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1、Career development 教育 老师的功能 qualified(合格)teacher import(传授)knowledge into a mind,rather than cramming(填鸭)Knowledge into a mindLecture(演讲 讲课)是否落伍 是否应该取消不要彻底取消 因为 lecturing is the most efficient and straight forward way for teachers to convey knowledge into a mindExperienced or senior teacher (资深老师 是一

2、个桥梁bridge) 沟通学生的problem dilemmas 关键提高improve study motivation 因此 thus forming cultivating mastering a sensible learning habit and self study method因此 这种老师 the ultimate goal of study(education)is to learn how to study (methodology)Facilitator(激励者) mentor(心灵导师) 人生的指引 a superb 最高级 or sophisticated teac

3、her 给你提供一个方向 oriention as a beacon or light house or torch or compassSuiritual friend(倾诉对象)soul mate (知己) 老师身教所以老师三种功能 一 传授知识 二 学习方法 三 人生的解惑指引 每个知识点后面继续跟进三句话问题lecture 要不要废除 回答 teacher通过lecture传授知识 还有互动的课程,有一些课程如doctorial seminar ,workshop ,field trip 导师跟学生之间是互动性学习Counseling 心里建设 可以找导师了解一下自己的毕业规划等问题

4、家人和老师的角色在孩子培养中发展中哪个更重要?老师在第一点和第二点中比家人好 老师厉害点 更专业家长也是老师,家长接触时间早 时间长 pre-schooling 学前教育家长 很重要问题 学习在学校好 还是家里好家里主要通过电脑,网络等科技学习而 campus主要是老师 老师的三个功能 老师可以跟学生面对面 网络优势 versitality 多样性 instance 更新速度快 多媒体的好处教育 知识与经验高中毕业之后 先是读大学还是先去打工 大学教授一些知识性课程还是教授以经验性主导的课程大学注重找工作还是拓宽能力大学注重就业还是其他兴趣的培养(体育课 音乐库 历史 人文 aesthetic

5、s 美学)社会需要专才还是通才 成功人士是否永远成功知识的作用: T 管理学理论(两个要素)要素一:纵向关系 地基 要素二:横向关系 知识面拓展。You have to lay a solid foundation of knowledge or build up or enhance or consolidate the cornerstone奠基石 of knowledge to keep up with the tide与时俱进,without which you will be deprived of your core competence or expertise or your

6、core competence will be watered down or deteriorated or aggravated(使什么不断下降,消弱) and you will feel disadvantageous among your peers, thus eliminated by the society. It cannot be denied or msut be admitted or is inevetable that accumulation of knowledge or qualifications, as prerequisites and necessiti

7、es(充分和必要条件) for survival in the competive world, is beneficial or conducive of paramount importance to your career development and path.专业知识的重要性In order to make sustainable and eduring development in the society, people have to enlarge their scope of knowledge to save it for a rainy day. Knowledge e

8、ntails innovation(updating and updating) lack of which your “cheese”(current achievements) will be moved easily and for all. want , need, require ,call for, entail 其中entail用于客观的东西,客观需要Once you are satisfied with your current situation or achievements, you, on the verge of collapse, are bound to lose

9、 enthusiasm or zeal or drive for further development, thus imprisoned or trapped in the pyramids of stagnancy until the goldmine you are sitting on turns into an active volcano and bursts you up - sustainability 可持续性全面发展才是持续发展的关键 comprehensive development is the key to sustainable development. Bury

10、your head in the sand 两耳不闻窗外事问题 专才和通才哪个队社会产生更大的贡献专才 specialist professional 纵向 稳固 扎实通才 generalist once the society experiences some dramatical moderations or reforms, those generalists would save it for rainy day by fitting with the new environment and requirement.问题 有些人认为孩子应该根据一些特殊学科的擅长来分班分班:专才 for

11、mal students after selected will accumulate a comparatively solid foundation in a definite subject, thus having a higher chance of becoming a professional in this discipline.不分班 通才 the latter pupils will accumulate a solid or wide range of subjects and cultivate their adapatability in their schoolin

12、g- versatility 多样性in the long run they will not be rivaled by their peers.问题:成功人士是否永远成功?Without updating the knowledge expertise, personal networking, those successful people will be blind-folded经验Experience is the mirror or criteria of checking the accuracy 正确or validity 有效性or practicality实用性or fea

13、sibility 可行性of knowledgeOnly after acquiring certain experience can you know clearly which aspect of knowledge you are in urgent need of . after all, peoples energy is limited. We cannot really wander in the world of knowledge without knowing where the entrance is. Thus, having a clear purpose of ab

14、sorbing knowledge is like a GPS system, which can help you find a definite objective without much effort.More efficient way of absorbing knowledge with more cognitionApplied subjects 应用学科Only after converted into experience can konwledge yield social value and utility 只有当知识转化成经验时才能产生社会价值和社会效用。少小离家常考

15、话题 寄宿学校 出国留学移民 打工兼职 大学生社区工作 有偿家务好处 开阔眼界 benefits of knowledge 学科知识 生活知识 Benefits of experience 阅历 经历还有就是 独立能力 live by your own, and enlarge your personal network 人脉 through socializing with your peers and bulid up your imageOverseas study-alumni association 校友会When you come to a new and strange envi

16、ronment, you will be more relaxed exposed to your true self and more clear about your potentiality. Thus, the true image will be clearner for you to decide which path you will take, saving the unnecessary toruble to locate the personality and character in career development.缺点 lacking in social expe

17、rience in telling right from wrong, young people may bump into sthThus suffering from setbacks学习效率降低 after entry into the society.Early entry into the society can deprive young people fo their simplicity单纯 and flexibility可塑性,which are inborn characters for the genuine.More sophisticated become sort

18、of sophisticated留学五宗罪 extravagant expense 费用昂贵Homesick-alienate 有些想家 society problems社会治安不好Cultural shock 文化冲突 the gap between your dream and reality想象与现实有出入Infrasture基础设施Solid infrasturcture 硬件题 natural or social issuesTraffic congestionEnvironmental protectionSoft infrasturcture 软件题 social evil 社会

19、丑陋现象首先看一下traffic congestionGovernment is lacking in infrasturcture construction 缺少traffic facilities or planningTransport line tracks垃圾乱扔 缺乏垃圾桶 environmental protection facilities or devices每段第一句要写的泛Not by categories不按照分类 recyclable other waste harmful waste bottle and galss( sorting facilities 垃圾分拣

20、)要研究一些degradable可以降解的材料 alternative to 替换成一些社会犯罪或者其他方面 更education supervision监管 empathy同理心 understanding政府或机构缺乏法律制度体系论文剽窃 protective law of intellectual porperty 只是产权保护法孩子看暴力电影 责任 媒体责任(审核制度) 政府缺乏监管立法,家长学校缺乏监管-authorities 权威机构大学论文剽窃- 大学 当地教育局 监管部门社会治安-所在警局 派出所再次谈到traffic 除了政府要做一些基础设施 市民也要有 sense of r

21、esponsibility or morals 四大意识 第一traffic security第二 环保意识第三 自律 self-discipline self-control 第四 sustainable development (long-term VS temporary)可持续发展通过以上可以知道 权威机构缺少 建 管 法个人缺少的是 就是上面的四个意识Improve legal system by issuing some relevant and feasible laws and regulations for preventation or to save it for a r

22、ainy day.加大惩罚力度题目 贫富差距 历史上的资源掠夺经济全球化政治上的霸权主义The underprivileged or underdeveloped or poverty-stricken countries lack prerequisites and necessities for development such as convenieng transporation and communication network, sophisticated高端的technology, abundant investment and capital and high-leveled

23、talents and elites精英 四点 交通通讯、技术、资金、人才For Individuals most developing countries progress at the cost of depletion消耗 of natural resources, energy exhaustion, ecological destruction, health of the citizens, even instability of financial maneuver, thus slowing the pace fo development in the long run.一般题

24、目 政府(建管法)+个人意识中等难度题目 权威机构+个人高难度题目 缺东西+缺意识Abstract 抽象题目 比较难写题目 压力来源写作理念 from physical to mental 从生理到心里 从物质到精神Physical 生理 物质Mental 心里 精神Unhealthy life styles such as smoking alcoholism staying-up unbalanced diet lack of physical exercise are detrimental to your physical health, thus leading to your ph

25、ysical deficiency and body dysfunction, which makes you vulunerable or subject to stress.Function of specified nutrient or nutrition carbon-hydrate or protein or far. Vitamin fiber waterBody building 物质方面 财富功能 人们有了钱以后的价值Cultivate some wholesome hobbiesArt and museumScience and technology好处 省事 省力坏处:误操作产生经济 生命 环境污染损失


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