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1、 刘 某 性别:男 籍贯:四川内江 政治面貌:中共党员 出生年月:1987.5 手机:xxxxxxxxxxx 电话:021-69589886地址:上海市曹安公路4800号8号楼xx室 (201804)电子邮箱:xxxxxxxxxx教育背景 2005.9月至今 同济大学 电气工程及其自动化 本科 成绩 平均GPA 4.65/5 专业排名 3/69主修课程 电机学,工厂供电,电气照明,C+,汇编语言,电气检测,高压电技术,自动控制原理,计算机辅助分析通信原理,电力电子技术,单片机原理,微机控制技术,电力拖动,电力系统远动,计算机网络 英语及计算机 - 很好的掌握了英语听说读写,尤其是商务英语,六级

2、成绩为610分- 通过全国计算机三级网络技术等级考试- 熟练应用Word,PowerPoint,和Excel(实习期间PPT,Excel实践经验丰富,格式规范)- 熟练掌握C+、汇编语言,了解FPGA,Matlab&Simulink,Protel奖学金与荣誉 2005-2006 同济大学优秀学生(2次) 2006-2007 上海市优秀学生 2005-2007 国家奖学金(2次) 2005-2008 同济大学学习奖学金一等(3次)实习经历及课程设计 2008.8至今 赢创德固赛中国投资有限公司职务 工程部助理主要职责 1.负责部分办公室行政工作,工作效率高、反应速度快,获得工程师们的一致好评 2

3、.Evonik上海MUSC基地MATCH项目电气工程师助手 3.德固赛安丘site项目协助工程师核实加热系统实施的可操作性和合理性 4.负责部门的外国员工的报销,出色的完成每一笔报销的同时,发现了公司报销系统的一些 问题,并及时的同IT进行了沟通,使得系统更加的完善 5.MATCH项目资金控制经理助理,Excel报表进行工程进度资金控制分析2008.6-2008.7 中国海诚工程技术股份有限公司(原中国轻工业上海设计院)职务 电气设计实习生主要职责 1.熟悉电气设计流程,利用CAD熟练制作报表 2.负责电气设备选型的确定与供应商进行沟通和联系,选出合理的断路器及开关 3.协助工程师完成电气设计

4、中的负荷计算等2008.7 智能温度计单片机系统设计 1.完成单片机系统设计,实现了温度测量的功能,并添加了数字时钟,万年历,电压 测量,定时采集等功能 2.带领团队以最快的速度完成了基础设计,并成为班级唯一实现电压测量的小组校园活动 2005.9-2006.4 同济大学学生会 学术与文化促进部 1.协助完成部门各项工作,参与策划同济大学第二届学术文化节 2.邀请著名学者院士做客同济演讲,增强同济人文科学氛围 2008.3-2008.5 中国青年成就组织 Career Go 1.经过2个月的培训,完整的认识了职场与社会的区别、对自身有了很清楚的了解 XXTel:xxxxxxxxxxxEmail

5、:xxxxxxxxRoom xx Building 8 ,Tongji University, ShanghaiEducation Sep.2005-present Tongji University Electrical Engineering Bachelor GPA: 4.65/5 Rank: 3/69 English and Computer Skills English - A good command of both spoken and written English, especially in business English - CET6 excellent, with t

6、he score 610 Computer - Master user of Microsoft Office Software, such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint - National Computer Rank Examination(NCRE) 3rd Level - C/C+, KEIL coding experienceScholarships&Honors 2006-2007 Excellent Student of Shanghai 2005-2007 National prize for 2 straight years 2005-2008

7、 1st class prize for excellent students of Tongji University for 3 straight yearsInternships Aug.2008-present Evonik Degussa China Co. ,Ltd.Responsibility *Admin work for the whole department, efficient work won the compliment of all the colleagues there. *Work for Senior Engineer of PTC to finish t

8、he Anqiu( Shandong province) sites heating system *Help to do the reimbursement requests for foreign colleagues of the department, 3mths without mistakes, once found a bug for the e_workplace system *Project cost control files sorting, using Excel to do some data analysisJune.2008-July.2008 The Chin

9、a Haisum Engineering Co., Ltd (former the Shanghai Design Institute of Light Industry)Responsibility * assist the engineer to finish the sketch applied with CAD *exchange information on how to select suitable electrical equipments with related electrical companies sales and technical staff. *help th

10、e engineer to assemble the supporting materials and relative rules, finished Sichuan Longliqi and Neveas plants designMar.2008-present Intelligent clock design with Keil CResponsibility *design an intelligent clock with enhanced qualities such as temperature measure, Timing data collection, Voltage measure and calendar display.Social Activities Sept.2005-Mar.2006 Tongji Students Union Academy & Culture Development *mainly responsible for Tongji Academic and cultural activities, e.g. the 2nd Tongji Academy&Culture Festival. *inviting famous scientists scholars to Tongji to give speeches


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