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1、对口升学英语词组与句型汇总词组与句型 Book 1 Unit1-2 work as 充当,担任 have some drink 喝点饮料 say hello to sb. 向某人问侯 =give ones regards to sb =give ones best wishes to sb =remember sb to sb else at least 至少, 最起码 at most 至多, 顶多 at last 最后 shake hands with sb. 与某人握手 take off 脱掉衣服鞋帽;起飞 take out 取出,拿出 take away 拿走 take on 呈现,具有

2、,承担 all around/over the world 全世界 in different ways 用不同的方式 in the same way 用相同的方式 in another way 用另一种方式 in a way 在某种程度上 in some ways 就某些方面而言 in the/this/that way 这样/那样 on weekdays 在工作日 at / on weekends 在周末 get up 起床 do ( some )housework 做家务 introduce oneself 介绍某人自己 be familiar with sb. /sth. 熟悉某人、某物

3、 sth/sb be familiar to sb else 某人/某物为某人所熟知leave/start for +地名 前往,动身去 keep back 抑制,阻止 keep away 使离开,使站开 keep / stay away from 远离,不接近keep on doing 继续做 keep doing 继续做 keep sb. doing 让某人一直干 keep sb./sth from doing =stop sb./sth doing =prevent sb./sth (from) doing 阻止某人/物干 keep it up 坚持住, 继续下去 smile at sb

4、 朝某人微笑 hold in arms 拥抱 get along (well)with sb. = get on (well)with sb. 与某人相处 get along /on (well)with sth. = get on (well)with sth. 某事进展 be used as 被用作 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 would like sth 想要某物 would like/love to do sth 想要做某事 would like sb to do 想要某人做某事 let/make/have sb/sth do sth =get sb/st

5、h to do 让某人/物做某事 make/have sb/sth doing 让某人/物做一直某事 make /have sth done 使得某物被做 hear about/ of 听说过 have a chance to do sth / of doing sth 有机会做某事 far away (from+地名) 远离某地 Book 1 Unit 3-4 have a good time 玩得开心,过得愉快go well with 进展得好;很相配 congratulate sb. on sth. 就某事祝贺某人 =congratulations on sth begin/start

6、to do/doing 开始做 drive away 开走,赶走,使散开 drive home 用车把送回家 drive off 开走;赶走 keep up a custom 保持习俗 break a custom 破除习俗 1 offend against custom 违背习俗 conform to the custom 遵守习俗 force sb. to do sth 强迫某人做某事 come true 实现 wish sb. sth 祝愿某人拥有某事物 wish for sth 想要某物 wish to do sth 想要做某事 wish that+从句 do sb.a favor=g

7、ive sb. a hand 帮某人一个忙 do sb. harm 对某人有害 do sb. good 对某人有益 do sb. wrong 冤枉某人 help sb. with sth =help sb. do帮助某人做某事 give sb. sth 给某人某物 give sth to sb 将某物给某人 knock down 打到,撞到 knock at/on 敲 knock into sb. 撞到某人身上 dream of/about梦到,梦见 be eager to do 急于想要做,渴望做 try out 试用 (be)in the way 挡在路中 stand in sbs way

8、 挡住某人的路 make way for sb. 为某人让路 on the way 在途中 on ones way to 在去某地的途中 =on the way to by the way 顺便说 pushaside 将推到一边 to ones surprise/joy/disappointment 令某人惊讶/高兴/失望的是 have trouble with/ in (doing) sth. =have difficulty in doing sth 做某事有困难 turn to sb. 向某人求助 turn into 变成;翻译 turn on 开, 旋开 turn off 关掉 tur

9、n over 翻到, 翻身, 翻书 turn down 调低音量 turn up 出现;调大音量 be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心 Book 1 Unit 5-6 be to blame 应受责备, 应当负责 be satisfied with 对感到满意 have/make a complaint (of) 投诉 forgive/excuse sb. for sth./doing 原谅某人某事 send sth. to sb. 送某物给某人 send for sb 派人去请某人 apologize to sb. 向某人道歉 make sth dirty 弄脏某物 inst

10、ead of 代替, 而不是 all the time 一直 all the way 一路上,老远 have a fight 打架 shouldnt have done 本不应该做 had better (not) do 最好做 have/take a rest 休息 make a mess 弄得一团糟 mess about/ around 胡乱打发时间 what/ how about + sth/ sb/ doing sth ? 怎么样 get about 四处走动 be sure 确信 be sure of/about sth.确信 be sure that be sure to do s

11、th. 一定要做某事, 务必做某事 Im certain/ It is certain that 确信 go to the doctor/doctors 去看医生 see a/the doctor 看医生 find sb. in trouble 发现某人陷入困境 be careful with sth 小心某物 2 be careful doing 小心地做某事 be careful not to do 当心不要做某事 be careful of 爱惜, 注意,小心be careful that/when +从句 小心 remind sb. to so sth 提醒某人做某事 remind s

12、b. of sth 提醒某人某事 decide to do sth. 决定做某事 get/be on fire 着火 take/catch fire 着火 set fire 纵火 light fire 点火 play with fire 玩火 make/build/start a fire 生火 shut out 不让进来,挡住 go out 出去;熄灭 put out 扑灭 roll on the ground 在地上打滚 wrap sb. in sth 用某物将某人裹起 every three minutes 每三分钟, 每隔两分钟 every few days 每隔几天 every ot

13、her day 隔天,每两天 sb dont believe/expect/suppose/think that+从句 Book 1 Unit 7-8 be free = have spare time 有空 dont feel like doing 不想做 invite sb to the party邀请某人参加聚会 look forward to sth/ doing sth 期待,盼望 put off 推迟 a bit of a problem 有点问题 a bit busy 有点忙 remember to do 记得要做 remember doing 记得已做了 have the ho

14、nor of 有的荣幸 whats more 而且 whats worse 而且 go ashead 干吧 agree with sb 同意某人的观点; 适合某人的胃口 agree to do 同意做 agree to + sth 同意计划/建议 agree on/about sth 达成协议,意见一致 as原级as 与一样; not as/ soas 与不一样 try to do 尽力做,设法做 try doing 尝试着做 come on 加油;快点儿;算了吧;开始 attempt to do 尝试做,试图做 bet sb sth 赌某人 Its a bet. 赌就赌 at a/the c

15、orner of 在的拐角处 talk about 谈论 talk to 对说 talk with 与交谈 be glad/pleased/delighted to do 高兴做某事 plenty of 很多, 大量的 I am afraid that +从句 我恐怕 I am afraid to do 因为害怕而不敢做 I am afraid of doing 担心某事可能发生 Here we are. 我们到了 go by 时间流逝;经过某地 Book 1 Unit 9-10 care for 喜欢; 照料,服侍;计较 enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 enjoy oneself

16、 玩得开心,过得愉快 be/become interested in 对感兴趣 be fond of sth/doing 喜欢 be crazy about 对着迷;热衷于 provided sb. with sth. 提供某人某物 =supply sb with sth =offer sb sth provide sth. for sb. 提供某物给某人 =offer sth to sb 3 =supply sth to sb preferto 喜欢胜过 Prefer to do rather than do 宁愿也不 =would rather do than do =would do r

17、ather than do look after 照看, in particular 尤其,特别 hope to do 希望做 hope for 渴望,希望得到 hope that= 从句 希望 live/lead a quiet life 过着平静的生活 Its unlikely/likely for sb. to do =sb. be unlikely/likely to do 某人可能做 Its impossible/possible for sb. to do 某人可能做 put up 建造;支起提供;接待 put away 收好,放好 put aside 搁在一边; 不考虑 put

18、on 穿上 put out 扑灭 putthrough 接通电话 stop doing 停止做 stop to do 停下手中的工作另做 sb spend 时/钱on sth/ 花费 sb spend 时/钱(in)doing sth 花费 It takes (sb.) 时间 to do sth 花费 sb/sth cost + 金钱 花费 Its hard to say. 很难说 I cant say for certain. 我说不准 There is no doubt that 毫无疑问 watch sb. doing 看某人正在做某事 wacth sb do 看某人做某事的全过程 (一

19、感,二听,三让,五看) come by 偶然获得 come across 偶然遇到 come about 发生 come back 回来 come down 落下,下来 come on 跟我来;加油; 算了吧;开始; come in 进来 come into +名词 进入 come out 出来,出版; come up with 想出, 提出 show sb. around + 地名 带某人参观某地 show sb. sth. 向某人展示某物 as though/ as if 似乎,好像 order ones meal 叫了自己的膳食 refuse to do 拒绝做某事 must be do

20、ing 一定在干某事 Book 1 Unit 11-12 plan to do 计划做 intend to do 打算做 have no intention of doing 没有做的打算/意图 in ones opinion 在某人看来、依某人看 expect to do 期待做 expect sb to do 指望某人做 expect sb./sth 期待某人某物 expect that 期待,指望 reach out for 设法抓住或得到 a reach of grass 一大片草原 in future 以后 in the future 在将来 suit sb. 颜色款式等适合某人 f

21、it sb 大小尺寸等适合某人 a wide choice of有许多可供挑选 make choice between 做出选择 break into pieces 破成碎片 break down 出毛病,不运转 break out 发生,爆发 break in 插话 break into 闯进 break the law/rule 违法/违规 be good at sth/ doing sth.擅长于 = do well in sth 在方面做得好 be capable of doing 能够做 4 be able to do 能够做 grow up 生长; 长大 earn a lot of

22、 money 赚许多钱 calm down 镇静,镇定 =keep calm give up sth/doing 戒掉;放弃做 give in 屈服,投降,让步 give out 分发, 用完 give away 赠送,泄露 give back 归还,恢复 give off 发出光声音,散发出气味 encourage oneself 鼓励某人自己 top the list of 位于榜首 a sea of faces 许多人 go dry/wrong/bad 发干/出错/变质 get off the stage 走下台 asas possible/ sb can 尽可能 get ones at

23、tention off oneself 不要注意自己 focus on sth 将精力集中于 the + 比较级,the + 比较级 越,就越 Book 2 Unit1-2 go to +地名 去某地 go to school/work 去上学/去上班 go to the school 去那所学校 go straight 笔直走 go down/up 向上走/向下走 go along 沿着走 go ahead 往前走 on the right/ left 在右边/左边 turn right/ left 向右/左转 =turn to the right/left =take the turnin

24、g on the right/ left take a bus 搭乘公共车 catch the bus 赶上公共车 miss the bus 错过公共车 by bus 乘公共车be far (away) from 远离 start out /off 出发, 动身,启程 start /begin with 以开始 be always doing 老是/总是做 have/make sb. do sth.使得某人做某事 have /make sb. doing 让某人一直干 have sth done 请人干某事、 使得某事被做 pick up 用汽车接人或搭人;捡起;拾起; 收听节目; 通过实践学

25、会; 便宜地买到 lose ones way 迷路,迷失方向 =be/get lost =lose oneself see sb doing 看见某人正在做 see sb. do 看见某人做的过程 in a cold voice 冷冷地 keep good time 走得准 arrive at+ 小地名 到达某地 arrive in + 大地名 get to + 地名 reach + 地名 be seated 坐下, 就坐于 on the wall 在墙上 in the wall 在墙上 fail to do 没做成某事 manage to do 设法做成某事 fall in love wit

26、h sb./sth 爱上了某人/某物, 喜欢某人/某物 be in love with sb 爱上,喜欢 make a mistake 犯错误 make mistakes 犯错误 make a foolish mistake 犯愚蠢的错误 do something by mistake 错做了 mistake A for B 误认为A是B,弄错 make an attempt 试图 make an effort 做出努力 make an decision 做出坚定地 make a reply 做出答复 make a promise 允诺 5 make a plan 制定计划 make a su

27、ggestion 提出建议 make a study 进行研究 make a fire 生火 make a noise 吵闹 make a call 打电话 make a visit 进行访问 make a living 谋生 make a record 制作唱片,记录 make a loan 贷款 make a face 扮鬼脸 make money 赚钱 make progress 取得进步 notuntil 直到才,不到不 second-hand 二手的 first-class 最好的, 第一流的 long-term 长期的 full-time 全职的,专职的 part-time 兼职的

28、 high-tech 高科技的 high-press 高压力的 Book 2 Unit3-4 welcome to + 地名 欢迎来某地 have a good journey 路途愉快 have/take a rest 休息 ask for sth 询问;索要 ask sb. for help 向某人请求帮助 ask for sb 要求见到某人 ask sb for sth 向某人要/询问 ask sb to do 请求某人做 ask sb sth 问某人某事 ask sb about 向某人打听 ask for trouble 自找麻烦 no problem 没事儿,没什么make fri

29、ends with sb. 与某人交朋友 a close friend 密友 write with a pen 用钢笔写 cut with a knife 用小刀切 next door 隔壁 answer the door 开门 play with sb 与某人玩耍 play with sth 摆弄某物 advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事 advise doing 建议做 advise that sb do 建议某人做 advise sb not to do 建议某人不做谋某事 advise against doing 建议某人不做某事 give sb advice on/

30、about 就某方面给某人提建议 take/follow/accept sbs advice 接受/采纳某人的建议 ask sb for advice 向某人征求建议 help oneself to sth 随便吃, 自取 in front of 在前面 in the front of 在前部/前排 leave sth/sb + adj/介短/doing 留下;遗落;离开;使处于某种状态 in astonishment 惊讶地 hold on 拿着; 稍等;挺住;别挂断 hang up 挂断 take a message for sb. 为某人捎口信 leave a message 留口信 p

31、ut sb through to sb 为某人接通电话 be used to sth/doing 习惯 pay attention to sth/doing 注意 get down to sth/doing 着手 devoteto sth/doing 奉献 stick to/insist on sth/doing 坚持 object to sth/doing 反对 look forward to sth/doing 期待,盼望 hardly + 过去完成时+ when + 一般过去时 scarcely + 过去完成时+ when+ 一般过去时 no sooner+ 过去完成时+ than+ 一

32、般过去时 一 就 (注意:hardly,scarcely,no sooner位于句首,had提到主语前) to ones anger 令人气愤的是 6 be full of anger 充满愤怒 =be filled with anger in anger 动怒, 生气 be angry with sb 对某人生气 be angry at/ about sth. 因某事生气 be angry to do 因做而生气 be angry that +从句 因而生气 名词+ alive 活着的 live + 名词 现场直播的,活的 living+名词/ be+ living 活着的,在世的 live

33、ly+名词/be+ lively 活跃的有生机的 serve as 作为,用作 money-saving 省钱的 a five-day journey 五天的旅程 a twenty-minute walk 二十分钟的步行 =twenty minutes walk Book 2 Unit5-6 have a cold/ headache/cough/temperature 患感冒/头痛/咳嗽/发烧 There is/I have a pain in +部位 痛 twice/three times a day 每天两次/三次 enough +名词 足够的 不定代词+enough 足够的 形容词/副

34、词+enough 足够 不定代词+adj cook meals 做饭 before sb could do 某人还没来得及,就 mind doing sth 介意我做某事 Do you mind if sb do 某人做某事你介意吗? Im sorry,but+原因 很抱歉,因为 Excuse me,but引出话题 打扰一下,请问according to 根据 be/get ready for 为某事做好准备 be/get ready 准备好 get sth ready 将某事准备好 lie-lay-lain-lying 躺下;位于 lie-lied-lied-lying 说谎 lay-lai

35、d-laid-laying 放置,产卵 in time 及时 on time 准时 right now 立刻, 马上;现在 due back 到期归还 be on loan 被暂借的 take for granted 小看某人或某事; 认为理所当然 check out 查证, 核实;办理借阅手续check in 办理登记手续 check out 结账离去 check up 检查核对 tip ones hat to sb. 轻触帽檐向某人问好;向某人致敬 thousands of+复数名词 数千的,成千上万的 protect sb/sth from+名词 =protect sb against

36、sth 保护使之不受的危害 make efforts to do 努力做 mean to do 打算做 mean doing 意味着做 happen to do 碰巧做 It happens/happened that 碰巧 What happened to sb? 某人怎么了? It saves sb the trouble of doing 某人不必做某事; 省去了某人做某事的麻烦 except+名/代/不定式/副/介词短语/从句 除外, 不包括在内 except for+ 名词/代词 除了,不包括在内 besides 除了还有, 包括在内 in charge of 主管, 负全责 Boo

37、k 2 Unit7-8 open an account 开户 7 close an account 销户 check an account 查账 current account 活期账户 time/ deposit /fixed account 定期账户 check account 支票账户 special account 特种账户 bankbook 存折 check book 支票薄 its ones turn to do 轮到某人做某事 in turn 反过来;轮流 by turns 轮流地,交替地 wait for ones turn 排队等候 be famous for+原因 =be

38、well known for 因而出名 be famous as+职业/身份 以而出名 stand by 与站在一起; banking card 银行卡 credit card 信用卡 pay in cash 现金支付 pay by credit card 信用卡支付 draw a check 开支票 cash a check 兑现支票 exchange A for B 将A兑换成B exchange sth with sb 与某人交换 exchange rate 兑换率 interest rate 利息率 loan interest 贷款利息 saving interest 存款利息 mak

39、e a profit 盈利 make withdrawal 取款,提款 =withdraw money v/be + alone 单独地/的 N+ alone 单独的 lonely +N 偏僻的 系动词+lonely 寂寞的 Let me have the bill. 我请客。 = Ill pay this time. = Its on me this time = This is my treat. admit doing 承认做过某事together with/ along with 和; 连同 borrow sth from sb 从借来 lend sth to sb 把借给 pay sb back


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