcio: Yo Bastion, check this out! Beep bop bop beep bop beep. Bastion: Beep bop beep. 卢西奥:堡垒,试试这个!哔哔哔哔哔哔哔。 堡垒:哔哔哔哔哔哔哔。 30 Mercy: Reinhardt, isnt it time for you to hang it up? Youre not getting any younger. Reinhardt:* Never! I will fight until my last breath. 慈悲:莱因哈特,你就没想过退役么?都一把年纪了。

16、 莱因哈特:才不会!我会一直打到战死为止。 31 Reinhardt: (After killing an enemy Reaper) Traitor! 莱因哈特:(击杀死神)叛徒! 32 Widowmaker: (On Numbani) I will have that gauntlet. 黑百合:(努巴尼地图)我会拿到护手的。 33 Mei: Doctor Ziegler, you havent aged since the last time I saw you. Mercy: And neither have you, Mei. 美:齐格勒医生,你和上次见面比起来好像一点都没变。 慈悲

17、:你也是啊,小美。 34 Mercy: Mei, you havent aged a single day. Whats your secret? Mei: Cryostatis. But I wouldnt recommend it for everyone. 慈悲:美,你似乎驻颜有术啊。有秘方么? 美:低温静滞我还是别推荐给其他人了。 35 Reaper: Looks like were working together again. Widowmaker: Hopefully it goes better than the museum. 死神:我们又合作了。 黑百合:希望别又搞成上次博

18、物馆那样(守望先锋宣传片那次)。 36 Zenyatta: It is an honour to work with my best pupil. Genji: I am grateful to be here, my master. 禅亚塔:和我最出色的学生合作是我的荣幸。 源氏:我才应该为此感到荣耀,恩师。 37 Tracer: Winston! Got something for you! Winston: For the last time, no more bananas! Tracer: (Giggling) Oh Winston! I got your favourite! 闪光

19、:温斯顿!给你带了好东西! 温斯顿:我再说最后一次,我不要香蕉! 闪光:(笑)这是你的最爱! 38 Torbjorn: I sometimes wonder if all that armor isnt slowing down your brain? Reinhardt: Yeah, and I sometimes wonder if your height is why youre always in such a bad mood! 托比昂:我有时候会想,穿着这么重的盔甲会不会让人得脑痴呆? 莱因哈特:哦,我有时候也在想,长的太矮会不会让人得狂躁症? 39 Reaper: I taugh

20、t you everything you know. McCree: Not everything. / Good thing Ive still got a few tricks up my sleeve. 死神:你的一切都是我教你的。 麦克雷:才不是/我还留了几手。 40 D.Va: (On Hollywood map) Now this is my kind of place! Lights, camera, action! D.Va: (好莱坞地图)这才是我的主场!灯光,镜头,开拍! 41 Zenyatta: (After killing enemy Genji) Looks like

21、 I win this round. 禅亚塔:(击杀源氏)这一局是我赢了。 42 Reaper: Poor Winston. Has to hide away so he doesnt scare the children Winston: I dont think even children are afraid of you. 死神:可怜的温斯顿,得躲来躲去才不会吓到小孩子。 温斯顿:我觉得你连小孩子都吓不倒。 43 Reaper: (After killing an enemy Mercy) Remember, youre responsible for this! 死神:(击杀慈悲)记

22、住,一切皆由你而起! 44 Mercy: Its been a while Genji, how are you? Genji: I am whole now. 慈悲:有一阵没见了,源氏。你还好么? 源氏:我现在完整了。 45 Hanzo: (After killing an enemy Genji) I win brother, Just like when we were kids. 半藏:(击杀源氏)我又赢了,弟弟,就和小时候一样。 46 Hanzo: So Junkrat, where did you hide your treasure? You cannot possibly ke

23、ep it on your person. Junkrat: What treasure? (Nervously) I dont know what youre on about mate heh. 半藏:狂鼠,你的宝藏都藏在哪里了?你不可能全都带在身上的。 狂鼠:什么宝藏?(紧张地)我我我根本不知道你在说啥啊哥们。 47 Reaper: What did you find in there rat? Junkrat: No idea what ya sayin mate (More serious tone) 死神:你找到了什么,老鼠? 狂鼠:不明白你在说啥啊,哥们。 48 Lcio: Vi

24、shkar will never understand that people should be free! Symmetra: What do you know? Freedom is an illusion that causes more harm than good. 卢西奥:费斯卡的人永远不懂,人民应当获得自由! 辛梅塔:而你又懂得什么?自由只是一个幻想,带来的灾难多过好处。 49 Mei: Zarya, how can you fight in the cold wearing so little? Zarya: Ill tell you my secret-if you giv

25、e me your coat. 美:查理娅,你穿这么少怎么还不怕冷? 查理娅:我会告诉你我的秘诀作为交换把你的大衣给我吧。 50 Genji: Its not too late for you brother. You can still redeem yourself. Hanzo: No, there is only dishonour for me, brother. / Youre not the Genji I knew. 源氏:一切还不晚。你仍能获得救赎。 半藏:不,留给我的只有耻辱/你已经不是我认识的源氏了。 51 Reinhardt: You always did take g

26、ood care of my armor. Torbjorn: Just try to keep it in one piece this time. 莱因哈特:你从没好好修过我的盔甲。 托比昂:那这次就别把它再弄坏了。 52 Tracer: Wont you be warm in all those clothes? Mei: I know, but its too late to change. 闪光:你穿这么多不觉得热么? 美:我想也是,不过没时间换衣服了。 53 Reinhardt (When near an ally Torbjorn getting a kill) Good wor

27、k my diminutive Swedish friend! 莱因哈特:(本方托比昂击杀敌人)干得不错,我亲爱的瑞典矮人朋友。 54 Junkrat: Im getting cold just looking at ya! Mei: Well, you can look somewhere else. 狂鼠:看着你我都觉得冷。 美:那就看别的地方。 55 Roadhog: Maybe you can stay out of trouble this time. Junkrat: Oh, Ill be on my best behavior! 路霸:这次你应该少找点麻烦。 狂鼠:感谢提醒,我会

28、留意自己的举止的! 56 Zenyatta: (Putting an Orb on Harmony on an ally Genji) Walk in harmony, my student. 禅亚塔:(技能禅意珠:谐对源氏施放)愿你行走于和谐之中,我的弟子。 57 Genji: (After killing an enemy Zenyatta) Looks like Im improving, master./Looks like I have the upper hand, Master. 源氏:(击杀禅亚塔)我进步了,恩师/这一次我占上风了,恩师。 58 Reaper: (When ki

29、lling enemy Bastion or Zenyatta) Tin cans: Dime a dozen. 死神:(击杀堡垒或禅亚塔)(收废品)易拉罐,一毛钱一打。 59 Reaper: (Killing an enemy Soldier-76) This is how it should have been. 死神:(击杀士兵76)早该如此。 60 Winston: Uhm. Th-Thanks. I like yours too! 美:眼镜真不错! 温斯顿:呃呃呃,谢谢你的也很棒! 61 Genji: (Spawning in Hanamura arcade) I wasted ma

30、ny an hour of my misspent youth here. 源氏:(重生于花村街机厅)年少无知时我在这里虚度了大把的青春。 62 Junkrat: (Being Discorded from an enemy Zenyatta) Cruddy piece of junk! 狂鼠:(被施放禅意珠:乱)差劲的混蛋! 63 Reaper: (After an enemy he killed has been ulted by Mercy) Oh, youve got to be kidding me. 死神:(击杀的对象被慈悲复活)哦老天,这是在开玩笑吧? 64 Symmetra:

31、Armor? How positively primitive. Torbjorn: Last time I checked, no one asked for your opinion! 辛梅塔:盔甲?这还真是复古。 托比昂:我再说一次,没人问你的看法! 65 Torbjorn: Hehe, theres something on your dress. Symmetra: No, there isnt. 托比昂:(咸猪手)呵呵,你衣服上有东西。 辛梅塔:才没有。 66 Symmetra: To think I would have to work with a street ruffian

32、. Lucio: Yeah Im not too excited about this arrangement either. 辛梅塔:一想到我要和一个街头混混合作就 卢西奥:是是是,这个安排我也不满意 67 Symmetra: (After killing an enemy Lucio) A punishment for your crimes. 辛梅塔:(击杀卢西奥)罪有应得。 68 Symmetra: (on Dorado) This would be a perfect location for a Vishkar development. 辛梅塔:(多拉多地图)费斯卡集团一定会乐于开

33、发此地的。 69 Mei: Wow, Tracer! Youre a hero! Tracer: No, Mei, youre the real hero! 美:哇,闪光!你是我们的英雄! 闪光:不,美,你才是真正的英雄 70 Tracer: (After killing an enemy Reaper) Death comes. 闪光:(击杀死神)死神来了 71 Junkrat: (After being discorded by an enemy Zenyatta) Every once in a while, you get a dud. 狂鼠:(被禅亚塔施加负面状态)呃,隔三差五总会遇

34、到哑弹的。 72 Torbjorn: (Spawning on Numbani) no No NO N. O. 托比昂:(重生于努巴尼)不不不。不。 73 Torbjorn: (On Kings Row) These Londoners have the right idea if you ask me. Omnic rights? Pah! 托比昂:(国王大道地图)伦敦人的三观还挺正的。机器人权?见鬼去吧! 74 D.Va: A giant gorilla! Just like in those old video games! Winston: Um, well, uh, okay the

35、n. / I get that a lot. D.Va: 巨型大猩猩!好像大金刚! 温斯顿:呃,好吧。/我受够了、 75 Hanzo: (Spawning on Hanamura) All this was supposed to be mine. 半藏:(花村重生)这些本该都是我的 76 Roadhog: (On Nepal) Great place, shame I have to kill someone here. 路霸:(尼泊尔重生)不错的地方,可惜我得在这大开杀戒。 77 Widowmaker: (On being revived or damage boosted by an a

36、lly Mercy) You must really like me, huh? 黑百合:(被慈悲复活或增强活力)你一定是真的喜欢我,对吧? 78 Reinhardt: (Upon seeing an ally Torbjorn die) Torbjorn! I will avenge you! 莱因哈特:(本方托比昂被击杀)托比昂!我要为你报仇! 79 Mei: (On Gibraltar attack room) Winston, I think one of those equations is wrong. 美:(直布罗陀地图简报室)温斯顿,这里有个等式好像错了。 80 Junkrat

37、: Hey Tracer, can I have a look at that bomb of yours? Tracer: Not a chance! 狂鼠:哈啰,闪光,我能看看你的脉冲炸弹么? 闪光:想都别想! 81 Soldier-76: (On Gibraltar) Bring back Overwatch.? Whats the point. 士兵76:(直布罗陀地图)重组守望先锋?意义何在。 82 Roadhog: (On Kings Row) I think they are still angry about those jewels we stole. I miss that

38、 crown. 路霸:(国王大道地图)我想他们还在为我们那桩珠宝窃案耿耿于怀我也很想念那顶王冠。 83 Hanzo: This is/was the home of the Shimada clan. 半藏:这里(曾)是岛田家的龙兴之地。 84 Torbjorn: Winston, still using that feather duster of a gun? Hows that working for you? Winston: Why dont you come over here and find out? 托比昂:温斯顿,你怎么还在用那杆鸡毛掸子似的枪?这能用么? 温斯顿:你要不要

39、过来试试? 85 Hanzo: (Spawning on Hanamura) This was my home once. But no longer. 半藏:(花村重生)这曾经是我的故乡现在不是了。 86 McCree: (After killing enemy Soldier-76) Argh! Thought I saw a ghost. 麦克雷:(击杀士兵76)啊?我刚才见鬼了? 87 Soldier-76 (After killing enemy Reaper) Someone had to do it. 士兵76:(击杀死神)未完之事总的有人去做。 88 Widowmaker: (

40、After killing enemy Soldier 76) A legend falls. 黑百合:(击杀士兵76)一代传奇,就此陨落。 89 Reaper: (After killing an Overwatch agent) Another one off the list. 死神:(击杀守望先锋特工)名单上又少了一行。 90 Reaper: (After killing enemy Winston) Stupid monkey. 死神:(击杀温斯顿)蠢猴子。 91 Soldier-76: (On Dorado) I wanna know what Lumericos been up

41、to. 士兵76:(多拉多地图)我在想鲁梅尼格怎么样了。 92 McCree: (On Route 66) I wouldnt drink the coffee, always tasted like boiled dirt. 麦克雷:(66号公路地图)我再也不想喝这里的咖啡了,每次都跟煮开的屎一样。 93 Soldier-76: (After killing enemy Reinhardt) Always overconfident. 士兵76:(击杀莱因哈特)总是自信过头。 94 Soldier-76: (After killing ?) You still got a lot to learn. 士兵76:(击杀?)你还有得学。 95 Genji: (On Hanamura) My


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