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1、曾国藩湘军筹饷问题研究 曾国藩湘军筹饷问题研究 A Research on Zeng Guofans Fund Raising for the Xiang Army【中文摘要】 曾国藩(1811-1872)是晚清著名的政治家、军事家。在近代建军史上,曾国藩以一介儒生,崛起于湘楚之间,纵横捭阖于军事舞台,他的军事思想占有突出的地位。当时清政府所处的境况可谓内忧外患、百弊丛生,腐朽不堪。以清廷当时捉襟见肘的军事经济财力,根本无法提供足额的经费去镇压太平军,但为了保住大清江山,清朝统治者迫不得已授权曾国藩组建湘军并同意湘军就地自筹饷源,这样既可以缓解经费短绌的矛盾,同时又可达到剿灭太平军的企图。湘军



4、等角度来评析湘军筹饷对晚清社会的影响,坚持一分为二的观点,在评价其取得进步作用的同时也应抨击其对政治社会、经济发展所造成的危害,要全面、客观地评价湘军筹饷在晚清历史中的地位。总而言之,曾国藩作为一个成功者,在指导湘军筹饷的实践中,其理财方法是精明的,取得的成绩也是显著的,特别是其敢于改革,励精图治,运用就地筹饷方法、建立后方基地、裁兵节饷等理财措施,对近代治军建设无疑具有积极的指导意义【英文摘要】 Zeng Guofan(1811-1872),who rise from the Confucianists and maneuvered in the military guiding betwe

5、en Xiang and Chu,was a famed politician and militarist in the late-Qing dynasty.His military thoughts have been holding an excellent position in the contemporary army building history.Being reduced into the plight of domestic troubles and foreign invasion,mixed evils and corruption,the Qing Governme

6、nt barely had the sufficient military and financial support to suppress the Taiping Army.In order to save the Qing state power,the rulers of the Qing Government were compelled to empower Zeng Guofan to build the Xiang Arm(?) and granted them to self-raise the fund locally,which not only could solve

7、the problem of finance shortage,but also could wipe out the Taiping Army.Fund raising for the Xiang Army was an extremely tough and complicated task. Duo to Zeng guofans forceful organization in the process of fund raising,the appropriate employment tO recruit those of outstanding ability,and his be

8、ing adept at gaining advantage from both sides,they spared no efforts to ensuring a continuous supply of provisions and overcame the difficulties and hindrance that they confronted. It was his succeeding in raising fund for the Xiang Army that laid a firm financial foundation for a speedy vanquishin

9、g on the Taiping Army.The employment of building the Xiang Army and local fund raising was an expedient that adopted by the Qing Government in the context of the impendency of all crises.It was his brilliant capability that made him gain great success in commanding the Xiang army and it was the hist

10、ory that brought him a political celebrity.Zeng Guofan knew how to draw lessons from the Green Armys corruptive and backward system,by carrying on the wide-scale structural reform in the Xiang Army and a considerable rise in the soldiers payment,they greatly enhanced the soldiers” initiatives in tak

11、ing part in the fight.Although blocked by repeated hindrance,Zeng Guofan knew how to make use of the environmental factors such as the timely climate, favorable geographical position and unity and coordination among people,especially the massive support he gained from the riyal government,local cons

12、tables and the great public,which paved the way for his successful fund raising.Fund raising for the Xiang Army bore distinctive traits and rich connotation of times.In the process of fund raising,Zeng Guofan made full use of such adoptions as persuasion on transport donation,fund consultation and t

13、axation on salt and other goods and tapped the possible potentials of those talents who were experienced at fund raising.Besides,on top of the highly importance that Zeng attached to organizing the source of the fund and favorable social environment,solid cultural basis also was greatly conducive to

14、 fund raising,which brought a great success in fund raising for he Xiang Army.Admittedly,fund raising for the Xiang Army was in essence safeguarding the old system of the Qing Government.However,the financial notions and the mode of talent management in it should be highly assessed,so we should not

15、hold any biased opinion against Zeng Guofan.We should draw rational analysis on its social influences on the late-Qing dynasty from political,economic and military perspectives.We should value its historical significance to the late-Qing dynasty comprehensively and objectively.By applying dialectics

16、,in praising its positive achievements,its also necessary for us to attack the jeopardy that it brought to the political society and economic development.In a word,Zeng Guofan achieved great success by adopting profound financial employment in guiding the Xiang Army to raise fund,in particular,his i

17、nitiative in reforming and managing and the financial measures such as local fund raising, establishing rear base and structural streamlining are undoubtedly illuminating to the modern army building.【中文关键词】 晚清; 曾国藩; 湘军; 筹饷问题; 厘金 【英文关键词】 Late-Qing Dynasty; Zeng Guofan; the Xiang Army; Fund Raising; L

18、ikin tax 【毕业论文目录】摘要 5-7 ABSTRACT 7-8 绪论 9-16 一、研究缘由及其意义 9-10 二、近年来研究现状分析 10-13 三、本文重点阐释的问题 13-14 四、研究的基本方法与思路 14-16 第一章 曾国藩湘军筹饷缘由背景探析 16-24 第一节 曾国藩其人与湘军崛起 16-18 (一) 曾国藩其人 16-17 (二) 湘军的崛起 17-18 第二节 湘军与绿营在薪饷待遇方面的差异 18-20 第三节 湘军自筹饷源的真实背景 20-24 (一) 湘军筹饷之前的经济状况 20-22 (二) 兵源激增与饷源支绌的矛盾 22-24 第二章 曾国藩湘军筹饷的基本

19、内容与实践 24-42 第一节 湘军筹饷的基本内容 24-30 (一) 捐输与捐纳 24-25 (二) 征收厘金 25-26 (三) 盐务抵饷 26-27 (四) 以邻省协饷为补充 27-29 (五) 其他筹饷方式 29-30 第二节 湘军筹饷运行的基本特点 30-38 (一) 以”粮优厚饷”养兵 30-33 (二) “半饷”发放 33 (三) 完备的筹饷管理机构 33-35 (四) 就地筹饷 35-36 (五) 筹饷的区域性 36 (六) 裁兵节饷 36-38 第三节 湘军自筹饷源期间所遭遇的波折 38-42 (一) 动荡的政治局势 38-39 (二) 筹饷途中所遭遇的阻力 39-42 第三

20、章 曾国藩湘军筹饷成功因素探析 42-57 第一节 “湘军性格”是筹饷成功的内驱动力 42-43 第二节 曾国藩本人对湘军筹饷的高度重视 43-45 第三节 曾国藩幕府拥有得天独厚的筹饷人才 45-48 (一) 对精于筹饷人才的培养 45-46 (二) 让筹饷人才尽其所能 46-48 第四节 清政府、社会民众及地方督扰对筹饷的态度 48-52 (一) 筹饷得到了清政府的支持 48-49 (二) 筹饷得到了社会民众的认同 49-50 (三) 筹饷得到了地方督抚的首肯 50-51 (四) 筹饷一度顺应了当时的社会环境 51-52 第五节 丰富的物资资源为湘军筹饷提供了保障 52-57 (一) 湖南

21、湘军发源地 52-53 (二) 江西鱼米之乡 53-54 (三) 湖北战略后方基地 54-56 (四) 广东殷富商业之地 56-57 第四章 由湘军筹饷问题引起的价值反思 57-64 第一节 对曾国藩湘军成功筹饷的理性分析 57-60 (一) 筹饷范围比较广泛 57 (二) 筹饷将领自主决定权大 57 (三) 筹饷方法灵活多变 57-58 (四) 筹饷的成功基本保证了湘军的发展与壮大 58 (五) 筹饷给社会民众生活带来了诸多苦难 58-59 (六) 筹饷为政治矛盾的激化种下了祸根 59 (七) 筹饷在运行中滋长了腐败 59 (八) 筹饷所体现的实质动机 59-60 第二节 筹饷对晚清社会政治体制的影响 60-61 第三节 筹饷对晚清社会经济发展的影响 61-64 (一) 筹饷在一定程度上制约了经济发展 61-62 (二) 筹饷体现了”病商恤农”的理念 62-64 结束语 64-67 一、自筹饷源是湘军发展的财政保障 64-65 二、对曾国藩湘军筹饷内涵的实质解读 65-67 参考文献 67-72 后记 72-73


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