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1、实用综合教程英语翻译1.她很腼腆,不敢在众人面前唱歌 She is so shy,that she dare not sing in public 2.根据作者建议,我们应该入乡随俗 According the anothers advice,when in Rome we should do as Romans do 3.那位男士走在一群女士前面以便为她们开门 A man walks ahead of the women so as to open the door for then 4.就打招呼的方式而言,中国文化和西方文化之间存在很大的差异 As far greatily style i

2、n concerned,then are differences between chinese and The amount i spent in the supermarket come to a total of 150 yuan 33.商店里陈列着各种型号的手机 All types of mobile phone are on display in the store 34.在使用这部手机前请仔细浏览一下用户手册 Please read through the manual before starting to use the mobile phone 35.有关张东的电话号码,你可以

3、查阅他所在学校的网页 You can refer to the website of Zhang Dongs school for him phone number westren courtin 5.诚实比任何东西都更能赢得别人的尊重 Honesty degree respect more than anything else 6.我们不应该在教室里吸烟 We are not supposed to smoke in the classroom 7.尊重别人、理解别人、帮助别人等于是礼貌的重要方面 One important aspect of good manners in the res

4、port,understand and help others 8.信任对方是保持友谊的金科玉律 The Golden Rule for main taining friendship is trusting each other 9.一般来说,生活在良好环境里的人容易长寿 In general,people living in a good environment live longer 10.*要求关闭那家工厂以确保这一旅游胜地不受到污染 The government require the factory be closed to make sure that the tourise s

5、ite would not be polluted 11.我们宁愿走,因为这里的噪音太厉害了 We would rather more away,because the deal with the polluted water 12.小明想到一个处理废水的好方法 Xiao ming hit on a good idea to deal with the polluted water 13.这条街一会儿干干净净,一会儿又很脏 The street is clean at one time,very dirty at one time,very dirty at another time 14.饭

6、店能否吸引顾客,往往取决于它的环境 Wether a restaurant can attract astomers always depend on its environment 15.这个城市的卫生环境增添了它的吸引力 The citys clean environment add to its attraction 16.我们倾向于在街道的两边种植一些花草 We are in clined to plant trees and flowers on both sides of the street 17.这家小店供应的饮料有茶、可乐、雪碧、矿泉水,等等 The grocery prov

7、ides such drinks as tea、coke、sprite、mineral、water and so on 18.就西式快餐而言,我最喜欢汉堡 I like burgers most when it comes to westerm fact food 19.顾客在点菜时应该明白无误地告诉服务员自己需要什么 The customer should tell the waiiteress loud and clear what he/she needs 20.那家饭馆十分重视菜肴的质量 The restaurant place emphasis on the quality of f

8、ood provided 21.本店的特色菜是香酥鸭 Our restaurant special in crispy dush 22.我儿子不习惯吃辣的事物 My son is unused to spiay food 23.学校餐厅的饭菜缺少变化 Food at the school canteen lacks varcety 24.这道菜看上去像一盆花 The dish looks like a bonsai flower 25.网上购物对我来说是一种新的体验 Shopping online in a new experience 26.最低消费达到200元者可以获得优惠劵 Coupon

9、s are made available to costomers who spend a minimum of 200 yuan 27.这款品牌手机很受年轻人的欢迎 Thin brand of mobile in quite popular among young sters 28.我终于说服爸爸给我买一台电脑 At last i managed to persuade my father to buy me a laptop computer 29.购买冰箱者可以享受免费送货 Purchasers of enjoy free delivery 30.收银处排着一队顾客等着付款 At the

10、 check out counter theme in a quene of customers waiting 31.有关打折详情,敬请垂询部门经理 Please enquire the department manger about the discount details 32.我去超市买东西总共花去150元 36.小王昨天从早到晚都在网上找一位作家的相关资料 Yesterday Xiao Wang was searching online all day long for relovant information about written 37.网上聊天功能的使用者应该限制为成年人

11、Online chat should be restricted to adult 38.本市的因特网用户去年几乎增加了一倍 The numberof internet were in the city almost doubled last year 39.我们不能指望因特网告诉我们一切 We cant rely on the internet to tell the everything 40.电话在年轻人和老年人的生活中一样重要 Telephone are important to the life of the young and the old alike 41.长寿的秘诀在于饮食的

12、平衡 The secret of a long life is a balanced diet 42.服药时请遵照盒子上的说明书 Please follow the direections on the box when you take the medicine 43.李明视力差,这使得他不能参军 Near-sightedess depired Li Ming of the opportuning to join the army 44.为了保持健康,他平均每天散步一小时 He walks for an hour a day on average in order to stay healt

13、hy 45.从医学的角度看,吸烟对肺有伤害 From a medical point of view,smoking is harmful to the lung 46.早期癌症一般是可以治愈的 Generally speaking,cancer in an early stage in curable 47.他吃了几片药后血压降下去了 His blood pressure sank after he took a few tables 48.现在世界上每天有许多人死于艾滋病 Many people in the would die of AIDS every day Unit 4 1.网上购

14、物对我来说是一种新的体验 Shopping online in a new experience to me. 2.最低消费达到200元者可以获得优惠劵 Coupons are made available to costomers who spend a minimum of 200 yuan. 3.这款品牌手机很受年轻人的欢迎 This brand of mobile is quite popular among youngsters. 4.我终于说服爸爸给我买一台电脑 At last I managed to persuade my father to buy me a me mediu

15、m-sized laptop . 5.购买冰箱者可以享受免费送货 Purchasers of refrigerators enjoy free delivery. 6.付账时我忘了索要收据。 I forgot to ask for a receipt when checking out. 7. 那家超市有很多商品正在打折销售 There are many goods on sale at that supermarket. 8. 我去超市买东西总共花去150元 The amount I spent in the supermarket came to a total of 150 yuan.


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