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1、定语从句的简化定语从句的简化 。定语从句简化的方法常见的有以下几种: 1、把定语从句简化为形容词短语作定语。 She received a box which was full of gifts. She received a box full of gifts.她收到了满满一盒子礼物。 2、把定语从句简化为介词短语。 The books which lie/is under the bed arent worth reading. The books under the bed arent worth reading.床下那些书不值得读。 3、1.把定语从句简化为不定式或不定式短语作定语。

2、Have you anything that you want to say at the meeting? Have you anything to say at the meeting?你在会上有什么要说的吗? Mary is the only person that can save me from danger. Mary is the only person to save me from danger. 3.2、把定语从句变成不定式复合结构作定语。例如: Is there anything else that we can do? Is there anything else fo

3、r us to do?还有其它我们可做的事吗? 3.3.定语从句简化为 介词+which +不定式 The farmers use wood to build a house in which they can store grain. The farmers use wood to build a house in which to store grain 4.1、把定语从句简化成现在分词短语作定语。(一般情况下,在定语从句中的谓语动词时主句的主语发出的,是主动语态用现在分词) The boy who stands against the door is his younger brothe

4、r. The boy standing against the door is his younger brother.靠门站着的那个男孩是他弟弟。 4.2、把定语从句简化为过去分词短语作定语。 The dictionary which my mother bought for me is very useful. The dictionary bought for me by my mother is very useful.我母亲给我买的那本词典非常有用。 5.另外:还可以把表明身份、职业等非限定性定语从句简化为同位语结构。例如: Lao Zhang,who was our hospital driver,died yesterday. Lao Zhang,our hospital driver,died yesterday.老张,我们医院的司机,昨天去世了。 The old man,who is a famous scientist,is coming to give us a report. The old man,a famous scientist,is coming to give us a report.那位老人,一个著名的科学家,要来给我们作报告。


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